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Varnish - Trac
Varnish is a state-of-the-art, high-performance HTTP accelerator. It uses the advanced features in Linux 2.6, FreeBSD 6/7 and Solaris 10 to achieve its high performance. 和squid类似,属于缓存服务器
Clients - JabberWiki
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24/7 Wall Street网站于近日公布了全球最有价值的25个商业博客,这其中Gawker当仁不让以1.7亿美元的身价独占鳌头,这是Gawker博客站点第二次荣膺“最有价值商业博客”的殊荣,去年Gawker以1.5亿美元的身价位居榜首
RSS的Ping服务器地址 | Andy's Blog
Arnon Rotem-Gal-Oz's Cirrus Minor - 10 Papers Every Software Architect Should Read (At Least Twice)
Earlier today I read a post by Michael Feathers Called "10 Papers Every Developer Should Read (At Least Twice). I knew some of the articles mentioned there and learnt about few interesting ones.I liked it so much, I thought I'd compile a similar list for software architects - based on stuff I read over the years.
Chipchat - Web-based chat engine written in Java. - Home
InfoQ: Moneta:一个面向Tokyo Cabinet和Memcache等键/值存储方式的接口
关系型数据库只是各种数据存储方式中的一种。根据实际情况不同,键/值存储方式可能是更合适的选择。如果数据主要通过一个主键进行访 问,那么键/值存储方式可能比关系型数据库更适合此类场景。那么,什么是键/值存储?听上去和传统的散列非常接近——实际上,这本就是相同的东西。
97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know - The Book [97 Things] : Near-Time
# Don't put your resume ahead of the requirements by Nitin Borwankar # Simplify essential complexity; diminish accidental complexity by Neal Ford # Chances are your biggest problem isn't technical by Mark Ramm # Communication is King; Clarity and Leadership its humble servants by Mark Richards # Architecting is about balancing by Randy Stafford # Seek the value in requested capabilities by Einar Landre
使用 awstats 分析 Nginx 的访问日志
使用 awstats 分析 Nginx 的访问日志
使用 Nginx 提升网站访问速度
Opera Mini - Download: generic advanced midp 2
下载Opera Mini Wap浏览器,基于J2ME MIDP 2技术,支持Java的手机都可以下载安装
jurriaanpersyn.com — Database Sharding at Netlog, with MySQL and PHP
Database Sharding at Netlog, with MySQL and PHP,数据库水平分区高伸缩性方案
Numbers Everyone Should Know | High Scalability
Writes are expensive! Reads are cheap! # Writes are 40 times more expensive than reads. # Global shared data is expensive. This is a fundamental limitation of distributed systems. The lock contention in shared heavily written objects kills performance as transactions become serialized and slow. # Architect for scaling writes. # Optimize for low write contention. # Optimize wide. Make writes as parallel as you can.
[收藏]"Automation服务器不能创建对象" 的多种解决办法 - 胡里胡涂 - 博客园
The Black Anvil: Shootout: Load Runner vs The Grinder vs Apache JMeter
使用Nginx/Lighttpd作为反向代理服务器 - What Kevin is Thinking - 博客大巴
反向代理服务已经越来越广泛的应用于高负载的Web站点中,常用来作为Reverse Proxy的有Squid、Apache、Lighttpd、Nginx等,后两个轻量级的应用因为其优秀的表现已迅速占领了大量市场,本文只讨论后两者 的简单应用(用proxy处理静态文件而把动态文件交给后端的Web服务器来处理)
Web Bench Homepage
Web Bench is very simple tool for benchmarking WWW or proxy servers
MySQL优化经验 | OurMySQL | 我们致力于一个MySQL知识的分享网站
Tapestry Central: A Better Web Framework: Tapestry's Response
Linear and Nonlinear Regression Analysis in Statistics, Java Program (c) 2000 by John A. Byers
Linear and Nonlinear Regression Analysis in Statistics, Java Program
Greg Dennis - Drej
Drej - A Java Regression Library
Java Linear Regression
10 SEO Rules for Designers
wap中怎么强制刷新 - WAP 技术专栏 - 经典论坛 网页-网站-制作-设计-编程 - Powered by Discuz!
CopyOnWriteArrayList (Java 2 Platform SE 5.0)
AJAX + SVG 实现实时监控图表
用SVG和DWR Ajax技术实现仪表盘
How do I prevent a WML deck from being read from the cache? [The Wireless FAQ]
我喜欢的blog和blogger at Hello DBA - Jacky的天空 Oracle MySQL 主机存储 数据库性能优化
一些DBA 博客的介绍
强烈推荐:240多个jQuery插件 - TerryLee's Tech Space - 博客园
Lean Software Development, Part 1: Seven Principles - 葉鳴的专栏 - CSDNBlog
Gentoo Linux -- Gentoo Linux News
Arnon Rotem-Gal-Oz's Cirrus Minor - The RDBMS is dead
Anti-RDBMS: A list of distributed key-value stores
Perhaps you’re considering using a dedicated key-value or document store instead of a traditional relational database. Reasons for this might include: 1. You’re suffering from Cloud-computing Mania. 2. You need an excuse to ‘get your Erlang on’ 3. You heard CouchDB was cool. 4. You hate MySQL, and although PostgreSQL is much better, it still doesn’t have decent replication. There’s no chance you’re buying Oracle licenses. 5. Your data is stored and retrieved mainly by primary key, without complex joins. 6. You have a non-trivial amount of data, and the thought of managing lots of RDBMS shards and replication failure scenarios gives you the fear. 反-关系型数据库管理系统RDBMS,一个可伸缩的Key-value存储引擎列表
通过Java认证 SCJP 考试之精辟总结(1) - 51CTO.COM
The Art and Craft of Great Software Architecture and Development
AbstractFormController (Spring Framework)
AbstractFormController 工作流程解释
SimpleFormController (Spring Framework)
如何提高Google AdSense收入: 单价、点击率和转换率 - Google AdSense - 广告街论坛 - 网络广告联盟、广告发布者&广告主
Sebastien Dionne's Blog: Template Code Generator Part 2 : FreeMarker
用Velocity 和FreeMarker模板引擎开发代码生成器 Code Generator
使用redirect避免重复提交 - YODA - BlogJava
CS结构软件自动升级实现(三) - rochoc - BlogJava
Basic CRUD with Stripes, Spring and Hibernate
Basic CRUD with Stripes, Spring and Hibernate
NASA - 100 Lessons Learned for Project Managers
InfoQ: SOA=集成?
WMLScript 教程
WMLScript 教程
