安装配置整理之 dstat
dstat可以直接可直接替换vmstat, iostat, netstat ,nfsstat, ifstat等系统工具,监控cpu、disk 、mem、load、interrupt、net、proc、CS....
wget http://rpmforge.sw.be/redhat/7.3/en/i386/rpmforge/RPMS/dstat-0.6.9-1.rh7.rf.noarch.rpm
rpm -ivh dstat-0.6.9-1.rh7.rf.noarch.rpm
apt-get install dstat
yum install dstat
-c, --cpu enable cpu stats 显示cpu的情况
-d, --disk enable disk stats 显示硬盘的情况
-l, --load enable load stats 显示系统的负载情况
-m, --mem enable memory stats 显示内存的情况
-n, --net enable network stats 显示网络的情况
-p, --proc enable process stats 显示进程的情况
-s, --swap enable swap stats 显示swap的情况
-y, --sys enable system stats 显示系统的情况
--output file write CSV output to file 写到csv文件中
dstat -cdlmnpsy 30
dstat可以直接可直接替换vmstat, iostat, netstat ,nfsstat, ifstat等系统工具,监控cpu、disk 、mem、load、interrupt、net、proc、CS....
wget http://rpmforge.sw.be/redhat/7.3/en/i386/rpmforge/RPMS/dstat-0.6.9-1.rh7.rf.noarch.rpm
rpm -ivh dstat-0.6.9-1.rh7.rf.noarch.rpm
apt-get install dstat
yum install dstat
tech163:/usr/local/download# dstat --help
Usage: dstat [ -afv ] [ options.. ] [ delay [count ] ]
Versatile tool for generating system resource statistics
Dstat options:
-c , --cpu enable cpu stats
-C 0 , 3 , total include cpu0 , cpu3 and total
-d , --disk enable disk stats
-D total , hda include hda and total
-g , --page enable page stats
-i , --int enable interrupt stats
-I 5 , eth2 include int5 and interrupt used by eth2
-l , --load enable load stats
-m , --mem enable memory stats
-n , --net enable network stats
-N eth1 , total include eth1 and total
-p , --proc enable process stats
-s , --swap enable swap stats
-S swap1 , total include swap1 and total
-t , --time enable time/date output
-T , --epoch enable time counter (seconds since epoch)
-y , --sys enable system stats
--ipc enable ipc stats
--lock enable lock stats
--raw enable raw stats
--tcp enable tcp stats
--udp enable udp stats
--unix enable unix stats
-M stat1 , stat2 enable external stats
--mods stat1 , stat2
-a , --all equals -cdngy (default)
-f , --full expand -C , -D , -I , -N and -S discovery lists
-v , --vmstat equals -pmgdsc -D total
--integer show integer values
--nocolor disable colors (implies --noupdate)
--noheaders disable repetitive headers
--noupdate disable intermediate updates
--output file write CSV output to file
delay is the delay in seconds between each update
count is the number of updates to display before exiting
The default delay is 1 and count is unspecified (unlimited)
Usage: dstat [ -afv ] [ options.. ] [ delay [count ] ]
Versatile tool for generating system resource statistics
Dstat options:
-c , --cpu enable cpu stats
-C 0 , 3 , total include cpu0 , cpu3 and total
-d , --disk enable disk stats
-D total , hda include hda and total
-g , --page enable page stats
-i , --int enable interrupt stats
-I 5 , eth2 include int5 and interrupt used by eth2
-l , --load enable load stats
-m , --mem enable memory stats
-n , --net enable network stats
-N eth1 , total include eth1 and total
-p , --proc enable process stats
-s , --swap enable swap stats
-S swap1 , total include swap1 and total
-t , --time enable time/date output
-T , --epoch enable time counter (seconds since epoch)
-y , --sys enable system stats
--ipc enable ipc stats
--lock enable lock stats
--raw enable raw stats
--tcp enable tcp stats
--udp enable udp stats
--unix enable unix stats
-M stat1 , stat2 enable external stats
--mods stat1 , stat2
-a , --all equals -cdngy (default)
-f , --full expand -C , -D , -I , -N and -S discovery lists
-v , --vmstat equals -pmgdsc -D total
--integer show integer values
--nocolor disable colors (implies --noupdate)
--noheaders disable repetitive headers
--noupdate disable intermediate updates
--output file write CSV output to file
delay is the delay in seconds between each update
count is the number of updates to display before exiting
The default delay is 1 and count is unspecified (unlimited)
-c, --cpu enable cpu stats 显示cpu的情况
-d, --disk enable disk stats 显示硬盘的情况
-l, --load enable load stats 显示系统的负载情况
-m, --mem enable memory stats 显示内存的情况
-n, --net enable network stats 显示网络的情况
-p, --proc enable process stats 显示进程的情况
-s, --swap enable swap stats 显示swap的情况
-y, --sys enable system stats 显示系统的情况
--output file write CSV output to file 写到csv文件中
dstat -cdlmnpsy 30
----total-cpu-usage---- -dsk/total- ---load-avg--- ------memory-usage----- -net/total- ---procs--- -swp/total- ---system--
usr sys idl wai hiq siq| read writ| 1m 5m 15m | used buff cach free| recv send|run blk new| used free| int csw
0 0 100 0 0 0 | 121B 4116B| 0 0 0 | 79M 156M 176M 101M| 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 504k 1024M| 20 19
0 0 100 0 0 0 | 0 8875B| 0 0 0 | 79M 156M 176M 101M|1256B 1140B| 0 0 0 | 504k 1024M| 31 31
usr sys idl wai hiq siq| read writ| 1m 5m 15m | used buff cach free| recv send|run blk new| used free| int csw
0 0 100 0 0 0 | 121B 4116B| 0 0 0 | 79M 156M 176M 101M| 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 504k 1024M| 20 19
0 0 100 0 0 0 | 0 8875B| 0 0 0 | 79M 156M 176M 101M|1256B 1140B| 0 0 0 | 504k 1024M| 31 31