Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide(二)

Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide(二)

Chapter 7. Tests
    • An if/then construct tests whether the exit status of a list of commands is 0 (since 0 means "success"
       by UNIX convention), and if so, executes one or more commands.
    • There exists a dedicated command called [ (left bracket special character). It is a synonym for test,
       and a builtin for efficiency reasons. This command considers its arguments as comparison expressions
       or file tests and returns an exit status corresponding to the result of the comparison (0 for true, 1 for
    • With version 2.02, Bash introduced the [[ ... ]] extended test command, which performs comparisons
       in a manner more familiar to programmers from other languages. Note that [[ is a keyword, not a
       Bash sees [[ $a -lt $b ]] as a single element, which returns an exit status.
    • Using the [[ ... ]] test construct, rather than [ ... ] can prevent many logic errors in scripts. For example, the
       &&, ||, <, and > operators work within a [[ ]] test, despite giving an error within a [ ] construct.
    • Arithmetic evaluation of octal / hexadecimal constants takes place automatically within a [[ ... ]] construct.
           octal=017   # = 15 (decimal)
           hex=0x0f    # = 15 (decimal)
           if [ "$decimal" -eq "$octal" ]
             echo "$decimal equals $octal"
             echo "$decimal is not equal to $octal"       # 15 is not equal to 017
           fi      # Doesn't evaluate within [ single brackets ]!
           if [[ "$decimal" -eq "$octal" ]]
             echo "$decimal equals $octal"                # 15 equals 017
             echo "$decimal is not equal to $octal"
           fi      # Evaluates within [[ double brackets ]]!
           if [[ "$decimal" -eq "$hex" ]]
             echo "$decimal equals $hex"                  # 15 equals 0x0f
             echo "$decimal is not equal to $hex"
           fi      # [[ $hexadecimal ]] also evaluates!
    • Following an if, neither the test command nor the test brackets ( [ ] or [[ ]] ) are strictly necessary.
    • The "if COMMAND" construct returns the exit status of COMMAND.
    • Similarly, a condition within test brackets may stand alone without an if, when used in combination with
       a list construct.
       [ "$var1" -ne "$var2" ] && echo "$var1 is not equal to $var2"
       [ -d "$home" ] || echo "$home directory does not exist."
    • The (( ... )) and let ... constructs return an exit status, according to whether the arithmetic expressions
       they evaluate expand to a non-zero value. These arithmetic-expansion constructs may therefore be
       used to perform arithmetic comparisons.
       Ex:# The (( ... )) construct evaluates and tests numerical expressions.
          # Exit status opposite from [ ... ] construct!
          (( 0 ))
          echo "Exit status of \"(( 0 ))\" is $?."         # 1
          (( 1 ))
          echo "Exit status of \"(( 1 ))\" is $?."         # 0
          (( 5 > 4 ))                                      # true
          echo "Exit status of \"(( 5 > 4 ))\" is $?."     # 0
          (( 5 > 9 ))                                      # false
          echo "Exit status of \"(( 5 > 9 ))\" is $?."     # 1
          (( 5 == 5 ))                                     # true
          echo "Exit status of \"(( 5 == 5 ))\" is $?."    # 0
          # (( 5 = 5 ))  gives an error message.
          (( 5 - 5 ))                                      # 0
          echo "Exit status of \"(( 5 - 5 ))\" is $?."     # 1
          (( 5 / 4 ))                                      # Division o.k.
          echo "Exit status of \"(( 5 / 4 ))\" is $?."     # 0
          (( 1 / 2 ))                                      # Division result < 1.
          echo "Exit status of \"(( 1 / 2 ))\" is $?."     # Rounded off to 0.
                                                           # 1
          (( 1 / 0 )) 2>/dev/null                          # Illegal division by 0.
          #           ^^^^^^^^^^^
          echo "Exit status of \"(( 1 / 0 ))\" is $?."     # 1
          # What effect does the "2>/dev/null" have?
          # What would happen if it were removed?
          # Try removing it, then rerunning the script.
          # ======================================= #
          # (( ... )) also useful in an if-then test.
          if (( var1 > var2 ))
          then #^      ^      Note: Not $var1, $var2. Why?
            echo "$var1 is greater than $var2"
          fi     # 5 is greater than 4
          exit 0

