
2013年7月27-28日,继7月20-21日北京、武汉和成都三个赛区掀起“百度开放云编程马拉松”活动的高潮之后, “百度开放云编程马拉松”的“绿色生活”之风继续强劲席卷新加坡和台北市。


从新加坡和台北两地的“百度开放云编程马拉松”现场活动统计数据来看,近百位移动互联网开发者前来组队参赛,同时,“百度开放云编程马拉松”活动主办发还邀请了重量级人物耽误嘉宾和评委。例如,新加坡站由百度移动云事业部总经理李明远、百度云首席架构师侯震宇、百度技术委员会主席张锦懋、以及Singtel Innov8 CEO Edgar Hardless等。

据主办方透露,“百度开放云编程马拉松”新加坡站不仅受到移动开发者广泛关注,当地科研机构资讯通信研究院(Institute for Infocomm Research)也特地派出资深工程师参赛,并且提供了前沿技术SDK供开发者使用:3D Face Modelling (3DFM) – Web Service、No Ghost High Dynamic Range Imaging (HDRi) – SDK、Mobile Interactive Multimedia Access (MIMAS – Image Recognition Engine) – SDK、Speech to Singing (S2S) – SDK。



1.Team Name: Green Day

Product Name:

  SSOHO (Social Smart Home) 

Brief Product Summary:

This product enables your home with intelligence and social capability to cultivate green life style.

Inside your smart home, the light will auto detect the human presence and control the lighting and temperature condition in an energy efficient way. It also enables your home with in an human friendly way. Such as gradually increasing lighting to wake up, which suitable for human nature. You can also control your home in your app.

We also enables your home with social capability. The app uses AStar's image recognition technology for detecting logo and recognise the marketing campaign. Your smart home can participate the energy saving campaign from WWF, donate to charity or participate in business campaign.

Team Members:

  • Zhou Zhiwei (Senior Software Engineer at MasterCard Labs): mobile development, demo

  • Zhu Tao (Lead Developer at Perform Group): front end, web, presentation

  • Dr. Li Jiaming (Phd, Senior Software Engineer at MasterCard Labs): Backend, web, demo

Technology used:

  • Baidu: baidu app engine, Mysql

  • AStart: MIMAS SDK

2.Team name: KJ & WengWei

Product name: Wifi based Check in System


We're making a check in system, which need zero user action to do the check in.

When a wifi based device, for example, your mobile phone is connecting with Wifi, there is some data generated.

To make use of those data, we can do some interesting thing, even magic!

We scan the Wifi, save the data from the office network, and log the device status on the network.

By long term analytics, we can generate the report of which device join or leave and when.

On the other hand, we can make full use of those data like controller the light and saving the power, controller the AirCon, and analytics the security of the wifi network.


我们利用wifi网络上的信息, 做无线的签到(比如员工上下班, 午饭时间等).

当一个wifi设备, 比如你的手机, 链接到公司wifi的时候, 实际上产生了一些数据. 这些数据可以被利用来做一些有意思的事情.

我们通过扫描wifi, 以及一些人工的命名, 来确定一些设备, 并且记录这些设备的状态.

长期来看, 这些数据可以用来创建一份报告, 记录这些设备加入和离开的时间. 而用户则完全不用做任何事情, 只要带着手机就可以了.

在其他方面, 我们可以用这样的技术来做一些其他的事情, 比如关灯, 节省能源, 控制空调的温度, 监控网络安全等.

3.Team Member:KJ

The WIFI scan part

And visualization

Rest API

speak and pitch, ppt/doc

WengWei(day one)

Database managment part

Front end

Rest API

Baidu or EPTL SDK?

Yes, we use BAE to host the public API and data, so that the boss can see the wifi status anywhere, even when business trip.

Team Name: SmartSell

Product Name: Smart Sell

Product Summary:

We aim to ease process of online selling of the used items, by providing a platform for people to easily post about their items for sell, therefore promote resource reusability.

This process is very simple -- just 2 steps:

  • Use camera to scan the item so that use our engine can find the item name, and get proposed price from Server.

  • Confirm this post, if user agree; otherwise, user would make edit and upload this photo. This information would be used to train future engines.

