Simple Scala actor Vs java Thread Vs Kilim Test
In this blog,I'll test the coroutine supported on jvm,now famous is scala actor & kilim,this blog show the program reliazed with scala actor/kilim/java,let's compare these three program performance.
Test scene:
1.start cpu+1 threads;
2.these threads notify processor,repeat (cpu+1)*100 times,every time notify sleep random(5) ms;
3.processor asynchronous handle the message,the handler process is create a List(1000),and add element to this list,then sleep random(2) ms,repeat the process 100 times,then finish the processor.
Test Machine I: 2 core CPU(Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5410 @ 2.33GHz) 1.5G memory
Test Env: JDK 1.6.0_07、linux kernel 2.6.9
Execute result:
1. java version: 8397ms cpu us: about 84% sy: about 8%
2. scala version: 12403ms cpu us: about 70% sy: about 13%
3. kilim version: 10959ms cpu us: about 70% sy: about 14%
Test Machine II: 8 core CPU(Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5410 @ 2.33GHz) 4G memory
Test Env: JDK 1.6.0_14、linux kernel 2.6.9
Execute result:
1. java version: 36797ms cpu us: about 80% sy: about 3%
2. scala version: 19722ms cpu us: about 70% sy: about 1.5%
3. kilim version: 16008ms cpu us: about 85% sy: about 1.8%
Execute summary:
When cpu core and thread adds, scala & kilim performance will be better than java version, It show scala & kilim can use multicore cpu more effectivly, kilim performance sees better than scala in this scene.
If you have some tunning suggest,pls let me know,thks.
java version code:
scala version code:
kilim code version:
Test scene:
1.start cpu+1 threads;
2.these threads notify processor,repeat (cpu+1)*100 times,every time notify sleep random(5) ms;
3.processor asynchronous handle the message,the handler process is create a List(1000),and add element to this list,then sleep random(2) ms,repeat the process 100 times,then finish the processor.
Test Machine I: 2 core CPU(Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5410 @ 2.33GHz) 1.5G memory
Test Env: JDK 1.6.0_07、linux kernel 2.6.9
Execute result:
1. java version: 8397ms cpu us: about 84% sy: about 8%
2. scala version: 12403ms cpu us: about 70% sy: about 13%
3. kilim version: 10959ms cpu us: about 70% sy: about 14%
Test Machine II: 8 core CPU(Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5410 @ 2.33GHz) 4G memory
Test Env: JDK 1.6.0_14、linux kernel 2.6.9
Execute result:
1. java version: 36797ms cpu us: about 80% sy: about 3%
2. scala version: 19722ms cpu us: about 70% sy: about 1.5%
3. kilim version: 16008ms cpu us: about 85% sy: about 1.8%
Execute summary:
When cpu core and thread adds, scala & kilim performance will be better than java version, It show scala & kilim can use multicore cpu more effectivly, kilim performance sees better than scala in this scene.
If you have some tunning suggest,pls let me know,thks.
java version code:
MicroBenchmark {
private static final int processorCount = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() + 1 ;
private static Processor processor = new Processor();
private static CountDownLatch latch = null ;
private static Random random = new Random();
private static int executeTimes =processorCount * 100 ;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
latch = new CountDownLatch(executeTimes * processorCount);
for ( int j = 0 ; j < processorCount; j ++ ) {
new Thread( new NotifyProcessorTask()).start();
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println( " execute time: " + (endTime - beginTime) + " ms " );
static class NotifyProcessorTask implements Runnable{
public void run() {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < executeTimes; i ++ ) {
try {
Thread.sleep(random.nextInt( 5 ));
catch (InterruptedException e) {
private static final int processorCount = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() + 1 ;
private static Processor processor = new Processor();
private static CountDownLatch latch = null ;
private static Random random = new Random();
private static int executeTimes =processorCount * 100 ;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
latch = new CountDownLatch(executeTimes * processorCount);
for ( int j = 0 ; j < processorCount; j ++ ) {
new Thread( new NotifyProcessorTask()).start();
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println( " execute time: " + (endTime - beginTime) + " ms " );
static class NotifyProcessorTask implements Runnable{
public void run() {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < executeTimes; i ++ ) {
try {
Thread.sleep(random.nextInt( 5 ));
catch (InterruptedException e) {
Processor {
private static final int maxThread = (Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() + 1 ) * 100 ;
private static ThreadPoolExecutor executor = null ;
private Random random = new Random();
public Processor(){
executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor( 10 ,maxThread, 5 ,TimeUnit.SECONDS, new SynchronousQueue < Runnable > (), new ThreadPoolExecutor.AbortPolicy());
public void messageReceived( final CountDownLatch latch){
Runnable task = new Runnable(){
public void run() {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
private void handle() throws Exception{
int counter = 0 ;
while (counter < 100 ){
List < String > list = new ArrayList < String > ();
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 1000 ; i ++ ) {
counter ++ ;
Thread.sleep(random.nextInt( 2 ));
private static final int maxThread = (Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() + 1 ) * 100 ;
private static ThreadPoolExecutor executor = null ;
private Random random = new Random();
public Processor(){
executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor( 10 ,maxThread, 5 ,TimeUnit.SECONDS, new SynchronousQueue < Runnable > (), new ThreadPoolExecutor.AbortPolicy());
public void messageReceived( final CountDownLatch latch){
Runnable task = new Runnable(){
public void run() {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
private void handle() throws Exception{
int counter = 0 ;
while (counter < 100 ){
List < String > list = new ArrayList < String > ();