    • The (( )) construct expands and evaluates an arithmetic expression. If the expression evaluates as zero, it
       returns an exit status of 1, or "false". A non-zero expression returns an exit status of 0, or "true". This is in
       marked contrast to using the test and [ ] constructs previously discussed.
       (( 0 && 1 ))                 # Logical AND
       echo $?     # 1     ***
       # And so ...
       let "num = (( 0 && 1 ))"
       echo $num   # 0
       # But ...
       let "num = (( 0 && 1 ))"
       echo $?     # 1     ***

       (( 200 || 11 ))              # Logical OR
       echo $?     # 0     ***
       # ...
       let "num = (( 200 || 11 ))"
       echo $num   # 1
       let "num = (( 200 || 11 ))"
       echo $?     # 0     ***

       (( 200 | 11 ))               # Bitwise OR
       echo $?                      # 0     ***
       # ...
       let "num = (( 200 | 11 ))"
       echo $num                    # 203
       let "num = (( 200 | 11 ))"
       echo $?                      # 0     ***
       # The "let" construct returns the same exit status
       #+ as the double-parentheses arithmetic expansion.

    • An if can test any command, not just conditions enclosed within brackets.
       Ex:if cmp a b &> /dev/null  # Suppress output.
          then echo "Files a and b are identical."
          else echo "Files a and b differ."
          # The very useful "if-grep" construct:
          # -----------------------------------
       Ex:if grep -q Bash file
            then echo "File contains at least one occurrence of Bash."
       Ex: word=Linux
           if echo "$word" | grep -q "$letter_sequence"
           # The "-q" option to grep suppresses output.
             echo "$letter_sequence found in $word"
             echo "$letter_sequence not found in $word"

     Example 7-1. What is truth?
           #  Tip:
           #  If you're unsure of how a certain condition would evaluate,
           #+ test it in an if-test.
           echo "Testing \"0\""
           if [ 0 ]      # zero
             echo "0 is true."
           else          # Or else ...
             echo "0 is false."
           fi            # 0 is true.

           echo "Testing \"1\""
           if [ 1 ]      # one
             echo "1 is true."
             echo "1 is false."
           fi            # 1 is true.

           echo "Testing \"-1\""
           if [ -1 ]     # minus one
             echo "-1 is true."
             echo "-1 is false."
           fi            # -1 is true.

           echo "Testing \"NULL\""
           if [ ]        # NULL (empty condition)
             echo "NULL is true."
             echo "NULL is false."
           fi            # NULL is false.

           echo "Testing \"xyz\""
           if [ xyz ]    # string
             echo "Random string is true."
             echo "Random string is false."
           fi            # Random string is true.

           echo "Testing \"\$xyz\""
           if [ $xyz ]   # Tests if $xyz is null, but...
                         # it's only an uninitialized variable.
             echo "Uninitialized variable is true."
             echo "Uninitialized variable is false."
           fi            # Uninitialized variable is false.

           echo "Testing \"-n \$xyz\""
           if [ -n "$xyz" ]            # More pedantically correct.
             echo "Uninitialized variable is true."
             echo "Uninitialized variable is false."
           fi            # Uninitialized variable is false.

           xyz=          # Initialized, but set to null value.
           echo "Testing \"-n \$xyz\""
           if [ -n "$xyz" ]
             echo "Null variable is true."
             echo "Null variable is false."
           fi            # Null variable is false.

