[置顶] Dynamics CRM 消息类列表

    Dynamics CRM 是基于SOA感念进行实现的,系统的所有操作都被分割成原子级别的Service。这些Service主要分布在两个命名空间中:Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Message,Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Message。(详细信息可以参阅Dynamics CRM 2011 SDK

Dynamics CRM 2011 


AssociateRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 create a link between records.
AssociateResponse Contains the response from the AssociateRequest class.
CanBeReferencedRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 check whether the specified entity can be the primary entity (one) in a one-to-many relationship.
CanBeReferencedResponse Contains the response from the CanBeReferencedRequest class.
CanBeReferencingRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 check whether an entity can be the referencing entity in a one-to-many relationship.
CanBeReferencingResponse Contains the response from the CanBeReferencingRequest class.
CanManyToManyRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 check whether an entity can participate in a many-to-many relationship.
CanManyToManyResponse Contains the response from the CanManyToManyRequest class.
CreateAttributeRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 create a new attribute, and optionally, to add it to a specified unmanaged solution.
CreateAttributeResponse Contains the response from the CreateAttributeRequest class.
CreateEntityRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 create a custom entity, and optionally, to add it to a specified unmanaged solution.
CreateEntityResponse Contains the response from the CreateEntityRequest class.
CreateManyToManyRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 create a new Many-to-Many (N:N) entity relationship.
CreateManyToManyResponse Contains the response from the CreateManyToManyRequest class.
CreateOneToManyRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 create a new One-to-Many (1:N) entity relationship.
CreateOneToManyResponse Contains the response from the CreateOneToManyRequest class.
CreateOptionSetRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 create a new global option set.
CreateOptionSetResponse Contains the response from the CreateOptionSetRequest class.
CreateRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 create a record.
CreateResponse Contains the response from the CreateRequest class.
DeleteAttributeRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 delete an attribute.
DeleteAttributeResponse Contains the response from the DeleteAttributeRequest class.
DeleteEntityRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 delete an entity.
DeleteEntityResponse Contains the response from the DeleteEntityRequest class.
DeleteOptionSetRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 delete a global option set.
DeleteOptionSetResponse Contains the response from the DeleteOptionSetRequest class.
DeleteOptionValueRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 delete an option value in a global or local option set.
DeleteOptionValueResponse Contains the response from the DeleteOptionValueRequest class.
DeleteRelationshipRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 delete an entity relationship.
DeleteRelationshipResponse Contains the response from the DeleteRelationshipRequest class.
DeleteRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 delete a record.
DeleteResponse Contains the response from the DeleteRequest class.
DisassociateRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 delete a link between records.
DisassociateResponse Contains the response from the DisassociateRequest class.
GetValidManyToManyRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve a list of all the entities that can participate in a Many-to-Many entity relationship.
GetValidManyToManyResponse Contains the response from the GetValidManyToManyRequest class.
GetValidReferencedEntitiesRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve a list of entity logical names that are valid as the primary entity (one) from the specified entity in a one-to-many relationship.
GetValidReferencedEntitiesResponse Contains the response from the GetValidReferencedEntitiesRequest class.
GetValidReferencingEntitiesRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the set of entities that are valid as the related entity (many) to the specified entity in a one-to-many relationship.
GetValidReferencingEntitiesResponse Contains the response from the GetValidReferencingEntitiesRequest class.
InsertOptionValueRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 insert a new option value for a global or local option set.
InsertOptionValueResponse Contains the response from the InsertOptionValueRequest class.
InsertStatusValueRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 insert a new option into a StatusAttributeMetadata attribute.
InsertStatusValueResponse Contains the response from the InsertStatusValueRequest class.
OrderOptionRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 set the order for an option set.
OrderOptionResponse Contains the response from the OrderOptionRequest class.
RetrieveAllEntitiesRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve metadata information about all the entities.
RetrieveAllEntitiesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAllEntitiesRequest class.
RetrieveAllManagedPropertiesRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve all managed property definitions
RetrieveAllManagedPropertiesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAllManagedPropertiesRequest class.
RetrieveAllOptionSetsRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve information about all global option sets.
RetrieveAllOptionSetsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAllOptionSetsRequest class.
RetrieveAttributeRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve attribute metadata.
RetrieveAttributeResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAttributeRequest class.
RetrieveEntityRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve entity metadata.
RetrieveEntityResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveEntityRequest class.
RetrieveManagedPropertyRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve a managed property definition.
RetrieveManagedPropertyResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveManagedPropertyRequest class.
RetrieveMultipleRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve a collection of records that satisfy the specified query criteria.
RetrieveMultipleResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveMultipleRequest class.
RetrieveOptionSetRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve a global option set.
RetrieveOptionSetResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveOptionSetRequest class.
RetrieveRelationshipRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve entity relationship metadata.
RetrieveRelationshipResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveRelationshipRequest class.
RetrieveRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve a record.
RetrieveResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveRequest class.
RetrieveTimestampRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieves a time stamp for the metadata.
RetrieveTimestampResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveTimestampRequest class.
UpdateAttributeRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 update the definition of an attribute.
UpdateAttributeResponse Contains the response from the UpdateAttributeRequest class.
UpdateEntityRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来update the definition of an entity.
UpdateEntityResponse Contains the response from the UpdateEntityRequest class.
UpdateOptionSetRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来update the definition of a global option set.
UpdateOptionSetResponse Contains the response from the UpdateOptionSetRequest class.
UpdateOptionValueRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 update an option value in a global or local option set.
UpdateOptionValueResponse Contains the response from the UpdateOptionValueRequest class.
UpdateRelationshipRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来update the definition of an entity relationship.
UpdateRelationshipResponse Contains the response from the UpdateRelationshipRequest class.
UpdateRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 update an existing record.
UpdateResponse Contains the response from the UpdateRequest class.
UpdateStateValueRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 update an option set value in for a StateAttributeMetadata attribute.
UpdateStateValueResponse Contains the response from the UpdateStateValueRequest class.




AddItemCampaignActivityRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 add an item to a campaign activity.
AddItemCampaignActivityResponse Contains the response from the AddItemCampaignActivityRequest class.
AddItemCampaignRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 add an item to a campaign.
AddItemCampaignResponse Contains the response from the AddItemCampaignRequest class.
AddListMembersListRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 add members to the list.
AddListMembersListResponse Contains the response from the AddListMembersListRequest class.
AddMemberListRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 add a member to a list (marketing list).
AddMemberListResponse Contains the response from the AddMemberListRequest class.
AddMembersTeamRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 add members to a team.
AddMembersTeamResponse Contains the response from the AddMembersTeamRequest class.
AddPrivilegesRoleRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 add a set of existing privileges to an existing role.
AddPrivilegesRoleResponse Contains the response from the AddPrivilegesRoleRequest class.
AddProductToKitRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 add a product to a kit.
AddProductToKitResponse Contains the response from the AddProductToKitRequest class.
AddRecurrenceRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 add recurrence information to an existing appointment.
AddRecurrenceResponse Contains the response from the AddRecurrenceRequest class.
AddSolutionComponentRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 add a solution component to an unmanaged solution.
AddSolutionComponentResponse Contains the response from the AddSolutionComponentRequest message.
AddSubstituteProductRequest 已弃用。 Use the AssociateRequest class. Adds a link between two entity instances in a many-to-many relationship.
AddSubstituteProductResponse 已弃用。 Use the AddSubstituteProductRequest class.
AddToQueueRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 move an entity record from a source queue to a destination queue.
AddToQueueResponse Contains the response from the AddToQueueRequest class.
AppointmentProposal Represents a proposed appointment time and date as a result of the SearchRequest message.
AppointmentRequest Provides the details of an appointment request for the SearchRequest class.
AppointmentsToIgnore Specifies the appointments to ignore in an appointment request from the SearchRequest class.
AssignRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 assign the specified record to a new owner (user or team) by changing the OwnerId attribute of the record.
AssignResponse Contains the response from the AssignRequest.
AssociateEntitiesRequest 已弃用。 Use the AssociateRequest class. 包含数据,需要这些数据来 add a link between two entity instances in a many-to-many relationship.
AssociateEntitiesResponse 已弃用。 Use the AssociateEntitiesRequest class.
AttributeAuditDetail Contains the details of changes to entity attributes.
AuditDetail Provides a base class for storing the details of data changes.
AuditDetailCollection Contains a collection of AuditDetail objects.
AuditPartitionDetail Identifies an SQL partition that is used to store changes to data records.
AuditPartitionDetailCollection Contains a data collection of AuditDetail objects.
AutoMapEntityRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 generate a new set of attribute mappings based on the metadata.
AutoMapEntityResponse Contains the response from the AutoMapEntityRequest class.
BackgroundSendEmailRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 send email messages asynchronously.
BackgroundSendEmailResponse Contains the response from the BackgroundSendEmailRequest class.
BookRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 schedule or “book” an appointment, recurring appointment, or service appointment (service activity).
BookResponse Contains the response from the BookRequest class.
BulkDeleteRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 submit a bulk delete job that deletes selected records in bulk. This job runs asynchronously in the background without blocking other activities.
BulkDeleteResponse Contains the response from the BulkDeleteRequest class.
BulkDetectDuplicatesRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 submit an asynchronous system job that detects and logs multiple duplicate records.
BulkDetectDuplicatesResponse Contains the response from the BulkDetectDuplicatesRequest class.
BulkOperationStatusCloseRequest 仅供内部使用。
BulkOperationStatusCloseResponse 仅供内部使用。
CalculateActualValueOpportunityRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 calculate the value of an opportunity that is in the "Won" state.
CalculateActualValueOpportunityResponse Contains the response from the CalculateActualValueOpportunityRequest class.
CalculateTotalTimeIncidentRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 calculate the total time, in minutes, that you used while you worked on an incident (case).
CalculateTotalTimeIncidentResponse Contains the response from the CalculateTotalTimeIncidentRequest class.
CancelContractRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 cancel a contract.
CancelContractResponse Contains the response from the CancelContractRequest class.
CancelSalesOrderRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 cancel a sales order (order).
CancelSalesOrderResponse Contains the response from the CancelSalesOrderRequest class.
CheckIncomingEmailRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 check whether the incoming email message is relevant to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM system.
CheckIncomingEmailResponse Contains the response from the CheckIncomingEmailRequest class.
CheckPromoteEmailRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 check whether the incoming email message should be promoted to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM system.
CheckPromoteEmailResponse Contains the response from the CheckPromoteEmailRequest class.
CleanUpBulkOperationRequest 仅供内部使用。
CleanUpBulkOperationResponse 仅供内部使用。
CloneContractRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 copy an existing contract and its line items.
CloneContractResponse Contains the response from the CancelContractRequest class.
CloseIncidentRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 close an incident (case).
CloseIncidentResponse Contains the response from the CloseIncidentRequest class.
CloseQuoteRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 close a quote.
CloseQuoteResponse Contains the response from the CloseQuoteRequest class.
ComponentDetail Provides additional information about the solution components that are related to a missing component.
CompoundCreateRequest 已弃用。 Use the CreateRequest class. Creates a compound entity, such as a sales order (order), invoice, quote, or duplicate rule (duplicate detection rule); and its related entity, such as a sales order detail (order product), invoice detail (invoice product), quote detail (quote product), or duplicate rule condition.
CompoundCreateResponse 已弃用。 Use the CreateRequest class and its associated response class.
CompoundUpdateDuplicateDetectionRuleRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 update a duplicate rule (duplicate detection rule) and its related duplicate rule conditions.
CompoundUpdateDuplicateDetectionRuleResponse Contains the response from the CompoundUpdateDuplicateDetectionRuleRequest class.
CompoundUpdateRequest 已弃用。 Use the CreateRequest class. 包含数据,需要这些数据来 update a compound record, such as a sales order (order), invoice, quote, or duplicate rule (duplicate detection rule); and its related detail record, such as a sales order detail (order product), invoice detail (invoice product), quote detail (quote product), or duplicate rule condition.
CompoundUpdateResponse 已弃用。 Use the CompoundUpdateRequest class.
ConstraintRelation Specifies additional constraints to be applied when you select resources for appointments.
ConvertKitToProductRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 convert a kit to a product.
ConvertKitToProductResponse Contains the response from the ConvertKitToProductRequest class.
ConvertProductToKitRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 convert a product to a kit.
ConvertProductToKitResponse Contains the response from the ConvertProductToKitRequest class.
ConvertQuoteToSalesOrderRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 convert a quote to a sales order.
ConvertQuoteToSalesOrderResponse Contains the response from the ConvertQuoteToSalesOrderRequest class.
ConvertSalesOrderToInvoiceRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 convert a sales order to an invoice.
ConvertSalesOrderToInvoiceResponse Contains the response from the ConvertSalesOrderToInvoiceRequest class.
CopyCampaignRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 copy a campaign.
CopyCampaignResponse Contains the response from the CopyCampaignRequest class.
CopyCampaignResponseRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 create a copy of the campaign response.
CopyCampaignResponseResponse Contains the response from the CopyCampaignResponseRequest class.
CopyDynamicListToStaticRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 create a static list from the specified dynamic list and add the members that satisfy the dynamic list query criteria to the static list.
CopyDynamicListToStaticResponse Contains the response from the CopyDynamicListToStaticRequest class.
CopyMembersListRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 copy the members from the source list to the target list without creating duplicates.
CopyMembersListResponse Contains the response from the CopyMembersListRequest class.
CopySystemFormRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 create a new entity form that is based on an existing entity form.
CopySystemFormResponse Contains the response from the CopySystemFormRequest class.
CreateActivitiesListRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 create a quick campaign to distribute an activity to members of a list (marketing list).
CreateActivitiesListResponse Contains the response from the CreateActivitiesListRequest class.
CreateExceptionRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 create an exception for the recurring appointment instance.
CreateExceptionResponse Contains the response from the CreateExceptionRequest class.
CreateInstanceRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 create future unexpanded instances for the recurring appointment master.
CreateInstanceResponse Contains the response from the CreateInstanceRequest class.
CreateWorkflowFromTemplateRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 create a workflow (process) from a workflow template.
CreateWorkflowFromTemplateResponse Contains the response from the CreateWorkflowFromTemplateRequest class.
DeleteAuditDataRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 delete all audit data records up until a specified end date.
DeleteAuditDataResponse Contains the response from the DeleteAuditDataRequest class.
DeleteOpenInstancesRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 delete instances of a recurring appointment master that have an “Open” state.
DeleteOpenInstancesResponse Contains the response from the DeleteOpenInstancesRequest class.
DeliverIncomingEmailRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 create an email activity record from an incoming email message (Track in CRM).
DeliverIncomingEmailResponse Contains the response from the DeliverIncomingEmailRequest class.
DeliverPromoteEmailRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 create an email activity record from the specified email message (Track in CRM).
DeliverPromoteEmailResponse Contains the response from the DeliverPromoteEmailRequest class.
DeprovisionLanguageRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 deprovision a language.
DeprovisionLanguageResponse Contains the response from the DeprovisionLanguageRequest class.
DisassociateEntitiesRequest 已弃用。 Use the DisassociateRequest class. 包含数据,需要这些数据来 remove a link between two entity instances in a many-to-many relationship.
DisassociateEntitiesResponse 已弃用。 Use the DisassociateEntitiesRequest class.
DistributeCampaignActivityRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 create a bulk operation that distributes a campaign activity. The appropriate activities, such as a phone call or fax, are created for the members of the list that is associated with the specified campaign activity.
DistributeCampaignActivityResponse Contains the response from the DistributeCampaignActivityRequest class.
DownloadReportDefinitionRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 download a report definition.
DownloadReportDefinitionResponse Contains the response from the DownloadReportDefinitionRequest class.
ErrorInfo Specifies the results of a scheduling operation using the RescheduleRequest message.
ExecuteByIdSavedQueryRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 execute a saved query (view) that has the specified ID.
ExecuteByIdSavedQueryResponse Contains the response from the ExecuteByIdSavedQueryRequest class.
ExecuteByIdUserQueryRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 execute the user query (saved view) that has the specified ID.
ExecuteByIdUserQueryResponse Contains the response from the ExecuteByIdUserQueryRequest class.
ExecuteFetchRequest 已弃用。 Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class.
ExecuteFetchResponse 已弃用。 Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class and its associated response class.
ExecuteWorkflowRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 execute a workflow.
ExecuteWorkflowResponse Contains the response from the ExecuteWorkflowResponse class.
ExpandCalendarRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 convert the calendar rules to an array of available time blocks for the specified period.
ExpandCalendarResponse Contains the response from the ExpandCalendarRequest class.
ExportMappingsImportMapRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 export a data map as an XML formatted data.
ExportMappingsImportMapResponse Contains the response from the ExportMappingsImportMapRequest class.
ExportSolutionRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 export a solution.
ExportSolutionResponse Contains the response from the ExportSolutionRequest class.
ExportTranslationRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 export all translations for a specific solution to a compressed file.
ExportTranslationResponse Contains the response from the ExportTranslationRequest class.
FetchXmlToQueryExpressionRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 convert a query in FetchXML to a QueryExpression.
FetchXmlToQueryExpressionResponse Contains the response from the FetchXmlToQueryExpressionRequest class.
FindParentResourceGroupRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 find a parent resource group (scheduling group) for the specified resource groups (scheduling groups).
FindParentResourceGroupResponse Contains the response from the FindParentResourceGroupRequest class.
FulfillSalesOrderRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 fulfill the sales order (order).
FulfillSalesOrderResponse Contains the response from the FulfillSalesOrderRequest class.
GenerateInvoiceFromOpportunityRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 generate an invoice from an opportunity.
GenerateInvoiceFromOpportunityResponse Contains the response from the GenerateInvoiceFromOpportunityRequest class.
GenerateQuoteFromOpportunityRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 generate a quote from an opportunity.
GenerateQuoteFromOpportunityResponse Contains the response from the GenerateQuoteFromOpportunityRequest class.
GenerateSalesOrderFromOpportunityRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 generate a sales order (order) from an opportunity.
GenerateSalesOrderFromOpportunityResponse Contains the response from the GenerateSalesOrderFromOpportunityRequest class.
GetAllTimeZonesWithDisplayNameRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve all the time zone definitions for the specified locale and to return only the display name attribute.
GetAllTimeZonesWithDisplayNameResponse Contains the response from the GetAllTimeZonesWithDisplayNameRequest class.
GetDecryptionKeyRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 obtain the key that is used to encrypt or decrypt a user's or queue's email credentials that are stored in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM database.
GetDecryptionKeyResponse Contains the response from the GetDecryptionKeyRequest class.
GetDistinctValuesImportFileRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve distinct values from the parse table for a column in the source file that contains list values.
GetDistinctValuesImportFileResponse Contains the response from the GetDistinctValuesImportFileRequest class.
GetHeaderColumnsImportFileRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the source-file column headings; or retrieve the system-generated column headings if the source file does not contain column headings.
GetHeaderColumnsImportFileResponse Contains the response from the GetHeaderColumnsImportFileRequest class.
GetInvoiceProductsFromOpportunityRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the products from an opportunity and copy them to the invoice.
GetInvoiceProductsFromOpportunityResponse Contains the response from the GetInvoiceProductsFromOpportunityRequest class.
GetQuantityDecimalRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 get the quantity decimal value of a product for the specified entity in the target.
GetQuantityDecimalResponse Contains the response from the GetQuantityDecimalRequest class.
GetQuoteProductsFromOpportunityRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the products from an opportunity and copy them to the quote.
