
1. 连接不同的r/3系统,destination需要更改,否则会报下面异常:com.sap.tc.webdynpro.services.exceptions.TypeNotFoundException

2. 部署异常:

SDM host : jxsapeptst
SDM port : 50118
URL to deploy : file:/C:/DOCUME~1/Vincent/LOCALS~1/Temp/temp41101uploadTest.ear

=> deployment aborted : file:/C:/DOCUME~1/Vincent/LOCALS~1/Temp/temp41101uploadTest.ear
Aborted: development component 'uploadTest'/'local'/'LOKAL'/'0.2008.'/'0':
Cannot login to the SAP J2EE Engine using user and password as provided in the Filesystem Secure Store. Enter valid login information in the Filesystem Secure Store using the SAP J2EE Engine Config Tool. For more information, see SAP note 701654.
com.sap.sdm.serverext.servertype.inqmy.extern.DeployManagerAuthExceptionWrapper: Wrong security credentials detected while trying to obtain connection to the J2EE Engine.
(message ID: com.sap.sdm.serverext.servertype.inqmy.extern.EngineApplOnlineDeployerImpl.checkLoginCredentials.DMAUTHEXC)

Deployment exception : The deployment of at least one item aborted


Go to configtool,
C:/program Files/sapinst_instdir/NW04s/SYSTEM/ORA/CENTRAL/AS/install/configtool.bat.
use Default DB settings.
Go to securestore,
change admin/password/EPT password and jdbc/pool/EPT/password to administrator password.
save and restart the engine.
