我曾在早期的博文中介绍过IronRuby。在文章中,我扩展了IronRuby的基础知识,来解释需要在Rail应用程序所做的额外工作,好让大家继续深入.NET所实现Ruby语言,但这方面的内容并不够。所以现在我想深入地谈谈IronRuby与项目的兼容性,以便开发全新的应用程序来说明IronRuby和.NET之间的互操作性。实际上,我们会使用WPF(Windows Presentation Foundation),它是.NET Framework的组件,我们可以用它创建富媒体和图形界面。
再次申明,WPF是.NET Framework组件之一,负责呈现富用户界面和其他媒体。它不是.NET Framework中唯一可完成该功能的函数库集,Window Form也可以完成类似工作,在我们需要创建炫目效果的时候,WPF会显得十分有用。无论是演示文档、视频、数据录入表格、某些类型的数据可视化(这是我最希望做的,尤其用IronRuby完成,后面的故事更精彩)抑或用动画把以上的都串联起来,你很可能会发现在给Windows开发这些应用程序的时候WPF可以满足你的需求。
require 'WindowsBase' require 'PresentationFramework' require 'PresentationCore' require 'System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' class Clock CLOCK_WIDTH = 150 CLOCK_HEIGHT = 150 LABEL_HEIGHT = CLOCK_HEIGHT / 7 LABEL_WIDTH = CLOCK_WIDTH / 7 RADIUS = CLOCK_WIDTH / 2 RADS = Math::PI / 180 MIN_LOCATIONS = {} HOUR_LOCATIONS = {} def run! plot_locations # build our window @window = System::Windows::Window.new @window.background = System::Windows::Media::Brushes.LightGray @window.width = CLOCK_WIDTH * 2 @window.height = CLOCK_HEIGHT * 2 @window.resize_mode = System::Windows::ResizeMode.NoResize @canvas = System::Windows::Controls::Canvas.new @canvas.width = CLOCK_WIDTH @canvas.height = CLOCK_HEIGHT # create shapes to represent clock hands @minute_hand = System::Windows::Shapes::Line.new @minute_hand.stroke = System::Windows::Media::Brushes.Black @minute_hand.stroke_thickness = 1 @minute_hand.x1 = CLOCK_WIDTH / 2 @minute_hand.y1 = CLOCK_HEIGHT / 2 @hour_hand = System::Windows::Shapes::Line.new @hour_hand.stroke = System::Windows::Media::Brushes.Black @hour_hand.stroke_thickness = 3 @hour_hand.x1 = CLOCK_WIDTH / 2 @hour_hand.y1 = CLOCK_HEIGHT / 2 # .. and stick them to our canvas @canvas.children.add(@minute_hand) @canvas.children.add(@hour_hand) plot_face # draw a clock face plot_labels # draw clock numbers plot_hands # draw minute / hour hands @window.content = @canvas app = System::Windows::Application.new app.run(@window) # the Application object handles the lifecycle of our app # including the execution loop end # determine 2 sets of equidistant points around the circumference of a circle # of CLOCK_WIDTH and CLOCK_HEIGHT dimensions. def plot_locations for i in (0..60) # 60 minutes, and 12 hours a = i * 6 x = (RADIUS * Math.sin(a * RADS)).to_i + (CLOCK_WIDTH / 2) y = (CLOCK_HEIGHT / 2) - (RADIUS * Math.cos(a * RADS)).to_i coords = [x, y] HOUR_LOCATIONS[i / 5] = coords if i % 5 == 0 # is this also an 'hour' location (ie. every 5 minutes)? MIN_LOCATIONS[i] = coords end end # draws a circle to represent the clock's face def plot_face extra_x = (CLOCK_WIDTH * 0.15) # pad our circle a little extra_y = (CLOCK_HEIGHT * 0.15) face = System::Windows::Shapes::Ellipse.new face.fill = System::Windows::Media::Brushes.White face.width = CLOCK_WIDTH + extra_x face.height = CLOCK_HEIGHT + extra_y face.margin = System::Windows::Thickness.new(0 - (extra_x/2), 0 - (extra_y/2), 0, 0) face.stroke = System::Windows::Media::Brushes.Gray # give it a slight border face.stroke_thickness = 1 System::Windows::Controls::Canvas.set_z_index(face, -1) # send our circle to the back @canvas.children.add(face) # add the clock face to our canvas end # at each point along the hour locations, put a number def plot_labels HOUR_LOCATIONS.each_pair do |p, coords| unless p == 0 lbl = System::Windows::Controls::Label.new lbl.horizontal_content_alignment = System::Windows::HorizontalAlignment.Center lbl.width = LABEL_WIDTH lbl.height = LABEL_HEIGHT lbl.content = p.to_s lbl.margin = System::Windows::Thickness.new(coords[0] - (LABEL_WIDTH / 2), coords[1] - (LABEL_HEIGHT / 2), 0, 0) lbl.padding = System::Windows::Thickness.new(0, 0, 0, 0) @canvas.children.add(lbl) end end end def plot_hands time = Time.now hours = time.hour minutes = time.min if !@minutes || minutes != @minutes @hours = hours >= 12 ? hours - 12 : hours @minutes = minutes == 0 ? 60 : minutes # Dispatcher.BeginInvoke() is asynchronous, though it probably doesn't matter too much here @minute_hand.dispatcher.begin_invoke(System::Windows::Threading::DispatcherPriority.Render, System::Action.new { @minute_hand.x2 = MIN_LOCATIONS[@minutes][0] @minute_hand.y2 = MIN_LOCATIONS[@minutes][1] @hour_hand.x2 = HOUR_LOCATIONS[@hours][0] @hour_hand.y2 = HOUR_LOCATIONS[@hours][1] }) end end end clock = Clock.new timer = System::Timers::Timer.new timer.interval = 1000 timer.elapsed { clock.plot_hands } timer.enabled = true clock.run!
