/usr/hadoop/sqoop-1.99.5-cdh5.5.1-bin-hadoop200/bin/sqoop.sh client
为客户端配置服务器:set server --host node3--port 12000 --webapp sqoop 【红色部分为 本机hostname 主机名和端口号】
sqoop:000> set server --host node3--port 12000 --webapp sqoop
使用 show version --all 查看服务器配置
sqoop:000> show version --all
1、 使用 show connector 查看sqoop的所有连接,sqoop1.99.5 所有的连接固定为四个,如下:
sqoop:000> show connector +----+------------------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+ | Id | Name | Version | Class | Supported Directions | +----+------------------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+ | 1 | kite-connector | 1.99.5-cdh5.5.1 | org.apache.sqoop.connector.kite.KiteConnector | FROM/TO | | 2 | kafka-connector | 1.99.5-cdh5.5.1 | org.apache.sqoop.connector.kafka.KafkaConnector | TO | | 3 | hdfs-connector | 1.99.5-cdh5.5.1 | org.apache.sqoop.connector.hdfs.HdfsConnector | FROM/TO | | 4 | generic-jdbc-connector | 1.99.5-cdh5.5.1 | org.apache.sqoop.connector.jdbc.GenericJdbcConnector | FROM/TO | +----+------------------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+
2、 在向hdfs导入导出数据时,需要依赖以上四个连接创建link (在1.99.4版本之后 用户不需要再创建连接)
首先 查看 当前的所有link
sqoop:000> show link +----+---------------------+--------------+------------------------+---------+ | Id | Name | Connector Id | Connector Name | Enabled | +----+---------------------+--------------+------------------------+---------+ | 1 | hdfs_link | 3 | hdfs-connector | true | | 2 | mysql_openfire_link | 4 | generic-jdbc-connector | true | +----+---------------------+--------------+------------------------+---------+
sqoop:000> show job +----+-------------------------+----------------+--------------+---------+ | Id | Name | From Connector | To Connector | Enabled | +----+-------------------------+----------------+--------------+---------+ | 1 | openfire_properties_job | 4 | 3 | true | +----+-------------------------+----------------+--------------+---------+
3、 创建 link
sqoop:000> create link --cid 3 Creating link for connector with id 1 Please fill following values to create new link object Name: hdfs_link --设置连接名称 Link configuration HDFS URI: hdfs://ns1/ --HDFS访问地址 New link was successfully created with validation status OK and persistent id 2
创建 mysql 连接
sqoop:000> create link --cid 4 Creating link for connector with id 2 Please fill following values to create new link object Name: mysql_openfire_link --设置连接名称 Link configuration JDBC Driver Class: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver --驱动 JDBC Connection String: jdbc:mysql://mysql.server/database --JDBC连接 Username: sqoop --数据库用户 Password: ***** --数据库密码 JDBC Connection Properties: There are currently 0 values in the map: entry#protocol=tcp --之后按回车 New link was successfully created with validation status OK and persistent id 1
5、 创建job
sqoop:000> create job -f 2 -t 1 Creating job for links with from id 1 and to id 6 Please fill following values to create new job object Name: mysql_openfire--设置 任务名称 FromJob configuration Schema name:(Required)sqoop --库名:必填 Table name:(Required)sqoop --表名:必填 Table SQL statement:(Optional) --选填 Table column names:(Optional) --选填 Partition column name:(Optional) id --选填 Null value allowed for the partition column:(Optional) --选填 Boundary query:(Optional) --选填 ToJob configuration Output format: 0 : TEXT_FILE 1 : SEQUENCE_FILE Output format: 0 : TEXT_FILE 1 : SEQUENCE_FILE Choose: 0 --选择文件压缩格式 Compression format: 0 : NONE 1 : DEFAULT 2 : DEFLATE 3 : GZIP 4 : BZIP2 5 : LZO 6 : LZ4 7 : SNAPPY 8 : CUSTOM Choose: 0 --选择压缩类型 Custom compression format:(Optional) --选填 Output directory:hdfs:/ns1/sqoop --HDFS存储目录(目的地) Driver Config Extractors: 2 --提取器 Loaders: 2 --加载器 New job was successfully created with validation status OK and persistent id 1
sqoop:000> show job +----+-------------------------+----------------+--------------+---------+ | Id | Name | From Connector | To Connector | Enabled | +----+-------------------------+----------------+--------------+---------+ | 1 | openfire_properties_job | 4 | 3 | true | +----+-------------------------+----------------+--------------+---------+
sqoop:001> show link 显示所有链接
sqoop:001> carete link --cid 1床架连接
sqoop:000> delete link --lid 1 删除link
sqoop:001> show job 显示所有job
sqoop:001> create job --f 2 --t 1 创建job ( 从link 2 向link 1导入数据)
sqoop:000> start job --jid 1 启动job
sqoop:000> status job --jid 1 查看导入状态
sqoop:000> delete job --jid 1 删除job