Notes about Erich's book "Contributing to Eclipse"

Notes about Erich's book "Contributing to Eclipse"

Chapter 5.
"Run Test" action is an Object (Context) Action. Erich gave the Object Type :  IType.
This type is NOT a java source file or bin file,  but a Class Type.
So the action only occurs when right click like Page 43 Figure 5.3 ( In a Java Perspective)

Chapter 10
Includes  .classpath  (I don't think  .project is necessary, but I am not sure)  When publishing. Otherwise the contributed plugin may not find the class. (why? It's so weird!) and the action doesn't work

Chapter 13
Launch Eclipse with eclipse -clean After publishing, otherwise Eclipse may still use old version Plugin-in jars , plugin.xml etc. ( Even I modified plugin.xml , I also need to run with -clean option)

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