Simple Scala actor Vs java Thread Vs Kilim Test

Simple Scala actor Vs java Thread Vs Kilim Test

In this blog,I'll test the coroutine supported on jvm,now famous is scala actor & kilim,this blog show the program reliazed with scala actor/kilim/java,let's compare these three program performance.

Test scene:
1.start cpu+1 threads;
2.these threads notify processor,repeat (cpu+1)*100 times,every time notify sleep random(5) ms;
3.processor asynchronous handle the message,the handler process is create a List(1000),and add element to this list,then sleep random(2) ms,repeat the process 100 times,then finish the processor.

Test Machine I: 2 core CPU(Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU  E5410  @ 2.33GHz) 1.5G memory
Test Env: JDK 1.6.0_07、linux kernel 2.6.9
Execute result:
1. java version: 8397ms    cpu us: about 84%  sy: about 8% 
2. scala version: 12403ms   cpu us: about 70%  sy: about 13%
3. kilim version: 10959ms   cpu us: about 70%  sy: about 14%

Test Machine II: 8 core CPU(Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU  E5410  @ 2.33GHz) 4G memory
Test Env: JDK 1.6.0_14、linux kernel 2.6.9
Execute result:
1. java version: 36797ms    cpu us: about 80%  sy: about 3% 
2. scala version: 19722ms   cpu us: about 70%  sy: about 1.5%
3. kilim version: 16008ms   cpu us: about 85%  sy: about 1.8%

Execute summary:
When cpu core and thread adds, scala & kilim performance will be better than java version, It show scala & kilim can use multicore cpu more effectivly, kilim performance sees better than scala in this scene.

If you have some tunning suggest,pls let me know,thks.

java version code:
public   class  MicroBenchmark {

private   static   final   int  processorCount = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() + 1 ;
private   static  Processor processor = new  Processor();
private   static  CountDownLatch latch = null ;
private   static  Random random = new  Random();
private   static   int  executeTimes =processorCount * 100 ;
public   static   void  main(String[] args)  throws  Exception{
long  beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
= new  CountDownLatch(executeTimes * processorCount);
for  ( int  j  =   0 ; j  <  processorCount; j ++ ) {
new  Thread( new  NotifyProcessorTask()).start();
long  endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
" execute time:  " + (endTime - beginTime) + "  ms " );
static   class  NotifyProcessorTask  implements  Runnable{

public   void  run() {
for  ( int  i  =   0 ; i  <  executeTimes; i ++ ) {
try  {
5 ));
catch  (InterruptedException e) {


public   class  Processor {

private   static   final   int  maxThread = (Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() + 1 ) * 100 ;
private   static  ThreadPoolExecutor executor = null ;
private  Random random = new  Random();
public  Processor(){
= new  ThreadPoolExecutor( 10 ,maxThread, 5 ,TimeUnit.SECONDS, new  SynchronousQueue < Runnable > (), new  ThreadPoolExecutor.AbortPolicy());
public   void  messageReceived( final  CountDownLatch latch){
        Runnable task
= new  Runnable(){

public   void  run() {
try  {
catch  (Exception e) {
private   void  handle()  throws  Exception{
int  counter = 0 ;
while (counter < 100 ){
< String >  list = new  ArrayList < String > ();
for  ( int  i  =   0 ; i  <   1000 ; i ++ ) {
++ ;
2 ));

scala version code:
object MicroBenchmark {
  val processorCount
= Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors + 1
  val executeTimes
= processorCount * 100
  def main(args : Array[String]) : Unit 
=  {
    val beginTime
= System.currentTimeMillis
    val latchCount
= executeTimes * processorCount
    var latch
= new  CountDownLatch(latchCount)
    var i
= 0
while (i < processorCount){
new  Thread( new  NotifyProcessorTask(latch)).start
+= 1
    val endTime
= System.currentTimeMillis;
" execute time:  " + (endTime - beginTime) + " ms " )

class  NotifyProcessorTask(latch:CountDownLatch)  extends  Runnable{
    val executeTimes
=( Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors+1)*100
    val random
= new  Random
    val actor
= new  Processor
    def run() {
      var i
= 0
while (i  <  executeTimes){
!  TaskMessage.TaskExecuted(latch, 0 )    
+= 1
5 ))

abstract  sealed  class  TaskMessage
object TaskMessage {
case   class  TaskExecuted(latch: CountDownLatch, counter:Int)  extends  TaskMessage

class  Processor  extends  Actor{

  var random
= new  Random
  def act(){
    loop {
      react {
case  TaskMessage.TaskExecuted(latch,counter)  =>  handle(latch,counter)
  def handle(latch: CountDownLatch,counter: Int){
    val list
= new  Array[String]( 1000 )
    var i
= 0
for (i <- 0  to  999 ){
= i.toString
    var selfCounter
= counter;
if (selfCounter < 99 ){
+= 1
new  Sleeper(random.nextInt( 2 ), this ,selfCounter,latch).start
else {

class  Sleeper(time: Long, origin:Actor, counter:Int, latch:CountDownLatch)  extends  Actor {
    def act() {
        reactWithin(time) {
case  TIMEOUT  =>
!  TaskMessage.TaskExecuted(latch,counter)

kilim code version:
public   class  MicroBenchmark {

private   static   final   int  processorCount = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() + 1 ;
private   static  CountDownLatch latch = null ;
private   static  Random random = new  Random();
private   static   int  executeTimes = processorCount * 100 ;
public   static   void  main(String[] args)  throws  Exception{
long  beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
= new  CountDownLatch(executeTimes * processorCount);
for  ( int  j  =   0 ; j  <  processorCount; j ++ ) {
new  Thread( new  NotifyProcessorTask()).start();
long  endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
" execute time:  " + (endTime - beginTime) + "  ms " );
0 );
static   class  NotifyProcessorTask  implements  Runnable{

public   void  run() {
            String threadName
= Thread.currentThread().getName();
for  ( int  i  =   0 ; i  <  executeTimes; i ++ ) {
< String >  messages = new  Mailbox < String > ();
new  Processor(messages,latch).start();
+ String.valueOf(i));
try  {
5 ));
catch  (InterruptedException e) {


public   class  Processor  extends  Task{
private  Random random = new  Random();
private  Mailbox < String >  messages;
private  CountDownLatch latch;
public  Processor(Mailbox < String >  messages,CountDownLatch latch){
this .messages = messages;
this .latch = latch;
public   void  execute()  throws  Pausable, Exception {
int  counter = 0 ;
while (counter < 100 ){
< String >  list = new  ArrayList < String > ();
for  ( int  i  =   0 ; i  <   1000 ; i ++ ) {
++ ;
2 ));
0 );

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