
新技术真是层次不穷,八月份阿里做了件深的猿心的一件小事:dexposed 开源了。来看看 dexposed 是个啥?

What is it?

相信 Android 开发猿猿们都有过这个烦恼: Android 客户端应用上线以后,难免会出现一些 bug ,特别是有些 bug 可能就只需要修改部分一两句代码的事,但是有不得不修复,然后发包。频繁发包,对用户,对开发来说的都是很蛋疼的体验。所以优化的思路是在不发版本的情况下热更新,以期提高用户体验。
 Dexposed 是一个强大的非侵入性 AOP 开源框架,针对 Android 开发的热更新。这个框架是在另一个开源框架:Xposed的基础上优化出来的。


  • 引入依赖包:

dependencies {
        compile ''
  • 初始化并判断你使用的版本能否使用(某些版本还在测试中)
 public class MyApplication extends Application {
 @Override public void onCreate() {        
 // Check whether current device is supported (also initialize Dexposed framework if not yet)
            if (DexposedBridge.canDexposed(this)) {
                // Use Dexposed to kick off AOP stuffs.
  • 在patch工程中修复你的bug

你要修复的 bug 肯定是围绕这某个类某个方法去修改的,所以这里提供了三种方式:

1 在方法前插入逻辑 。

2 替换掉某个方法。

3 在某个方法之后插入逻辑。

例子1:下面这个例子演示如何在 Activity.onCreate(Bundle) 这个方法之前之后加入代码片段:

//Target class, method with parameter types, followed by the hook callback (XC_MethodHook)
 DexposedBridge.findAndHookMethod(Activity.class, "onCreate", Bundle.class, new XC_MethodHook() {
    // To be invoked before Activity.onCreate().
   @Override protected void beforeHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable {
   // "thisObject" keeps the reference to the instance of target class.
   Activity instance = (Activity) param.thisObject;
   // The array args include all the parameters. 
   Bundle bundle = (Bundle) param.args[0];
   Intent intent = new Intent();
    // XposedHelpers provide useful utility methods.
   XposedHelpers.setObjectField(param.thisObject, "mIntent", intent);
   // Calling setResult() will bypass the original method body use the result as method return value directly.
   if (bundle.containsKey("return"))
   // To be invoked after Activity.onCreate()
   @Override protected void afterHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable {
     XposedHelpers.callMethod(param.thisObject, "sampleMethod", 2);


DexposedBridge.findAndHookMethod(Activity.class, "onCreate", Bundle.class, new XC_MethodReplacement() {

            @Override protected Object replaceHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable {
                // Re-writing the method logic outside the original method context is a bit tricky but still viable.

  • 支持的版本
Runtime Android Version Support
Dalvik 2.2 Not Test
Dalvik 2.3 Yes
Dalvik 3.0 No
Dalvik 4.0-4.4 Yes
ART 5.0 Testing
ART 5.1 No