GetQuoteProductsFromOpportunityResponse Contains the response from the GetQuoteProductsFromOpportunityRequest class.
GetReportHistoryLimitRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the history limit for a report.
GetReportHistoryLimitResponse Contains the response from the GetReportHistoryLimitRequest class.
GetSalesOrderProductsFromOpportunityRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the products from an opportunity and copy them to the sales order (order).
GetSalesOrderProductsFromOpportunityResponse Contains the response from the GetSalesOrderProductsFromOpportunityRequest class.
GetTimeZoneCodeByLocalizedNameRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the time zone code for the specified localized time zone name.
GetTimeZoneCodeByLocalizedNameResponse Contains the response from the GetTimeZoneCodeByLocalizedNameRequest class.
GetTrackingTokenEmailRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 return a tracking token that can then be passed as a parameter to the SendEmailRequest message.
GetTrackingTokenEmailResponse Contains the response from the GetTrackingTokenEmailRequest class.
GrantAccessRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 grant a security principal (user or team) access to the specified record.
GrantAccessResponse Contains the response from the GrantAccessRequest class.
ImportMappingsImportMapRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 import the XML representation of a data map and create an import map (data map) based on this data.
ImportMappingsImportMapResponse Contains the response from the ImportMappingsImportMapRequest class.
ImportRecordsImportRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 submit an asynchronous job that uploads the transformed data into Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
ImportRecordsImportResponse Contains the response from the ImportRecordsImportRequest class.
ImportSolutionRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 import a solution.
ImportSolutionResponse Contains the response from the ImportSolutionRequest class.
ImportTranslationRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 import translations from a compressed file.
ImportTranslationResponse Contains the response from the ImportTranslationRequest class.
InitializeFromRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 initialize a new record from an existing record.
InitializeFromResponse Contains the response from the InitializeFromRequest class.
InstallSampleDataRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 install the sample data.
InstallSampleDataResponse Contains the response from the InstallSampleDataRequest class.
InstantiateFiltersRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 instantiate a set of filters for Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook for the specified user.
InstantiateFiltersResponse Contains the response from the InstantiateFiltersRequest class.
InstantiateTemplateRequest Contains the parameters that are needed to create an email message from a template (email template).
InstantiateTemplateResponse Contains the response from the InstantiateTemplateRequest class.
IsBackOfficeInstalledRequest 已弃用。 Checks whether Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 is installed.
IsBackOfficeInstalledResponse 已弃用。
IsComponentCustomizableRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 determine whether a solution component is customizable.
IsComponentCustomizableResponse Contains the response from the IsComponentCustomizableRequest class.
IsValidStateTransitionRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 validate the state transition.
IsValidStateTransitionResponse Contains the response from the IsValidStateTransitionRequest class.
LocalTimeFromUtcTimeRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the local time for the specified Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
LocalTimeFromUtcTimeResponse Contains the response from the LocalTimeFromUtcTimeRequest class.
LockInvoicePricingRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 lock the total price of products and services that are specified in the invoice.
LockInvoicePricingResponse Contains the response from the LockInvoicePricingRequest class.
LockSalesOrderPricingRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 lock the total price of products and services that are specified in the sales order (order).
LockSalesOrderPricingResponse Contains the response from the LockSalesOrderPricingRequest class.
LogFailureBulkOperationRequest 仅供内部使用。
LogFailureBulkOperationResponse 仅供内部使用。
LogSuccessBulkOperationRequest 仅供内部使用。
LogSuccessBulkOperationResponse 仅供内部使用。
LoseOpportunityRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 set the state of an opportunity to Lost.
LoseOpportunityResponse Contains the response from the LoseOpportunityRequest class.
MakeAvailableToOrganizationReportRequest 已弃用。 Use the UpdateRequest class.
MakeAvailableToOrganizationReportResponse 已弃用。 Use the UpdateRequest class and its associated response class.
MakeAvailableToOrganizationTemplateRequest 已弃用。 Use the UpdateRequest class.
MakeAvailableToOrganizationTemplateResponse 已弃用。 Use the UpdateRequest class and its associated response class.
MakeUnavailableToOrganizationReportRequest 已弃用。 Use the UpdateRequest class.
MakeUnavailableToOrganizationReportResponse 已弃用。 Use the UpdateRequest class and its associated response class.
MakeUnavailableToOrganizationTemplateRequest 已弃用。 Use the UpdateRequest class.
MakeUnavailableToOrganizationTemplateResponse 已弃用。 Use the UpdateRequest class and its associated response class.
MergeRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 merge the information from two entity records of the same type.
MergeResponse Contains the response from the MergeRequest class.
MissingComponent Contains the data to describe a solution component that is required by a solution but not found in the system.
ModifyAccessRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 replace the access rights on the target record for the specified security principal (user or team).
ModifyAccessResponse Contains the response from the ModifyAccessRequest class.
ObjectiveRelation Contains the data that describes the scheduling strategy for an AppointmentRequest and that overrides the default constraints.
OrganizationResources Contains data regarding the resources used by an organization.
ParseImportRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 submit an asynchronous job that parses all import files that are associated with the specified import (data import).
ParseImportResponse Contains the response from the ParseImportRequest class.
PrincipalAccess Contains access rights information for the security principal (user or team).
ProcessInboundEmailRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 process the email responses from a marketing campaign.
ProcessInboundEmailResponse Contains the response from the ProcessInboundEmailRequest class.
ProcessOneMemberBulkOperationRequest 仅供内部使用。
ProcessOneMemberBulkOperationResponse 仅供内部使用。
PropagateByExpressionRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 create a quick campaign to distribute an activity to accounts, contacts, or leads that are selected by a query.
PropagateByExpressionResponse Contains the response from the PropagateByExpressionRequest class.
ProposalParty Represents a party (user, team, or resource) that is needed for the proposed appointment.
ProvisionLanguageRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 provision a new language.
ProvisionLanguageResponse Contains the response from the ProvisionLanguageRequest class.
PublishAllXmlRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 publish all changes to solution components.
PublishAllXmlResponse Contains the response from the PublishAllXmlRequest class.
PublishDuplicateRuleRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 submit an asynchronous job to publish a duplicate rule.
PublishDuplicateRuleResponse Contains the response from the PublishDuplicateRuleRequest class.
PublishXmlRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 publish specified solution components.
PublishXmlResponse Contains the response from the PublishXmlRequest class.
QualifyLeadRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 qualify a lead and create account, contact, and opportunity records that are linked to the originating lead record.
QualifyLeadResponse Contains the response from the QualifyLeadRequest class.
QualifyMemberListRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 qualify the specified list and either override the list members or remove them according to the specified option.
QualifyMemberListResponse Contains the response from the QualifyMemberListRequest class.
QueryExpressionToFetchXmlRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 convert a query, which is represented as a QueryExpression class, to its equivalent query, which is represented as FetchXML.
QueryExpressionToFetchXmlResponse Contains the response from the QueryExpressionToFetchXmlRequest class.
QueryMultipleSchedulesRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 search multiple resources for available time block that match the specified parameters.
QueryMultipleSchedulesResponse Contains the response from the QueryMultipleSchedulesRequest class.
QueryScheduleRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 search the specified resource for an available time block that matches the specified parameters.
QueryScheduleResponse Contains response from QueryScheduleRequest.
ReassignObjectsOwnerRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 reassign all records that are owned by the security principal (user or team) to another security principal (user or team).
ReassignObjectsOwnerResponse Contains the response from the ReassignObjectsOwnerRequest class.
ReassignObjectsSystemUserRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 reassign all records that are owned by a specified user to another security principal (user or team).
ReassignObjectsSystemUserResponse Contains the response from the ReassignObjectsSystemUserRequest class.
RecalculateRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 recalculate system-computed values for rollup fields in the goal hierarchy.
RecalculateResponse Contains the response from the RecalculateRequest.
RelationshipAuditDetail Contains the audited details of a change in a relationship.
RemoveItemCampaignActivityRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 remove an item from a campaign activity.
RemoveItemCampaignActivityResponse Contains the response from the RemoveItemCampaignActivityRequest class.
RemoveItemCampaignRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 remove an item from a campaign.
RemoveItemCampaignResponse Contains the response from the RemoveItemCampaignRequest class.
RemoveMemberListRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 remove a member from a list (marketing list).
RemoveMemberListResponse Contains the response from the RemoveMemberListRequest class.
RemoveMembersTeamRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 remove members from a team.
RemoveMembersTeamResponse Contains the response from the RemoveMembersTeamRequest class.
RemoveParentRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 remove the parent for a system user (user) record.
RemoveParentResponse Contains the response from the RemoveParentRequest class.
RemovePrivilegeRoleRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 remove a privilege from an existing role.
RemovePrivilegeRoleResponse Contains the response from the RemovePrivilegeRoleRequest class.
RemoveProductFromKitRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 remove a product from a kit.
RemoveProductFromKitResponse Contains the response from the RemoveProductFromKitRequest.
RemoveRelatedRequest Use the DisassociateRequest class. 包含数据,需要这些数据来 remove the relationship between the specified records for specific relationships.
RemoveRelatedResponse Contains the response from the RemoveRelatedRequest class.
RemoveSolutionComponentRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 remove a component from an unmanaged solution.
RemoveSolutionComponentResponse Contains the response from the RemoveSolutionComponentRequest class.
RemoveSubstituteProductRequest 已弃用。 Use the DisassociateRequest class.
RemoveSubstituteProductResponse 已弃用。 Use the DisassociateRequest class and its associated response class.
RenewContractRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 renew a contract and create the contract details for a new contract.
RenewContractResponse Contains the response from the RenewContractRequest class.
ReplacePrivilegesRoleRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 replace the privilege set of an existing role.
ReplacePrivilegesRoleResponse Contains the response from the ReplacePrivilegesRoleRequest class.
RequiredResource Specifies a resource that is required for a scheduling operation.
RescheduleRequest Contains the data that is needed to reschedule an appointment, recurring appointment, or service appointment (service activity).
RescheduleResponse Contains the response from the RescheduleRequest class.
ResetUserFiltersRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 reset the offline data filters for the calling user to the default filters for the organization.
ResetUserFiltersResponse Contains the response from the ResetUserFiltersRequest class.
ResourceInfo Contains information about a resource that has a scheduling problem for an appointment.
RetrieveAbsoluteAndSiteCollectionUrlRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the absolute URL and the site collection URL for a SharePoint location record in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
RetrieveAbsoluteAndSiteCollectionUrlResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAbsoluteAndSiteCollectionUrlRequest class.
RetrieveAllChildUsersSystemUserRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the collection of users that report to the specified system user (user).
RetrieveAllChildUsersSystemUserResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAllChildUsersSystemUserRequest class.
RetrieveApplicationRibbonRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the data that defines the content and behavior of the application ribbon.
RetrieveApplicationRibbonResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveApplicationRibbonRequest class.
RetrieveAttributeChangeHistoryRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve all metadata changes to a specific attribute.
RetrieveAttributeChangeHistoryResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAttributeChangeHistoryRequest class.
RetrieveAuditDetailsRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the full audit details from an Audit record.
RetrieveAuditDetailsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAuditDetailsRequest class.
RetrieveAuditPartitionListRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the list of database partitions that are used to store audited history data.
RetrieveAuditPartitionListResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAuditPartitionListRequest class.
RetrieveAvailableLanguagesRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the list of language packs that are installed on the server.
RetrieveAvailableLanguagesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAvailableLanguagesRequest class.
RetrieveBusinessHierarchyBusinessUnitRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve all business units (including the specified business unit) from the business unit hierarchy.
RetrieveBusinessHierarchyBusinessUnitResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveBusinessHierarchyBusinessUnitRequest class.
RetrieveByGroupResourceRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve all resources that are related to the specified resource group (scheduling group).
RetrieveByGroupResourceResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveByGroupResourceRequest class.
RetrieveByResourceResourceGroupRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the resource groups (scheduling groups) that contain the specified resource.
RetrieveByResourceResourceGroupResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveByResourceResourceGroupRequest class.
RetrieveByResourcesServiceRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the collection of services that are related to the specified set of resources.
RetrieveByResourcesServiceResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveByResourcesServiceRequest class.
RetrieveByTopIncidentProductKbArticleRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the top-ten articles about a specified product from the knowledge base of articles for your organization.
RetrieveByTopIncidentProductKbArticleResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveByTopIncidentProductKbArticleRequest class.
RetrieveByTopIncidentSubjectKbArticleRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the top-ten articles about a specified subject from the knowledge base of articles for your organization.
RetrieveByTopIncidentSubjectKbArticleResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveByTopIncidentSubjectKbArticleRequest class.
RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve a collection of dependency records that describe any solution components that would prevent a solution component from being deleted.
RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest class.
RetrieveDependenciesForUninstallRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve a list of the solution component dependencies that can prevent you from uninstalling a managed solution.
RetrieveDependenciesForUninstallResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveDependenciesForUninstallRequest class.
RetrieveDependentComponentsRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieves a list dependencies for solution components that directly depend on a solution component.
RetrieveDependentComponentsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveDependentComponentsRequest class.
RetrieveDeploymentLicenseTypeRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the type of license for a deployment of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
RetrieveDeploymentLicenseTypeResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveDeploymentLicenseTypeRequest class.
RetrieveDeprovisionedLanguagesRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve a list of language packs that are installed on the server that have been disabled.
RetrieveDeprovisionedLanguagesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveDeprovisionedLanguagesRequest class.
RetrieveDuplicatesRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 detect and retrieve duplicates for a specified record.
RetrieveDuplicatesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveDuplicatesRequest class.
RetrieveEntityRibbonRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve ribbon definitions for an entity.
RetrieveEntityRibbonResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveEntityRibbonRequest class.
RetrieveExchangeRateRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the exchange rate.
RetrieveExchangeRateResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveExchangeRateRequest class.
RetrieveFilteredFormsRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the entity forms that are available for a specified user.
RetrieveFilteredFormsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveFilteredFormsRequest class.
RetrieveFormattedImportJobResultsRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the formatted results from an import job.
RetrieveFormattedImportJobResultsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveFormattedImportJobResultsRequest class.
RetrieveFormXmlRequest 仅供内部使用。
RetrieveFormXmlResponse 仅供内部使用。
RetrieveInstalledLanguagePacksRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the list of language packs that are installed on the server.
RetrieveInstalledLanguagePacksResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveInstalledLanguagePacksRequest class.
RetrieveInstalledLanguagePackVersionRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the version of an installed language pack.
RetrieveInstalledLanguagePackVersionResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveInstalledLanguagePackVersionRequest class.
RetrieveLicenseInfoRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the number of used and available licenses for a deployment of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
RetrieveLicenseInfoResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveLicenseInfoRequest class.
RetrieveLocLabelsRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve localized labels for a limited set of entity attributes.
RetrieveLocLabelsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveLocLabelsRequest class.
RetrieveMembersBulkOperationRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the members of a bulk operation.
RetrieveMembersBulkOperationResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveMembersBulkOperationRequest class.
RetrieveMembersTeamRequest 已弃用。 Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class.
RetrieveMembersTeamResponse 已弃用。 Use the RetrieveMembersTeamRequest class.
RetrieveMissingComponentsRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve a list of missing components in the target organization.
RetrieveMissingComponentsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveMissingComponentsRequest class.
RetrieveMissingDependenciesRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve any required solution components that are not included in the solution.
RetrieveMissingDependenciesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveMissingDependenciesRequest class.
RetrieveOrganizationResourcesRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the resources that are used by an organization.
RetrieveOrganizationResourcesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveOrganizationResourcesRequest class.
RetrieveParentGroupsResourceGroupRequest Contains the data needed to retrieve the collection of the parent resource groups of the specified resource group (scheduling group).
RetrieveParentGroupsResourceGroupResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveParentGroupsResourceGroupRequest class.
RetrieveParsedDataImportFileRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the data from the parse table.
RetrieveParsedDataImportFileResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveParsedDataImportFileRequest class.
RetrievePersonalWallRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve pages of posts, including comments for each post, for all records that the calling user is following.
RetrievePersonalWallResponse Contains the response from the RetrievePersonalWallRequest class.
RetrievePrincipalAccessRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the access rights of the specified security principal (team or user) to the specified record.
RetrievePrincipalAccessResponse Contains the response from the RetrievePrincipalAccessRequest class.
RetrievePrincipalAttributePrivilegesRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieves all the secured attribute privileges a user or team has through direct or indirect (through team membership) associations with the FieldSecurityProfile entity.
RetrievePrincipalAttributePrivilegesResponse Contains the response from the RetrievePrincipalAttributePrivilegesRequest class.
RetrievePrivilegeSetRequest Contains the data needed to retrieve the set of privileges defined in the system.
RetrievePrivilegeSetResponse Contains the response from the RetrievePrivilegeSetRequest class.
RetrieveProvisionedLanguagePackVersionRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the version of a provisioned language pack.
RetrieveProvisionedLanguagePackVersionResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveProvisionedLanguagePackVersionRequest class.
RetrieveProvisionedLanguagesRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the list of provisioned languages.
RetrieveProvisionedLanguagesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveProvisionedLanguagesRequest class.
RetrieveRecordChangeHistoryRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve all attribute data changes for a specific entity.
RetrieveRecordChangeHistoryResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveRecordChangeHistoryRequest class.
RetrieveRecordWallRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve pages of posts, including comments for each post, for a specified record.
RetrieveRecordWallResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveRecordWallRequest class.
RetrieveRequiredComponentsRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve a collection of solution components that are required for a solution component.
RetrieveRequiredComponentsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveRequiredComponentsRequest class.
RetrieveRolePrivilegesRoleRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the privileges that are assigned to the specified role.
RetrieveRolePrivilegesRoleResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveRolePrivilegesRoleRequest class.
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccessRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve all security principals (users or teams) that have access to, and access rights for, the specified record.
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccessResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccessRequest class.
RetrieveSubGroupsResourceGroupRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the collection of child resource groups from the specified resource group (scheduling group).
RetrieveSubGroupsResourceGroupResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveSubGroupsResourceGroupRequest class.
RetrieveSubsidiaryTeamsBusinessUnitRequest 已弃用。 Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class.Contains the data needed to retrieve a collection of entity instances based on the specified query criteria.
RetrieveSubsidiaryTeamsBusinessUnitResponse 已弃用。 Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class and its associated response class.
RetrieveSubsidiaryUsersBusinessUnitRequest 已弃用。 Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class.Contains the data needed to retrieve all user information from the child business units of the specified business unit.
RetrieveSubsidiaryUsersBusinessUnitResponse 已弃用。 Use the RetrieveSubsidiaryUsersBusinessUnitRequest message.
RetrieveTeamPrivilegesRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the privileges for a team.
RetrieveTeamPrivilegesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveTeamPrivilegesRequest class.
RetrieveTeamsSystemUserRequest 已弃用。 Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class.Contains the data needed to retrieve the list of teams of which the specified user is a member.
RetrieveTeamsSystemUserResponse 已弃用。 Use the RetrieveTeamsSystemUserRequest message.
RetrieveUnpublishedMultipleRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve a collection of unpublished organization-owned records that satisfy the specified query criteria.
RetrieveUnpublishedMultipleResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveUnpublishedMultipleRequest class.
RetrieveUnpublishedRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve an unpublished record.
RetrieveUnpublishedResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveUnpublishedRequest class.
RetrieveUserPrivilegesRequest Contains the data needed to retrieve the privileges a system user (user) has through his or her roles in the specified business unit.
RetrieveUserPrivilegesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveUserPrivilegesRequest class.
