public class PacketCollector { private PacketFilter packetFilter; private ArrayBlockingQueue<Packet> resultQueue; private Connection connection; private boolean cancelled = false; /** * Creates a new packet collector. If the packet filter is <tt>null</tt>, then * all packets will match this collector. * * @param conection the connection the collector is tied to. * @param packetFilter determines which packets will be returned by this collector. */ protected PacketCollector(Connection conection, PacketFilter packetFilter) { this(conection, packetFilter, SmackConfiguration.getPacketCollectorSize()); } /** * Creates a new packet collector. If the packet filter is <tt>null</tt>, then * all packets will match this collector. * * @param conection the connection the collector is tied to. * @param packetFilter determines which packets will be returned by this collector. * @param maxSize the maximum number of packets that will be stored in the collector. */ protected PacketCollector(Connection conection, PacketFilter packetFilter, int maxSize) { this.connection = conection; this.packetFilter = packetFilter; this.resultQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Packet>(maxSize); } /** * Explicitly cancels the packet collector so that no more results are * queued up. Once a packet collector has been cancelled, it cannot be * re-enabled. Instead, a new packet collector must be created. */ public void cancel() { // If the packet collector has already been cancelled, do nothing. if (!cancelled) { cancelled = true; connection.removePacketCollector(this); } } /** * Returns the packet filter associated with this packet collector. The packet * filter is used to determine what packets are queued as results. * * @return the packet filter. */ public PacketFilter getPacketFilter() { return packetFilter; } /** * Polls to see if a packet is currently available and returns it, or * immediately returns <tt>null</tt> if no packets are currently in the * result queue. * * @return the next packet result, or <tt>null</tt> if there are no more * results. */ public Packet pollResult() { return resultQueue.poll(); } /** * Returns the next available packet. The method call will block (not return) * until a packet is available. * * @return the next available packet. */ public Packet nextResult() { try { return resultQueue.take(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Returns the next available packet. The method call will block (not return) * until a packet is available or the <tt>timeout</tt> has elapased. If the * timeout elapses without a result, <tt>null</tt> will be returned. * * @param timeout the amount of time to wait for the next packet (in milleseconds). * @return the next available packet. */ public Packet nextResult(long timeout) { try { return resultQueue.poll(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Processes a packet to see if it meets the criteria for this packet collector. * If so, the packet is added to the result queue. * * @param packet the packet to process. */ protected void processPacket(Packet packet) { if (packet == null) { return; } if (packetFilter == null || packetFilter.accept(packet)) { while (!resultQueue.offer(packet)) { // Since we know the queue is full, this poll should never actually block. resultQueue.poll(); } } } }
/** * Creates a new packet collector for this connection. A packet filter determines * which packets will be accumulated by the collector. A PacketCollector is * more suitable to use than a {@link PacketListener} when you need to wait for * a specific result. * * @param packetFilter the packet filter to use. * @return a new packet collector. */ public PacketCollector createPacketCollector(PacketFilter packetFilter) { PacketCollector collector = new PacketCollector(this, packetFilter); // Add the collector to the list of active collectors. collectors.add(collector); return collector; }
public void createAccount(String username, String password, Map<String, String> attributes) throws XMPPException { if (!supportsAccountCreation()) { throw new XMPPException("Server does not support account creation."); } Registration reg = new Registration(); reg.setType(IQ.Type.SET); reg.setTo(connection.getServiceName()); attributes.put("username",username); attributes.put("password",password); reg.setAttributes(attributes); PacketFilter filter = new AndFilter(new PacketIDFilter(reg.getPacketID()), new PacketTypeFilter(IQ.class)); PacketCollector collector = connection.createPacketCollector(filter); connection.sendPacket(reg); IQ result = (IQ)collector.nextResult(SmackConfiguration.getPacketReplyTimeout()); // Stop queuing results collector.cancel(); if (result == null) { throw new XMPPException("No response from server."); } else if (result.getType() == IQ.Type.ERROR) { throw new XMPPException(result.getError()); } }