描述:SSLScan queries SSL services, such as HTTPS, in order to determine the ciphers that are supported. SSLScan is designed to be easy, lean and fast. The output includes prefered ciphers of the SSL service, the certificate and is in Text and XML formats.
root@kali:# sslscan
___ ___| |___ ___ __ _ _ __
/ __/ __| / __|/ __/ _` | '_ \
\__ \__ \ \__ \ (_| (_| | | | |
|___/___/_|___/\___\__,_|_| |_|
Version 1.8.2
Copyright Ian Ventura-Whiting 2009
SSLScan is a fast SSL port scanner. SSLScan connects to SSL
ports and determines what ciphers are supported, which are
the servers preferred ciphers, which SSL protocols are
supported and returns the SSL certificate. Client
certificates / private key can be configured and output is
to text / XML.
sslscan [Options] [host:port | host]
--targets=<file> A file containing a list of hosts to
check. Hosts can be supplied with
ports (i.e. host:port).
--no-failed List only accepted ciphers (default
is to listing all ciphers).
--ssl2 Only check SSLv2 ciphers.
--ssl3 Only check SSLv3 ciphers.
--tls1 Only check TLSv1 ciphers.
--pk=<file> A file containing the private key or
a PKCS#12 file containing a private
key/certificate pair (as produced by
MSIE and Netscape).
--pkpass=<password> The password for the private key or
PKCS#12 file.
--certs=<file> A file containing PEM/ASN1 formatted
client certificates.
--starttls If a STARTTLS is required to kick an
SMTP service into action.
--http Test a HTTP connection.
--bugs Enable SSL implementation bug work-
--xml=<file> Output results to an XML file.
--version Display the program version.
--help Display the help text you are now
sslscan www.xxx.com:443