           # When is "false" true?
           echo "Testing \"false\""
           if [ "false" ]              #  It seems that "false" is just a string.
             echo "\"false\" is true." #+ and it tests true.
             echo "\"false\" is false."
           fi            # "false" is true.

           echo "Testing \"\$false\""  # Again, uninitialized variable.
           if [ "$false" ]
             echo "\"\$false\" is true."
             echo "\"\$false\" is false."
           fi            # "$false" is false.
                         # Now, we get the expected result.
           #  What would happen if we tested the uninitialized variable "$true"?
           exit 0
    • Elif:elif is a contraction for else if. The effect is to nest an inner if/then construct within an outer one.
              if [ condition1 ]
              elif [ condition2 ]
          # Same as else if

Chapter 8. Operations and Related Topics    
    •  Example 8-2. Using Arithmetic Operations
        # Counting to 11 in 10 different ways.
        n=1; echo -n "$n "
        let "n = $n + 1"   # let "n = n + 1"  also works.
        echo -n "$n "

        : $((n = $n + 1))
        #  ":" necessary because otherwise Bash attempts
        #+ to interpret "$((n = $n + 1))" as a command.
        echo -n "$n "
        (( n = n + 1 ))
        #  A simpler alternative to the method above.
        #  Thanks, David Lombard, for pointing this out.
        echo -n "$n "

        n=$(($n + 1))
        echo -n "$n "

        : $[ n = $n + 1 ]
        #  ":" necessary because otherwise Bash attempts
        #+ to interpret "$[ n = $n + 1 ]" as a command.
        #  Works even if "n" was initialized as a string.
        echo -n "$n "

        n=$[ $n + 1 ]
        #  Works even if "n" was initialized as a string.
        #* Avoid this type of construct, since it is obsolete and nonportable.
        #  Thanks, Stephane Chazelas.
        echo -n "$n "

        # Now for C-style increment operators.
        # Thanks, Frank Wang, for pointing this out.
        let "n++"          # let "++n"  also works.
        echo -n "$n "
        (( n++ ))          # (( ++n ))  also works.
        echo -n "$n "
        : $(( n++ ))       # : $(( ++n )) also works.
        echo -n "$n "
        : $[ n++ ]         # : $[ ++n ] also works
        echo -n "$n "
        exit 0
   •  Bash does not understand floating point arithmetic. It treats numbers containing a decimal point as strings.
           let "b = $a + 1.3"  # Error.
           # let: b = 1.5 + 1.3: syntax error in expression
           #                            (error token is ".5 + 1.3")
           echo "b = $b"       # b=1
           Use bc in scripts that that need floating point calculations or math library functions.
   •  Numerical Constants:
           Example 8-4. Representation of numerical constants                      
           # Representation of numbers in different bases.
           # Decimal: the default
           let "dec = 32"
           echo "decimal number = $dec"             # 32
           # Nothing out of the ordinary here.

           # Octal: numbers preceded by '0' (zero)
           let "oct = 032"
           echo "octal number = $oct"               # 26
           # Expresses result in decimal.
           # --------- ------ -- -------

           # Hexadecimal: numbers preceded by '0x' or '0X'
           let "hex = 0x32"
           echo "hexadecimal number = $hex"         # 50
           echo $((0x9abc))                         # 39612
           #     ^^      ^^   double-parentheses arithmetic expansion/evaluation
           # Expresses result in decimal.

