其实就是自定义布局文件 感觉利用Dialog或者PopupWindow做也差不多
public class MainActivity extends Activity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); Button show1 = (Button)findViewById(R.id.show1); show1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { SuperToast superToast = new SuperToast(MainActivity.this); //设置属性 superToast.setAnimations(SuperToast.Animations.FLYIN); //显示动画 superToast.setDuration(SuperToast.Duration.SHORT); //显示时间 长 中 短 superToast.setBackground(SuperToast.Background.BLACK); //背景颜色 superToast.setTextSize(SuperToast.TextSize.SMALL); //文字大小 superToast.setIcon(R.drawable.icon_load, SuperToast.IconPosition.LEFT); //图片显示 superToast.setText("登录中..."); superToast.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER, 0, 0); superToast.show(); } }); Button show2 = (Button)findViewById(R.id.show2); show2.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { SuperToast superToast = new SuperToast(MainActivity.this); //设置属性 superToast.setAnimations(SuperToast.Animations.FLYIN); //显示动画 superToast.setDuration(SuperToast.Duration.SHORT); //显示时间 长 中 短 superToast.setBackground(SuperToast.Background.BLACK); //背景颜色 superToast.setTextSize(SuperToast.TextSize.SMALL); //文字大小 superToast.setText("MeiID或密码错误,请重新输入"); superToast.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER, 0, 0); superToast.show(); } }); Button show3 = (Button)findViewById(R.id.show3); show3.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { SuperToast superToast = new SuperToast(MainActivity.this); //设置属性 superToast.setAnimations(SuperToast.Animations.FLYIN); //显示动画 superToast.setDuration(SuperToast.Duration.SHORT); //显示时间 长 中 短 superToast.setBackground(SuperToast.Background.BLACK); //背景颜色 superToast.setTextSize(SuperToast.TextSize.SMALL); //文字大小 superToast.setIcon(R.drawable.icon_ok, SuperToast.IconPosition.LEFT); //图片显示 superToast.setText("重置密码成功"); superToast.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER, 0, 0); superToast.show(); } }); Button show4 = (Button)findViewById(R.id.show4); show4.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { SuperToast superToast = new SuperToast(MainActivity.this); //设置属性 superToast.setAnimations(SuperToast.Animations.FLYIN); //显示动画 superToast.setDuration(SuperToast.Duration.SHORT); //显示时间 长 中 短 superToast.setBackground(SuperToast.Background.BLACK); //背景颜色 superToast.setTextSize(SuperToast.TextSize.SMALL); //文字大小 superToast.setText("验证码已发送到您的手机,10分钟内\n有效,请注意查收短信"); superToast.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER, 0, 0); superToast.show(); } }); } }
public class ManagerSuperToast extends Handler { @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") private static final String TAG = "ManagerSuperToast"; /* Potential messages for the handler to send **/ private static final class Messages { /* Hexadecimal numbers that represent acronyms for the operation **/ private static final int DISPLAY_SUPERTOAST = 0x445354; private static final int ADD_SUPERTOAST = 0x415354; private static final int REMOVE_SUPERTOAST = 0x525354; } private static ManagerSuperToast mManagerSuperToast; private final Queue<SuperToast> mQueue; /* Private method to create a new list if the manager is being initialized */ private ManagerSuperToast() { mQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<SuperToast>(); } /* Singleton method to ensure all SuperToasts are passed through the same manager */ protected static synchronized ManagerSuperToast getInstance() { if (mManagerSuperToast != null) { return mManagerSuperToast; } else { mManagerSuperToast = new ManagerSuperToast(); return mManagerSuperToast; } } /* Add SuperToast to queue and try to show it */ protected void add(SuperToast superToast) { /* Add SuperToast to queue and try to show it */ mQueue.add(superToast); this.showNextSuperToast(); } /* Shows the next SuperToast in the list */ private void showNextSuperToast() { if (mQueue.isEmpty()) { /* There is no SuperToast to display next */ return; } /* Get next SuperToast in the queue */ final SuperToast superToast = mQueue.peek(); /* Show SuperToast if none are showing (not sure why this works but it does) */ if (!superToast.isShowing()) { final Message message = obtainMessage(Messages.ADD_SUPERTOAST); message.obj = superToast; sendMessage(message); } else { sendMessageDelayed(superToast, Messages.DISPLAY_SUPERTOAST, getDuration(superToast)); } } /* Show/dismiss a SuperToast after a specific duration */ private void sendMessageDelayed(SuperToast superToast, final int messageId, final long delay) { Message message = obtainMessage(messageId); message.obj = superToast; sendMessageDelayed(message, delay); } /* Get duration and add one second to compensate for show/hide animations */ private long getDuration(SuperToast superToast) { long duration = superToast.getDuration(); duration += 1000; return duration; } @Override public void handleMessage(Message message) { final SuperToast superToast = (SuperToast) message.obj; switch (message.what) { case Messages.DISPLAY_SUPERTOAST: showNextSuperToast(); break; case Messages.ADD_SUPERTOAST: displaySuperToast(superToast); break; case Messages.REMOVE_SUPERTOAST: removeSuperToast(superToast); break; default: { super.handleMessage(message); break; } } } /* Displays a SuperToast */ private void displaySuperToast(SuperToast superToast) { if (superToast.isShowing()) { /* If the SuperToast is already showing do not show again */ return; } final WindowManager windowManager = superToast .getWindowManager(); final View toastView = superToast.getView(); final WindowManager.LayoutParams params = superToast .getWindowManagerParams(); if(windowManager != null) { windowManager.addView(toastView, params); } sendMessageDelayed(superToast, Messages.REMOVE_SUPERTOAST, superToast.getDuration() + 500); } /* Hide and remove the SuperToast */ protected void removeSuperToast(SuperToast superToast) { final WindowManager windowManager = superToast .getWindowManager(); final View toastView = superToast.getView(); if (windowManager != null) { mQueue.poll(); windowManager.removeView(toastView); sendMessageDelayed(superToast, Messages.DISPLAY_SUPERTOAST, 500); if(superToast.getOnDismissListener() != null) { superToast.getOnDismissListener().onDismiss(superToast.getView()); } } } /* Cancels/removes all showing pending SuperToasts */ protected void cancelAllSuperToasts() { removeMessages(Messages.ADD_SUPERTOAST); removeMessages(Messages.DISPLAY_SUPERTOAST); removeMessages(Messages.REMOVE_SUPERTOAST); for (SuperToast superToast : mQueue) { if (superToast.isShowing()) { superToast.getWindowManager().removeView( superToast.getView()); } } mQueue.clear(); } }
public class Style { public static final int BLACK = 0; public static final int BLUE = 1; public static final int GRAY = 2; public static final int GREEN = 3; public static final int ORANGE = 4; public static final int PURPLE = 5; public static final int RED = 6; public static final int WHITE = 7; public SuperToast.Animations animations = SuperToast.Animations.FADE; public int background = getBackground(GRAY); public int typefaceStyle = Typeface.NORMAL; public int textColor = Color.WHITE; public int dividerColor = Color.WHITE; public int buttonTextColor = Color.LTGRAY; /** * Returns a preset style. * * @param styleType {@link Style} * * @return {@link Style} */ public static Style getStyle(int styleType) { final Style style = new Style(); switch (styleType) { case BLACK: style.textColor = Color.WHITE; style.background = getBackground(BLACK); style.dividerColor = Color.WHITE; return style; case WHITE: style.textColor = Color.DKGRAY; style.background = getBackground(WHITE); style.dividerColor = Color.DKGRAY; style.buttonTextColor = Color.GRAY; return style; case GRAY: style.textColor = Color.WHITE; style.background = getBackground(GRAY); style.dividerColor = Color.WHITE; style.buttonTextColor = Color.GRAY; return style; case PURPLE: style.textColor = Color.WHITE; style.background = getBackground(PURPLE); style.dividerColor = Color.WHITE; return style; case RED: style.textColor = Color.WHITE; style.background = getBackground(RED); style.dividerColor = Color.WHITE; return style; case ORANGE: style.textColor = Color.WHITE; style.background = getBackground(ORANGE); style.dividerColor = Color.WHITE; return style; case BLUE: style.textColor = Color.WHITE; style.background = getBackground(BLUE); style.dividerColor = Color.WHITE; return style; case GREEN: style.textColor = Color.WHITE; style.background = getBackground(GREEN); style.dividerColor = Color.WHITE; return style; default: style.textColor = Color.WHITE; style.background = getBackground(GRAY); style.dividerColor = Color.WHITE; return style; } } /** * Returns a preset style with specified animations. * * @param styleType {@link Style} * @param animations {@link com.github.johnpersano.supertoasts.SuperToast.Animations} * * @return {@link Style} */ public static Style getStyle(int styleType, SuperToast.Animations animations) { final Style style = new Style(); style.animations = animations; switch (styleType) { case BLACK: style.textColor = Color.WHITE; style.background = getBackground(BLACK); style.dividerColor = Color.WHITE; return style; case WHITE: style.textColor = Color.DKGRAY; style.background = getBackground(WHITE); style.dividerColor = Color.DKGRAY; style.buttonTextColor = Color.GRAY; return style; case GRAY: style.textColor = Color.WHITE; style.background = getBackground(GRAY); style.dividerColor = Color.WHITE; style.buttonTextColor = Color.GRAY; return style; case PURPLE: style.textColor = Color.WHITE; style.background = getBackground(PURPLE); style.dividerColor = Color.WHITE; return style; case RED: style.textColor = Color.WHITE; style.background = getBackground(RED); style.dividerColor = Color.WHITE; return style; case ORANGE: style.textColor = Color.WHITE; style.background = getBackground(ORANGE); style.dividerColor = Color.WHITE; return style; case BLUE: style.textColor = Color.WHITE; style.background = getBackground(BLUE); style.dividerColor = Color.WHITE; return style; case GREEN: style.textColor = Color.WHITE; style.background = getBackground(GREEN); style.dividerColor = Color.WHITE; return style; default: style.textColor = Color.WHITE; style.background = getBackground(GRAY); style.dividerColor = Color.WHITE; return style; } } public static int getBackground(int style) { if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) { switch (style) { case BLACK: return (R.drawable.background_kitkat_black); case WHITE: return (R.drawable.background_kitkat_white); case GRAY: return (R.drawable.background_kitkat_gray); case PURPLE: return (R.drawable.background_kitkat_purple); case RED: return (R.drawable.background_kitkat_red); case ORANGE: return (R.drawable.background_kitkat_orange); case BLUE: return (R.drawable.background_kitkat_blue); case GREEN: return (R.drawable.background_kitkat_green); default: return (R.drawable.background_kitkat_gray); } } else { switch (style) { case BLACK: return (R.drawable.background_standard_black); case WHITE: return (R.drawable.background_standard_white); case GRAY: return (R.drawable.background_standard_gray); case PURPLE: return (R.drawable.background_standard_purple); case RED: return (R.drawable.background_standard_red); case ORANGE: return (R.drawable.background_standard_orange); case BLUE: return (R.drawable.background_standard_blue); case GREEN: return (R.drawable.background_standard_green); default: return (R.drawable.background_standard_gray); } } } }
public class SuperToast { private static final String TAG = "SuperToast"; private static final String ERROR_CONTEXTNULL = " - You cannot use a null context."; private static final String ERROR_DURATIONTOOLONG = " - You should NEVER specify a duration greater than " + "four and a half seconds for a SuperToast."; /** * Custom OnClickListener to be used with SuperActivityToasts/SuperCardToasts. Note that * SuperActivityToasts/SuperCardToasts must use this with an * {@link com.github.johnpersano.supertoasts.util.OnClickWrapper} */ public interface OnClickListener { public void onClick(View view, Parcelable token); } /** * Custom OnDismissListener to be used with any type of SuperToasts. Note that * SuperActivityToasts/SuperCardToasts must use this with an * {@link com.github.johnpersano.supertoasts.util.OnDismissWrapper} */ public interface OnDismissListener { public void onDismiss(View view); } /** * Backgrounds for all types of SuperToasts. */ public static class Background { public static final int BLACK = Style.getBackground(Style.BLACK); public static final int BLUE = Style.getBackground(Style.BLUE); public static final int GRAY = Style.getBackground(Style.GRAY); public static final int GREEN = Style.getBackground(Style.GREEN); public static final int ORANGE = Style.getBackground(Style.ORANGE); public static final int PURPLE = Style.getBackground(Style.PURPLE); public static final int RED = Style.getBackground(Style.RED); public static final int WHITE = Style.getBackground(Style.WHITE); } /** * Animations for all types of SuperToasts. */ public enum Animations { FADE, FLYIN, SCALE, POPUP } /** * Icons for all types of SuperToasts. */ public static class Icon { /** * Icons for all types of SuperToasts with a dark background. */ public static class Dark { public static final int EDIT = (R.drawable.icon_dark_edit); public static final int EXIT = (R.drawable.icon_dark_exit); public static final int INFO = (R.drawable.icon_dark_info); public static final int REDO = (R.drawable.icon_dark_redo); public static final int REFRESH = (R.drawable.icon_dark_refresh); public static final int SAVE = (R.drawable.icon_dark_save); public