如何去掉EBS R12登录页面的登录帮助



1. Logon with Functional Administrator responsibility.----〉切换至功能管理员职责,没有的话自己加一下。
2. Click on 'Personalization' Tab.----〉个性化标签页
3. Enter /oracle/apps/fnd/sso/login/webui in document path and click on 'Go' button.
4. Click on 'Pencil' icon under 'Personalize Page' for oracle/apps/fnd/sso/login/webui/MainLoginPG
5. make sure that 'Include' for Site is checked and click on 'apply'
6. Look for (LoginRN.MainLoginRN.ForgotPasswordUrlRowLayoutRN1) and click on 'Pencil' icon in
'Personalize' column.
7. Change 'rendered' property value to 'false' at Site level from LOV and click on Apply.
8. This will disable the link and users logging in after the change will not see the link.