           # Other bases: BASE#NUMBER
           # BASE between 2 and 64.
           # NUMBER must use symbols within the BASE range, see below.
           let "bin = 2#111100111001101"
           echo "binary number = $bin"              # 31181
           let "b32 = 32#77"
           echo "base-32 number = $b32"             # 231
           let "b64 = 64#@_"
           echo "base-64 number = $b64"             # 4031
           # This notation only works for a limited range (2 - 64) of ASCII characters.
           # 10 digits + 26 lowercase characters + 26 uppercase characters + @ + _
           echo $((36#zz)) $((2#10101010)) $((16#AF16)) $((53#1aA))
                                                    # 1295 170 44822 3375
           #  Important note:
           #  --------------
           #  Using a digit out of range of the specified base notation
           #+ gives an error message.
           let "bad_oct = 081"
           # (Partial) error message output:
           #  bad_oct = 081: value too great for base (error token is "081")
           #              Octal numbers use only digits in the range 0 - 7.
           exit $?   # Exit value = 1 (error)
    •  Operator Precedence
           Operator                  Meaning                               Comments
                                                                           HIGHEST PRECEDENCE
           var++ var--               post-increment, post-decrement        C-style operators
           ++var --var               pre-increment, pre-decrement
           ! ~                       negation                              logical / bitwise, inverts sense of following operator
           **                        exponentiation                        arithmetic operation
           * / %                     multiplication, division, modulo      arithmetic operation
           + -                       addition, subtraction                 arithmetic operation
           << >>                     left, right shift                     bitwise
           -z -n                     unary comparison                      string is/is-not null
           -e -f -t -x, etc.         unary comparison                      file-test
           < -lt > -gt <= -le >= -ge compound comparison                   string and integer
           -nt -ot -ef               compound comparison                   file-test
           == -eq != -ne             equality / inequality                 test operators, string and integer
           &                         AND                                   bitwise
           ^                         XOR                                   exclusive OR, bitwise
           |                         OR                                    bitwise
           && -a                     AND                                   logical, compound comparison
           || -o                     OR                                    logical, compound comparison
           ?:                        trinary operator                      C-style
           =                         assignment                            (do not confuse with equality test)
           *= /= %= += -= <<= >>= &= combination assignment                times-equal, divide-equal, mod-equal, etc.
           ,                         comma                                 links a sequence of operations
                                                                           LOWEST PRECEDENC
Chapter 10. Manipulating Variables                             
     •  String Length:
         expr length $string
            These are the equivalent of strlen() in C.
         expr "$string" : '.*'
            echo ${#stringZ}                 # 15
            echo `expr length $stringZ`      # 15
            echo `expr "$stringZ" : '.*'`    # 15
     • Length of Matching Substring at Beginning of String:
        expr match "$string" '$substring'
            $substring is a regular expression.
        expr "$string" : '$substring'
            $substring is a regular expression.
            EX: stringZ=abcABC123ABCabc
                #       |------|
                #       12345678
                echo `expr match "$stringZ" 'abc[A-Z]*.2'`   # 8
                echo `expr "$stringZ" : 'abc[A-Z]*.2'`       # 8
     • Index:
        expr index $string $substring
            Numerical position in $string of first character in $substring that matches.
               #       123456 ...
               echo `expr index "$stringZ" C12`             # 6
                                                            # C position.
               echo `expr index "$stringZ" 1c`              # 3
               # 'c' (in #3 position) matches before '1'.
               This is the near equivalent of strchr() in C.
     • Substring Extraction
            Extracts substring from $string at $position.
            If the $string parameter is "*" or "@", then this extracts the positional parameters, [48] starting at $position.
            Extracts $length characters of substring from $string at $position.
            #       0123456789.....
            #       0-based indexing.
            echo ${stringZ:0}                            # abcABC123ABCabc
            echo ${stringZ:1}                            # bcABC123ABCabc
            echo ${stringZ:7}                            # 23ABCabc
            echo ${stringZ:7:3}                          # 23A
            echo ${stringZ:-4}                           # abcABC123ABCabc
            # Defaults to full string, as in ${parameter:-default}.
            # However . . .