static final int SHARE = (R.drawable.icon_dark_share); public static final int UNDO = (R.drawable.icon_dark_undo); } /** * Icons for all types of SuperToasts with a light background. */ public static class Light { public static final int EDIT = (R.drawable.icon_light_edit); public static final int EXIT = (R.drawable.icon_light_exit); public static final int INFO = (R.drawable.icon_light_info); public static final int REDO = (R.drawable.icon_light_redo); public static final int REFRESH = (R.drawable.icon_light_refresh); public static final int SAVE = (R.drawable.icon_light_save); public static final int SHARE = (R.drawable.icon_light_share); public static final int UNDO = (R.drawable.icon_light_undo); } } /** * Durations for all types of SuperToasts. */ public static class Duration { public static final int VERY_SHORT = (1500); public static final int SHORT = (2000); public static final int MEDIUM = (2750); public static final int LONG = (3500); public static final int EXTRA_LONG = (4500); } /** * Text sizes for all types of SuperToasts. */ public static class TextSize { public static final int EXTRA_SMALL = (12); public static final int SMALL = (14); public static final int MEDIUM = (16); public static final int LARGE = (18); } /** * Types for SuperActivityToasts and SuperCardToasts. */ public enum Type { /** * Standard type used for displaying messages. */ STANDARD, /** * Progress type used for showing progress. */ PROGRESS, /** * Progress type used for showing progress. */ PROGRESS_HORIZONTAL, /** * Button type used for receiving click actions. */ BUTTON } /** * Positions for icons used in all types of SuperToasts. */ public enum IconPosition { /** * Set the icon to the left of the text. */ LEFT, /** * Set the icon to the right of the text. */ RIGHT, /** * Set the icon on top of the text. */ TOP, /** * Set the icon on the bottom of the text. */ BOTTOM } private Animations mAnimations = Animations.FADE; private Context mContext; private int mGravity = Gravity.BOTTOM | Gravity.CENTER; private int mDuration = Duration.SHORT; private int mTypefaceStyle; private int mBackground; private int mXOffset = 0; private int mYOffset = 0; private LinearLayout mRootLayout; private OnDismissListener mOnDismissListener; private TextView mMessageTextView; private View mToastView; private WindowManager mWindowManager; private WindowManager.LayoutParams mWindowManagerParams; /** * Instantiates a new {@value #TAG}. * * @param context {@link android.content.Context} */ public SuperToast(Context context) { if (context == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(TAG + ERROR_CONTEXTNULL); } this.mContext = context; mYOffset = context.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.toast_hover); final LayoutInflater layoutInflater = (LayoutInflater) context .getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); mToastView = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.supertoast, null); mWindowManager = (WindowManager) mToastView.getContext() .getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE); mRootLayout = (LinearLayout) mToastView.findViewById(R.id.root_layout); mMessageTextView = (TextView) mToastView.findViewById(R.id.message_textview); } /** * Instantiates a new {@value #TAG} with a specified style. * * @param context {@link android.content.Context} * @param style {@link com.github.johnpersano.supertoasts.util.Style} */ public SuperToast(Context context, Style style) { if (context == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(TAG + ERROR_CONTEXTNULL); } this.mContext = context; mYOffset = context.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.toast_hover); final LayoutInflater layoutInflater = (LayoutInflater) context .getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); mToastView = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.supertoast, null); mWindowManager = (WindowManager) mToastView.getContext() .getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE); mRootLayout = (LinearLayout) mToastView.findViewById(R.id.root_layout); mMessageTextView = (TextView) mToastView.findViewById(R.id.message_textview); this.setStyle(style); } /** * Shows the {@value #TAG}. If another {@value #TAG} is showing than * this one will be added to a queue and shown when the previous {@value #TAG} * is dismissed. */ public void show() { mWindowManagerParams = new WindowManager.LayoutParams(); mWindowManagerParams.height = WindowManager.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT; mWindowManagerParams.width = WindowManager.