RetrieveUserSettingsSystemUserRequest 已弃用。 Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class.Contains the data needed to retrieve the user settings for the specified system user (user).
RetrieveUserSettingsSystemUserResponse 已弃用。 Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class and its associated response class.
RetrieveVersionRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the version number of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 服务器.
RetrieveVersionResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveVersionRequest class.
ReviseQuoteRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 set the state of a quote to Draft.
ReviseQuoteResponse Contains the response from the ReviseQuoteRequest class.
RevokeAccessRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 replace the access rights on the target record for the specified security principal (user or team).
RevokeAccessResponse Contains the response from the RevokeAccessRequest class.
RolePrivilege Contains information about a privilege.
RolePrivilegeAuditDetail Represents audited changes to the privileges of a security role.
RollupRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve all the entity records that are related to the specified record.
RollupResponse Contains the response from the RollupRequest class.
SearchByBodyKbArticleRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 search for knowledge base articles that contain the specified body text.
SearchByBodyKbArticleResponse Contains the response from the SearchByBodyKbArticleRequest class.
SearchByKeywordsKbArticleRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 search for knowledge base articles that contain the specified keywords.
SearchByKeywordsKbArticleResponse Contains the response from the SearchByKeywordsKbArticleRequest class.
SearchByTitleKbArticleRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 search for knowledge base articles that contain the specified title.
SearchByTitleKbArticleResponse Contains the response from the SearchByTitleKbArticleRequest class.
SearchRequest Contains the data needed to search for available time slots that fulfill the specified appointment request.
SearchResponse Contains the response from the SearchRequest class.
SearchResults Contains the results from the SearchRequest message.
SendBulkMailRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 send bulk email messages.
SendBulkMailResponse Contains the response from the SendBulkMailRequest class.
SendEmailFromTemplateRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 send an email message using a template.
SendEmailFromTemplateResponse Contains the response from the SendEmailFromTemplateRequest class.
SendEmailRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 send an email message.
SendEmailResponse Contains the response from the BackgroundSendEmailRequest class.
SendFaxRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 send a fax.
SendFaxResponse Contains the response from the SendFaxRequest class.
SendTemplateRequest Contains the data that is needed to send a bulk email message that is created from a template.
SendTemplateResponse Contains the response from the SendTemplateRequest class.
SetBusinessEquipmentRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 assign equipment (facility/equipment) to a specific business unit.
SetBusinessEquipmentResponse Contains the response from the SetBusinessEquipmentRequest class.
SetBusinessSystemUserRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 move a system user (user) to a different business unit.
SetBusinessSystemUserResponse Contains the response from the SetBusinessSystemUserRequest class.
SetLocLabelsRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 set localized labels for a limited set of entity attributes.
SetLocLabelsResponse Contains the response from the SetLocLabelsRequest class.
SetParentBusinessUnitRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 set the parent business unit for a business unit.
SetParentBusinessUnitResponse Contains the response from the SetParentBusinessUnitRequest class.
SetParentSystemUserRequest Contains the data needed to set a new parent system user (user) for the specified user.
SetParentSystemUserResponse Contains the response from the SetParentSystemUserRequest class.
SetParentTeamRequest Contains the data needed to set the parent business unit of a team.
SetParentTeamResponse Contains the response from the SetParentTeamRequest class.
SetRelatedRequest Contains the data needed to create a relationship between a set of records that participate in specific relationships.
SetRelatedResponse Contains the response from the SetRelatedRequest class.
SetReportRelatedRequest Contains the data needed to link an instance of a report entity to related entities.
SetReportRelatedResponse Contains the response from SetReportRelatedRequest.
SetStateRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 set the state of an entity record.
SetStateResponse Contains the response from the SetStateRequest class.
ShareAuditDetail Represents a shared audit detail record.
StatusUpdateBulkOperationRequest 仅供内部使用。
StatusUpdateBulkOperationResponse 仅供内部使用。
TimeInfo Specifies a set of time blocks with appointment information.
TraceInfo Specifies the results of a scheduling operation using the SearchRequest messages.
TransformImportRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 submit an asynchronous job that transforms the parsed data.
TransformImportResponse Contains the response from the TransformImportRequest class.
TriggerServiceEndpointCheckRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 validate the configuration of a Windows Azure platform AppFabric solution’s service endpoint.
TriggerServiceEndpointCheckResponse Contains the response from the TriggerServiceEndpointCheckRequest.
UnlockInvoicePricingRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 unlock pricing for an invoice.
UnlockInvoicePricingResponse Contains the response from the UnlockInvoicePricingRequest class.
UnlockSalesOrderPricingRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 unlock pricing for a sales order (order).
UnlockSalesOrderPricingResponse Contains the response from the UnlockSalesOrderPricingRequest class.
UnpublishDuplicateRuleRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 submit an asynchronous job to unpublish a duplicate rule.
UnpublishDuplicateRuleResponse Contains the response from the UnpublishDuplicateRuleRequest class.
UpdateUserSettingsSystemUserRequest 已弃用。 Use the UpdateRequest class.
UpdateUserSettingsSystemUserResponse 已弃用。 Use the UpdateRequest class and its associated response class.
UserAccessAuditDetail 仅供内部使用。
UtcTimeFromLocalTimeRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for the specified local time.
UtcTimeFromLocalTimeResponse Contains the response from the UtcTimeFromLocalTimeRequest class.
ValidateRecurrenceRuleRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 validate a rule for a recurring appointment.
ValidateRecurrenceRuleResponse Contains the response from the ValidateRecurrenceRuleRequest class.
ValidateRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 verify that an appointment or service appointment (service activity) has valid available resources for the activity, duration, and site, as appropriate.
ValidateResponse Contains the response from the ValidateRequest class.
ValidateSavedQueryRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 validate a saved query (view).
ValidateSavedQueryResponse Contains the response from the ValidateSavedQueryRequest class.
ValidationResult Contains the result from the RescheduleRequest messages.
VerifyProcessStateDataRequest 仅供内部使用。
VerifyProcessStateDataResponse Contains the response from the VerifyProcessStateDataRequest class.
WhoAmIRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 retrieve the system user ID for the currently logged on user or the user under whose context the code is running.
WhoAmIResponse Contains the response from the WhoAmIRequest class.
WinOpportunityRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 set the state of an opportunity to Won.
WinOpportunityResponse Contains the response from the WinOpportunityRequest class.
WinQuoteRequest 包含数据,需要这些数据来 set the state of a quote to Won.
WinQuoteResponse Contains the response from the WinQuoteRequest class.


Dynamics CRM 2013


Class Description
AssociateRequest Contains the data that is needed to create a link between records.
AssociateResponse Contains the response from the AssociateRequest class.
CanBeReferencedRequest Contains the data that is needed to check whether the specified entity can be the primary entity (one) in a one-to-many relationship.
CanBeReferencedResponse Contains the response from the CanBeReferencedRequest class.
CanBeReferencingRequest Contains the data that is needed to check whether an entity can be the referencing entity in a one-to-many relationship.
CanBeReferencingResponse Contains the response from the CanBeReferencingRequest class.
CanManyToManyRequest Contains the data that is needed to check whether an entity can participate in a many-to-many relationship.
CanManyToManyResponse Contains the response from the CanManyToManyRequest class.
CreateAttributeRequest Contains the data that is needed to create a new attribute, and optionally, to add it to a specified unmanaged solution.
CreateAttributeResponse Contains the response from the CreateAttributeRequest class.
CreateEntityRequest Contains the data that is needed to create a custom entity, and optionally, to add it to a specified unmanaged solution.
CreateEntityResponse Contains the response from the CreateEntityRequest class.
CreateManyToManyRequest Contains the data that is needed to create a new Many-to-Many (N:N) entity relationship.
CreateManyToManyResponse Contains the response from the CreateManyToManyRequest class.
CreateOneToManyRequest Contains the data that is needed to create a new One-to-Many (1:N) entity relationship.
CreateOneToManyResponse Contains the response from the CreateOneToManyRequest class.
CreateOptionSetRequest Contains the data that is needed to create a new global option set.
CreateOptionSetResponse Contains the response from the CreateOptionSetRequest class.
CreateRequest Contains the data that is needed to create a record.
CreateResponse Contains the response from the CreateRequest class.
DeleteAttributeRequest Contains the data that is needed to delete an attribute.
DeleteAttributeResponse Contains the response from the DeleteAttributeRequest class.
DeleteEntityRequest Contains the data that is needed to delete an entity.
DeleteEntityResponse Contains the response from the DeleteEntityRequest class.
DeleteOptionSetRequest Contains the data that is needed to delete a global option set.
DeleteOptionSetResponse Contains the response from the DeleteOptionSetRequest class.
DeleteOptionValueRequest Contains the data that is needed to delete an option value in a global or local option set.
DeleteOptionValueResponse Contains the response from the DeleteOptionValueRequest class.
DeleteRelationshipRequest Contains the data that is needed to delete an entity relationship.
DeleteRelationshipResponse Contains the response from the DeleteRelationshipRequest class.
DeleteRequest Contains the data that is needed to delete a record.
DeleteResponse Contains the response from the DeleteRequest class.
DisassociateRequest Contains the data that is needed to delete a link between records.
DisassociateResponse Contains the response from the DisassociateRequest class.
ExecuteAsyncRequest Contains the data that is needed to execute a message asynchronously.
ExecuteAsyncResponse Contains the response from the ExecuteAsyncRequest class.
ExecuteMultipleRequest Contains the data that is needed to execute one or more message requests as a single batch operation, and optionally return a collection of results.
ExecuteMultipleResponse Contains the response from the ExecuteMultipleRequest class.
GetValidManyToManyRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a list of all the entities that can participate in a Many-to-Many entity relationship.
GetValidManyToManyResponse Contains the response from the GetValidManyToManyRequest class.
GetValidReferencedEntitiesRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a list of entity logical names that are valid as the primary entity (one) from the specified entity in a one-to-many relationship.
GetValidReferencedEntitiesResponse Contains the response from the GetValidReferencedEntitiesRequest class.
GetValidReferencingEntitiesRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the set of entities that are valid as the related entity (many) to the specified entity in a one-to-many relationship.
GetValidReferencingEntitiesResponse Contains the response from the GetValidReferencingEntitiesRequest class.
InsertOptionValueRequest Contains the data that is needed to insert a new option value for a global or local option set.
InsertOptionValueResponse Contains the response from the InsertOptionValueRequest class.
InsertStatusValueRequest Contains the data that is needed to insert a new option into a StatusAttributeMetadata attribute.
InsertStatusValueResponse Contains the response from the InsertStatusValueRequest class.
IsDataEncryptionActiveRequest Contains the data that is needed to check if data encryption is currently running (active or inactive).
IsDataEncryptionActiveResponse Contains the response from the IsDataEncryptionActiveRequest class.
OrderOptionRequest Contains the data that is needed to set the order for an option set.
OrderOptionResponse Contains the response from the OrderOptionRequest class.
RetrieveAllEntitiesRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve metadata information about all the entities.
RetrieveAllEntitiesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAllEntitiesRequest class.
RetrieveAllManagedPropertiesRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve all managed property definitions
RetrieveAllManagedPropertiesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAllManagedPropertiesRequest class.
RetrieveAllOptionSetsRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve information about all global option sets.
RetrieveAllOptionSetsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAllOptionSetsRequest class.
RetrieveAttributeRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve attribute metadata.
RetrieveAttributeResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAttributeRequest class.
RetrieveDataEncryptionKeyRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the data encryption key value.
RetrieveDataEncryptionKeyResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveDataEncryptionKeyResponse class.
RetrieveEntityRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve entity metadata.
RetrieveEntityResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveEntityRequest class.
RetrieveManagedPropertyRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a managed property definition.
RetrieveManagedPropertyResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveManagedPropertyRequest class.
RetrieveMetadataChangesRequest Contains the data that is needed to to retrieve a collection of metadata records that satisfy the specified criteria. The RetrieveMetadataChangesResponse returns a timestamp value that can be used with this request at a later time to return information about how metadata has changed since the last request.
RetrieveMetadataChangesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveMetadataChangesRequest message.
RetrieveMultipleRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a collection of records that satisfy the specified query criteria.
RetrieveMultipleResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveMultipleRequest class.
RetrieveOptionSetRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a global option set.
RetrieveOptionSetResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveOptionSetRequest class.
RetrieveRelationshipRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve entity relationship metadata.
RetrieveRelationshipResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveRelationshipRequest class.
RetrieveRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a record.
RetrieveResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveRequest class.
RetrieveTimestampRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieves a time stamp for the metadata.
RetrieveTimestampResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveTimestampRequest class.
SetDataEncryptionKeyRequest Contains the data that is needed to set or restore the data encryption key.
SetDataEncryptionKeyResponse Contains the response from the SetDataEncryptionKeyRequest class.
UpdateAttributeRequest Contains the data that is needed to update the definition of an attribute.
UpdateAttributeResponse Contains the response from the UpdateAttributeRequest class.
UpdateEntityRequest Contains the data that is needed to update the definition of an entity.
UpdateEntityResponse Contains the response from the UpdateEntityRequest class.
UpdateOptionSetRequest Contains the data that is needed to update the definition of a global option set.
UpdateOptionSetResponse Contains the response from the UpdateOptionSetRequest class.
UpdateOptionValueRequest Contains the data that is needed to update an option value in a global or local option set.
UpdateOptionValueResponse Contains the response from the UpdateOptionValueRequest class.
UpdateRelationshipRequest Contains the data that is needed to update the definition of an entity relationship.
UpdateRelationshipResponse Contains the response from the UpdateRelationshipRequest class.
UpdateRequest Contains the data that is needed to update an existing record.
UpdateResponse Contains the response from the UpdateRequest class.
UpdateStateValueRequest Contains the data that is needed to update an option set value in for a StateAttributeMetadata attribute.
UpdateStateValueResponse Contains the response from the UpdateStateValueRequest class.


Class Description
AddItemCampaignActivityRequest Contains the data that is needed to add an item to a campaign activity.
AddItemCampaignActivityResponse Contains the response from the AddItemCampaignActivityRequest class.
AddItemCampaignRequest Contains the data that is needed to add an item to a campaign.
AddItemCampaignResponse Contains the response from the AddItemCampaignRequest class.
AddListMembersListRequest Contains the data that is needed to add members to the list.
AddListMembersListResponse Contains the response from the AddListMembersListRequest class.
AddMemberListRequest Contains the data that is needed to add a member to a list (marketing list).
AddMemberListResponse Contains the response from the AddMemberListRequest class.
AddMembersTeamRequest Contains the data that is needed to add members to a team.
AddMembersTeamResponse Contains the response from the AddMembersTeamRequest class.
AddPrincipalToQueueRequest Contains the data to add the specified principal to the list of queue members. If the principal is a team, add each team member to the queue.
AddPrincipalToQueueResponse Contains the response from the AddPrincipalToQueueRequest message.This message was added with CRM 2013 Service Pack 1 (on-premises) and CRM Online Spring ‘14.
AddPrivilegesRoleRequest Contains the data that is needed to add a set of existing privileges to an existing role.
AddPrivilegesRoleResponse Contains the response from the AddPrivilegesRoleRequest class.
AddProductToKitRequest Contains the data that is needed to add a product to a kit.
AddProductToKitResponse Contains the response from the AddProductToKitRequest class.
AddRecurrenceRequest Contains the data that is needed to add recurrence information to an existing appointment.
AddRecurrenceResponse Contains the response from the AddRecurrenceRequest class.
AddSolutionComponentRequest Contains the data that is needed to add a solution component to an unmanaged solution.
AddSolutionComponentResponse Contains the response from the AddSolutionComponentRequest message.
AddSubstituteProductRequest Deprecated. Use the AssociateRequest class. Adds a link between two entity instances in a many-to-many relationship.
AddSubstituteProductResponse Deprecated. Use the AssociateRequest class and its associated response class. Contains the response from the AddSubstituteProductRequest class.
AddToQueueRequest Contains the data that is needed to move an entity record from a source queue to a destination queue.
AddToQueueResponse Contains the response from the AddToQueueRequest class.
AddUserToRecordTeamRequest Contains the data that is needed to add a user to the auto created access team for the specified record.
AddUserToRecordTeamResponse Contains the response from the AddUserToRecordTeamRequest class.
ApplyRoutingRuleRequest Contains the data that is needed to apply the active routing rule to an incident.
ApplyRoutingRuleResponse Contains the response from the ApplyRoutingRuleRequest message.This message was added with CRM 2013 Service Pack 1 (on-premises) and CRM Online Spring ‘14.
AppointmentProposal Represents a proposed appointment time and date as a result of the SearchRequest message.
AppointmentRequest Provides the details of an appointment request for the SearchRequest class.
AppointmentsToIgnore Specifies the appointments to ignore in an appointment request from the SearchRequest class.
AssignRequest Contains the data that is needed to assign the specified record to a new owner (user or team) by changing the OwnerId attribute of the record.
AssignResponse Contains the response from the AssignRequest.
AssociateEntitiesRequest Deprecated. Use the AssociateRequest class. Contains the data that is needed to add a link between two entity instances in a many-to-many relationship.
AssociateEntitiesResponse Deprecated. Use the AssociateRequest class and its associated response class. Contains the response from the AssociateEntitiesRequest class.
AttributeAuditDetail Contains the details of changes to entity attributes.
AuditDetail Provides a base class for storing the details of data changes.
AuditDetailCollection Contains a collection of AuditDetail objects.
AuditPartitionDetail Identifies a Microsoft SQL Server partition that is used to store changes to entity data records.
AuditPartitionDetailCollection Contains a data collection of AuditDetail objects.
AutoMapEntityRequest Contains the data that is needed to generate a new set of attribute mappings based on the metadata.
AutoMapEntityResponse Contains the response from the AutoMapEntityRequest class.
BackgroundSendEmailRequest Contains the data that is needed to send email messages asynchronously.
BackgroundSendEmailResponse Contains the response from the BackgroundSendEmailRequest class.
BookRequest Contains the data that is needed to schedule or “book” an appointment, recurring appointment, or service appointment (service activity).
BookResponse Contains the response from the BookRequest class.
BulkDeleteRequest Contains the data that is needed to submit a bulk delete job that deletes selected records in bulk. This job runs asynchronously in the background without blocking other activities.
BulkDeleteResponse Contains the response from the BulkDeleteRequest class.
BulkDetectDuplicatesRequest Contains the data that is needed to submit an asynchronous system job that detects and logs multiple duplicate records.
BulkDetectDuplicatesResponse Contains the response from the BulkDetectDuplicatesRequest class.
BulkOperationStatusCloseRequest For internal use only.
BulkOperationStatusCloseResponse For internal use only.
BusinessNotification For internal use only.
BusinessNotificationParameter For internal use only.
CalculateActualValueOpportunityRequest Contains the data that is needed to calculate the value of an opportunity that is in the "Won" state.
CalculateActualValueOpportunityResponse Contains the response from the CalculateActualValueOpportunityRequest class.
CalculateTotalTimeIncidentRequest Contains the data that is needed to calculate the total time, in minutes, that you used while you worked on an incident (case).
CalculateTotalTimeIncidentResponse Contains the response from the CalculateTotalTimeIncidentRequest class.
CancelContractRequest Contains the data that is needed to cancel a contract.
CancelContractResponse Contains the response from the CancelContractRequest class.
CancelSalesOrderRequest Contains the data that is needed to cancel a sales order (order).
CancelSalesOrderResponse Contains the response from the CancelSalesOrderRequest class.
