
- SOA : Start of Authority. Defines the zone name, an e-mail contact and various time and refresh values applicable to the zone.
- A : the IPv4 address that belongs to machine name
- AAAA : the IPv6 address that belongs to machine name
- NS : Name Server. Defines the authoritative name server(s) for the domain (defined by the SOA record) or the subdomain.
- MX : Mail Exchanger. A preference value and the host name for a mail server/exchanger that will service this zone. RFC 974 defines valid names.
- CNAME : Canonical Name. An alias name for a host. Causes redirection for a single RR at the owner-name.
- PTR : IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) to host. Used in reverse maps.
- TXT : Text information associated with a name. The SPF record should be defined using a TXT record and may (as of April 2006) be defined using an SPF RR. DKIM (RFC 4871 also makes use of the TXT RR for authenticaing email. Related: How to define DKIM/ADSP RRs.
- HINFO : Host Information - optional text data about a host.
- RP : Information about responsible person. Experimental - special apps only.
更详细的类型介绍,参照 http://www.zytrax.com/books/dns/ch8/
