potential memory leak when using RAMDirectory ,CloseableThreadLocal and a thread pool .


On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 12:16 PM, Alon Muchnick <alon [at] datonics> wrote: 
> hi Mike , 

> at the peak there are 500 live threads going through Lucune (not all of 
> them at the same time , tomcat thread pool uses round robin ) ,regarding 
> the Directory impl we are using RAMDirectory. 
> the object that takes most of the heap is the "hardRefs" WeakHashMap class 
> member in the CloseableThreadLocal class . the size of the map is 500 , 
> with one entry for each thread that went through Lucune. 

Hmm ... I'm curious what's actually using up all the RAM here. 

A buffered Directory impl (eg NIOFSDirectory) would have IndexInput 
clones that have 1 KB buffers, but RAMDirectory doesn't do that. 

> when in run the test with only one thread the initial RAM did not grow much 
> beyond the initial 30MB . 

OK that's good. So somehow each thread ties up ~ 1 MB RAM. 

> when looking at the code i can see that the references to the hardRefs map 
> will be cleared when : 

> 1.a thread which searched Lucune is no longer alive , so its corresponding 
> record in the map will be cleared either by the GC or by the purge() method 
> . 

> 2.the close() method is called which "should only be called when all 
> threads are done using the instance" . 


> what happens to threads that go through Lucune and stay alive for a very 
> long times ? 
> will they always be a reference key in the hardRefs map for them ? 

Yes ... we never prune live threads. 

> if so does the value for the corresponding record in the map will be 
> overwritten each time this thread makes a new search ? or will it be some 
> how accumulated ? : 

Well, we set the value once when we first see the thread, and then use 
that value from then on. 

> value ---- org.apache.lucene.index.TermInfosReader$ThreadResources ---> 

> termInfoCache |org.apache.lucene.util.cache.SimpleLRUCache 
> termEnum |org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentTermEnum 

> i have reduced the size of the thread pool , and changed to a more 
> aggressive thread closing policy ,threads are now reduced when they are not 
> needed (before that the thread pool would reach its max size and stayed 
> there), 
> this should kick in the the purge method and reclaim memory from the closed 
> threads . 

> ill give the system a few hours to run and update on the results . 

OK thanks. 

Really anything more then 2 * number-of-cores threads coming through 
Lucene is overkill ... 

