Part 9: java.util.concurrent : FixedThreadPool Example

Part 9: java.util.concurrent : FixedThreadPool Example
This article will discuss about Thread pool with fixed number of thread. From Java 5.0+ one can get such pool from Executors using following method –
public static ExecutorService  
               newFixedThreadPool(int nThreads)
     Creates a thread pool that reuses a fixed number of threads operating off a shared unbounded queue. At any point, at most nThreads threads will be active processing tasks. If additional tasks are submitted when all threads are active, they will wait in the queue until a thread is available. If any thread terminates due to a failure during execution prior to shutdown, a new one will take its place if needed to execute subsequent tasks. The threads in the pool will exist until it is explicitly shutdown.

Suppose we have 100 properties files in an application. We have one thread that can read properties file and return a map value. We want to optimize the time to read all 10 properties file by using concurrent reading. Here optimize means – we need a perfect balance between CPU Utilization and total time consumed by reading process.

Pseudo code – READER THREAD

Config Reader implements Callable<Map<String, String>
     // Get the file name in the constructor of thread
    // Check if File exists
    // Read the file and retrun the map object
}catch(Exception e){
        //release all the resource
        //return null

        // Get a fixed thread pool from Executors
    // Get the list of all properties file in the directory
    // Create a READER THREAD by passing the name of file
    // store the READER thread in the a list
    //release all the thread in one go and get the Map objects
}catch(Exception e){
                //release all the resources
                // print the stack trace
        //shutdown the thread pool


import  java.util.ArrayList;
import  java.util.List;
import  java.util.Properties;
import  java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import  java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import  java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import  java.util.concurrent.Future;

class  Reader  implements  Callable < Properties >  {

private  String name  =   null ;

public  Reader(String name) {
this .name  =  name;

public  Properties call() {
try  {
            File f 
=   new  File(name);
            Properties prop 
=   new  Properties();
if  (f.exists()  &&  f.canRead()  &&  f.isFile()) {
                FileInputStream in 
=   new  FileInputStream(f);
return  prop;
else  {
" Please check about this file:[ "   +  f.getAbsolutePath()  +   " ] " );
return   null ;
catch  (Exception e) {
return   null ;

public   class  FixedThreadPoolExample {
public   static  String directory  =   " config " ;
private   static  ExecutorService executorPool  =   null ;

public   static   void  main(String args) {
try  {
            File dir 
=   new  File(directory);
if  (dir.isDirectory()) {
< Callable < Properties >>  fileList  =   new  ArrayList < Callable < Properties >> ();
                String[] files 
=  dir.list();
                 * Optimization - just 20% of number of files.
=  Executors.newFixedThreadPool(files.length  /   5 );

for  (String file : files) {
< Properties >  reader  =   new  Reader(dir.getAbsolutePath()  +  File.separator  +  file);
< Future < Properties >>  results  =  executorPool.invokeAll(fileList);
                 * Check how many success and how many failure
int  success  =   0 , failure  =   0 ;
for  (Future < Properties >  result : results) {
if  (result.get()  ==   null ) {
++ ;
else  {
++ ;
" Total number of files [ "   +  fileList.size()  +   " ] " );
" Success Count [ "   +  success  +   " ] " );
" Failure Count [ "   +  failure  +   " ] " );
else  {
throw   new  IllegalArgumentException( " There is no such directory name - "   +  directory);
catch  (Exception e) {
finally  {
if  (executorPool  !=   null ) {

你可能感兴趣的:(Part 9: java.util.concurrent : FixedThreadPool Example)