# Open Fetion Perl Version
# By Shikai Chen ( [email protected] )
# Please visit my website
# USAGE: <this_script> <your_mobile_number> <password> <target_number> <message to send>
# -----------------------------
# PERL interpreter
# Curl
# shell with utf-8 encoding
# Date Revision
# June.28th 2009 0.1
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
use Digest :: MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex);
use Socket ;
# Global Config
my $FETION_USER_AGENT = " IIC2.0/PC 2.3.0230 " ;
my $FETION_CONF_REQUEST = " <config><user mobile-no=\ " %s \ " /><client type=\ " PC \ " version=\ " 2.3 . 0230 \ " platform=\ " W5 . 1 \ " /><servers version=\ " 0 \ " /><service-no version=\ " 12 \ " /><parameters version=\ " 15 \ " /><hints version=\ " 13 \ " /><http-applications version=\ " 14 \ " /><client-config version=\ " 17 \ " /></config> " ;
my $FETION_SSIAPP_POST = " mobileno=%s&pwd=%s " ;
my $FETION_SIPC_LOGIN_P1 = " <args><device type=\ " PC \ " version=\ " 6 \ " client-version=\ " 2.3 . 0230 \ " /><caps value=\ " simple - im;im - session;temp - group \ " /><events value=\ " contact;permission; system - message \ " /><user-info attributes=\ " all \ " /><presence><basic value=\ " 400 \ " desc=\ " \ " /></presence></args> " ;
my $FETION_SIPC_LOGIN_R1 = " R %s SIP-C/2.0\r\nF: %s\r\nI: 1\r\nQ: 1 R\r\nL: %s\r\n\r\n " ;
my $FETION_SIPC_LOGIN_P2 = " <args><device type=\ " PC \ " version=\ " 6 \ " client-version=\ " 2.3 . 0230 \ " /><caps value=\ " simple - im;im - session;temp - group \ " /><events value=\ " contact;permission; system - message \ " /><user-info attributes=\ " all \ " /><presence><basic value=\ " 400 \ " desc=\ " \ " /></presence></args> " ;
my $FETION_SIPC_LOGIN_R2 = " R %s SIP-C/2.0\r\nF: %s\r\nI: 1\r\nQ: 2 R\r\nA: Digest response=\ " %s \ " ,cnonce=\ " %s \ " \r\nL: %s\r\n\r\n " ;
my $FETION_SIPC_SENDSMS = " M %s SIP-C/2.0\r\nF: %s\r\nI: 2\r\nQ: 1 M\r\nT: tel:%s\r\nN: SendSMS\r\nL: %s\r\n\r\n " ;
my $FETION_SIPC_LOGOUT = " R %s SIP-C/2.0\r\nF: %s\r\nI: 1 \r\nQ: 3 R\r\nX: 0\r\n\r\n " ;
# Global Data
my $FETION_SSI_URL = " " ;
my $g_isverbose = 0 ;
my $g_fetion_num = "" ;
my $g_mobile_num = "" ;
my $g_passwd = "" ;
my $g_cnonce = "" ;
my $g_nonce = "" ;
# TODO: proxy support not included
# Functions
# Generate GUID String
sub guid
local ( $randomseed );
local ( $hashed_id );
$randomseed = rand ( 1000 );
$hashed_id = uc (md5_hex time () . " $randomseed " );
$hashed_id = ' { ' . substr ( $hashed_id , 0 , 8 ) . ' - '
. substr ( $hashed_id , 8 , 4 ) . ' - '
. substr ( $hashed_id , 12 , 4 ) . ' - '
. substr ( $hashed_id , 16 , 4 ) . ' - '
. substr ( $hashed_id , 20 , 12 ) . ' } ' ;
# Debug Output
sub debug_print
if ( $g_isverbose == 1 )
print @_ [ 0 ] . " \n " ;
# ############################################################
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# SIPC Socket
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Init the sipc socket and connect to the target
# sipc_connect( addr, port )
sub sipc_connect
local $dest ;
local $exec_ans = - 1 ;
$dest = sockaddr_in( @_ [ 1 ] , inet_aton( @_ [ 0 ] ) );
setsockopt ( SIPC_CLIENT , SOL_SOCKET , SO_SNDTIMEO , pack ( ' LL ' , 15 , 0 ) );
setsockopt ( SIPC_CLIENT , SOL_SOCKET , SO_RCVTIMEO , pack ( ' LL ' , 15 , 0 ) );
if ( connect ( SIPC_CLIENT , $dest ) )
$exec_ans = 0 ;
return $exec_ans ;
# Close the sipc socket connection
sub sipc_close
# Read data from the sipc socket
# RETURN: the data
sub sipc_read
local $read_buffer ;
local $recv_data ;
local $recv_len ;
$recv_len = sysread (SIPC_CLIENT , $recv_data , 4 );
$read_buffer .= $recv_data ;
} while ( index ( $read_buffer , " \r\n\r\n " ) == - 1 );
if ( $read_buffer =~ / L : ([ 0 - 9 ] + ) / i )
local $data_len = $ 1 ;
$recv_len = sysread (SIPC_CLIENT , $recv_data , $data_len );
