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In previous articles I have written on Flex Development, I have stated that one of the good things about developing applications in Flex is how close to Java development it feels. Not to say that Java is the only language in which to develop, but if you work in a language/platform day in and day out to pay the bills, working with something new that is similar to a language/platform that you already know is a plus in my book. Specifically you will learn:

(我在前面的文章中写过关于FLEX的开发.我说过用FLEX来开发应用给人的感觉非常接近于用JAVA在开发,这是一件美妙的事情.不要说JAVA只是一种开发语言,如果当你日复一日地用一种语言或者在一个平台上工作而又不是免费时, 在工作中玩儿些新鲜的东西就像一种语言或者平台.从我的书中你已经知道这是一种乐趣,特别指出,你将学到:)

·                             The Interface construct in ActionScript 3.0 and how it is functionally equivalent to Java interfaces.

·                             How to use Interfaces in ActionScript 3.0 to achieve dependency injection.

·                             How to use a simple form of dependency injection within Flex.

·                             AS3中的构造器接口和如何在功能上做到跟JAVA接口一致

·                             如何在AS3.0中使用接口实现依赖注入

·                             如何在FLEX中使用简单的依赖注入


In order to make the most of this article, you need the following software:


Flex 3 SDK

·                                 Download

Flex Builder 3

Eclipse 3.3

Prerequisite knowledge(准备知识)

For this article, familiarity with Flex Builder, although not required, would be helpful. Familiarity with object-oriented techniques is assumed as well as strong familiarity with ActionScript 3.0.



It is generally considered good object-oriented design to limit the responsibilities of a class to one thing (there may be times when, as a developer, you may need to be flexible with this rule, but I am talking in general terms here). To abide by this rule, most objects work with collaborating objects to fulfill their responsibilities. But where do these collaborating objects come from? Typically, without dependency injection, you would instantiate collaborating objects in your components. This creates tight coupling between objects, which makes your app more difficult to maintain over time and harder to unit-test your components. Dependency injection is, in very rough terms, when you would use a framework or container to "inject" the collaborating objects into the respective objects that need them (see a more formal definition). This ends up being a very powerful pattern. You can develop your objects and test them independently (mocking out collaborators if any) and "wire" them together to build your application. The Spring framework is a ubiquitous DI framework in the Java development world.


I'll use a subset of the Spring Framework, Spring-MVC, as an example. In Spring-MVC you have Controller objects that handle inbound requests from a client; in this case, assume a web-browser. In most web applications today, there is a database or datastore on the back end of the application containing information that needs to be retrieved and displayed to the user. Suppose a user enters a search to list books by author. In the simplest terms, the Controller object accepts the request, pulls the author name out of the request parameter, hands that name off to the BookService object and expects a list of book titles in return, and then sends that list of titles back in response to the user request. The Spring framework handles setting the BookService object into your Controller object (configured through XML or annotations, but that is beyond the scope of this article). And the fact that your BookService object implements a Java interface means that changes to the implementation of the service object are invisible to the Controller object. That is a very good thing. As long as the parameters and return type of the method don't change, the Controller object should not care at all how the service does its job. But what does that have to do with Flex development?

(我将使用SPRING框架的一个子集,SPRING-MVC 作为一个例子. SPRING-MVC中你能控制那些从客户端进入的请求对象,在这种情况下,假设一个WEB浏览器,现在普遍的WEB应用,在系统的后端都有一个数据库或一个数据仓库包含了一些信息能够被取出并且显示给用户.假设用户进入了一个按作者搜索的书籍列表,在最简单的情况下,控制器对象要接受一个请求,从请求参数里取出作者名称,交给BookService对象来处理这个名称并且期望它返回一个书籍标题的清单列表,接着在响用户的请求时返回这个标题清单,SPRING框架能够设置BookService对象进入到控制器中(通过配置XML文件或者注释声明,当然这个在另一篇文章里讲),事实上你的Bookservice对象实现在JAVA接口,这就意味着它能够改变服务对象的实现让控制器对象不可见.这是一件好事情.和参数一样,并且返回类型都不用改变.控制对象也不用关心service对象如何处理它自己的事情,但是在FLEX开里又能够做些什么呢?)


The Interface construct is what gives dependency injection its power. You have a bunch of objects that rely on each other to do their work, and instead of expecting a particular implementation of an object, which, if changed, would required changes in all dependent objects, the objects are only concerned with the contract specified by the interface, so implementation changes can be made seemlessly and testing is a much easier task. Well, guess what: ActionScript 3.0 supports the same Interface construct that makes writing loosely coupled code so much easier.


