chapter 3: Native Datatypes -- dictionary

chapter 3: Native Datatypes -- dictionary
Example 3.1 Defining a Dictionary
>>>  d  =  { " server " : " mpilgrim " " database " : " master " }
>>>  d
' server ' ' mpilgrim ' ' database ' ' master ' }
>>>  d[ " server " ]
' mpilgrim '
>>>  d[ " database " ]
' master '
>>>  d[ " mpilgrim " ]
Traceback (innermost last):
" <interactive input> " , line  1 in  ?
KeyError: mpilgrim
3、给一个dictionary添加一个新item:dictName[newKey] = newValue。如果newKey存在,则newValue会覆盖原来的value。这也表明添加、修改item用的是相同的语法。
5、del D[k]删除一个key是k的item。
6、操作 k in D 可以用来检查 key k 是否包含在D的所有keys中
Dictionary object methods



Nonmutating methods


D.copy( )

Returns a shallow copy of the dictionary (a copy whose items are the same objects as D's, not copies thereof)


Returns TRue if k is a key in D; otherwise, returns False, just like kinD

D.items( )

Returns a new list with all items (key/value pairs) in D

D.keys( )

Returns a new list with all keys in D

D.values( )

Returns a new list with all values in D

D.iteritems( )

Returns an iterator on all items (key/value pairs) in D

D.iterkeys( )

Returns an iterator on all keys in D

D.itervalues( )

Returns an iterator on all values in D


Returns D[k] if k is a key in D; otherwise, returns x (or None, if x is not given)

Mutating methods


D.clear( )

Removes all items from D, leaving D empty


For each k in D1, sets D[k] equal to D1[k]


Returns D[k] if k is a key in D; otherwise, sets D[k] equal to x and returns x


Removes and returns D[k] if k is a key in D; otherwise, returns x (or raises an exception if x is not given)

D.popitem( )

Removes and returns an arbitrary item (key/value pair)

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