CheckIncomingEmailRequest Contains the data that is needed to check whether the incoming email message is relevant to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM system.
CheckIncomingEmailResponse Contains the response from the CheckIncomingEmailRequest class.
CheckPromoteEmailRequest Contains the data that is needed to check whether the incoming email message should be promoted to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM system.
CheckPromoteEmailResponse Contains the response from the CheckPromoteEmailRequest class.
CleanUpBulkOperationRequest For internal use only.
CleanUpBulkOperationResponse For internal use only.
CloneContractRequest Contains the data that is needed to copy an existing contract and its line items.
CloneContractResponse Contains the response from the CancelContractRequest class.
CloseIncidentRequest Contains the data that is needed to close an incident (case).
CloseIncidentResponse Contains the response from the CloseIncidentRequest class.
CloseQuoteRequest Contains the data that is needed to close a quote.
CloseQuoteResponse Contains the response from the CloseQuoteRequest class.
ComponentDetail Provides additional information about the solution components that are related to a missing component.
CompoundCreateRequest Deprecated. Use the CreateRequest class. Creates a compound entity, such as a sales order (order), invoice, quote, or duplicate rule (duplicate detection rule); and its related entity, such as a sales order detail (order product), invoice detail (invoice product), quote detail (quote product), or duplicate rule condition.
CompoundCreateResponse Deprecated. Use the CreateRequest class and its associated response class.
CompoundUpdateDuplicateDetectionRuleRequest Contains the data that is needed to update a duplicate rule (duplicate detection rule) and its related duplicate rule conditions.
CompoundUpdateDuplicateDetectionRuleResponse Contains the response from the CompoundUpdateDuplicateDetectionRuleRequest class.
CompoundUpdateRequest Deprecated. Use the CreateRequest class. Contains the data that is needed to update a compound record, such as a sales order (order), invoice, quote, or duplicate rule (duplicate detection rule); and its related detail record, such as a sales order detail (order product), invoice detail (invoice product), quote detail (quote product), or duplicate rule condition.
CompoundUpdateResponse Deprecated. Use the CreateRequest class and its associated response class. Contains the response from the CompoundUpdateRequest class.
ConstraintRelation Specifies additional constraints to be applied when you select resources for appointments.
ConvertKitToProductRequest Contains the data that is needed to convert a kit to a product.
ConvertKitToProductResponse Contains the response from the ConvertKitToProductRequest class.
ConvertOwnerTeamToAccessTeamRequest Contains the data that is needed to convert a team of type owner to a team of type access.
ConvertOwnerTeamToAccessTeamResponse Contains the response from the ConvertOwnerTeamToAccessTeamRequest class.
ConvertProductToKitRequest Contains the data that is needed to convert a product to a kit.
ConvertProductToKitResponse Contains the response from the ConvertProductToKitRequest class.
ConvertQuoteToSalesOrderRequest Contains the data that is needed to convert a quote to a sales order.
ConvertQuoteToSalesOrderResponse Contains the response from the ConvertQuoteToSalesOrderRequest class.
ConvertSalesOrderToInvoiceRequest Contains the data that is needed to convert a sales order to an invoice.
ConvertSalesOrderToInvoiceResponse Contains the response from the ConvertSalesOrderToInvoiceRequest class.
CopyCampaignRequest Contains the data that is needed to copy a campaign.
CopyCampaignResponse Contains the response from the CopyCampaignRequest class.
CopyCampaignResponseRequest Contains the data that is needed to create a copy of the campaign response.
CopyCampaignResponseResponse Contains the response from the CopyCampaignResponseRequest class.
CopyDynamicListToStaticRequest Contains the data that is needed to create a static list from the specified dynamic list and add the members that satisfy the dynamic list query criteria to the static list.
CopyDynamicListToStaticResponse Contains the response from the CopyDynamicListToStaticRequest class.
CopyMembersListRequest Contains the data that is needed to copy the members from the source list to the target list without creating duplicates.
CopyMembersListResponse Contains the response from the CopyMembersListRequest class.
CopySystemFormRequest Contains the data that is needed to create a new entity form that is based on an existing entity form.
CopySystemFormResponse Contains the response from the CopySystemFormRequest class.
CreateActivitiesListRequest Contains the data that is needed to create a quick campaign to distribute an activity to members of a list (marketing list).
CreateActivitiesListResponse Contains the response from the CreateActivitiesListRequest class.
CreateExceptionRequest Contains the data that is needed to create an exception for the recurring appointment instance.
CreateExceptionResponse Contains the response from the CreateExceptionRequest class.
CreateInstanceRequest Contains the data that is needed to create future unexpanded instances for the recurring appointment master.
CreateInstanceResponse Contains the response from the CreateInstanceRequest class.
CreateWorkflowFromTemplateRequest Contains the data that is needed to create a workflow (process) from a workflow template.
CreateWorkflowFromTemplateResponse Contains the response from the CreateWorkflowFromTemplateRequest class.
DeleteAuditDataRequest Contains the data that is needed to delete all audit data records up until a specified end date.
DeleteAuditDataResponse Contains the response from the DeleteAuditDataRequest class.
DeleteOpenInstancesRequest Contains the data that is needed to delete instances of a recurring appointment master that have an “Open” state.
DeleteOpenInstancesResponse Contains the response from the DeleteOpenInstancesRequest class.
DeliverIncomingEmailRequest Contains the data that is needed to create an email activity record from an incoming email message (Track in CRM).
DeliverIncomingEmailResponse Contains the response from the DeliverIncomingEmailRequest class.
DeliverPromoteEmailRequest Contains the data that is needed to create an email activity record from the specified email message (Track in CRM).
DeliverPromoteEmailResponse Contains the response from the DeliverPromoteEmailRequest class.
DeprovisionLanguageRequest Contains the data that is needed to deprovision a language.
DeprovisionLanguageResponse Contains the response from the DeprovisionLanguageRequest class.
DisassociateEntitiesRequest Deprecated. Use the DisassociateRequest class. Contains the data that is needed to remove a link between two entity instances in a many-to-many relationship.
DisassociateEntitiesResponse Deprecated. Use the DisassociateRequest class and its associated response class. Contains the response from the DisassociateEntitiesRequest class.
DistributeCampaignActivityRequest Contains the data that is needed to create a bulk operation that distributes a campaign activity. The appropriate activities, such as a phone call or fax, are created for the members of the list that is associated with the specified campaign activity.
DistributeCampaignActivityResponse Contains the response from the DistributeCampaignActivityRequest class.
DownloadReportDefinitionRequest Contains the data that is needed to download a report definition.
DownloadReportDefinitionResponse Contains the response from the DownloadReportDefinitionRequest class.
ErrorInfo Specifies the results of a scheduling operation using the ValidateRequest, BookRequest, or RescheduleRequest message.
ExecuteByIdSavedQueryRequest Contains the data that is needed to execute a saved query (view) that has the specified ID.
ExecuteByIdSavedQueryResponse Contains the response from the ExecuteByIdSavedQueryRequest class.
ExecuteByIdUserQueryRequest Contains the data that is needed to execute the user query (saved view) that has the specified ID.
ExecuteByIdUserQueryResponse Contains the response from the ExecuteByIdUserQueryRequest class.
ExecuteFetchRequest Deprecated. Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class.
ExecuteFetchResponse Deprecated. Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class and its associated response class.
ExecuteWorkflowRequest Contains the data that is needed to execute a workflow.
ExecuteWorkflowResponse Contains the response from the ExecuteWorkflowResponse class.
ExpandCalendarRequest Contains the data that is needed to convert the calendar rules to an array of available time blocks for the specified period.
ExpandCalendarResponse Contains the response from the ExpandCalendarRequest class.
ExportMappingsImportMapRequest Contains the data that is needed to export a data map as an XML formatted data.
ExportMappingsImportMapResponse Contains the response from the ExportMappingsImportMapRequest class.
ExportSolutionRequest Contains the data that is needed to export a solution.
ExportSolutionResponse Contains the response from the ExportSolutionRequest class.
ExportTranslationRequest Contains the data that is needed to export all translations for a specific solution to a compressed file.
ExportTranslationResponse Contains the response from the ExportTranslationRequest class.
FetchXmlToQueryExpressionRequest Contains the data that is needed to convert a query in FetchXML to a QueryExpression.
FetchXmlToQueryExpressionResponse Contains the response from the FetchXmlToQueryExpressionRequest class.
FindParentResourceGroupRequest Contains the data that is needed to find a parent resource group (scheduling group) for the specified resource groups (scheduling groups).
FindParentResourceGroupResponse Contains the response from the FindParentResourceGroupRequest class.
FulfillSalesOrderRequest Contains the data that is needed to fulfill the sales order (order).
FulfillSalesOrderResponse Contains the response from the FulfillSalesOrderRequest class.
GenerateInvoiceFromOpportunityRequest Contains the data that is needed to generate an invoice from an opportunity.
GenerateInvoiceFromOpportunityResponse Contains the response from the GenerateInvoiceFromOpportunityRequest class.
GenerateQuoteFromOpportunityRequest Contains the data that is needed to generate a quote from an opportunity.
GenerateQuoteFromOpportunityResponse Contains the response from the GenerateQuoteFromOpportunityRequest class.
GenerateSalesOrderFromOpportunityRequest Contains the data that is needed to generate a sales order (order) from an opportunity.
GenerateSalesOrderFromOpportunityResponse Contains the response from the GenerateSalesOrderFromOpportunityRequest class.
GenerateSocialProfileRequest Contains the data to return an existing social profile record if one exists, otherwise generates a new one and returns it.
GenerateSocialProfileResponse Contains the response from the GenerateSocialProfileRequest message.
GetAllTimeZonesWithDisplayNameRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve all the time zone definitions for the specified locale and to return only the display name attribute.
GetAllTimeZonesWithDisplayNameResponse Contains the response from the GetAllTimeZonesWithDisplayNameRequest class.
GetDecryptionKeyRequest For internal use only. See RetrieveDataEncryptionKeyRequest.
GetDecryptionKeyResponse For internal use only.
GetDistinctValuesImportFileRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve distinct values from the parse table for a column in the source file that contains list values.
GetDistinctValuesImportFileResponse Contains the response from the GetDistinctValuesImportFileRequest class.
GetHeaderColumnsImportFileRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the source-file column headings; or retrieve the system-generated column headings if the source file does not contain column headings.
GetHeaderColumnsImportFileResponse Contains the response from the GetHeaderColumnsImportFileRequest class.
GetInvoiceProductsFromOpportunityRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the products from an opportunity and copy them to the invoice.
GetInvoiceProductsFromOpportunityResponse Contains the response from the GetInvoiceProductsFromOpportunityRequest class.
GetQuantityDecimalRequest Contains the data that is needed to get the quantity decimal value of a product for the specified entity in the target.
GetQuantityDecimalResponse Contains the response from the GetQuantityDecimalRequest class.
GetQuoteProductsFromOpportunityRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the products from an opportunity and copy them to the quote.
GetQuoteProductsFromOpportunityResponse Contains the response from the GetQuoteProductsFromOpportunityRequest class.
GetReportHistoryLimitRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the history limit for a report.
GetReportHistoryLimitResponse Contains the response from the GetReportHistoryLimitRequest class.
GetSalesOrderProductsFromOpportunityRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the products from an opportunity and copy them to the sales order (order).
GetSalesOrderProductsFromOpportunityResponse Contains the response from the GetSalesOrderProductsFromOpportunityRequest class.
GetTimeZoneCodeByLocalizedNameRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the time zone code for the specified localized time zone name.
GetTimeZoneCodeByLocalizedNameResponse Contains the response from the GetTimeZoneCodeByLocalizedNameRequest class.
GetTrackingTokenEmailRequest Contains the data that is needed to return a tracking token that can then be passed as a parameter to the SendEmailRequest message.
GetTrackingTokenEmailResponse Contains the response from the GetTrackingTokenEmailRequest class.
GrantAccessRequest Contains the data that is needed to grant a security principal (user or team) access to the specified record.
GrantAccessResponse Contains the response from the GrantAccessRequest class.
ImportMappingsImportMapRequest Contains the data that is needed to import the XML representation of a data map and create an import map (data map) based on this data.
ImportMappingsImportMapResponse Contains the response from the ImportMappingsImportMapRequest class.
ImportRecordsImportRequest Contains the data that is needed to submit an asynchronous job that uploads the transformed data into Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
ImportRecordsImportResponse Contains the response from the ImportRecordsImportRequest class.
ImportSolutionRequest Contains the data that is needed to import a solution.
ImportSolutionResponse Contains the response from the ImportSolutionRequest class.
ImportTranslationRequest Contains the data that is needed to import translations from a compressed file.
ImportTranslationResponse Contains the response from the ImportTranslationRequest class.
InitializeFromRequest Contains the data that is needed to initialize a new record from an existing record.
InitializeFromResponse Contains the response from the InitializeFromRequest class.
InstallSampleDataRequest Contains the data that is needed to install the sample data.
InstallSampleDataResponse Contains the response from the InstallSampleDataRequest class.
InstantiateFiltersRequest Contains the data that is needed to instantiate a set of filters for CRM for Outlook for the specified user.
InstantiateFiltersResponse Contains the response from the InstantiateFiltersRequest class.
InstantiateTemplateRequest Contains the parameters that are needed to create an email message from a template (email template).
InstantiateTemplateResponse Contains the response from the InstantiateTemplateRequest class.
IsBackOfficeInstalledRequest Deprecated. Checks whether Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 is installed.
IsBackOfficeInstalledResponse Deprecated.
IsComponentCustomizableRequest Contains the data that is needed to determine whether a solution component is customizable.
IsComponentCustomizableResponse Contains the response from the IsComponentCustomizableRequest class.
IsValidStateTransitionRequest Contains the data that is needed to validate the state transition.
IsValidStateTransitionResponse Contains the response from the IsValidStateTransitionRequest class.
LocalTimeFromUtcTimeRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the local time for the specified Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
LocalTimeFromUtcTimeResponse Contains the response from the LocalTimeFromUtcTimeRequest class.
LockInvoicePricingRequest Contains the data that is needed to lock the total price of products and services that are specified in the invoice.
LockInvoicePricingResponse Contains the response from the LockInvoicePricingRequest class.
LockSalesOrderPricingRequest Contains the data that is needed to lock the total price of products and services that are specified in the sales order (order).
LockSalesOrderPricingResponse Contains the response from the LockSalesOrderPricingRequest class.
LogFailureBulkOperationRequest For internal use only.
LogFailureBulkOperationResponse For internal use only.
LogSuccessBulkOperationRequest For internal use only.
LogSuccessBulkOperationResponse For internal use only.
LoseOpportunityRequest Contains the data that is needed to set the state of an opportunity to Lost.
LoseOpportunityResponse Contains the response from the LoseOpportunityRequest class.
MakeAvailableToOrganizationReportRequest Deprecated. Use the UpdateRequest class.
MakeAvailableToOrganizationReportResponse Deprecated. Use the UpdateRequest class and its associated response class.
MakeAvailableToOrganizationTemplateRequest Deprecated. Use the UpdateRequest class.
MakeAvailableToOrganizationTemplateResponse Deprecated. Use the UpdateRequest class and its associated response class.
MakeUnavailableToOrganizationReportRequest Deprecated. Use the UpdateRequest class.
MakeUnavailableToOrganizationReportResponse Deprecated. Use the UpdateRequest class and its associated response class.
MakeUnavailableToOrganizationTemplateRequest Deprecated. Use the UpdateRequest class.
MakeUnavailableToOrganizationTemplateResponse Deprecated. Use the UpdateRequest class and its associated response class.
MergeRequest Contains the data that is needed to merge the information from two entity records of the same type.
MergeResponse Contains the response from the MergeRequest class.
MissingComponent Contains the data to describe a solution component that is required by a solution but not found in the system.
ModifyAccessRequest Contains the data that is needed to replace the access rights on the target record for the specified security principal (user or team).
ModifyAccessResponse Contains the response from the ModifyAccessRequest class.
ObjectiveRelation Contains the data that describes the scheduling strategy for an AppointmentRequest and that overrides the default constraints.
OrganizationResources Contains data regarding the resources used by an organization.
ParseImportRequest Contains the data that is needed to submit an asynchronous job that parses all import files that are associated with the specified import (data import).
ParseImportResponse Contains the response from the ParseImportRequest class.
PickFromQueueRequest Contains the data that is needed to assign a queue item to a user and optionally remove the queue item from the queue.
PickFromQueueResponse Contains the response from the PickFromQueueRequest message.This message was added with CRM 2013 Service Pack 1 (on-premises) and CRM Online Spring ‘14.
PrincipalAccess Contains access rights information for the security principal (user or team).
ProcessInboundEmailRequest Contains the data that is needed to process the email responses from a marketing campaign.
ProcessInboundEmailResponse Contains the response from the ProcessInboundEmailRequest class.
ProcessOneMemberBulkOperationRequest For internal use only.
ProcessOneMemberBulkOperationResponse For internal use only.
PropagateByExpressionRequest Contains the data that is needed to create a quick campaign to distribute an activity to accounts, contacts, or leads that are selected by a query.
PropagateByExpressionResponse Contains the response from the PropagateByExpressionRequest class.
ProposalParty Represents a party (user, team, or resource) that is needed for the proposed appointment.
ProvisionLanguageRequest Contains the data that is needed to provision a new language.
ProvisionLanguageResponse Contains the response from the ProvisionLanguageRequest class.
PublishAllXmlRequest Contains the data that is needed to publish all changes to solution components.
PublishAllXmlResponse Contains the response from the PublishAllXmlRequest class.
PublishDuplicateRuleRequest Contains the data that is needed to submit an asynchronous job to publish a duplicate rule.
PublishDuplicateRuleResponse Contains the response from the PublishDuplicateRuleRequest class.
PublishXmlRequest Contains the data that is needed to publish specified solution components.
PublishXmlResponse Contains the response from the PublishXmlRequest class.
QualifyLeadRequest Contains the data that is needed to qualify a lead and create account, contact, and opportunity records that are linked to the originating lead record.
QualifyLeadResponse Contains the response from the QualifyLeadRequest class.
QualifyMemberListRequest Contains the data that is needed to qualify the specified list and either override the list members or remove them according to the specified option.
QualifyMemberListResponse Contains the response from the QualifyMemberListRequest class.
QueryExpressionToFetchXmlRequest Contains the data that is needed to convert a query, which is represented as a QueryExpression class, to its equivalent query, which is represented as FetchXML.
QueryExpressionToFetchXmlResponse Contains the response from the QueryExpressionToFetchXmlRequest class.
QueryMultipleSchedulesRequest Contains the data that is needed to search multiple resources for available time block that match the specified parameters.
QueryMultipleSchedulesResponse Contains the response from the QueryMultipleSchedulesRequest class.
QueryScheduleRequest Contains the data that is needed to search the specified resource for an available time block that matches the specified parameters.
QueryScheduleResponse Contains response from QueryScheduleRequest.
ReassignObjectsOwnerRequest Contains the data that is needed to reassign all records that are owned by the security principal (user or team) to another security principal (user or team).
ReassignObjectsOwnerResponse Contains the response from the ReassignObjectsOwnerRequest class.
ReassignObjectsSystemUserRequest Contains the data that is needed to reassign all records that are owned by a specified user to another security principal (user or team).
ReassignObjectsSystemUserResponse Contains the response from the ReassignObjectsSystemUserRequest class.
RecalculateRequest Contains the data that is needed to recalculate system-computed values for rollup fields in the goal hierarchy.
RecalculateResponse Contains the response from the RecalculateRequest.