One would use Interfaces the same way you would in Java:


1.                  Define your interface. An ActionScript 3.0 interface could look like:



2.	package com.example {
3.	    public interface Controller {
4.	        public function search(searchParams:Object, callback:Function=null):void
5.	    }


1.                   Define a class that implements the interface.



7.	package com.example { 
8.	    public class HttpController implements Controller{
9.	        private var _httpService:HTTPService= new HTTPService();
11.	        public function search(searchParams:Object, callback:Function=null):void {
12.	            details omitted for clarity
13.	        }
14.	    }


In the example above, you have a Controller interface and an implementation, HttpController, that will be used to communicate with the back end of your application to execute searches. HttpController is using the Flex object HTTPService to do the work of sending the search request and handling the response. You can see that the HttpService object is instantiated in the HttpController class. So why not inject the HttpService class as well? The point to having an interface is that you can change the implementation seamlessly to suit the needs of your application. In this case, if you needed another mechanism for searching, you would simply write a new implementation or modify the existing one.

(在上面的例子中,你有一个控制器接口和一个实现HttpController将被用来执行searchs方法来与你应用中的后台进行通信,HttpController是用Flex HttpService对象来完成发送搜索请求并处理响应工作的. 你可以看到HttpService对象是在HttpController类中被实例化的,所以为什么不注入HttpService类呢?这里指出一个接口你可以改变它的实现来适合于你的应用,在这种情况下,如果你需要另一种搜索结构,你可以简单写一个新的实现或者修改已存在的那个即可).


Here's where the rubber meets to road, so to speak. You have seen what dependency injection is and its importance in good application design. But how do you achieve that in a Flex application? As an example, say you have created a component to accept user input and display search results. This component is really a container of sorts, so you have extended the Panel class to hold the various objects to complete your search functionality. Additionally, you have defined your component's behavior entirely in an ActionScript class (no <script></script>tags in your MXML files!). Here's an example of what an extended Panel object could look like (with details omitted for clarity) in an ActionScript file:


public class SearchPanel extends Panel{
    private _searchController:Controller;
    public function search(text:String):void {
        this._searchController.search(text, this.callBackFunction);
    public function set searchController(searchController:Controller):void {
        this._searchController = searchController;
    public function get searchController():Conroller {
        return this._searchController;


The salient point from the above example is the instance variable, _searchController of type Controller and the getter and setter methods that have the same name as the variable sans the "_" character. Next, take a look at the MXML file called SearchPanelView.mxml representing the visual properties for your component (again, some details omitted for clarity):

(上面的例子中的关键点儿是实例变量, Controller 类型的_searchController和它的gettersetter方法名称除了”_”之外名称是相同的,下面来看一下取名为SearchPanelView.mxml MXML文件,它代表组件的可视化属性)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <SearchPanel xmlns="bbejeck.example.*" 
        <comp:HttpController id="searchController" />


From the example MXML file above, there are a couple of key points:


1.                   The line <comp:HttpController id="searchController" /> defines the controller component to be used by the SearchPanel class. Take note that the class name in the definition is "HttpController," while the type of the _searchController instance variable only expects a type of Controller, it does not matter what the implementation is.

(1.   <comp:HttpController id="searchController" />这一行,定义了controller组件被SearchPanel类使用,注意定义的类名是HttpController,当这种类型的变量_searchController 实例变量只要是一个Controller类型,它不做被实现的任何事情.)

2.                  The id attribute matches the name of the getter and setter functions in the SearchPanel ActionScript class.

(id属性匹配SearchPanel 类中的set get方法的函数名称)

3.                  When the SearchPanelView.mxml file is loaded by the Flex application, the "HttpController" object is instantiated then the corresponding setter method in the SearchPanel class that matches the id attribute is called, injecting your Controller implementation into the SearchPanel class

(SearchPanelView.mxml文件被Flex 应用加载时, "HttpController"对象实例化后,SearchPanel类中的Id属性相匹配的setter方法会被调用,注入到你的Controller类的实现到SearchPanel类中)

4.                  When you need to change your search functionality, you can either change the HttpController object, or define a new implementation and modify the SearchPanelView.mxml file, either way your SearchPanel code does not need to change at all.



You have seen how to use dependency injection in Flex. The Flex application will inject into your components what objects are defined in the MXML file where the id matches a corresponding setter method. We are essentially getting a basic DI container for free by using Flex.

This leads us to some conclusions:

·                             When building applications, instead of focusing on building the application itself, you focus on what individual components are needed to build the application and what these components need to do their jobs. What you end up with is a large amount of "ready to go" components that just need some "callback" or service objects implemented in order to build the application. Code reuse is very high and the time it takes to build new applications is substantially reduced.

·                             Unit testing is much easier. Now, if you have components that have interface-based collaborators, when you are testing those components you can manually call the appropriate setter methods and supply mock objects that implement the correct interface but provides expected behavior for the test.