            echo ${stringZ:(-4)}                         # Cabc
            echo ${stringZ: -4}                          # Cabc
            # Now, it works.
            # Parentheses or added space "escape" the position parameter.
            If the $string parameter is "*" or "@", then this extracts a maximum of $length positional
            parameters, starting at $position.
            echo ${*:2}          # Echoes second and following positional parameters.
            echo ${@:2}          # Same as above.
            echo ${*:2:3}        # Echoes three positional parameters, starting at second.
                                                         # Three characters of substring.
         expr substr $string $position $length
            Extracts $length characters from $string starting at $position.
            #       123456789......
            #       1-based indexing.
            echo `expr substr $stringZ 1 2`              # ab
            echo `expr substr $stringZ 4 3`              # ABC
         expr match "$string" '\($substring\)'
            Extracts $substring at beginning of $string, where $substring is a regular expression.
         expr "$string" : '\($substring\)'
            Extracts $substring at beginning of $string, where $substring is a regular expression.
            #       =======    
            echo `expr match "$stringZ" '\(.[b-c]*[A-Z]..[0-9]\)'`   # abcABC1
            echo `expr "$stringZ" : '\(.[b-c]*[A-Z]..[0-9]\)'`       # abcABC1
            echo `expr "$stringZ" : '\(.......\)'`                   # abcABC1
            # All of the above forms give an identical result.
         expr match "$string" '.*\($substring\)'
            Extracts $substring at end of $string, where $substring is a regular expression.
         expr "$string" : '.*\($substring\)'
            Extracts $substring at end of $string, where $substring is a regular expression.
            #                ======
            echo `expr match "$stringZ" '.*\([A-C][A-C][A-C][a-c]*\)'`    # ABCabc
            echo `expr "$stringZ" : '.*\(......\)'`                       # ABCabc
     •  Substring Removal:
            Deletes shortest match of $substring from front of $string.
            Deletes longest match of $substring from front of $string.
            #       |----|          shortest
            #       |----------|    longest
            echo ${stringZ#a*C}      # 123ABCabc
            # Strip out shortest match between 'a' and 'C'.
            echo ${stringZ##a*C}     # abc
            # Strip out longest match between 'a' and 'C'.
            # You can parameterize the substrings.
            echo ${stringZ#$X}      # 123ABCabc
            echo ${stringZ##$X}     # abc
                                   # As above.
            Deletes shortest match of $substring from back of $string.
            For example:
            # Rename all filenames in $PWD with "TXT" suffix to a "txt" suffix.
            # For example, "file1.TXT" becomes "file1.txt" . . .
            for i in $(ls *.$SUFF)
              mv -f $i ${i%.$SUFF}.$suff
              #  Leave unchanged everything *except* the shortest pattern match
              #+ starting from the right-hand-side of the variable $i . . .
            done ### This could be condensed into a "one-liner" if desired.
            Deletes longest match of $substring from back of $string.
            #                    ||     shortest
            #        |------------|     longest
            echo ${stringZ%b*c}      # abcABC123ABCa
            # Strip out shortest match between 'b' and 'c', from back of $stringZ.
            echo ${stringZ%%b*c}     # a
            # Strip out longest match between 'b' and 'c', from back of $stringZ.
            This operator is useful for generating filenames.
     •  Substring Replacement
            Replace first match of $substring with $replacement.
            Replace all matches of $substring with $replacement.
            echo ${stringZ/abc/xyz}       # xyzABC123ABCabc
                                          # Replaces first match of 'abc' with 'xyz'.
            echo ${stringZ//abc/xyz}      # xyzABC123ABCxyz
                                          # Replaces all matches of 'abc' with # 'xyz'.
            echo  ---------------
            echo "$stringZ"               # abcABC123ABCabc
            echo  ---------------
                                          # The string itself is not altered!
            # Can the match and replacement strings be parameterized?
            echo ${stringZ/$match/$repl}  # 000ABC123ABCabc
            #              ^      ^         ^^^
            echo ${stringZ//$match/$repl} # 000ABC123ABC000
            # Yes!          ^      ^        ^^^         ^^^
            # What happens if no $replacement string is supplied?
            echo ${stringZ/abc}           # ABC123ABCabc
            echo ${stringZ//abc}          # ABC123ABC
            # A simple deletion takes place.
            If $substring matches front end of $string, substitute $replacement for $substring.
            If $substring matches back end of $string, substitute $replacement for $substring.
            echo ${stringZ/#abc/XYZ}          # XYZABC123ABCabc
                                              # Replaces front-end match of 'abc' with 'XYZ'.
            echo ${stringZ/%abc/XYZ}          # abcABC123ABCXYZ
                                           # Replaces back-end match of 'abc' with 'XYZ'.
      • Parameter Substitution:
      • Manipulating and/or expanding variables 
         ${parameter}   May be used for concatenating variables with strings.
