
2015-11-02 11:18:50  ERROR   OGG-01031  There is a problem in network communicat
ion, a remote file problem, encryption keys for target and source do not match (
if using ENCRYPT) or an unknown error. (Reply received is Unable to open file "/
home/oracle/ogg/dirdat/nd000001" (error 11, Resource temporarily unavailable)).


Description: 	There is a problem in network communication, a remote file problem, 
encryption keys for target and source do not match (if using ENCRYPT) or an unknown error. (Reply received is {0})

Extract was not able to send data to the target.

Examine the network for an outage between the source and target system. 
Make certain that MGRPORT in RMTHOST matches the one in the parameter file of the remote Manager. 
Check for errors on the target system that indicate the Manager or Collector process is not running, 
or that Collector does not have privileges to write to the remote trail. 
Check for encryption errors if the ENCRYPT option is specified with the RMTHOST or RMTHOSTOPTIONS parameter: 
This might indicate that the encryption key that was sent from the source does not match the one in the ENCKEYS file on the target, 
or that the key or ENCKEYS file on the target is missing.