RelationshipAuditDetail Contains the audited details of a change in a relationship.
ReleaseToQueueRequest Contains the data that is needed to assign a queue item back to the queue owner so others can pick it.
ReleaseToQueueResponse Contains the response from the ReleaseToQueueRequest message.This message was added with CRM 2013 Service Pack 1 (on-premises) and CRM Online Spring ‘14.
RemoveFromQueueRequest Contains the data that is needed to remove a queue item from a queue.
RemoveFromQueueResponse Contains the response from the RemoveFromQueueRequest message.This message was added with CRM 2013 Service Pack 1 (on-premises) and CRM Online Spring ‘14.
RemoveItemCampaignActivityRequest Contains the data that is needed to remove an item from a campaign activity.
RemoveItemCampaignActivityResponse Contains the response from the RemoveItemCampaignActivityRequest class.
RemoveItemCampaignRequest Contains the data that is needed to remove an item from a campaign.
RemoveItemCampaignResponse Contains the response from the RemoveItemCampaignRequest class.
RemoveMemberListRequest Contains the data that is needed to remove a member from a list (marketing list).
RemoveMemberListResponse Contains the response from the RemoveMemberListRequest class.
RemoveMembersTeamRequest Contains the data that is needed to remove members from a team.
RemoveMembersTeamResponse Contains the response from the RemoveMembersTeamRequest class.
RemoveParentRequest Contains the data that is needed to remove the parent for a system user (user) record.
RemoveParentResponse Contains the response from the RemoveParentRequest class.
RemovePrivilegeRoleRequest Contains the data that is needed to remove a privilege from an existing role.
RemovePrivilegeRoleResponse Contains the response from the RemovePrivilegeRoleRequest class.
RemoveProductFromKitRequest Contains the data that is needed to remove a product from a kit.
RemoveProductFromKitResponse Contains the response from the RemoveProductFromKitRequest.
RemoveRelatedRequest Use the DisassociateRequest class. Contains the data that is needed to remove the relationship between the specified records for specific relationships.
RemoveRelatedResponse Contains the response from the RemoveRelatedRequest class.
RemoveSolutionComponentRequest Contains the data that is needed to remove a component from an unmanaged solution.
RemoveSolutionComponentResponse Contains the response from the RemoveSolutionComponentRequest class.
RemoveSubstituteProductRequest Deprecated. Use the DisassociateRequest class.
RemoveSubstituteProductResponse Deprecated. Use the DisassociateRequest class and its associated response class.
RemoveUserFromRecordTeamRequest Contains the data that is needed to remove a user from the auto created access team for the specified record.
RemoveUserFromRecordTeamResponse Contains the response from the RemoveUserFromRecordTeamRequest class.
RenewContractRequest Contains the data that is needed to renew a contract and create the contract details for a new contract.
RenewContractResponse Contains the response from the RenewContractRequest class.
RenewEntitlementRequest Contains the data that is needed to renew an entitlement.
RenewEntitlementResponse Contains the response from the RenewEntitlementRequest message.This message was added with CRM 2013 Service Pack 1 (on-premises) and CRM Online Spring ‘14.
ReplacePrivilegesRoleRequest Contains the data that is needed to replace the privilege set of an existing role.
ReplacePrivilegesRoleResponse Contains the response from the ReplacePrivilegesRoleRequest class.
RequiredResource Specifies a resource that is required for a scheduling operation.
RescheduleRequest Contains the data that is needed to reschedule an appointment, recurring appointment, or service appointment (service activity).
RescheduleResponse Contains the response from the RescheduleRequest class.
ResetUserFiltersRequest Contains the data that is needed to reset the offline data filters for the calling user to the default filters for the organization.
ResetUserFiltersResponse Contains the response from the ResetUserFiltersRequest class.
ResourceInfo Contains information about a resource that has a scheduling problem for an appointment.
RetrieveAbsoluteAndSiteCollectionUrlRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the absolute URL and the site collection URL for a SharePoint location record in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
RetrieveAbsoluteAndSiteCollectionUrlResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAbsoluteAndSiteCollectionUrlRequest class.
RetrieveAllChildUsersSystemUserRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the collection of users that report to the specified system user (user).
RetrieveAllChildUsersSystemUserResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAllChildUsersSystemUserRequest class.
RetrieveApplicationRibbonRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the data that defines the content and behavior of the application ribbon.
RetrieveApplicationRibbonResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveApplicationRibbonRequest class.
RetrieveAttributeChangeHistoryRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve all metadata changes to a specific attribute.
RetrieveAttributeChangeHistoryResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAttributeChangeHistoryRequest class.
RetrieveAuditDetailsRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the full audit details from an Audit record.
RetrieveAuditDetailsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAuditDetailsRequest class.
RetrieveAuditPartitionListRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the list of database partitions that are used to store audited history data.
RetrieveAuditPartitionListResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAuditPartitionListRequest class.
RetrieveAvailableLanguagesRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the list of language packs that are installed and enabled on the server.
RetrieveAvailableLanguagesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAvailableLanguagesRequest class.
RetrieveBusinessHierarchyBusinessUnitRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve all business units (including the specified business unit) from the business unit hierarchy.
RetrieveBusinessHierarchyBusinessUnitResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveBusinessHierarchyBusinessUnitRequest class.
RetrieveByGroupResourceRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve all resources that are related to the specified resource group (scheduling group).
RetrieveByGroupResourceResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveByGroupResourceRequest class.
RetrieveByResourceResourceGroupRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the resource groups (scheduling groups) that contain the specified resource.
RetrieveByResourceResourceGroupResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveByResourceResourceGroupRequest class.
RetrieveByResourcesServiceRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the collection of services that are related to the specified set of resources.
RetrieveByResourcesServiceResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveByResourcesServiceRequest class.
RetrieveByTopIncidentProductKbArticleRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the top-ten articles about a specified product from the knowledge base of articles for your organization.
RetrieveByTopIncidentProductKbArticleResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveByTopIncidentProductKbArticleRequest class.
RetrieveByTopIncidentSubjectKbArticleRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the top-ten articles about a specified subject from the knowledge base of articles for your organization.
RetrieveByTopIncidentSubjectKbArticleResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveByTopIncidentSubjectKbArticleRequest class.
RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a collection of dependency records that describe any solution components that would prevent a solution component from being deleted.
RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest class.
RetrieveDependenciesForUninstallRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a list of the solution component dependencies that can prevent you from uninstalling a managed solution.
RetrieveDependenciesForUninstallResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveDependenciesForUninstallRequest class.
RetrieveDependentComponentsRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieves a list dependencies for solution components that directly depend on a solution component.
RetrieveDependentComponentsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveDependentComponentsRequest class.
RetrieveDeploymentLicenseTypeRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the type of license for a deployment of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
RetrieveDeploymentLicenseTypeResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveDeploymentLicenseTypeRequest class.
RetrieveDeprovisionedLanguagesRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a list of language packs that are installed on the server that have been disabled.
RetrieveDeprovisionedLanguagesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveDeprovisionedLanguagesRequest class.
RetrieveDuplicatesRequest Contains the data that is needed to detect and retrieve duplicates for a specified record.
RetrieveDuplicatesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveDuplicatesRequest class.
RetrieveEntityRibbonRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve ribbon definitions for an entity.
RetrieveEntityRibbonResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveEntityRibbonRequest class.
RetrieveExchangeRateRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the exchange rate.
RetrieveExchangeRateResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveExchangeRateRequest class.
RetrieveFilteredFormsRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the entity forms that are available for a specified user.
RetrieveFilteredFormsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveFilteredFormsRequest class.
RetrieveFormattedImportJobResultsRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the formatted results from an import job.
RetrieveFormattedImportJobResultsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveFormattedImportJobResultsRequest class.
RetrieveFormXmlRequest For internal use only.
RetrieveFormXmlResponse For internal use only.
RetrieveInstalledLanguagePacksRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the list of language packs that are installed on the server.
RetrieveInstalledLanguagePacksResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveInstalledLanguagePacksRequest class.
RetrieveInstalledLanguagePackVersionRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the version of an installed language pack.
RetrieveInstalledLanguagePackVersionResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveInstalledLanguagePackVersionRequest class.
RetrieveLicenseInfoRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the number of used and available licenses for a deployment of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
RetrieveLicenseInfoResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveLicenseInfoRequest class.
RetrieveLocLabelsRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve localized labels for a limited set of entity attributes.
RetrieveLocLabelsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveLocLabelsRequest class.
RetrieveMembersBulkOperationRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the members of a bulk operation.
RetrieveMembersBulkOperationResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveMembersBulkOperationRequest class.
RetrieveMembersTeamRequest Deprecated. Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class.
RetrieveMembersTeamResponse Deprecated. Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class and its associated response class. Contains the response from the RetrieveMembersTeamRequest class.
RetrieveMissingComponentsRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a list of missing components in the target organization.
RetrieveMissingComponentsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveMissingComponentsRequest class.
RetrieveMissingDependenciesRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve any required solution components that are not included in the solution.
RetrieveMissingDependenciesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveMissingDependenciesRequest class.
RetrieveOrganizationResourcesRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the resources that are used by an organization.
RetrieveOrganizationResourcesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveOrganizationResourcesRequest class.
RetrieveParentGroupsResourceGroupRequest Contains the data needed to retrieve the collection of the parent resource groups of the specified resource group (scheduling group).
RetrieveParentGroupsResourceGroupResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveParentGroupsResourceGroupRequest class.
RetrieveParsedDataImportFileRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the data from the parse table.
RetrieveParsedDataImportFileResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveParsedDataImportFileRequest class.
RetrievePersonalWallRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve pages of posts, including comments for each post, for all records that the calling user is following.
RetrievePersonalWallResponse Contains the response from the RetrievePersonalWallRequest class.
RetrievePrincipalAccessRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the access rights of the specified security principal (team or user) to the specified record.
RetrievePrincipalAccessResponse Contains the response from the RetrievePrincipalAccessRequest class.
RetrievePrincipalAttributePrivilegesRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieves all the secured attribute privileges a user or team has through direct or indirect (through team membership) associations with the FieldSecurityProfile entity.
RetrievePrincipalAttributePrivilegesResponse Contains the response from the RetrievePrincipalAttributePrivilegesRequest class.
RetrievePrivilegeSetRequest Contains the data needed to retrieve the set of privileges defined in the system.
RetrievePrivilegeSetResponse Contains the response from the RetrievePrivilegeSetRequest class.
RetrieveProvisionedLanguagePackVersionRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the version of a provisioned language pack.
RetrieveProvisionedLanguagePackVersionResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveProvisionedLanguagePackVersionRequest class.
RetrieveProvisionedLanguagesRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the list of provisioned languages.
RetrieveProvisionedLanguagesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveProvisionedLanguagesRequest class.
RetrieveRecordChangeHistoryRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve all attribute data changes for a specific entity.
RetrieveRecordChangeHistoryResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveRecordChangeHistoryRequest class.
RetrieveRecordWallRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve pages of posts, including comments for each post, for a specified record.
RetrieveRecordWallResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveRecordWallRequest class.
RetrieveRequiredComponentsRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a collection of solution components that are required for a solution component.
RetrieveRequiredComponentsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveRequiredComponentsRequest class.
RetrieveRolePrivilegesRoleRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the privileges that are assigned to the specified role.
RetrieveRolePrivilegesRoleResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveRolePrivilegesRoleRequest class.
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccessRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve all security principals (users or teams) that have access to, and access rights for, the specified record.
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccessResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccessRequest class.
RetrieveSubGroupsResourceGroupRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the collection of child resource groups from the specified resource group (scheduling group).
RetrieveSubGroupsResourceGroupResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveSubGroupsResourceGroupRequest class.
RetrieveSubsidiaryTeamsBusinessUnitRequest Deprecated. Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class.Contains the data needed to retrieve a collection of entity instances based on the specified query criteria.
RetrieveSubsidiaryTeamsBusinessUnitResponse Deprecated. Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class and its associated response class.
RetrieveSubsidiaryUsersBusinessUnitRequest Deprecated. Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class.Contains the data needed to retrieve all user information from the child business units of the specified business unit.
RetrieveSubsidiaryUsersBusinessUnitResponse Deprecated. Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class and its associated response class.Contains the response from the RetrieveSubsidiaryUsersBusinessUnitRequest message.
RetrieveTeamPrivilegesRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the privileges for a team.
RetrieveTeamPrivilegesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveTeamPrivilegesRequest class.
RetrieveTeamsSystemUserRequest Deprecated. Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class.Contains the data needed to retrieve the list of teams of which the specified user is a member.
RetrieveTeamsSystemUserResponse Deprecated. Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class and its associated response class.Contains the response from the RetrieveTeamsSystemUserRequest message.
RetrieveUnpublishedMultipleRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a collection of unpublished organization-owned records that satisfy the specified query criteria.
RetrieveUnpublishedMultipleResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveUnpublishedMultipleRequest class.
RetrieveUnpublishedRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve an unpublished record.
RetrieveUnpublishedResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveUnpublishedRequest class.
RetrieveUserPrivilegesRequest Contains the data needed to retrieve the privileges a system user (user) has through his or her roles in the specified business unit.
RetrieveUserPrivilegesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveUserPrivilegesRequest class.
RetrieveUserQueuesRequest Contains the data needed to retrieve all private queues of a specified user and optionally all public queues.
RetrieveUserQueuesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveUserQueuesRequest message.
RetrieveUserSettingsSystemUserRequest Deprecated. Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class.Contains the data needed to retrieve the user settings for the specified system user (user).
RetrieveUserSettingsSystemUserResponse Deprecated. Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class and its associated response class.
RetrieveVersionRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the version number of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server.
RetrieveVersionResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveVersionRequest class.
ReviseQuoteRequest Contains the data that is needed to set the state of a quote to Draft.
ReviseQuoteResponse Contains the response from the ReviseQuoteRequest class.
RevokeAccessRequest Contains the data that is needed to replace the access rights on the target record for the specified security principal (user or team).
RevokeAccessResponse Contains the response from the RevokeAccessRequest class.
RolePrivilege Contains information about a privilege.
RolePrivilegeAuditDetail Represents audited changes to the privileges of a security role.
RollupRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve all the entity records that are related to the specified record.
RollupResponse Contains the response from the RollupRequest class.
RouteToRequest Contains the data that is needed to route a queue item to a queue, a user, or a team.
RouteToResponse Contains the response from the RouteToRequest message.This message was added with CRM 2013 Service Pack 1 (on-premises) and CRM Online Spring ‘14.
SearchByBodyKbArticleRequest Contains the data that is needed to search for knowledge base articles that contain the specified body text.
SearchByBodyKbArticleResponse Contains the response from the SearchByBodyKbArticleRequest class.
SearchByKeywordsKbArticleRequest Contains the data that is needed to search for knowledge base articles that contain the specified keywords.
SearchByKeywordsKbArticleResponse Contains the response from the SearchByKeywordsKbArticleRequest class.
SearchByTitleKbArticleRequest Contains the data that is needed to search for knowledge base articles that contain the specified title.
SearchByTitleKbArticleResponse Contains the response from the SearchByTitleKbArticleRequest class.
SearchRequest Contains the data needed to search for available time slots that fulfill the specified appointment request.
SearchResponse Contains the response from the SearchRequest class.
SearchResults Contains the results from the SearchRequest message.
SendBulkMailRequest Contains the data that is needed to send bulk email messages.
SendBulkMailResponse Contains the response from the SendBulkMailRequest class.
SendEmailFromTemplateRequest Contains the data that is needed to send an email message using a template.
SendEmailFromTemplateResponse Contains the response from the SendEmailFromTemplateRequest class.
SendEmailRequest Contains the data that is needed to send an email message.
SendEmailResponse Contains the response from the BackgroundSendEmailRequest class.
SendFaxRequest Contains the data that is needed to send a fax.
SendFaxResponse Contains the response from the SendFaxRequest class.
SendTemplateRequest Contains the data that is needed to send a bulk email message that is created from a template.
SendTemplateResponse Contains the response from the SendTemplateRequest class.
SetBusinessEquipmentRequest Contains the data that is needed to assign equipment (facility/equipment) to a specific business unit.
SetBusinessEquipmentResponse Contains the response from the SetBusinessEquipmentRequest class.
SetBusinessSystemUserRequest Contains the data that is needed to move a system user (user) to a different business unit.
SetBusinessSystemUserResponse Contains the response from the SetBusinessSystemUserRequest class.
SetLocLabelsRequest Contains the data that is needed to set localized labels for a limited set of entity attributes.
SetLocLabelsResponse Contains the response from the SetLocLabelsRequest class.
SetParentBusinessUnitRequest Contains the data that is needed to set the parent business unit for a business unit.
SetParentBusinessUnitResponse Contains the response from the SetParentBusinessUnitRequest class.
SetParentSystemUserRequest Contains the data needed to set a new parent system user (user) for the specified user.
SetParentSystemUserResponse Contains the response from the SetParentSystemUserRequest class.
SetParentTeamRequest Contains the data needed to set the parent business unit of a team.
SetParentTeamResponse Contains the response from the SetParentTeamRequest class.
SetRelatedRequest Contains the data needed to create a relationship between a set of records that participate in specific relationships.
SetRelatedResponse Contains the response from the SetRelatedRequest class.
SetReportRelatedRequest Contains the data needed to link an instance of a report entity to related entities.
SetReportRelatedResponse Contains the response from SetReportRelatedRequest.
SetStateRequest Contains the data that is needed to set the state of an entity record.
SetStateResponse Contains the response from the SetStateRequest class.
ShareAuditDetail Represents a shared audit detail record.
StatusUpdateBulkOperationRequest For internal use only.
StatusUpdateBulkOperationResponse For internal use only.
TimeInfo Specifies a set of time blocks with appointment information.
TraceInfo Specifies the results of a scheduling operation using the ValidateRequest, BookRequest, RescheduleRequest, or SearchRequest messages.
TransformImportRequest Contains the data that is needed to submit an asynchronous job that transforms the parsed data.
TransformImportResponse Contains the response from the TransformImportRequest class.
TriggerServiceEndpointCheckRequest Contains the data that is needed to validate the configuration of a Microsoft Azure Service Bus solution’s service endpoint.
TriggerServiceEndpointCheckResponse Contains the response from the TriggerServiceEndpointCheckRequest.
UnlockInvoicePricingRequest Contains the data that is needed to unlock pricing for an invoice.
UnlockInvoicePricingResponse Contains the response from the UnlockInvoicePricingRequest class.
UnlockSalesOrderPricingRequest Contains the data that is needed to unlock pricing for a sales order (order).
UnlockSalesOrderPricingResponse Contains the response from the UnlockSalesOrderPricingRequest class.
UnpublishDuplicateRuleRequest Contains the data that is needed to submit an asynchronous job to unpublish a duplicate rule.
UnpublishDuplicateRuleResponse Contains the response from the UnpublishDuplicateRuleRequest class.
UpdateUserSettingsSystemUserRequest Deprecated. Use the UpdateRequest class.
UpdateUserSettingsSystemUserResponse Deprecated. Use the UpdateRequest class and its associated response class.
UserAccessAuditDetail For internal use only.
UtcTimeFromLocalTimeRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for the specified local time.
UtcTimeFromLocalTimeResponse Contains the response from the UtcTimeFromLocalTimeRequest class.
ValidateRecurrenceRuleRequest Contains the data that is needed to validate a rule for a recurring appointment.
ValidateRecurrenceRuleResponse Contains the response from the ValidateRecurrenceRuleRequest class.
