使用分层的 Selenium 框架进行复杂 Web 应用的自动测试
Selenium 是一种 Web 应用的自动测试工具,通过模拟用户对 Web 页面的各种操作,可以精确重现软件测试人员编写的 Test Cases 步骤。Selenium 包含三个工具:Selenium-IDE,Selenium-RC 以及 Selenium-Core。其中,Selenium-Core 是驱动 Selenium 工作的核心部分,作为一个用 JavaScript 编写的测试引擎,它可以操作 Web 页面上的各种元素,诸如:点击按钮、输入文本框,以及断言 Web 页面上存在某些文本与 Web 元素等
Selenium web application testing system
Selenium IDE is a Firefox add-on that records clicks, typing, and other actions to make a test, which you can play back in the browser.
The Apache Cassandra Project
The Apache Cassandra Project develops a highly scalable second-generation distributed database, bringing together Dynamo's fully distributed design and Bigtable's ColumnFamily-based data model.
Data integration issues challenge Cal power operation's move to SOA
数据集成问题挑战加州电力,采用CIM公共信息模型、基于SOA SOAP的web service服务实现多个系统的互操作集成
转:Chrome的一些实用脚本 | 谷奥——探寻谷歌的奥秘
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ANTLR Parser Generator
ANTLR, ANother Tool for Language Recognition, is a language tool that provides a framework for constructing recognizers, interpreters, compilers, and translators from grammatical descriptions containing actions in a variety of target languages. ANTLR provides excellent support for tree construction, tree walking, translation, error recovery, and error reporting. There are currently about 5,000 ANTLR source downloads a month.
An introduction to backup, restore, and rollforward recovery in IBM ...
SQL 语句性能调优
SQL 语句性能调优
Java - Auto Reloading of Configuration File | twit88.com
This is a follow up to my previous article, XML Configuration for Java Program. In the article I uses Apache Commons Configuration for my application configuration, and I also provided a singleton wrapper class for it.
Java Tip 125: Set your timer for dynamic properties - JavaWorld
Property files are widely used to control application configurations. One great advantage of property files: they let you change your application's configuration without recompilation. However, you most likely need to restart your application for the new configuration to take effect. This might not be a constraint for client applications, where users stop and start the application. In fact, some GUI (graphical user inferface) programs even let you change properties through the user interface, without restarting the program.
Property文件Reload方法(不用重起服务器) - 当当的量子篮 - JavaEye技术网站
NIO: High Performance File Copying
NIO: High Performance File Copying
Web service performance tips
Email summarizing best practices for Promoting Scalable Web Services
Caching SOAP services
Quality of service for web services
Scaling SOAP-based web services.
Scaling web services
Webservices SOAP communications overheads
AppFuse 2.0研究(一) - 下一道彩虹 - CSDN博客
AppFuse 2.0初体验 - 下一道彩虹 - CSDN博客
AppFuse 2.0 快速上手,maven
Derby Reference Manual
Derby 10.5 Reference Manual
Derby 10.5 参考手册,SQL语法
Fiddler Web Debugger - A free web debugging tool
Fiddler is a Web Debugging Proxy which logs all HTTP(S) traffic between your computer and the Internet. Fiddler allows you to inspect all HTTP(S) traffic, set breakpoints, and "fiddle" with incoming or outgoing data. Fiddler includes a powerful event-based scripting subsystem, and can be extended using any .NET language.
Java的DOM编辑:创建一个新的DOM解析树 : DOM编辑 « 可扩展标记语言 « Java
The Java platform has its own unique set of security challenges. One of its main design considerations is to provide a secure environment for executing mobile code. While the Java security architecture [1] can protect users and systems from hostile programs downloaded over a network, it cannot defend against implementation bugs that occur in trusted code. Such bugs can inadvertently open the very holes that the security architecture was designed to contain, including access to files, printers, webcams, microphones, and the network from behind firewalls. In severe cases, local programs may be executed or Java security disabled. These bugs can potentially be used to turn the machine into a zombie computer, steal confidential data from machine and intranet, spy through attached devices, prevent useful operation of the machine, assist further attacks, and many other malicious activities.
Tapestry5JSPEditorEclipse - Tapestry Wiki
Eclipse 开发Tapestry5的tml文件
Eclipse Code Review(代码审查)工具介绍 - 追寻的博客 - JavaEye技术网站
Eclipse Code Review(代码审查)工具介绍
WorkingWithDerby - Db-derby Wiki
The UsesOfDerby Wiki page lists products (and projects) that use or work with Derby. This page lists actual resources that show how to use a given product or technology with Derby. Please add your entries to the table listed below.
在 Apache Geronimo 上创建 Hibernate 应用实例
Using the JAXP XPath APIs
Using the JAXP XPath APIs ,xala-j
Using the JAXP XPath APIs
custome xpath functions;定制Xpath函数
The Java XPath API
custome xpath functions;定制Xpath函数
VeryCD - 站在光明中看到的只是黑暗,站在黑暗中却拥有光明
Blackbaud Labs - Labs Article
iPhone Simulator for Windows,Windows下的iPhone模拟器 safari
Google(谷歌)中文网站站长博客: 网站迁移的最佳方法
Google(谷歌)中文网站站长博客: 网站迁移的最佳方法
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味精的共享空间 的日志 — Windows Live
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中兴ZXV10 H108B - Blog Irix!
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使用C++调用C#的DLL - 博客 - Teeta.com
java-image-scaling - Project Hosting on Google Code
The purpose of the library is to provide better image scaling options than the Java runtime provides.
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InfoQ: 使用Java构建高伸缩性组件
随着多核处理器成为主流,应用开发人员对于如何编写高伸缩性的应用以利用底层硬件的优势这个问题面临巨大的压力。此外,遗留系统不得不移植到新的架构上。 保证应用伸缩性的一种有效方式是使用高伸缩性组件构建应用。举例来说,在各种应用 中,java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap可以替代同步的HashTable,使应用伸缩性更好。因此,向应用 直接提供一套高伸缩性构造块以引入并行是非常有用的
NearRealtimeSearch - Lucene-java Wiki
Lucene 实时搜索
A Look Inside FUSE ESB 4: An OSGi-Based Integration Platform | Javalobby
Recently, version 4 of the FUSE ESB was released, which is the enterprise support version of Apache ServiceMix 4, rebranded by Progress Software (previously IONA), but still fully open source and Apache licensed. This new major version of the FUSE ESB is founded on OSGi and introduces a number of new deployment models, in addition to JBI 1.0, which makes your life as an integration developer far easier.
mule进阶之jdbc transport: - 李哥在javaeye - JavaEye技术网站
Mule esb的jdbc transport实现
InfoQ: Mule的消息路由
基于GeoServer的电子地图系统说明(四):空间数据库实现 - GeoServer - GISVIP社区 ARCGIS,MapInfo,ARCEngine,Server,Mapxtreme,GIS论坛,GIS社区 - Powered by gisvip