             echo "$your_id"
             echo "Old \$PATH = $PATH"
             PATH=${PATH}:/opt/bin  # Add /opt/bin to $PATH for duration of script.
             echo "New \$PATH = $PATH"
         ${parameter-default}, ${parameter:-default}
             If parameter not set, use default.
             # var3 is unset.
             echo ${var1-$var2}   # 1
             echo ${var3-$var2}   # 2
             #           ^          Note the $ prefix.
             echo ${username-`whoami`}
             # Echoes the result of `whoami`, if variable $username is still unset.
             ${parameter-default} and ${parameter:-default} are almost equivalent.
             The extra : makes a difference only when parameter has been declared, but is null.
             # variable has been declared, but is set to null.
             echo "${variable-0}"    # (no output)
             echo "${variable:-1}"   # 1
             #               ^
             unset variable
             echo "${variable-2}"    # 2
             echo "${variable:-3}"   # 3
         ${parameter=default}, ${parameter:=default}
             If parameter not set, set it to default.
             Both forms nearly equivalent. The : makes a difference only when $parameter has been declared and is null.
             echo ${var=abc}   # abc
             echo ${var=xyz}   # abc
             # $var had already been set to abc, so it did not change.
         ${parameter+alt_value}, ${parameter:+alt_value}
             If parameter set, use alt_value, else use null string.
             Both forms nearly equivalent. The : makes a difference only when parameter has been declared and is null.
             echo "###### \${parameter+alt_value} ########"
             echo "a = $a"      # a =
             echo "a = $a"      # a = xyz
             echo "a = $a"      # a = xyz
             echo "###### \${parameter:+alt_value} ########"
             echo "a = $a"      # a =
             echo "a = $a"      # a =
             # Different result from   a=${param5+xyz}
             echo "a = $a"      # a = xyz
          ${parameter?err_msg}, ${parameter:?err_msg}
             If parameter set, use it, else print err_msg and abort the script with an exit status of 1.
             Both forms nearly equivalent. The : makes a difference only when parameter has been declared and is null, as above.
             #  Check some of the system's environmental variables.
             #  This is good preventative maintenance.
             #  If, for example, $USER, the name of the person at the console, is not set,
             #+ the machine will not recognize you.
             : ${HOSTNAME?} ${USER?} ${HOME?} ${MAIL?}
               echo "Name of the machine is $HOSTNAME."
               echo "You are $USER."
               echo "Your home directory is $HOME."
               echo "Your mail INBOX is located in $MAIL."
               echo "If you are reading this message,"
               echo "critical environmental variables have been set."
             # ------------------------------------------------------
       • Variable length / Substring removal
          ${#var} String length (number of characters in $var). For an array, ${#array} is the length of the first element in the array.
          ${#*} and ${#@} give the number of positional parameters.
             For an array, ${#array[*]} and ${#array[@]} give the number of elements in the array.
          ${var#Pattern}, ${var##Pattern}
             ${var#Pattern} Remove from $var the shortest part of $Pattern that matches the front end of $var.
             ${var##Pattern} Remove from $var the longest part of $Pattern that matches the front end of $var.
          ${var%Pattern}, ${var%%Pattern}
             ${var%Pattern} Remove from $var the shortest part of $Pattern that matches the back end of $var.
             ${var%%Pattern} Remove from $var the longest part of $Pattern that matches the back end of $var.
       • Variable expansion / Substring replacement
          These constructs have been adopted from ksh.
             Variable var expanded, starting from offset pos.
             Expansion to a max of len characters of variable var, from offset pos. See Example A-13 for an
             example of the creative use of this operator.
          ${var/Pattern/Replacement} First match of Pattern, within var replaced with Replacement.
             If Replacement is omitted, then the first match of Pattern is replaced by nothing, that is, deleted.
             Global replacement.  All matches of Pattern, within var replaced with Replacement.
             As above, if Replacement is omitted, then all occurrences of Pattern are replaced by nothing, that is, deleted.
             If prefix of var matches Pattern, then substitute Replacement for Pattern.
             If suffix of var matches Pattern, then substitute Replacement for Pattern.
          ${!varprefix*}, ${!varprefix@}
             Matches names of all previously declared variables beginning with varprefix.
             # This is a variation on indirect reference, but with a * or @.
             # Bash, version 2.04, adds this feature.
             a=${!xyz*}         #  Expands to *names* of declared variables
             # ^ ^   ^           + beginning with "xyz".
             echo "a = $a"      #  a = xyz23 xyz24
             a=${!xyz@}         #  Same as above.
             echo "a = $a"      #  a = xyz23 xyz24
             echo "---"
             echo "b = $b"      #  b = abc23
             c=${!b}            #  Now, the more familiar type of indirect reference.
             echo $c            #  something_else