ValidateRequest Contains the data that is needed to verify that an appointment or service appointment (service activity) has valid available resources for the activity, duration, and site, as appropriate.
ValidateResponse Contains the response from the ValidateRequest class.
ValidateSavedQueryRequest Contains the data that is needed to validate a saved query (view).
ValidateSavedQueryResponse Contains the response from the ValidateSavedQueryRequest class.
ValidationResult Contains the result from the ValidateRequest, BookRequest, or RescheduleRequest messages.
VerifyProcessStateDataRequest For internal use only.
VerifyProcessStateDataResponse Contains the response from the VerifyProcessStateDataRequest class.
WhoAmIRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the system user ID for the currently logged on user or the user under whose context the code is running.
WhoAmIResponse Contains the response from the WhoAmIRequest class.
WinOpportunityRequest Contains the data that is needed to set the state of an opportunity to Won.
WinOpportunityResponse Contains the response from the WinOpportunityRequest class.
WinQuoteRequest Contains the data that is needed to set the state of a quote to Won.
WinQuoteResponse Contains the response from the WinQuoteRequest class.

Dynamics CRM 2015


Class Description
AssociateRequest Contains the data that is needed to create a link between records.
AssociateResponse Contains the response from the AssociateRequest class.
CanBeReferencedRequest Contains the data that is needed to check whether the specified entity can be the primary entity (one) in a one-to-many relationship.
CanBeReferencedResponse Contains the response from the CanBeReferencedRequest class.
CanBeReferencingRequest Contains the data that is needed to check whether an entity can be the referencing entity in a one-to-many relationship.
CanBeReferencingResponse Contains the response from the CanBeReferencingRequest class.
CanManyToManyRequest Contains the data that is needed to check whether an entity can participate in a many-to-many relationship.
CanManyToManyResponse Contains the response from the CanManyToManyRequest class.
ConvertDateAndTimeBehaviorRequest Contains the data to convert existing UTC date and time values in the database to DateOnly values.
ConvertDateAndTimeBehaviorResponse Contains the response from the ConvertDateAndTimeBehaviorRequest class.
CreateAttributeRequest Contains the data that is needed to create a new attribute, and optionally, to add it to a specified unmanaged solution.
CreateAttributeResponse Contains the response from the CreateAttributeRequest class.
CreateEntityKeyRequest Contains data that is needed to create an alternate key.
CreateEntityKeyResponse Contains the response from the CreateEntityKeyRequest class.
CreateEntityRequest Contains the data that is needed to create a custom entity, and optionally, to add it to a specified unmanaged solution.
CreateEntityResponse Contains the response from the CreateEntityRequest class.
CreateManyToManyRequest Contains the data that is needed to create a new Many-to-Many (N:N) entity relationship.
CreateManyToManyResponse Contains the response from the CreateManyToManyRequest class.
CreateOneToManyRequest Contains the data that is needed to create a new One-to-Many (1:N) entity relationship.
CreateOneToManyResponse Contains the response from the CreateOneToManyRequest class.
CreateOptionSetRequest Contains the data that is needed to create a new global option set.
CreateOptionSetResponse Contains the response from the CreateOptionSetRequest class.
CreateRequest Contains the data that is needed to create a record.
CreateResponse Contains the response from the CreateRequest class.
DeleteAttributeRequest Contains the data that is needed to delete an attribute.
DeleteAttributeResponse Contains the response from the DeleteAttributeRequest class.
DeleteEntityKeyRequest Contains the data that is needed to delete the specified key for an entity.
DeleteEntityKeyResponse Contains the response from the DeleteEntityKeyRequest class.
DeleteEntityRequest Contains the data that is needed to delete an entity.
DeleteEntityResponse Contains the response from the DeleteEntityRequest class.
DeleteOptionSetRequest Contains the data that is needed to delete a global option set.
DeleteOptionSetResponse Contains the response from the DeleteOptionSetRequest class.
DeleteOptionValueRequest Contains the data that is needed to delete an option value in a global or local option set.
DeleteOptionValueResponse Contains the response from the DeleteOptionValueRequest class.
DeleteRelationshipRequest Contains the data that is needed to delete an entity relationship.
DeleteRelationshipResponse Contains the response from the DeleteRelationshipRequest class.
DeleteRequest Contains the data that is needed to delete a record.
DeleteResponse Contains the response from the DeleteRequest class.
DisassociateRequest Contains the data that is needed to delete a link between records.
DisassociateResponse Contains the response from the DisassociateRequest class.
ExecuteAsyncRequest Contains the data that is needed to execute a message asynchronously.
ExecuteAsyncResponse Contains the response from the ExecuteAsyncRequest class.
ExecuteMultipleRequest Contains the data that is needed to execute one or more message requests as a single batch operation, and optionally return a collection of results.
ExecuteMultipleResponse Contains the response from the ExecuteMultipleRequest class.
ExecuteTransactionRequest Contains the data that is needed to execute one or more message requests in a single database transaction, and optionally return a collection of results.
ExecuteTransactionResponse Contains the response from the ExecuteTransactionRequest class.
GetValidManyToManyRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a list of all the entities that can participate in a Many-to-Many entity relationship.
GetValidManyToManyResponse Contains the response from the GetValidManyToManyRequest class.
GetValidReferencedEntitiesRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a list of entity logical names that are valid as the primary entity (one) from the specified entity in a one-to-many relationship.
GetValidReferencedEntitiesResponse Contains the response from the GetValidReferencedEntitiesRequest class.
GetValidReferencingEntitiesRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the set of entities that are valid as the related entity (many) to the specified entity in a one-to-many relationship.
GetValidReferencingEntitiesResponse Contains the response from the GetValidReferencingEntitiesRequest class.
InsertOptionValueRequest Contains the data that is needed to insert a new option value for a global or local option set.
InsertOptionValueResponse Contains the response from the InsertOptionValueRequest class.
InsertStatusValueRequest Contains the data that is needed to insert a new option into a StatusAttributeMetadata attribute.
InsertStatusValueResponse Contains the response from the InsertStatusValueRequest class.
IsDataEncryptionActiveRequest Contains the data that is needed to check if data encryption is currently running (active or inactive).
IsDataEncryptionActiveResponse Contains the response from the IsDataEncryptionActiveRequest class.
OrderOptionRequest Contains the data that is needed to set the order for an option set.
OrderOptionResponse Contains the response from the OrderOptionRequest class.
ReactivateEntityKeyRequest Contains data that is needed to submit a new asynchronous system job to create the index for the key.
ReactivateEntityKeyResponse Contains the response from ReactivateEntityKeyRequest class.
RetrieveAllEntitiesRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve metadata information about all the entities.
RetrieveAllEntitiesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAllEntitiesRequest class.
RetrieveAllManagedPropertiesRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve all managed property definitions
RetrieveAllManagedPropertiesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAllManagedPropertiesRequest class.
RetrieveAllOptionSetsRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve information about all global option sets.
RetrieveAllOptionSetsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAllOptionSetsRequest class.
RetrieveAttributeRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve attribute metadata.
RetrieveAttributeResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAttributeRequest class.
RetrieveDataEncryptionKeyRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the data encryption key value.
RetrieveDataEncryptionKeyResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveDataEncryptionKeyResponse class.
RetrieveEntityChangesRequest Contains data that is needed to retrieve the changes for an entity.
RetrieveEntityChangesResponse Contains the response from RetrieveEntityChangesRequest class.
RetrieveEntityKeyRequest Contains data that is needed to retrieve an alternate key.
RetrieveEntityKeyResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveEntityKeyRequest class.
RetrieveEntityRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve entity metadata.
RetrieveEntityResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveEntityRequest class.
RetrieveManagedPropertyRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a managed property definition.
RetrieveManagedPropertyResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveManagedPropertyRequest class.
RetrieveMetadataChangesRequest Contains the data that is needed to to retrieve a collection of metadata records that satisfy the specified criteria. The RetrieveMetadataChangesResponse returns a timestamp value that can be used with this request at a later time to return information about how metadata has changed since the last request.
RetrieveMetadataChangesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveMetadataChangesRequest message.
RetrieveMultipleRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a collection of records that satisfy the specified query criteria.
RetrieveMultipleResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveMultipleRequest class.
RetrieveOptionSetRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a global option set.
RetrieveOptionSetResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveOptionSetRequest class.
RetrieveRelationshipRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve entity relationship metadata.
RetrieveRelationshipResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveRelationshipRequest class.
RetrieveRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a record.
RetrieveResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveRequest class.
RetrieveTimestampRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieves a time stamp for the metadata.
RetrieveTimestampResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveTimestampRequest class.
SetDataEncryptionKeyRequest Contains the data that is needed to set or restore the data encryption key.
SetDataEncryptionKeyResponse Contains the response from the SetDataEncryptionKeyRequest class.
UpdateAttributeRequest Contains the data that is needed to update the definition of an attribute.
UpdateAttributeResponse Contains the response from the UpdateAttributeRequest class.
UpdateEntityRequest Contains the data that is needed to update the definition of an entity.
UpdateEntityResponse Contains the response from the UpdateEntityRequest class.
UpdateOptionSetRequest Contains the data that is needed to update the definition of a global option set.
UpdateOptionSetResponse Contains the response from the UpdateOptionSetRequest class.
UpdateOptionValueRequest Contains the data that is needed to update an option value in a global or local option set.
UpdateOptionValueResponse Contains the response from the UpdateOptionValueRequest class.
UpdateRelationshipRequest Contains the data that is needed to update the definition of an entity relationship.
UpdateRelationshipResponse Contains the response from the UpdateRelationshipRequest class.
UpdateRequest Contains the data that is needed to update an existing record.
UpdateResponse Contains the response from the UpdateRequest class.
UpdateStateValueRequest Contains the data that is needed to update an option set value in for a StateAttributeMetadata attribute.
UpdateStateValueResponse Contains the response from the UpdateStateValueRequest class.
UpsertRequest Contains data that is needed to update or insert a record in CRM.
UpsertResponse Contains the response from UpsertRequest


Class Description
AddItemCampaignActivityRequest Contains the data that is needed to add an item to a campaign activity.
AddItemCampaignActivityResponse Contains the response from the AddItemCampaignActivityRequest class.
AddItemCampaignRequest Contains the data that is needed to add an item to a campaign.
AddItemCampaignResponse Contains the response from the AddItemCampaignRequest class.
AddListMembersListRequest Contains the data that is needed to add members to the list.
AddListMembersListResponse Contains the response from the AddListMembersListRequest class.
AddMemberListRequest Contains the data that is needed to add a member to a list (marketing list).
AddMemberListResponse Contains the response from the AddMemberListRequest class.
AddMembersTeamRequest Contains the data that is needed to add members to a team.
AddMembersTeamResponse Contains the response from the AddMembersTeamRequest class.
AddPrincipalToQueueRequest Contains the data to add the specified principal to the list of queue members. If the principal is a team, add each team member to the queue.
AddPrincipalToQueueResponse Contains the response from the AddPrincipalToQueueRequest message.
AddPrivilegesRoleRequest Contains the data that is needed to add a set of existing privileges to an existing role.
AddPrivilegesRoleResponse Contains the response from the AddPrivilegesRoleRequest class.
AddProductToKitRequest Deprecated. Use the ProductAssociation entity. Contains the data that is needed to add a product to a kit.
AddProductToKitResponse Deprecated. Use the ProductAssociation entity. Contains the response from the AddProductToKitRequest class.
AddRecurrenceRequest Contains the data that is needed to add recurrence information to an existing appointment.
AddRecurrenceResponse Contains the response from the AddRecurrenceRequest class.
AddSolutionComponentRequest Contains the data that is needed to add a solution component to an unmanaged solution.
AddSolutionComponentResponse Contains the response from the AddSolutionComponentRequest message.
AddSubstituteProductRequest Deprecated. Use the AssociateRequest class. Adds a link between two entity instances in a many-to-many relationship.
AddSubstituteProductResponse Deprecated. Use the AssociateRequest class and its associated response class. Contains the response from the AddSubstituteProductRequest class.
AddToQueueRequest Contains the data that is needed to move an entity record from a source queue to a destination queue.
AddToQueueResponse Contains the response from the AddToQueueRequest class.
AddUserToRecordTeamRequest Contains the data that is needed to add a user to the auto created access team for the specified record.
AddUserToRecordTeamResponse Contains the response from the AddUserToRecordTeamRequest class.
ApplyRecordCreationAndUpdateRuleRequest Contains data to apply record creation and update rules to activities in CRM created as a result of the integration with external applications.
ApplyRecordCreationAndUpdateRuleResponse Contains the response from the ApplyRecordCreationAndUpdateRuleRequest class.
ApplyRoutingRuleRequest Contains the data that is needed to apply the active routing rule to an incident.
ApplyRoutingRuleResponse Contains the response from the ApplyRoutingRuleRequest message.
AppointmentProposal Represents a proposed appointment time and date as a result of the SearchRequest message.
AppointmentRequest Provides the details of an appointment request for the SearchRequest class.
AppointmentsToIgnore Specifies the appointments to ignore in an appointment request from the SearchRequest class.
AssignRequest Contains the data that is needed to assign the specified record to a new owner (user or team) by changing the OwnerId attribute of the record.
AssignResponse Contains the response from the AssignRequest.
AssociateEntitiesRequest Deprecated. Use the AssociateRequest class. Contains the data that is needed to add a link between two entity instances in a many-to-many relationship.
AssociateEntitiesResponse Deprecated. Use the AssociateRequest class and its associated response class. Contains the response from the AssociateEntitiesRequest class.
AttributeAuditDetail Contains the details of changes to entity attributes.
AuditDetail Provides a base class for storing the details of data changes.
AuditDetailCollection Contains a collection of AuditDetail objects.
AuditPartitionDetail Identifies a Microsoft SQL Server partition that is used to store changes to entity data records.
AuditPartitionDetailCollection Contains a data collection of AuditDetail objects.
AutoMapEntityRequest Contains the data that is needed to generate a new set of attribute mappings based on the metadata.
AutoMapEntityResponse Contains the response from the AutoMapEntityRequest class.
BackgroundSendEmailRequest Contains the data that is needed to send email messages asynchronously.
BackgroundSendEmailResponse Contains the response from the BackgroundSendEmailRequest class.
BookRequest Contains the data that is needed to schedule or “book” an appointment, recurring appointment, or service appointment (service activity).
BookResponse Contains the response from the BookRequest class.
BulkDeleteRequest Contains the data that’s needed to submit a bulk delete job that deletes selected records in bulk. This job runs asynchronously in the background without blocking other activities.
BulkDeleteResponse Contains the response from the BulkDeleteRequest class.
BulkDetectDuplicatesRequest Contains the data that is needed to submit an asynchronous system job that detects and logs multiple duplicate records.
BulkDetectDuplicatesResponse Contains the response from the BulkDetectDuplicatesRequest class.
BulkOperationStatusCloseRequest For internal use only.
BulkOperationStatusCloseResponse For internal use only.
BusinessNotification For internal use only.
BusinessNotificationParameter For internal use only.
CalculateActualValueOpportunityRequest Contains the data that is needed to calculate the value of an opportunity that is in the "Won" state.
CalculateActualValueOpportunityResponse Contains the response from the CalculateActualValueOpportunityRequest class.
CalculatePriceRequest Contains the data that is needed to calculate price in an opportunity, quote, order, and invoice. This is used internally for custom pricing calculation when the default system pricing is overridden.
CalculatePriceResponse Contains the response from the CalculatePriceRequest class.
CalculateRollupFieldRequest Contains the data that is needed to calculate the value of a rollup attribute.
CalculateRollupFieldResponse Contains the response from the CalculateRollupFieldRequest class.
CalculateTotalTimeIncidentRequest Contains the data that is needed to calculate the total time, in minutes, that you used while you worked on an incident (case).
CalculateTotalTimeIncidentResponse Contains the response from the CalculateTotalTimeIncidentRequest class.
CancelContractRequest Contains the data that is needed to cancel a contract.
CancelContractResponse Contains the response from the CancelContractRequest class.
CancelSalesOrderRequest Contains the data that is needed to cancel a sales order (order).
CancelSalesOrderResponse Contains the response from the CancelSalesOrderRequest class.
CheckIncomingEmailRequest Contains the data that is needed to check whether the incoming email message is relevant to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM system.
CheckIncomingEmailResponse Contains the response from the CheckIncomingEmailRequest class.
CheckPromoteEmailRequest Contains the data that is needed to check whether the incoming email message should be promoted to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM system.
CheckPromoteEmailResponse Contains the response from the CheckPromoteEmailRequest class.
CleanUpBulkOperationRequest For internal use only.
CleanUpBulkOperationResponse For internal use only.
CloneContractRequest Contains the data that is needed to copy an existing contract and its line items.
CloneContractResponse Contains the response from the CancelContractRequest class.
CloneProductRequest Contains the data that is needed to copy an existing product family, product, or bundle under the same parent record.
CloneProductResponse Contains the response from the CloneProductRequest class.
CloseIncidentRequest Contains the data that is needed to close an incident (case).
CloseIncidentResponse Contains the response from the CloseIncidentRequest class.
CloseQuoteRequest Contains the data that is needed to close a quote.
CloseQuoteResponse Contains the response from the CloseQuoteRequest class.
ComponentDetail Provides additional information about the solution components that are related to a missing component.
CompoundCreateRequest Deprecated. Use the CreateRequest class. Creates a compound entity, such as a sales order (order), invoice, quote, or duplicate rule (duplicate detection rule); and its related entity, such as a sales order detail (order product), invoice detail (invoice product), quote detail (quote product), or duplicate rule condition.
CompoundCreateResponse Deprecated. Use the CreateRequest class and its associated response class.
CompoundUpdateDuplicateDetectionRuleRequest Contains the data that is needed to update a duplicate rule (duplicate detection rule) and its related duplicate rule conditions.
CompoundUpdateDuplicateDetectionRuleResponse Contains the response from the CompoundUpdateDuplicateDetectionRuleRequest class.
CompoundUpdateRequest Deprecated. Use the CreateRequest class. Contains the data that is needed to update a compound record, such as a sales order (order), invoice, quote, or duplicate rule (duplicate detection rule); and its related detail record, such as a sales order detail (order product), invoice detail (invoice product), quote detail (quote product), or duplicate rule condition.
CompoundUpdateResponse Deprecated. Use the CreateRequest class and its associated response class. Contains the response from the CompoundUpdateRequest class.
ConstraintRelation Specifies additional constraints to be applied when you select resources for appointments.
ConvertKitToProductRequest Deprecated. Contains the data that is needed to convert a kit to a product.
ConvertKitToProductResponse Deprecated. Contains the response from the ConvertKitToProductRequest class.
ConvertOwnerTeamToAccessTeamRequest Contains the data that is needed to convert a team of type owner to a team of type access.
ConvertOwnerTeamToAccessTeamResponse Contains the response from the ConvertOwnerTeamToAccessTeamRequest class.
ConvertProductToKitRequest Deprecated. Contains the data that is needed to convert a product to a kit.
ConvertProductToKitResponse Deprecated. Contains the response from the ConvertProductToKitRequest class.
ConvertQuoteToSalesOrderRequest Contains the data that is needed to convert a quote to a sales order.
ConvertQuoteToSalesOrderResponse Contains the response from the ConvertQuoteToSalesOrderRequest class.
ConvertSalesOrderToInvoiceRequest Contains the data that is needed to convert a sales order to an invoice.
ConvertSalesOrderToInvoiceResponse Contains the response from the ConvertSalesOrderToInvoiceRequest class.