# TODO: the actually received data length is not verified.
$read_buffer .= $recv_data ;
return $read_buffer ;
# Write data to the spic socket
#spic_write( data )
# RETURN: length of the data been sent
sub sipc_write
local $sent_size ;
$sent_size = syswrite (SIPC_CLIENT , @_ [ 0 ] , length ( @_ [ 0 ]));
# Send sipc request and receive the response
# RETURN: response data
sub sipc_request
& sipc_write( @_ [ 0 ] );
# TODO: check whether the write operation works
return & sipc_read();
# ###############################
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# CURL Functions
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Post HTTP data via curl
# @url url
# @post data to post
# return HTTP response
# curl_http_post($url, $post = null)
sub curl_http_post
local $curl_cmd ;
local $curl_response ;
$curl_cmd = " curl -s -k -m 20 " ;
$curl_cmd .= " -A \ " $FETION_USER_AGENT \ "" ; # set user agent
if ( @_ [ 1 ] ne "" ) # postdata
$curl_cmd .= " -d \@\- " ;
$curl_cmd = " echo -n " . quotemeta ( @_ [ 1 ]) . " | " . $curl_cmd . " @_[0] " ;
$response = ` $curl_cmd `;
if ($ ? != 0 )
$response = "" ; # execute curl failed, clear the response data
return $response ; # return the response
# ##########################################################
# Fetion Procotol handled here
#Retrieve the config XML of the given fetion account
#RETURN: config xml
sub fetion_get_config
local $request_string ;
local $returndata ;
$request_string = sprintf ( $FETION_CONF_REQUEST , @_ [ 0 ]);
$returndata = & curl_http_post( $FETION_CONFIG_URL , $request_string );
# Retrieve the URL to query SIP
#fetion_ssiapp_addr( conf_xml )
sub fetion_ssiapp_addr
local $matched_string ;
if ( @_ [ 0 ] =~ /< ssi - app - sign - in > ([ ^< ] * ) <\/ ssi - app - sign - in >/ i)
$matched_string = $ 1 ;
} else
$matched_string = "" ;
return $matched_string ;
# Retrieve the SIPC login address
#fetion_sipc_address( conf_xml )
sub fetion_sipc_address
local $matched_string ;
if ( @_ [ 0 ] =~ /< sipc - proxy > ([ ^< ] * ) <\/ sipc - proxy >/ i)
$matched_string = $ 1 ;
} else
$matched_string = "" ;
return $matched_string ;
# Pefrom SSIAPP login action
#fetion_ssiapp_login( ssi_url, mobile_num, passwd )
# RETURN: login return xml
sub fetion_ssiapp_login
local $request_string ;
local $returndata ;
$request_string = sprintf ( $FETION_SSIAPP_POST , @_ [ 1 ] , @_ [ 2 ]);
$returndata = & curl_http_post( @_ [ 0 ] , $request_string );
# Get the fetion account number
#fetion_get_account_num ( ssiapp_login_return_xml)
sub fetion_get_account_num
local $matched_string = "" ;
if ( @_ [ 0 ] =~ /< user uri =\ " sip:([0-9]+)\;p=[0-9]+\ " / i )
$matched_string = $ 1 ;
return $matched_string ;
# Generate the disgest info for the secondary SIPC login
sub fetion_sipc_gen_digest
$g_cnonce = uc (md5_hex rand ( 1000 ));
local $key = md5( " $g_fetion_num:$FETION_DOMAIN_URL:$g_passwd " );
local $h1 = uc (md5_hex( " $key:$g_nonce:$g_cnonce " ));
local $h2 = uc (md5_hex( " REGISTER:$g_fetion_num " ));
local $finalans = uc (md5_hex( " $h1:$g_nonce:$h2 " ));
