
今天浏览Cloudera的官博,发现了一篇介绍《Kudu: New Apache Hadoop Storage for Fast Analytics on Fast Data》的文章,摘记如下:


1. 什么是Kudu

This new open source complement to HDFS and Apache HBase is designed to fill gaps in Hadoop’s storage layer that have given rise to stitched-together, hybrid architectures.

可以看出这个新组件有两个特点:1)开源(免费,ASL 2.0);2)这是一个融合HDFS和HBase的功能的新组件,具备介于两者之间的新存储组件


2. Kudu的使用场景

  • Strong performance for both scan and random access to help customers simplify complex hybrid architectures(适用于那些既有随机访问,也有批量数据扫描的复合场景)
  • High CPU efficiency in order to maximize the return on investment that our customers are making in modern processors(高计算量的场景)
  • High IO efficiency in order to leverage modern persistent storage(使用了高性能的存储设备,包括使用更多的内存)
  • The ability to update data in place, to avoid extraneous processing and data movement(支持数据更新,避免数据反复迁移)
  • The ability to support active-active replicated clusters that span multiple data centers in geographically distant locations(支持跨地域的实时数据备份和查询)



3. 总结

kudu目前来看,是把analytics 和 online两个应用场景进行了整合,目的在于将分散的大数据生态圈组件进行融合,估计这也是未来大数据生态圈急需解决的一个问题,也是一个趋势。


4. 关注点