CopyCampaignRequest Contains the data that is needed to copy a campaign.
CopyCampaignResponse Contains the response from the CopyCampaignRequest class.
CopyCampaignResponseRequest Contains the data that is needed to create a copy of the campaign response.
CopyCampaignResponseResponse Contains the response from the CopyCampaignResponseRequest class.
CopyDynamicListToStaticRequest Contains the data that is needed to create a static list from the specified dynamic list and add the members that satisfy the dynamic list query criteria to the static list.
CopyDynamicListToStaticResponse Contains the response from the CopyDynamicListToStaticRequest class.
CopyMembersListRequest Contains the data that is needed to copy the members from the source list to the target list without creating duplicates.
CopyMembersListResponse Contains the response from the CopyMembersListRequest class.
CopySystemFormRequest Contains the data that is needed to create a new entity form that is based on an existing entity form.
CopySystemFormResponse Contains the response from the CopySystemFormRequest class.
CreateActivitiesListRequest Contains the data that is needed to create a quick campaign to distribute an activity to members of a list (marketing list).
CreateActivitiesListResponse Contains the response from the CreateActivitiesListRequest class.
CreateExceptionRequest Contains the data that is needed to create an exception for the recurring appointment instance.
CreateExceptionResponse Contains the response from the CreateExceptionRequest class.
CreateInstanceRequest Contains the data that is needed to create future unexpanded instances for the recurring appointment master.
CreateInstanceResponse Contains the response from the CreateInstanceRequest class.
CreateWorkflowFromTemplateRequest Contains the data that is needed to create a workflow (process) from a workflow template.
CreateWorkflowFromTemplateResponse Contains the response from the CreateWorkflowFromTemplateRequest class.
DeleteAuditDataRequest Contains the data that is needed to delete all audit data records up until a specified end date.
DeleteAuditDataResponse Contains the response from the DeleteAuditDataRequest class.
DeleteOpenInstancesRequest Contains the data that is needed to delete instances of a recurring appointment master that have an “Open” state.
DeleteOpenInstancesResponse Contains the response from the DeleteOpenInstancesRequest class.
DeliverIncomingEmailRequest Contains the data that is needed to create an email activity record from an incoming email message (Track in CRM).
DeliverIncomingEmailResponse Contains the response from the DeliverIncomingEmailRequest class.
DeliverPromoteEmailRequest Contains the data that is needed to create an email activity record from the specified email message (Track in CRM).
DeliverPromoteEmailResponse Contains the response from the DeliverPromoteEmailRequest class.
DeprovisionLanguageRequest Contains the data that is needed to deprovision a language.
DeprovisionLanguageResponse Contains the response from the DeprovisionLanguageRequest class.
DisassociateEntitiesRequest Deprecated. Use the DisassociateRequest class. Contains the data that is needed to remove a link between two entity instances in a many-to-many relationship.
DisassociateEntitiesResponse Deprecated. Use the DisassociateRequest class and its associated response class. Contains the response from the DisassociateEntitiesRequest class.
DistributeCampaignActivityRequest Contains the data that is needed to create a bulk operation that distributes a campaign activity. The appropriate activities, such as a phone call or fax, are created for the members of the list that is associated with the specified campaign activity.
DistributeCampaignActivityResponse Contains the response from the DistributeCampaignActivityRequest class.
DownloadReportDefinitionRequest Contains the data that is needed to download a report definition.
DownloadReportDefinitionResponse Contains the response from the DownloadReportDefinitionRequest class.
ErrorInfo Specifies the results of a scheduling operation using the ValidateRequest, BookRequest, or RescheduleRequest message.
ExecuteByIdSavedQueryRequest Contains the data that is needed to execute a saved query (view) that has the specified ID.
ExecuteByIdSavedQueryResponse Contains the response from the ExecuteByIdSavedQueryRequest class.
ExecuteByIdUserQueryRequest Contains the data that is needed to execute the user query (saved view) that has the specified ID.
ExecuteByIdUserQueryResponse Contains the response from the ExecuteByIdUserQueryRequest class.
ExecuteFetchRequest Deprecated. Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class.
ExecuteFetchResponse Deprecated. Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class and its associated response class.
ExecuteWorkflowRequest Contains the data that’s needed to execute a workflow.
ExecuteWorkflowResponse Contains the response from the ExecuteWorkflowResponse class.
ExpandCalendarRequest Contains the data that is needed to convert the calendar rules to an array of available time blocks for the specified period.
ExpandCalendarResponse Contains the response from the ExpandCalendarRequest class.
ExportFieldTranslationRequest Contains the data that is needed to export localizable fields values to a compressed file.
ExportFieldTranslationResponse Contains the response from the ExportFieldTranslationRequest class.
ExportMappingsImportMapRequest Contains the data that is needed to export a data map as an XML formatted data.
ExportMappingsImportMapResponse Contains the response from the ExportMappingsImportMapRequest class.
ExportSolutionRequest Contains the data that’s needed to export a solution.
ExportSolutionResponse Contains the response from the ExportSolutionRequest class.
ExportToExcelOnlineRequest For internal use only.
ExportToExcelOnlineResponse For internal use only.
ExportTranslationRequest Contains the data that is needed to export all translations for a specific solution to a compressed file.
ExportTranslationResponse Contains the response from the ExportTranslationRequest class.
FetchXmlToQueryExpressionRequest Contains the data that is needed to convert a query in FetchXML to a QueryExpression.
FetchXmlToQueryExpressionResponse Contains the response from the FetchXmlToQueryExpressionRequest class.
FindParentResourceGroupRequest Contains the data that is needed to find a parent resource group (scheduling group) for the specified resource groups (scheduling groups).
FindParentResourceGroupResponse Contains the response from the FindParentResourceGroupRequest class.
FulfillSalesOrderRequest Contains the data that is needed to fulfill the sales order (order).
FulfillSalesOrderResponse Contains the response from the FulfillSalesOrderRequest class.
GenerateInvoiceFromOpportunityRequest Contains the data that is needed to generate an invoice from an opportunity.
GenerateInvoiceFromOpportunityResponse Contains the response from the GenerateInvoiceFromOpportunityRequest class.
GenerateQuoteFromOpportunityRequest Contains the data that is needed to generate a quote from an opportunity.
GenerateQuoteFromOpportunityResponse Contains the response from the GenerateQuoteFromOpportunityRequest class.
GenerateSalesOrderFromOpportunityRequest Contains the data that is needed to generate a sales order (order) from an opportunity.
GenerateSalesOrderFromOpportunityResponse Contains the response from the GenerateSalesOrderFromOpportunityRequest class.
GenerateSocialProfileRequest Contains the data to return an existing social profile record if one exists, otherwise generates a new one and returns it.
GenerateSocialProfileResponse Contains the response from the GenerateSocialProfileRequest message.
GetAllTimeZonesWithDisplayNameRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve all the time zone definitions for the specified locale and to return only the display name attribute.
GetAllTimeZonesWithDisplayNameResponse Contains the response from the GetAllTimeZonesWithDisplayNameRequest class.
GetDecryptionKeyRequest For internal use only. See RetrieveDataEncryptionKeyRequest.
GetDecryptionKeyResponse For internal use only.
GetDefaultPriceLevelRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the default price level (price list) for the current user based on the user’s territory relationship with the price level.
GetDefaultPriceLevelResponse Contains the response from the GetDefaultPriceLevelRequest class.
GetDistinctValuesImportFileRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve distinct values from the parse table for a column in the source file that contains list values.
GetDistinctValuesImportFileResponse Contains the response from the GetDistinctValuesImportFileRequest class.
GetHeaderColumnsImportFileRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the source-file column headings; or retrieve the system-generated column headings if the source file does not contain column headings.
GetHeaderColumnsImportFileResponse Contains the response from the GetHeaderColumnsImportFileRequest class.
GetInvoiceProductsFromOpportunityRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the products from an opportunity and copy them to the invoice.
GetInvoiceProductsFromOpportunityResponse Contains the response from the GetInvoiceProductsFromOpportunityRequest class.
GetQuantityDecimalRequest Contains the data that is needed to get the quantity decimal value of a product for the specified entity in the target.
GetQuantityDecimalResponse Contains the response from the GetQuantityDecimalRequest class.
GetQuoteProductsFromOpportunityRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the products from an opportunity and copy them to the quote.
GetQuoteProductsFromOpportunityResponse Contains the response from the GetQuoteProductsFromOpportunityRequest class.
GetReportHistoryLimitRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the history limit for a report.
GetReportHistoryLimitResponse Contains the response from the GetReportHistoryLimitRequest class.
GetSalesOrderProductsFromOpportunityRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the products from an opportunity and copy them to the sales order (order).
GetSalesOrderProductsFromOpportunityResponse Contains the response from the GetSalesOrderProductsFromOpportunityRequest class.
GetTimeZoneCodeByLocalizedNameRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the time zone code for the specified localized time zone name.
GetTimeZoneCodeByLocalizedNameResponse Contains the response from the GetTimeZoneCodeByLocalizedNameRequest class.
GetTrackingTokenEmailRequest Contains the data that is needed to return a tracking token that can then be passed as a parameter to the SendEmailRequest message.
GetTrackingTokenEmailResponse Contains the response from the GetTrackingTokenEmailRequest class.
GrantAccessRequest Contains the data that is needed to grant a security principal (user or team) access to the specified record.
GrantAccessResponse Contains the response from the GrantAccessRequest class.
ImportFieldTranslationRequest Contains the data that is needed to import translations from a compressed file.
ImportFieldTranslationResponse Contains the response from the ImportFieldTranslationRequest class.
ImportMappingsImportMapRequest Contains the data that is needed to import the XML representation of a data map and create an import map (data map) based on this data.
ImportMappingsImportMapResponse Contains the response from the ImportMappingsImportMapRequest class.
ImportRecordsImportRequest Contains the data that is needed to submit an asynchronous job that uploads the transformed data into Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
ImportRecordsImportResponse Contains the response from the ImportRecordsImportRequest class.
ImportSolutionRequest Contains the data that is needed to import a solution.
ImportSolutionResponse Contains the response from the ImportSolutionRequest class.
ImportTranslationRequest Contains the data that is needed to import translations from a compressed file.
ImportTranslationResponse Contains the response from the ImportTranslationRequest class.
InitializeFromRequest Contains the data that is needed to initialize a new record from an existing record.
InitializeFromResponse Contains the response from the InitializeFromRequest class.
InputArgument Contains custom application data.
InputArgumentCollection Contains a collection of InputArgument objects.
InstallSampleDataRequest Contains the data that is needed to install the sample data.
InstallSampleDataResponse Contains the response from the InstallSampleDataRequest class.
InstantiateFiltersRequest Contains the data that is needed to instantiate a set of filters for CRM for Outlook for the specified user.
InstantiateFiltersResponse Contains the response from the InstantiateFiltersRequest class.
InstantiateTemplateRequest Contains the parameters that are needed to create an email message from a template (email template).
InstantiateTemplateResponse Contains the response from the InstantiateTemplateRequest class.
IsBackOfficeInstalledRequest Deprecated. Checks whether Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 is installed.
IsBackOfficeInstalledResponse Deprecated.
IsComponentCustomizableRequest Contains the data that is needed to determine whether a solution component is customizable.
IsComponentCustomizableResponse Contains the response from the IsComponentCustomizableRequest class.
IsValidStateTransitionRequest Contains the data that is needed to validate the state transition.
IsValidStateTransitionResponse Contains the response from the IsValidStateTransitionRequest class.
LocalTimeFromUtcTimeRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the local time for the specified Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
LocalTimeFromUtcTimeResponse Contains the response from the LocalTimeFromUtcTimeRequest class.
LockInvoicePricingRequest Contains the data that is needed to lock the total price of products and services that are specified in the invoice.
LockInvoicePricingResponse Contains the response from the LockInvoicePricingRequest class.
LockSalesOrderPricingRequest Contains the data that is needed to lock the total price of products and services that are specified in the sales order (order).
LockSalesOrderPricingResponse Contains the response from the LockSalesOrderPricingRequest class.
LogFailureBulkOperationRequest For internal use only.
LogFailureBulkOperationResponse For internal use only.
LogSuccessBulkOperationRequest For internal use only.
LogSuccessBulkOperationResponse For internal use only.
LoseOpportunityRequest Contains the data that is needed to set the state of an opportunity to Lost.
LoseOpportunityResponse Contains the response from the LoseOpportunityRequest class.
MakeAvailableToOrganizationReportRequest Deprecated. Use the UpdateRequest class.
MakeAvailableToOrganizationReportResponse Deprecated. Use the UpdateRequest class and its associated response class.
MakeAvailableToOrganizationTemplateRequest Deprecated. Use the UpdateRequest class.
MakeAvailableToOrganizationTemplateResponse Deprecated. Use the UpdateRequest class and its associated response class.
MakeUnavailableToOrganizationReportRequest Deprecated. Use the UpdateRequest class.
MakeUnavailableToOrganizationReportResponse Deprecated. Use the UpdateRequest class and its associated response class.
MakeUnavailableToOrganizationTemplateRequest Deprecated. Use the UpdateRequest class.
MakeUnavailableToOrganizationTemplateResponse Deprecated. Use the UpdateRequest class and its associated response class.
MergeRequest Contains the data that’s needed to merge the information from two entity records of the same type.
MergeResponse Contains the response from the MergeRequest class.
MissingComponent Contains the data to describe a solution component that is required by a solution but not found in the system.
ModifyAccessRequest Contains the data that is needed to replace the access rights on the target record for the specified security principal (user or team).
ModifyAccessResponse Contains the response from the ModifyAccessRequest class.
ObjectiveRelation Contains the data that describes the scheduling strategy for an AppointmentRequest and that overrides the default constraints.
OrganizationResources Contains data regarding the resources used by an organization.
ParseImportRequest Contains the data that is needed to submit an asynchronous job that parses all import files that are associated with the specified import (data import).
ParseImportResponse Contains the response from the ParseImportRequest class.
PickFromQueueRequest Contains the data that is needed to assign a queue item to a user and optionally remove the queue item from the queue.
PickFromQueueResponse Contains the response from the PickFromQueueRequest message.
PrincipalAccess Contains access rights information for the security principal (user or team).
ProcessInboundEmailRequest Contains the data that is needed to process the email responses from a marketing campaign.
ProcessInboundEmailResponse Contains the response from the ProcessInboundEmailRequest class.
ProcessOneMemberBulkOperationRequest For internal use only.
ProcessOneMemberBulkOperationResponse For internal use only.
PropagateByExpressionRequest Contains the data that is needed to create a quick campaign to distribute an activity to accounts, contacts, or leads that are selected by a query.
PropagateByExpressionResponse Contains the response from the PropagateByExpressionRequest class.
ProposalParty Represents a party (user, team, or resource) that is needed for the proposed appointment.
ProvisionLanguageRequest Contains the data that is needed to provision a new language.
ProvisionLanguageResponse Contains the response from the ProvisionLanguageRequest class.
PublishAllXmlRequest Contains the data that is needed to publish all changes to solution components.
PublishAllXmlResponse Contains the response from the PublishAllXmlRequest class.
PublishDuplicateRuleRequest Contains the data that is needed to submit an asynchronous job to publish a duplicate rule.
PublishDuplicateRuleResponse Contains the response from the PublishDuplicateRuleRequest class.
PublishProductHierarchyRequest Contain the data that is needed to publish a product family record and all its child records.
PublishProductHierarchyResponse Contains the response from the PublishProductHierarchyRequest class.
PublishThemeRequest Contains the data that is needed to publish a theme and set it as the current theme.
PublishThemeResponse Contains the response from the PublishThemeRequest class.
PublishXmlRequest Contains the data that is needed to publish specified solution components.
PublishXmlResponse Contains the response from the PublishXmlRequest class.
QualifyLeadRequest Contains the data that is needed to qualify a lead and create account, contact, and opportunity records that are linked to the originating lead record.
QualifyLeadResponse Contains the response from the QualifyLeadRequest class.
QualifyMemberListRequest Contains the data that is needed to qualify the specified list and either override the list members or remove them according to the specified option.
QualifyMemberListResponse Contains the response from the QualifyMemberListRequest class.
QueryExpressionToFetchXmlRequest Contains the data that is needed to convert a query, which is represented as a QueryExpression class, to its equivalent query, which is represented as FetchXML.
QueryExpressionToFetchXmlResponse Contains the response from the QueryExpressionToFetchXmlRequest class.
QueryMultipleSchedulesRequest Contains the data that is needed to search multiple resources for available time block that match the specified parameters.
QueryMultipleSchedulesResponse Contains the response from the QueryMultipleSchedulesRequest class.
QueryScheduleRequest Contains the data that is needed to search the specified resource for an available time block that matches the specified parameters.
QueryScheduleResponse Contains response from QueryScheduleRequest.
ReassignObjectsOwnerRequest Contains the data that is needed to reassign all records that are owned by the security principal (user or team) to another security principal (user or team).
ReassignObjectsOwnerResponse Contains the response from the ReassignObjectsOwnerRequest class.
ReassignObjectsSystemUserRequest Contains the data that is needed to reassign all records that are owned by a specified user to another security principal (user or team).
ReassignObjectsSystemUserResponse Contains the response from the ReassignObjectsSystemUserRequest class.
RecalculateRequest Contains the data that is needed to recalculate system-computed values for rollup fields in the goal hierarchy.
RecalculateResponse Contains the response from the RecalculateRequest.
RelationshipAuditDetail Contains the audited details of a change in a relationship.
ReleaseToQueueRequest Contains the data that is needed to assign a queue item back to the queue owner so others can pick it.
ReleaseToQueueResponse Contains the response from the ReleaseToQueueRequest message.
RemoveFromQueueRequest Contains the data that is needed to remove a queue item from a queue.
RemoveFromQueueResponse Contains the response from the RemoveFromQueueRequest message.
RemoveItemCampaignActivityRequest Contains the data that is needed to remove an item from a campaign activity.
RemoveItemCampaignActivityResponse Contains the response from the RemoveItemCampaignActivityRequest class.
RemoveItemCampaignRequest Contains the data that is needed to remove an item from a campaign.
RemoveItemCampaignResponse Contains the response from the RemoveItemCampaignRequest class.
RemoveMemberListRequest Contains the data that is needed to remove a member from a list (marketing list).
RemoveMemberListResponse Contains the response from the RemoveMemberListRequest class.
RemoveMembersTeamRequest Contains the data that is needed to remove members from a team.
RemoveMembersTeamResponse Contains the response from the RemoveMembersTeamRequest class.
RemoveParentRequest Contains the data that is needed to remove the parent for a system user (user) record.
RemoveParentResponse Contains the response from the RemoveParentRequest class.
RemovePrivilegeRoleRequest Contains the data that is needed to remove a privilege from an existing role.
RemovePrivilegeRoleResponse Contains the response from the RemovePrivilegeRoleRequest class.
RemoveProductFromKitRequest Deprecated. Use the ProductAssociation entity. Contains the data that is needed to remove a product from a kit.
RemoveProductFromKitResponse Deprecated. Use the ProductAssociation entity. Contains the response from the RemoveProductFromKitRequest.
RemoveRelatedRequest Use the DisassociateRequest class. Contains the data that is needed to remove the relationship between the specified records for specific relationships.
RemoveRelatedResponse Contains the response from the RemoveRelatedRequest class.
RemoveSolutionComponentRequest Contains the data that is needed to remove a component from an unmanaged solution.
RemoveSolutionComponentResponse Contains the response from the RemoveSolutionComponentRequest class.
