Using ASIHTTPRequest in an iOS project


Using ASIHTTPRequest in an iOS project



1) Add the files

Copy the files you need to your project folder, and add them to your Xcode project. An overview of the ASIHTTPRequest source files appears here.

If you aren't sure which files you need, it's best to copy all the following files:

  • ASIHTTPRequestConfig.h
  • ASIHTTPRequestDelegate.h
  • ASIProgressDelegate.h
  • ASICacheDelegate.h
  • ASIHTTPRequest.h
  • ASIHTTPRequest.m
  • ASIDataCompressor.h
  • ASIDataCompressor.m
  • ASIDataDecompressor.h
  • ASIDataDecompressor.m
  • ASIFormDataRequest.h
  • ASIInputStream.h
  • ASIInputStream.m
  • ASIFormDataRequest.m
  • ASINetworkQueue.h
  • ASINetworkQueue.m
  • ASIDownloadCache.h
  • ASIDownloadCache.m

iPhone projects must also include:

  • ASIAuthenticationDialog.h
  • ASIAuthenticationDialog.m
  • Reachability.h (in the External/Reachability folder)
  • Reachability.m (in the External/Reachability folder)

2) Link with CFNetwork, SystemConfiguration, MobileCoreServices, CoreGraphics and zlib

Open the settings for your target by clicking on the blue bar at the very top of the Xcode sidebar:

Using ASIHTTPRequest in an iOS project_第1张图片

Open the Build Phases tab, expand the box labeled Link Binary With Libraries then click the plus button.

Using ASIHTTPRequest in an iOS project_第2张图片

Choose CFNetwork.framework from the list, and click Add:

Using ASIHTTPRequest in an iOS project_第3张图片

Repeat the last two steps to add the following: SystemConfiguration.framework, MobileCoreServices.framework, CoreGraphics.framework and libz.dylib.


Using ASIHTTPRequest in a Mac OS X project

To use ASIHTTPRequest in a Mac project, you'll need to link against:

  • SystemConfiguration.framework + zlib (as above)
  • CoreServices.framework
    CFNetwork is part of the CoreServices framework on Mac OS X. Unless you are writing a console-based application, your application is probably already setup to link with CoreServices, but if not, simply add CoreServices.framework in the same way as described above.




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