RDBMS Version:
Operating System and Version: Windows 2000
Error Number (if applicable): sp2-0640
Product (i.e. SQL*Loader, Import, etc.): statspack
Product Version:

Error ora-0064 when installing statspack

I get the following errors during the creation of the statspack package.

creating Package STATSPACK ..
SP2-0640 not connected
SP2-0640 not connected
SP2-0641 "Show Errors" reuire connection to server

creating Package Body STATSPACK ..
SP2-0640 not connected
SP2-0640 not connected
SP2-0641 "Show Errors" reuire connection to server

I connected into PLSQL as sysdba

From: Manjunath Kottur 01-Feb-05 19:22
Subject: Re : Error ora-0064 when installing statspack

Hi Ken,
Check the spcreate.sql file. Most probably you will find that the connect string needs to be modified as below:
connect perfstat/&&perfstat_password@rh10
(substitute rh10 with your instance name per your tnsnames.ora)
