VHDL reference material



  • Using Cadence VHDL on CSEE machine
  • Compact Summary of VHDL
  • Printable Compact Summary of VHDL
  • Sample VHDL code
  • VHDL-handbook.pdf
  • VHDL designers guide
  • VHDL Cookbook in PostScript
  • GHDL Download free VHDL compiler and simulator
  • Download free VHDL compiler and simulator
  • VHDL intro by Francis Bruno in PostScript
  • VHDL project by Francis Bruno in PostScript
  • VCOMP/VSIM from University of Pittsburgh
  • Using FTL Systems Exploration VHDL
  • VHDL standard packages and types
  • FPGA and other CAD information
  • Draft of IEEE Standard VHDL Language
  • Other Links
  • Using Cadence VHDL on CSEE machine

      First: You must have an account on a GL machine. Every student
             and faculty should have this.
             Either log in directly to cadence1.cs.umbc.edu or
             Use   ssh  cadence1.cs.umbc.edu
             Be in your login directory, else some files need changing.
             You can copy many sample files to your working directory using:
             cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/cs411.tar  .
             There are many files available.
      Next:  Follow instructions exactly or you figure out a variation.
      1)     Get this tar file into your home directory (on /afs  i.e.
             available on all GL machines.)
             cs411.tar   and then type commands:
             cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/cs411.tar  .
             tar -xvf cs411.tar
             cd vhdl
             mv Makefile.cadence Makefile
             source vhdl_cshrc
             more add32_test.out
             make clean              # saves a lot of disk quota
             Then do your own thing with Makefile for other VHDL files
      2)     The manual, step by step method (same results as above)
             Be in your home directory.
             mkdir vhdl                 # for your source code  .vhdl  .vhd
             cd vhdl
             mkdir vhdl_lib             # your WORK library, keep hands off
             You now need to get the following 6 files into you  vhdl  directory:
             cds.lib      change $HOME to your path if needed
             Makefile.cadence    for first test
             add32_test.vhdl     for first test
             add32_test.run       for first test
             Make the following modification to  cds.lib :
             Edit and replace $HOME  with the specific path to your home if needed
             directory.  e.g.  /home/grad4/auser12
             mv Makefile.cadence  Makefile
             # Run the test run:
             source  vhdl_cshrc
             make                        # should be no error messages
             more  add32_test.out        # it should have VHDL simulation output
             make clean
             You are on your own to write VHDL and modify the Makefile.
             Remember each time you log on:
             cd vhdl
             source vhdl_cshrc
             make                        # or do your own thing.
      The above is the latest generation Cadence "ncvhdl, nceval, ncsim"


      You can download a free VHDL system form ghdl.free.fr
      Follow the instructions for Windows, Linux or MAC OSX
      We have tried to get the Linux version onto linux.gl.umbc but
      have been unsucessful, it has been installed on personal Linux
      machines using root password and installing into /usr/local tree.
      The Windows version is a little different, yet it works.
      For CMSC 411, you need to do a little extra because GHDL does
      not default with some IEEE packages we use.
    Using GHDL on your home PC in windows:
    Download GHDL from ghdl.free.fr/download.html
       click on "installer"
    After installing, control panel -> system -> advanced -> 
          environment variables -> user variables, path, edit
          Add to your user path  ;C:\"program files"\Ghdl\bin
    From a Command prompt window type or use add32_test.bat
    rem use GHDL to analyze, elaborate and run add32_test.vhdl
    ghdl -a --ieee=synopsys add32.vhdl
    ghdl -a --ieee=synopsys add32_test.vhdl
    ghdl -e --ieee=synopsys add32_test
    ghdl -r --ieee=synopsys add32_test --stop-time=160ns > add32_test.out
    Look at file add32_test.out with your favorite editor.
    The 160ns is found in the file add32_test.run
    On Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install ghdl
    to install ghdl.
    A Makefile_ghdl compiles first test
    and HW4 add32 and part1_start. You can do project with this ghdl.
    The "diff" command on Windows is "fc", ignore the few lines at
    beginning and end of comparison of .chk files.

    Using FTL Systems Exploration VHDL

      First: Read Appendix H of Ashenden's book, p723
             The steps are: load the CD, make a registration file,
             EMail the file, get back a license file, download the
             VHDL analyzer/compiler and simulator.
      Then:  Follow the Quick Start Guide on page 728.

    VHDL Cookbook (PostScript files)

      The following eight PostScript files provide an introduction to VHDL
    • Contents
    • Chapter 1
    • Chapter 2
    • Chapter 3
    • Chapter 4
    • Chapter 5
    • Chapter 6
    • Chapter 7
    • BNF for VHDL 93, plain text
      The above is by Peter Ashenden who now has an updated version out
      as books: "The Student's Guide to VHDL" ISBN 1-55860-520-7  and
      "The Designer's Guide to VHDL" second edition ISBN 1-55860-674-2
      Examples of VHDL from Ashenden's Designer's Guide are here

    Download free VHDL compiler and simulator

      This is how I downloaded and installed a free VHDL compiler
      and simulator on Windows and Linux systems. It is not 100%
      compatible with Cadence, Cadence allows a few non standard constructs,
      but it works on many circuits and features.
      Using browser: www.symphonyeda.com/proddownloads.htm
      Choose  Windows ~9.3MB  or
              Linux   ~9.3MB
      Execute the Windows file, choose 'setup' and follow instructions
      untar the Linux version and follow instructions
      For CMSC 411 the project check files are  .chks  for this VHDL.

    VHDL intro by Francis Bruno (PostScript files)

      The following four PostScript files provide
      Francis Bruno's  introduction to VHDL
    • Title Page
    • Table of Contents
    • Body
    • Appendix

    VHDL project by Francis Bruno (PostScript files)

      The following four PostScript files plus index and .tar.gz
      files provide Francis Bruno's VHDL project.
    • Title Page
    • Table of contents
    • Body
    • Appendix
    • Bruno index to models
    • VHDL source code as .tar.gz

    VCOMP/VSIM from PITT (PostScript file)

      The following PostScript file provides an introduction to VHDL
      and instructions for compiling and simulating using vcomp/vsim.
    • VSIM manual

    FPGA and other CAD information

    You can get working chips from VHDL using synthesis tools.
    One of the quickest ways to get chips is to use FPGA's,
    Field Programmable Gate Arrays.
    The two companies listed below provide the software and the
    foundry for you to design your own integrated circuit chips:
    Complete Computer Aided Design, CAD, packages are available from
    companies such as Cadence, Mentor Graphics and Synopsis.

    Draft of IEEE Standard VHDL Language

     Draft 2000/D3 HERE 

    Other Links

    • Hamburg VHDL Archive (the best set of links I have seen!)
    • RASSP Project VHDL Tools
    • VHDL Organization Home Page
    • A slightly restrictive free version of a commercial VHDL compiler and simulator. Windows and Linux versions.
    • gnu GPL VHDL for Linux, under development (no progress since Jan 29, 2002)
    • More information on Exploration/VHDL from FTL Systems (seems dead in mid 2003)

    Go to top

    Last updated 2/5/09