Web Use:

  • User Registration: One Click login Using Baidu Authentication API

  • Browse Products: User can browse products online, contact the seller if they're interested

  • Sell Update Product Info: Seller can update the product information

Android Use Case:

  • User Login: One Click login Using Baidu Authentication API

  • Normal Use:

    User sees an item to sell, take photo

    Phone Classify this item locally(Using MIMAS), get the possible match, upload to server for result

    Phone Propose user for the item name, plus price

    User may edit if they want

    Click on upload button

    Phone Upload the edited info, together with the image, to the server

Team Members:

  • Zhu Zhongdi: Did all the Android Development, including using MIMAS API + Baidu Authentication API for Android

  • Song Yangyu: Web Development, including using Baidu App Engine, Baidu Personal Cloud Space, Baidu Authentication API for Android

4.Team Name:yishun team

Product Name:123PassportPhoto

Brief Product Summary:

Making passport photo is as easy as 1-2-3. our app take photo and crop it, print it, it's very easy. save time and save money, it also support more than 50 country.

Team Members:

  • Jiang HongYong(iOS developer), Zhao HanFeng(website developer)

  • Baidu or ETPL API/SDK: we want to use baidu pcs(not finished)

our submission details are as follows:

5.Team Name: Friendoc

Product Name: My Friends’ Footprint

Product Summary:

Key functions.

  • A summary of users’ footprint will be generated according to geo-info from user’s camera album in iPhone and the result will be displayed on a map

  • User can furnish the footprint map with photos and share it with their friends through social network.

  • User can make and send postcards from the pictures taken in each city with a special stamp.

  • Share and invite from SNS

Team Member:

  • LI Shaohuan: Developer for Database and API

  • Chen Zeyu: Developer

  • Cui Wei:Developer

  • Gao Rui: Product Designer

BaiDu service used:

Baidu Map API, BaiDu Social Login, Baidu Gecoding API

6.Team Name: Burpple

Product Name: Balance

Product Summary:

Balance is a fast and simple way for you to balance your diet. It helps you easily keep track of your diet using a simple, innovative healthy indicator. With cutting edge image recognition technology, meal tracking is a snap. Balance also makes it easy for you see how your friends are doing and encourage each other. Balance helps people eat healthier, without having to count the calories.

Team Members:

  • Daniel Hum, Burpple Data Analysis

  • Akira Hirakawa, Analytics Platform

  • Theodore Felix Leo, Android Platform

  • GuoChen Huo, MIMAS Specialist

Technologies Used:


7.Team Name: Carousell Green

Product Name: Carousell Green

A brief product summary: Snap, List, Sell. Create free listings to sell items in less than 30 seconds by using Baidu cloud storage and EPTL image recognition to streamline selling process. We calculate that by just focusing on Textbooks, we can save 9.1 kg of CO2 per textbook. That equates to 659 car off the road from student reselling/reusing textbook per university.

Name of team:

  • Hoang Nguyen

  • Lucas Ngoo

  • Zou Chenting

  • Ryan Nguyen

  • Marcus Tan


  • Baidu cloud

  • ETPL image recognition

8.Team Name: Green Oat Team

Team Members:

  • Vincent Lau - Frontend Engineer

  • Yanto Lee - Frontend Engineer

  • Goh Bing Han - Front/Backend Engineer

  • Jarrod Toh - Backend Engineer

Product Name: iKarangGuni

Brief Description:

  • Karang Guni is a local term for Recycling Agents

  • Our product is a mobile-responsive web application that is accessible cross-platform in mobile or PC.

  • Our product aims to help Recycling companies better manage the recycling businesses and help people to contact recycling companies to sell their goods for recycle.

  • The current problem is that Karang Gunis are spending long hours travelling around Singapore to collect recycling goods, which is very ineffective. And some people wishes to find Karang Guni to recycle their goods, but is taking too long to find. In the end, some people find it a hassle to recycle items.

  • The platform allows user to post an item to recycle by taking a picture of the item, then they can select a recycling company near the area.

  • Karang Guni will be able to see the request and they can go to the collection point to pick up the item. Upon picking up, they can cash in the credit for the user in the system.

  • User can view the credit and cash out.

  • User can also write reviews for the Karang Guni

Technologies used:

  • Baidu Cloud Storage

  • Baidu Translate

  • ETPL 3D Face

9.Team Name: 星如雨/Star Rain

Product: Wiki It


基于Baidu 翻译, 帮助搜索去歧和阅读英语文章。(Based on Baidu Translate, ”Wiki it“ helps to reduce the ambiguity of search and help Chinese-Speaking person to read English article).

Team Members:

  • Toh Zhiqiang (role: Named Entity Recognition 命名实体识别 )

  • Zhang Wei (role: Entity Linking 命名实体链接去歧)