以上例子中,我们实例化.NET对象,但使用的是标准的Ruby对象的.new方法,即Object#new。我们调用这些对象(和类)的方法(例如,对System.Windows.Controls.Canvas.SetZIndex()调用)可为Ruby语言建立相应的小写规则。无缝集成让我们可在.NET CLR之上运行动态语言(公共语言运行时需要动态语言运行时来支持动态语言)。这对于我们来说是完全抽象的,仅用于创建软件。
def tick puts "tick tock" end timer.elapsed.add method(:tick) timer.elapsed.add proc { puts "tick tock" } tick_handler = lambda { puts "tick tock" } timer.elapsed.add(tick_handler)
注:无论方法是已命名还是匿名,处理事件的委托代码都可以接收参数,一般来说,参数会包括一个sender 对象和一些args。
<Window xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"> <StackPanel> <Rectangle x:Name="mySquare" Width="50" Height="50"> <Rectangle.Fill> <SolidColorBrush Color="Green" /> </Rectangle.Fill> </Rectangle> <TextBlock Text="Hello, world"> <TextBlock.Foreground> <SolidColorBrush Color="Red" /> </TextBlock.Foreground> </TextBlock> </StackPanel> </Window>
注:Window、StackPanel、TextBlock、SolidColorBrush和Rectangle 都是WPF类。XAML代码可以轻松地用C#、VB或者IronRuby编程实现。
以上代码会显示一个中等尺寸的独立窗体。该窗体中有StackPanel对象,它是WPF控件,用于定义其子控件采取流布局样式。在StackPanel中有两个不同对象:一个文本框和一个矩形。在XAML定义的对象皆可被命名以供后续引用亦可匿名(我们的Rectangle对象就命名为mySquare,尽管TextBlock未被命名)。这些对象的属性可以通过两种方式进行赋值:利用XML元素属性(例如:Width="50"),或者所期望的值非初级类型它们的子元素(例如:预期<Rectangle.Fill> 为Brush或者派生自Brush)。
require 'PresentationFramework' require 'PresentationCore' @window = System::Windows::Markup::XamlReader.parse(File.open('my_xaml.xaml', 'r').read) System::Windows::Application.new.run(@window)
@window.find_name("mySquare").class # => "System::Windows::Shapes::Rectangle"
namespace MyClassLibrary { public class Person { public string Name { get; set; } public string Introduce() { return String.Format("Hi, I'm {0}", Name); } } }
require 'MyClassLibrary.dll' class Programmer < MyClassLibrary::Person ACCEPTABLE_DRINKS = [:coffee, :tea, :cola, :red_bull] def drink(liquid) if ACCEPTABLE_DRINKS.include? liquid puts "Mmm... #{name} likes code juice!" else raise "Need caffeine!" end end end me = Programmer.new me.name = "Edd" puts me.introduce me.drink(:coffee)
class Clock include System::Windows::Shapes include System::Windows::Media include System::Windows::Threading # and so on...
这样做可以减少调用 System::Windows::Shapes::Ellipse.new,代之以Ellipse.new,或通过System::Windows::Threading::DispatcherPriority.Render引用DispatcherPriority.Render。
在.NET Framework中,另一个简化IronRuby代码以及处理这些冗长代码的方法就是通过给命名空间取别名来完成。
require 'System.Windows.Forms' WinForms = System::Windows::Forms WinForms::Form.new WinForms::Label.new
到此为止,我希望你能更好的了解IronRuby与.NET间的互操作,以及如何利用.NET Framework的动态属性和Ruby的优雅语法。