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT; mWindowManagerParams.flags = WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_TOUCHABLE | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON; mWindowManagerParams.format = PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT; mWindowManagerParams.windowAnimations = getAnimation(); mWindowManagerParams.type = WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_TOAST; mWindowManagerParams.gravity = mGravity; mWindowManagerParams.x = mXOffset; mWindowManagerParams.y = mYOffset; ManagerSuperToast.getInstance().add(this); } /** * Sets the message text of the {@value #TAG}. * * @param text {@link CharSequence} */ public void setText(CharSequence text) { mMessageTextView.setText(text); } /** * Returns the message text of the {@value #TAG}. * * @return {@link CharSequence} */ public CharSequence getText() { return mMessageTextView.getText(); } /** * Sets the message typeface style of the {@value #TAG}. * * @param typeface {@link android.graphics.Typeface} int */ public void setTypefaceStyle(int typeface) { mTypefaceStyle = typeface; mMessageTextView.setTypeface(mMessageTextView.getTypeface(), typeface); } /** * Returns the message typeface style of the {@value #TAG}. * * @return {@link android.graphics.Typeface} int */ public int getTypefaceStyle() { return mTypefaceStyle; } /** * Sets the message text color of the {@value #TAG}. * * @param textColor {@link android.graphics.Color} */ public void setTextColor(int textColor) { mMessageTextView.setTextColor(textColor); } /** * Returns the message text color of the {@value #TAG}. * * @return int */ public int getTextColor() { return mMessageTextView.getCurrentTextColor(); } /** * Sets the text size of the {@value #TAG} message. * * @param textSize int */ public void setTextSize(int textSize) { mMessageTextView.setTextSize(textSize); } /** * Returns the text size of the {@value #TAG} message in pixels. * * @return float */ public float getTextSize() { return mMessageTextView.getTextSize(); } /** * Sets the duration that the {@value #TAG} will show. * * @param duration {@link com.github.johnpersano.supertoasts.SuperToast.Duration} */ public void setDuration(int duration) { if(duration > Duration.EXTRA_LONG) { Log.e(TAG, TAG + ERROR_DURATIONTOOLONG); this.mDuration = Duration.EXTRA_LONG; } else { this.mDuration = duration; } } /** * Returns the duration of the {@value #TAG}. * * @return int */ public int getDuration() { return this.mDuration; } /** * Sets an icon resource to the {@value #TAG} with a specified position. * * @param iconResource {@link com.github.johnpersano.supertoasts.SuperToast.Icon} * @param iconPosition {@link com.github.johnpersano.supertoasts.SuperToast.IconPosition} */ public void setIcon(int iconResource, IconPosition iconPosition) { if (iconPosition == IconPosition.BOTTOM) { mMessageTextView.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(null, null, null, mContext.getResources().getDrawable(iconResource)); } else if (iconPosition == IconPosition.LEFT) { mMessageTextView.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(mContext.getResources() .getDrawable(iconResource), null, null, null); } else if (iconPosition == IconPosition.RIGHT) { mMessageTextView.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(null, null, mContext.getResources().getDrawable(iconResource), null); } else if (iconPosition == IconPosition.TOP) { mMessageTextView.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(null, mContext.getResources().getDrawable(iconResource), null, null); } } /** * Sets the background resource of the {@value #TAG}. * * @param background {@link com.github.johnpersano.supertoasts.SuperToast.Background} */ public void setBackground(int background) { this.mBackground = background; mRootLayout.setBackgroundResource(background); } /** * Returns the background resource of the {@value #TAG}. * * @return int */ public int getBackground() { return this.mBackground; } /** * Sets the gravity of the {@value #TAG} along with x and y offsets. * * @param gravity {@link android.view.Gravity} int * @param xOffset int * @param yOffset int */ public void setGravity(int gravity, int xOffset, int yOffset) { this.mGravity = gravity; this.mXOffset = xOffset; this.mYOffset = yOffset; } /** * Sets the show/hide animations of the {@value #TAG}. * * @param animations {@link com.github.johnpersano.supertoasts.SuperToast.Animations} */ public void setAnimations(Animations animations) { this.mAnimations = animations; } /** * Returns the show/hide animations of the {@value #TAG}. * * @return {@link com.github.johnpersano.supertoasts.SuperToast.Animations} */ public Animations getAnimations() { return this.mAnimations; } /** * Sets an OnDismissListener defined in this library * to the {@value #TAG}. Does not require wrapper. * * @param onDismissListener {@link com.github.johnpersano.supertoasts.SuperToast.OnDismissListener} */ public void setOnDismissListener(OnDismissListener onDismissListener) { this.mOnDismissListener = onDismissListener; } /** * Returns the OnDismissListener set to the {@value #TAG}. * * @return {@link com.github.johnpersano.supertoasts.SuperToast.OnDismissListener} */ public OnDismissListener getOnDismissListener() { return mOnDismissListener; } /** * Dismisses the {@value #TAG}. */ public void dismiss() { ManagerSuperToast.getInstance().removeSuperToast(this); } /** * Returns the {@value #TAG} message textview. * * @return {@link android.widget.TextView} */ public TextView getTextView() { return mMessageTextView; } /** * Returns the {@value #TAG} view. * * @return {@link android.view.View} */ public View getView() { return mToastView; } /** * Returns true if the {@value #TAG} is showing. * * @return boolean */ public boolean isShowing() { return mToastView != null && mToastView.isShown(); } /** * Returns the window manager that the {@value #TAG} is attached to. * * @return {@link android.view.WindowManager} */ public WindowManager getWindowManager() { return mWindowManager; } /** * Returns the window manager layout params of the {@value #TAG}. * * @return {@link android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams} */ public WindowManager.LayoutParams getWindowManagerParams() { return mWindowManagerParams; } /** * Private method used to return a specific animation for a animations enum */ private int getAnimation() { if (mAnimations == Animations.FLYIN) { return android.R.style.Animation_Translucent; } else if (mAnimations == Animations.SCALE) { return android.R.style.Animation_Dialog; } else if (mAnimations == Animations.POPUP) { return android.R.style.Animation_InputMethod; } else { return android.R.style.Animation_Toast; } } /** * Private method used to set a default style to the {@value #TAG} */ private void setStyle(Style style) { this.setAnimations(style.animations); this.setTypefaceStyle(style.typefaceStyle); this.setTextColor(style.textColor); this.setBackground(style.background); } /** * Returns a standard {@value #TAG}. * * @param context {@link android.content.Context} * @param textCharSequence {@link CharSequence} * @param durationInteger {@link com.github.johnpersano.supertoasts.SuperToast.Duration} * * @return {@link SuperToast} */ public static SuperToast create(Context context, CharSequence textCharSequence, int durationInteger) { SuperToast superToast = new SuperToast(context); superToast.setText(textCharSequence); superToast.setDuration(durationInteger); return superToast; } /** * Returns a standard {@value #TAG} with specified animations. * * @param context {@link android.content.Context} * @param textCharSequence {@link CharSequence} * @param durationInteger {@link com.github.johnpersano.supertoasts.SuperToast.Duration} * @param animations {@link com.github.johnpersano.supertoasts.SuperToast.Animations} * * @return {@link SuperToast} */ public static SuperToast create(Context context, CharSequence textCharSequence, int durationInteger, Animations animations) { final SuperToast superToast = new SuperToast(context); superToast.setText(textCharSequence); superToast.setDuration(durationInteger); superToast.setAnimations(animations); return superToast; } /** * Returns a {@value #TAG} with a specified style. * * @param context {@link android.content.Context} * @param textCharSequence {@link CharSequence} * @param durationInteger {@link com.github.johnpersano.supertoasts.SuperToast.Duration} * @param style {@link com.github.johnpersano.supertoasts.util.Style} * * @return SuperCardToast */ public static SuperToast create(Context context, CharSequence textCharSequence, int durationInteger, Style style) { final SuperToast superToast = new SuperToast(context); superToast.setText(textCharSequence); superToast.setDuration(durationInteger); superToast.setStyle(style); return superToast; } /** * Dismisses and removes all showing/pending {@value #TAG}. */ public static void cancelAllSuperToasts() { ManagerSuperToast.getInstance().cancelAllSuperToasts(); } }
Code见 https://github.com/huanyi0723/TestToast