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 1000 ; i ++ ) {
counter ++ ;
Thread.sleep(random.nextInt( 2 ));
scala version code:
object MicroBenchmark {
val processorCount = Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors + 1
val executeTimes = processorCount * 100
def main(args : Array[String]) : Unit = {
val beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis
val latchCount = executeTimes * processorCount
var latch = new CountDownLatch(latchCount)
var i = 0
while (i < processorCount){
new Thread( new NotifyProcessorTask(latch)).start
i += 1
val endTime = System.currentTimeMillis;
println( " execute time: " + (endTime - beginTime) + " ms " )
val processorCount = Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors + 1
val executeTimes = processorCount * 100
def main(args : Array[String]) : Unit = {
val beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis
val latchCount = executeTimes * processorCount
var latch = new CountDownLatch(latchCount)
var i = 0
while (i < processorCount){
new Thread( new NotifyProcessorTask(latch)).start
i += 1
val endTime = System.currentTimeMillis;
println( " execute time: " + (endTime - beginTime) + " ms " )
val executeTimes =( Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors+1)*100
val random = new Random
val actor = new Processor
def run() {
var i = 0
while (i < executeTimes){
actor ! TaskMessage.TaskExecuted(latch, 0 )
i += 1
Thread.sleep(random.nextInt( 5 ))
val executeTimes =( Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors+1)*100
val random = new Random
val actor = new Processor
def run() {
var i = 0
while (i < executeTimes){
actor ! TaskMessage.TaskExecuted(latch, 0 )
i += 1
Thread.sleep(random.nextInt( 5 ))
object TaskMessage {
case class TaskExecuted(latch: CountDownLatch, counter:Int) extends TaskMessage
object TaskMessage {
case class TaskExecuted(latch: CountDownLatch, counter:Int) extends TaskMessage
var random = new Random
def act(){
loop {
react {
case TaskMessage.TaskExecuted(latch,counter) => handle(latch,counter)
def handle(latch: CountDownLatch,counter: Int){
val list = new Array[String]( 1000 )
var i = 0
for (i <- 0 to 999 ){
list(i) = i.toString
var selfCounter = counter;
if (selfCounter < 99 ){
selfCounter += 1
new Sleeper(random.nextInt( 2 ), this ,selfCounter,latch).start
else {
class Sleeper(time: Long, origin:Actor, counter:Int, latch:CountDownLatch) extends Actor {
def act() {
reactWithin(time) {
case TIMEOUT =>
origin ! TaskMessage.TaskExecuted(latch,counter)
var random = new Random
def act(){
loop {
react {
case TaskMessage.TaskExecuted(latch,counter) => handle(latch,counter)
def handle(latch: CountDownLatch,counter: Int){
val list = new Array[String]( 1000 )
var i = 0
for (i <- 0 to 999 ){
list(i) = i.toString
var selfCounter = counter;
if (selfCounter < 99 ){
selfCounter += 1
new Sleeper(random.nextInt( 2 ), this ,selfCounter,latch).start
else {
class Sleeper(time: Long, origin:Actor, counter:Int, latch:CountDownLatch) extends Actor {
def act() {
reactWithin(time) {
case TIMEOUT =>
origin ! TaskMessage.TaskExecuted(latch,counter)
kilim code version:
MicroBenchmark {
private static final int processorCount = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() + 1 ;
private static CountDownLatch latch = null ;
private static Random random = new Random();
private static int executeTimes = processorCount * 100 ;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
latch = new CountDownLatch(executeTimes * processorCount);
for ( int j = 0 ; j < processorCount; j ++ ) {
new Thread( new NotifyProcessorTask()).start();
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println( " execute time: " + (endTime - beginTime) + " ms " );
System.exit( 0 );
static class NotifyProcessorTask implements Runnable{
public void run() {
String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
for ( int i = 0 ; i < executeTimes; i ++ ) {
Mailbox < String > messages = new Mailbox < String > ();
new Processor(messages,latch).start();
messages.putnb(threadName + String.valueOf(i));
try {
Thread.sleep(random.nextInt( 5 ));
catch (InterruptedException e) {
private static final int processorCount = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() + 1 ;
private static CountDownLatch latch = null ;
private static Random random = new Random();
private static int executeTimes = processorCount * 100 ;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
latch = new CountDownLatch(executeTimes * processorCount);
for ( int j = 0 ; j < processorCount; j ++ ) {
new Thread( new NotifyProcessorTask()).start();
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println( " execute time: " + (endTime - beginTime) + " ms " );
System.exit( 0 );
static class NotifyProcessorTask implements Runnable{
public void run() {
String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
for ( int i = 0 ; i < executeTimes; i ++ ) {
Mailbox < String > messages = new Mailbox < String > ();
new Processor(messages,latch).start();
messages.putnb(threadName + String.valueOf(i));
try {
Thread.sleep(random.nextInt( 5 ));
catch (InterruptedException e) {
private Random random = new Random();
private Mailbox < String > messages;
private CountDownLatch latch;
public Processor(Mailbox < String > messages,CountDownLatch latch){
this .messages = messages;
this .latch = latch;
public void execute() throws Pausable, Exception {
int counter = 0 ;
while (counter < 100 ){
List < String > list = new ArrayList < String > ();
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 1000 ; i ++ ) {
counter ++ ;
Task.sleep(random.nextInt( 2 ));
Task.exit( 0 );
private Random random = new Random();
private Mailbox < String > messages;
private CountDownLatch latch;
public Processor(Mailbox < String > messages,CountDownLatch latch){
this .messages = messages;
this .latch = latch;
public void execute() throws Pausable, Exception {
int counter = 0 ;
while (counter < 100 ){
List < String > list = new ArrayList < String > ();
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 1000 ; i ++ ) {
counter ++ ;
Task.sleep(random.nextInt( 2 ));
Task.exit( 0 );