这几日, 公司有个项目, 要用java生成word文档, 在网上找来找去也没有找到好的生成word文档的库, 找到apache的POI可以使用, 但是所有的release版中也没有支持word的class. 只能从svn上下载源代码编译.
后来发现java支持rtf格式的文档, word也支持, 于是乎便使用此产生word文档了. 呵呵..
java支持的rtf文档功能不是很强大, 我们可以借助于一些开源的库, 比如: itext就可以很好的支持. itext上有很多例子, 有兴趣的可以上去看一下, 这里就不摘录了.
但是itext比较大要1.4M, 不是很喜欢. 在sf上找来找去, 发现一个更小的库, 尽管功能不是很强大, 基本的功能都有, 他就是srw(Simple RTF Writer目前它的版本是0.6,好久都没有人维护了).
srw内置了很多例子, 例如: 我们要写一个简单的rtf, 我们只需要这么写:
public class TestSimpleRtf {
private static final String FILE_NAME = "out_testsimplertf.rtf";
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
// RTF Dokument generieren (in Querformat)
RTFDocument doc = new RTFDocument(PageSize.DIN_A4_QUER);
// Anzeige-Zoom und Ansicht definieren
doc.setViewscale(RTFDocument.VIEWSCALE_FULLPAGE); // Anzeige-Zoom auf "komplette Seite" einstellen
doc.setViewkind(RTFDocument.VIEWKIND_PAGELAYOUT); // ViewMode auf Seitenlayout stellen
Paragraph absatz = new Paragraph(18, 0, 16, Font.ARIAL, new TextPart("Simple RTF Writer Testdokument"));
File savefile = new File(FILE_NAME);
System.out.println("Neues RTF Dokument erstellt: " + savefile.getAbsolutePath());
} catch (IOException e) {
用法很简单, 但是功能很少, 比如没有table的功能, 不能设置打印方向等问题. 不过这个基本上就够用了.
后来, 我们的项目要求横向打印, 这可难坏了. 没办法, 自己查找word的rtf格式库, 拓展横向打印功能, 目前已经完成...
import com.itseasy.rtf.RTFDocument;
import com.itseasy.rtf.text.PageSize;
public class MyRTFDocument extends RTFDocument {
public static final int ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT = 0;
public static final int ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE = 1;
private int orientation;
public MyRTFDocument() {
* @param arg0
public MyRTFDocument(PageSize arg0) {
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.itseasy.rtf.RTFDocument#getDocumentAsString()
protected String getDocumentAsString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(super.getDocumentAsString());
int pos = -1;
if (ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE == orientation) {
pos = sb.indexOf("paperw");
if (pos > 0) {
sb.insert(pos, "lndscpsxn");
pos = 0;
while((pos = sb.indexOf("pardplain", pos)) > 0){
pos = sb.indexOf("{", pos);
sb.insert(pos, "dbchaf2");
return sb.toString();
* @return Returns the orientation.
public int getOrientation() {
return orientation;
* @param orientation The orientation to set.
public void setOrientation(int orientation) {
this.orientation = orientation;
* WordBridge.java
package com.kela.util;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import com.jacob.activeX.ActiveXComponent;
import com.jacob.com.Dispatch;
import com.jacob.com.Variant;
import com.kela.db.PoolingDataSource;
* 说明: 对word的操作
* @author [email protected]
public class WordBridge {
Log log = LogFactory.getLog("WordBridgt");
private ActiveXComponent MsWordApp = null;
private Dispatch document = null;
* 打开word
* @param makeVisible, true显示word, false不显示word
public void openWord(boolean makeVisible) {
if (MsWordApp == null) {
MsWordApp = new ActiveXComponent("Word.Application");
Dispatch.put(MsWordApp, "Visible", new Variant(makeVisible));
* 创建新的文档
public void createNewDocument() {
Dispatch documents = Dispatch.get(MsWordApp, "Documents").toDispatch();
document = Dispatch.call(documents, "Add").toDispatch();
* 关闭文档
public void closeDocument() {
// 0 = wdDoNotSaveChanges
// -1 = wdSaveChanges
// -2 = wdPromptToSaveChanges
Dispatch.call(document, "Close", new Variant(0));
document = null;
* 关闭word
public void closeWord() {
Dispatch.call(MsWordApp, "Quit");
MsWordApp = null;
document = null;
* 插入文本
* @param textToInsert 文本内容
public void insertText(String textToInsert) {
Dispatch selection = Dispatch.get(MsWordApp, "Selection").toDispatch();
Dispatch.put(selection, "Text", textToInsert);
* 保存文件
* @param filename
public void saveFileAs(String filename) {
Dispatch.call(document, "SaveAs", filename);
* 将word转换成html
* @param htmlFilePath
public void wordToHtml(String htmlFilePath) {
Dispatch.invoke(document,"SaveAs", Dispatch.Method, new Object[]{htmlFilePath,new Variant(8)}, new int[1]);
* 保存word的同时,保存一个html
* @param text 需要保存的内容
* @param wordFilePath word的路径
* @param htmlFilePath html的路径
* @throws LTOAException
public void wordAsDbOrToHtml(String text, String wordFilePath, String htmlFilePath) throws LTOAException {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("错误 - 对word的操作发生错误");
log.error("原因 - " + ex.getMessage());
throw new LTOAException(LTOAException.ERR_UNKNOWN, "对word的操作发生错误("
+ this.getClass().getName() + ".wordAsDbOrToHtml())", ex);
} finally {
* 将word保存至数据库
* @param wordFilePath
* @param RecordID
* @throws LTOAException
public void wordAsDatabase(String wordFilePath, String RecordID) throws LTOAException {
Connection conn = null;
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
PoolingDataSource pool = null;
File file = null;
String sql = "";
try {
sql = " UPDATE Document_File SET FileBody = ? WHERE RecordID = ? ";
pool = new PoolingDataSource();
conn = pool.getConnection();
file = new File(wordFilePath);
InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file);
byte[] blobByte = new byte[is.available()];
pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
pstmt.setBinaryStream(1,(new ByteArrayInputStream(blobByte)), blobByte.length);
pstmt.setString(2, RecordID);
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("错误 - 表 Document_File 更新数据发生意外错误");
log.error("原因 - " + ex.getMessage());
throw new LTOAException(LTOAException.ERR_UNKNOWN,
+ this.getClass().getName() + ".wordAsDatabase())", ex);
} finally {
* 得到一个唯一的编号
* @return 编号
public String getRecordID() {
String sRecordID = "";
java.util.Date dt=new java.util.Date();
long lg=dt.getTime();
Long ld=new Long(lg);
sRecordID =ld.toString();
return sRecordID;
* 得到保存word和html需要的路径
* @param systemType 模块类型 givInfo, sw, fw
* @param fileType 文件类型 doc, html
* @param recID 文件编号
* @return 路径
public String getWordFilePath(String systemType, String fileType, String recID) {
String filePath = "";