RemoveSubstituteProductRequest Deprecated. Use the ProductSubstitute entity.
RemoveSubstituteProductResponse Deprecated. Use the ProductSubstitute entity.
RemoveUserFromRecordTeamRequest Contains the data that is needed to remove a user from the auto created access team for the specified record.
RemoveUserFromRecordTeamResponse Contains the response from the RemoveUserFromRecordTeamRequest class.
RenewContractRequest Contains the data that is needed to renew a contract and create the contract details for a new contract.
RenewContractResponse Contains the response from the RenewContractRequest class.
RenewEntitlementRequest Contains the data that is needed to renew an entitlement.
RenewEntitlementResponse Contains the response from the RenewEntitlementRequest message.
ReplacePrivilegesRoleRequest Contains the data that is needed to replace the privilege set of an existing role.
ReplacePrivilegesRoleResponse Contains the response from the ReplacePrivilegesRoleRequest class.
RequiredResource Specifies a resource that is required for a scheduling operation.
RescheduleRequest Contains the data that is needed to reschedule an appointment, recurring appointment, or service appointment (service activity).
RescheduleResponse Contains the response from the RescheduleRequest class.
ResetUserFiltersRequest Contains the data that is needed to reset the offline data filters for the calling user to the default filters for the organization.
ResetUserFiltersResponse Contains the response from the ResetUserFiltersRequest class.
ResourceInfo Contains information about a resource that has a scheduling problem for an appointment.
RetrieveAbsoluteAndSiteCollectionUrlRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the absolute URL and the site collection URL for a SharePoint location record in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
RetrieveAbsoluteAndSiteCollectionUrlResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAbsoluteAndSiteCollectionUrlRequest class.
RetrieveAllChildUsersSystemUserRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the collection of users that report to the specified system user (user).
RetrieveAllChildUsersSystemUserResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAllChildUsersSystemUserRequest class.
RetrieveApplicationRibbonRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the data that defines the content and behavior of the application ribbon.
RetrieveApplicationRibbonResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveApplicationRibbonRequest class.
RetrieveAttributeChangeHistoryRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve all metadata changes to a specific attribute.
RetrieveAttributeChangeHistoryResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAttributeChangeHistoryRequest class.
RetrieveAuditDetailsRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the full audit details from an Audit record.
RetrieveAuditDetailsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAuditDetailsRequest class.
RetrieveAuditPartitionListRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the list of database partitions that are used to store audited history data.
RetrieveAuditPartitionListResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAuditPartitionListRequest class.
RetrieveAvailableLanguagesRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the list of language packs that are installed and enabled on the server.
RetrieveAvailableLanguagesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAvailableLanguagesRequest class.
RetrieveBusinessHierarchyBusinessUnitRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve all business units (including the specified business unit) from the business unit hierarchy.
RetrieveBusinessHierarchyBusinessUnitResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveBusinessHierarchyBusinessUnitRequest class.
RetrieveByGroupResourceRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve all resources that are related to the specified resource group (scheduling group).
RetrieveByGroupResourceResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveByGroupResourceRequest class.
RetrieveByResourceResourceGroupRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the resource groups (scheduling groups) that contain the specified resource.
RetrieveByResourceResourceGroupResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveByResourceResourceGroupRequest class.
RetrieveByResourcesServiceRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the collection of services that are related to the specified set of resources.
RetrieveByResourcesServiceResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveByResourcesServiceRequest class.
RetrieveByTopIncidentProductKbArticleRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the top-ten articles about a specified product from the knowledge base of articles for your organization.
RetrieveByTopIncidentProductKbArticleResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveByTopIncidentProductKbArticleRequest class.
RetrieveByTopIncidentSubjectKbArticleRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the top-ten articles about a specified subject from the knowledge base of articles for your organization.
RetrieveByTopIncidentSubjectKbArticleResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveByTopIncidentSubjectKbArticleRequest class.
RetrieveCurrentOrganizationRequest Contains the data that’s needed to retrieve information about the current organization.
RetrieveCurrentOrganizationResponse Contains the response from processing RetrieveCurrentOrganizationRequest.
RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a collection of dependency records that describe any solution components that would prevent a solution component from being deleted.
RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest class.
RetrieveDependenciesForUninstallRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a list of the solution component dependencies that can prevent you from uninstalling a managed solution.
RetrieveDependenciesForUninstallResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveDependenciesForUninstallRequest class.
RetrieveDependentComponentsRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieves a list dependencies for solution components that directly depend on a solution component.
RetrieveDependentComponentsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveDependentComponentsRequest class.
RetrieveDeploymentLicenseTypeRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the type of license for a deployment of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
RetrieveDeploymentLicenseTypeResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveDeploymentLicenseTypeRequest class.
RetrieveDeprovisionedLanguagesRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a list of language packs that are installed on the server that have been disabled.
RetrieveDeprovisionedLanguagesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveDeprovisionedLanguagesRequest class.
RetrieveDuplicatesRequest Contains the data that is needed to detect and retrieve duplicates for a specified record.
RetrieveDuplicatesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveDuplicatesRequest class.
RetrieveEntityRibbonRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve ribbon definitions for an entity.
RetrieveEntityRibbonResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveEntityRibbonRequest class.
RetrieveExchangeRateRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the exchange rate.
RetrieveExchangeRateResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveExchangeRateRequest class.
RetrieveFilteredFormsRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the entity forms that are available for a specified user.
RetrieveFilteredFormsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveFilteredFormsRequest class.
RetrieveFormattedImportJobResultsRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the formatted results from an import job.
RetrieveFormattedImportJobResultsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveFormattedImportJobResultsRequest class.
RetrieveFormXmlRequest For internal use only.
RetrieveFormXmlResponse For internal use only.
RetrieveInstalledLanguagePacksRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the list of language packs that are installed on the server.
RetrieveInstalledLanguagePacksResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveInstalledLanguagePacksRequest class.
RetrieveInstalledLanguagePackVersionRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the version of an installed language pack.
RetrieveInstalledLanguagePackVersionResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveInstalledLanguagePackVersionRequest class.
RetrieveLicenseInfoRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the number of used and available licenses for a deployment of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
RetrieveLicenseInfoResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveLicenseInfoRequest class.
RetrieveLocLabelsRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve localized labels for a limited set of entity attributes.
RetrieveLocLabelsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveLocLabelsRequest class.
RetrieveMailboxTrackingFoldersRequest Contains the data needed to retrieve folder-level tracking rules for a mailbox.
RetrieveMailboxTrackingFoldersResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveMailboxTrackingFoldersRequest class.
RetrieveMembersBulkOperationRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the members of a bulk operation.
RetrieveMembersBulkOperationResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveMembersBulkOperationRequest class.
RetrieveMembersTeamRequest Deprecated. Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class.
RetrieveMembersTeamResponse Deprecated. Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class and its associated response class. Contains the response from the RetrieveMembersTeamRequest class.
RetrieveMissingComponentsRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a list of missing components in the target organization.
RetrieveMissingComponentsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveMissingComponentsRequest class.
RetrieveMissingDependenciesRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve any required solution components that are not included in the solution.
RetrieveMissingDependenciesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveMissingDependenciesRequest class.
RetrieveOrganizationResourcesRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the resources that are used by an organization.
RetrieveOrganizationResourcesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveOrganizationResourcesRequest class.
RetrieveParentGroupsResourceGroupRequest Contains the data needed to retrieve the collection of the parent resource groups of the specified resource group (scheduling group).
RetrieveParentGroupsResourceGroupResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveParentGroupsResourceGroupRequest class.
RetrieveParsedDataImportFileRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the data from the parse table.
RetrieveParsedDataImportFileResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveParsedDataImportFileRequest class.
RetrievePersonalWallRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve pages of posts, including comments for each post, for all records that the calling user is following.
RetrievePersonalWallResponse Contains the response from the RetrievePersonalWallRequest class.
RetrievePrincipalAccessRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the access rights of the specified security principal (team or user) to the specified record.
RetrievePrincipalAccessResponse Contains the response from the RetrievePrincipalAccessRequest class.
RetrievePrincipalAttributePrivilegesRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieves all the secured attribute privileges a user or team has through direct or indirect (through team membership) associations with the FieldSecurityProfile entity.
RetrievePrincipalAttributePrivilegesResponse Contains the response from the RetrievePrincipalAttributePrivilegesRequest class.
RetrievePrincipalSyncAttributeMappingsRequest This message doesn’t have any extensibility scenarios in this release.
RetrievePrincipalSyncAttributeMappingsResponse This message doesn’t have any extensibility scenarios in this release.
RetrievePrivilegeSetRequest Contains the data needed to retrieve the set of privileges defined in the system.
RetrievePrivilegeSetResponse Contains the response from the RetrievePrivilegeSetRequest class.
RetrieveProductPropertiesRequest Contains data that is needed to retrieve all the property instances (dynamic property instances) for a product added to an opportunity, quote, order, or invoice.
RetrieveProductPropertiesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveProductPropertiesRequest class.
RetrieveProvisionedLanguagePackVersionRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the version of a provisioned language pack.
RetrieveProvisionedLanguagePackVersionResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveProvisionedLanguagePackVersionRequest class.
RetrieveProvisionedLanguagesRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the list of provisioned languages.
RetrieveProvisionedLanguagesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveProvisionedLanguagesRequest class.
RetrieveRecordChangeHistoryRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve all attribute data changes for a specific entity.
RetrieveRecordChangeHistoryResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveRecordChangeHistoryRequest class.
RetrieveRecordWallRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve pages of posts, including comments for each post, for a specified record.
RetrieveRecordWallResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveRecordWallRequest class.
RetrieveRequiredComponentsRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a collection of solution components that are required for a solution component.
RetrieveRequiredComponentsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveRequiredComponentsRequest class.
RetrieveRolePrivilegesRoleRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the privileges that are assigned to the specified role.
RetrieveRolePrivilegesRoleResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveRolePrivilegesRoleRequest class.
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccessRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve all security principals (users or teams) that have access to, and access rights for, the specified record.
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccessResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccessRequest class.
RetrieveSubGroupsResourceGroupRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the collection of child resource groups from the specified resource group (scheduling group).
RetrieveSubGroupsResourceGroupResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveSubGroupsResourceGroupRequest class.
RetrieveSubsidiaryTeamsBusinessUnitRequest Deprecated. Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class.Contains the data needed to retrieve a collection of entity instances based on the specified query criteria.
RetrieveSubsidiaryTeamsBusinessUnitResponse Deprecated. Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class and its associated response class.
RetrieveSubsidiaryUsersBusinessUnitRequest Deprecated. Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class.Contains the data needed to retrieve all user information from the child business units of the specified business unit.
RetrieveSubsidiaryUsersBusinessUnitResponse Deprecated. Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class and its associated response class.Contains the response from the RetrieveSubsidiaryUsersBusinessUnitRequest message.
RetrieveTeamPrivilegesRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the privileges for a team.
RetrieveTeamPrivilegesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveTeamPrivilegesRequest class.
RetrieveTeamsSystemUserRequest Deprecated. Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class.Contains the data needed to retrieve the list of teams of which the specified user is a member.
RetrieveTeamsSystemUserResponse Deprecated. Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class and its associated response class.Contains the response from the RetrieveTeamsSystemUserRequest message.
RetrieveUnpublishedMultipleRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a collection of unpublished organization-owned records that satisfy the specified query criteria.
RetrieveUnpublishedMultipleResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveUnpublishedMultipleRequest class.
RetrieveUnpublishedRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve an unpublished record.
RetrieveUnpublishedResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveUnpublishedRequest class.
RetrieveUserPrivilegesRequest Contains the data needed to retrieve the privileges a system user (user) has through his or her roles in the specified business unit.
RetrieveUserPrivilegesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveUserPrivilegesRequest class.
RetrieveUserQueuesRequest Contains the data needed to retrieve all private queues of a specified user and optionally all public queues.
RetrieveUserQueuesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveUserQueuesRequest message.
RetrieveUserSettingsSystemUserRequest Deprecated. Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class.Contains the data needed to retrieve the user settings for the specified system user (user).
RetrieveUserSettingsSystemUserResponse Deprecated. Use the RetrieveMultipleRequest class and its associated response class.
RetrieveVersionRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the version number of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server.
RetrieveVersionResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveVersionRequest class.
RevertProductRequest Contains the data that is needed to revert changes done to properties of a product family, product, or bundle record, and set it back to its last published (active) state.
RevertProductResponse Contains the response from the RevertProductRequest class.
ReviseQuoteRequest Contains the data that is needed to set the state of a quote to Draft.
ReviseQuoteResponse Contains the response from the ReviseQuoteRequest class.
RevokeAccessRequest Contains the data that is needed to replace the access rights on the target record for the specified security principal (user or team).
RevokeAccessResponse Contains the response from the RevokeAccessRequest class.
RolePrivilege Contains information about a privilege.
RolePrivilegeAuditDetail Represents audited changes to the privileges of a security role.
RollupRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve all the entity records that are related to the specified record.
RollupResponse Contains the response from the RollupRequest class.
RouteToRequest Contains the data that is needed to route a queue item to a queue, a user, or a team.
RouteToResponse Contains the response from the RouteToRequest message.
SearchByBodyKbArticleRequest Contains the data that is needed to search for knowledge base articles that contain the specified body text.
SearchByBodyKbArticleResponse Contains the response from the SearchByBodyKbArticleRequest class.
SearchByKeywordsKbArticleRequest Contains the data that is needed to search for knowledge base articles that contain the specified keywords.
SearchByKeywordsKbArticleResponse Contains the response from the SearchByKeywordsKbArticleRequest class.
SearchByTitleKbArticleRequest Contains the data that is needed to search for knowledge base articles that contain the specified title.
SearchByTitleKbArticleResponse Contains the response from the SearchByTitleKbArticleRequest class.
SearchRequest Contains the data needed to search for available time slots that fulfill the specified appointment request.
SearchResponse Contains the response from the SearchRequest class.
SearchResults Contains the results from the SearchRequest message.
SendBulkMailRequest Contains the data that is needed to send bulk email messages.
SendBulkMailResponse Contains the response from the SendBulkMailRequest class.
SendEmailFromTemplateRequest Contains the data that is needed to send an email message using a template.
SendEmailFromTemplateResponse Contains the response from the SendEmailFromTemplateRequest class.
SendEmailRequest Contains the data that is needed to send an email message.
SendEmailResponse Contains the response from the BackgroundSendEmailRequest class.
SendFaxRequest Contains the data that is needed to send a fax.
SendFaxResponse Contains the response from the SendFaxRequest class.
SendTemplateRequest Contains the data that is needed to send a bulk email message that is created from a template.
SendTemplateResponse Contains the response from the SendTemplateRequest class.
SetBusinessEquipmentRequest Contains the data that is needed to assign equipment (facility/equipment) to a specific business unit.
SetBusinessEquipmentResponse Contains the response from the SetBusinessEquipmentRequest class.
SetBusinessSystemUserRequest Contains the data that is needed to move a system user (user) to a different business unit.
SetBusinessSystemUserResponse Contains the response from the SetBusinessSystemUserRequest class.
SetLocLabelsRequest Contains the data that is needed to set localized labels for a limited set of entity attributes.
SetLocLabelsResponse Contains the response from the SetLocLabelsRequest class.
SetParentBusinessUnitRequest Contains the data that is needed to set the parent business unit for a business unit.
SetParentBusinessUnitResponse Contains the response from the SetParentBusinessUnitRequest class.
SetParentSystemUserRequest Contains the data needed to set a new parent system user (user) for the specified user.
SetParentSystemUserResponse Contains the response from the SetParentSystemUserRequest class.
SetParentTeamRequest Contains the data needed to set the parent business unit of a team.
SetParentTeamResponse Contains the response from the SetParentTeamRequest class.
SetRelatedRequest Contains the data needed to create a relationship between a set of records that participate in specific relationships.
SetRelatedResponse Contains the response from the SetRelatedRequest class.
SetReportRelatedRequest Contains the data needed to link an instance of a report entity to related entities.
SetReportRelatedResponse Contains the response from SetReportRelatedRequest.
SetStateRequest Contains the data that’s needed to set the state of an entity record.
SetStateResponse Contains the response from the SetStateRequest class.
ShareAuditDetail Represents a shared audit detail record.
StatusUpdateBulkOperationRequest For internal use only.
StatusUpdateBulkOperationResponse For internal use only.
TimeInfo Specifies a set of time blocks with appointment information.
TraceInfo Specifies the results of a scheduling operation using the ValidateRequest, BookRequest, RescheduleRequest, or SearchRequest messages.
TransformImportRequest Contains the data that is needed to submit an asynchronous job that transforms the parsed data.
TransformImportResponse Contains the response from the TransformImportRequest class.
TriggerServiceEndpointCheckRequest Contains the data that is needed to validate the configuration of a Microsoft Azure Service Bus solution’s service endpoint.
TriggerServiceEndpointCheckResponse Contains the response from the TriggerServiceEndpointCheckRequest.
UnlockInvoicePricingRequest Contains the data that is needed to unlock pricing for an invoice.
UnlockInvoicePricingResponse Contains the response from the UnlockInvoicePricingRequest class.
UnlockSalesOrderPricingRequest Contains the data that is needed to unlock pricing for a sales order (order).
UnlockSalesOrderPricingResponse Contains the response from the UnlockSalesOrderPricingRequest class.
UnpublishDuplicateRuleRequest Contains the data that is needed to submit an asynchronous job to unpublish a duplicate rule.
UnpublishDuplicateRuleResponse Contains the response from the UnpublishDuplicateRuleRequest class.
UpdateProductPropertiesRequest Contains the data that is needed to update values of the property instances (dynamic property instances) for a product added to an opportunity, quote, order, or invoice.
UpdateProductPropertiesResponse Contains the response from the UpdateProductPropertiesRequest class.
UpdateUserSettingsSystemUserRequest Deprecated. Use the UpdateRequest class.
UpdateUserSettingsSystemUserResponse Deprecated. Use the UpdateRequest class and its associated response class.
UserAccessAuditDetail For internal use only.
UtcTimeFromLocalTimeRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for the specified local time.
UtcTimeFromLocalTimeResponse Contains the response from the UtcTimeFromLocalTimeRequest class.
ValidateRecurrenceRuleRequest Contains the data that is needed to validate a rule for a recurring appointment.
ValidateRecurrenceRuleResponse Contains the response from the ValidateRecurrenceRuleRequest class.
ValidateRequest Contains the data that is needed to verify that an appointment or service appointment (service activity) has valid available resources for the activity, duration, and site, as appropriate.
ValidateResponse Contains the response from the ValidateRequest class.
ValidateSavedQueryRequest Contains the data that is needed to validate a saved query (view).
ValidateSavedQueryResponse Contains the response from the ValidateSavedQueryRequest class.
ValidationResult Contains the result from the ValidateRequest, BookRequest, or RescheduleRequest messages.
VerifyProcessStateDataRequest For internal use only.
VerifyProcessStateDataResponse Contains the response from the VerifyProcessStateDataRequest class.
WhoAmIRequest Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the system user ID for the currently logged on user or the user under whose context the code is running.
WhoAmIResponse Contains the response from the WhoAmIRequest class.
WinOpportunityRequest Contains the data that is needed to set the state of an opportunity to Won.
WinOpportunityResponse Contains the response from the WinOpportunityRequest class.
WinQuoteRequest Contains the data that is needed to set the state of a quote to Won.
WinQuoteResponse Contains the response from the WinQuoteRequest class.

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