return $finalans ;
# Pefrom SIPC login
sub fetion_sipc_login
local $login_request ;
local $login_response ;
if ( $g_fetion_num eq "" )
return - 1 ;
$login_request = sprintf ( $FETION_SIPC_LOGIN_R1 , $FETION_DOMAIN_URL , $g_fetion_num , length ( $FETION_SIPC_LOGIN_P1 ));
$login_request .= $FETION_SIPC_LOGIN_P1 ;
debug_print " Request#1\n " . $login_request . " \n " ;
$login_response = & sipc_request( $login_request );
debug_print " Response#1\n " . $login_response . " \n " ;
if ( $login_response eq "" )
return - 1 ;
if ( $login_response =~ / nonce =\ " ([^\ " ]{ 32 }) \ " /i )
$g_nonce = $1;
debug_print " g_nonce : " .$g_nonce. " \ n " ;
return -2;
$login_request = sprintf($FETION_SIPC_LOGIN_R2, $FETION_DOMAIN_URL, $g_fetion_num, &fetion_sipc_gen_digest(), $g_cnonce ,length($FETION_SIPC_LOGIN_P2));
$login_request .= $FETION_SIPC_LOGIN_P2;
debug_print " Request # 2:\n".$login_request."\n";
$login_response = & sipc_request( $login_request );
debug_print " Response#2:\n " . $login_response . " \n " ;
if ( $login_response =~ / 200 OK / )
print " Login OK\n " ;
return 0 ;
return - 1 ;
# Send the required text to the specified mobile
#fetion_sendSMS( target_num, text )
#NOTE: always assumes the text is encoded using UTF-8.
sub fetion_sendSMS
local $sms_request = sprintf ( $FETION_SIPC_SENDSMS , $FETION_DOMAIN_URL , $g_fetion_num , @_ [ 0 ] , length ( @_ [ 1 ]));
$sms_request .= @_ [ 1 ];
debug_print " SendSMS Request:\n " . $sms_request . " \n " ;
local $sipc_response = & sipc_request( $sms_request );
debug_print " SendSMS Response:\n " . $sipc_response . " \n " ;
if ( $sipc_response =~ / Send SMS OK / )
print " Send SMS succeed\n " ;
return 0 ;
return - 1 ;
# Logout Fetion
sub fetion_sipc_logout
local $logout_request = sprintf ( $FETION_SIPC_LOGOUT , $FETION_DOMAIN_URL , $g_fetion_num );
debug_print " Send Logout Request:\n " . $logout_request . " \n " ;
local $sipc_response = & sipc_request( $logout_request );
debug_print " Logout Response:\n " . $sipc_response . " \n " ;
# #################################################
sub fetion_verbose
$g_isverbose = 1 ;
# INIT the Fetion Lib
# fetion_init( mobile_num, passwd)
sub fetion_init
$g_mobile_num = @_ [ 0 ];
$g_passwd = @_ [ 1 ];
print " Retrieving the config xml\n " ;
$config_xml =& fetion_get_config( $g_mobile_num );
& debug_print ( " The XML:\n " . $config_xml . " \n " );
if ( $config_xml eq "" )
print " cannot retrieve the config xml exit\n " ;
return - 1 ;
print " Retrieving the SSIAPP URL\n " ;
$FETION_SSI_URL = & fetion_ssiapp_addr( $config_xml );
& debug_print ( " The URL: " . $FETION_SSI_URL . " \n " );
if ( $FETION_SSI_URL eq "" )
print " cannot get the ssiapp url exit\n " ;
return - 1 ;
print " Retrieving the SIPC Address\n " ;
$FETION_SIPC_ADDRESS = & fetion_sipc_address( $config_xml );
& debug_print ( " The Address: " . $FETION_SIPC_ADDRESS . " \n " );
print " cannot get the address exit\n " ;
return - 1 ;
print " Trying to get the fetion number of the current account\n " ;
$g_fetion_num = & fetion_get_account_num( & fetion_ssiapp_login( $FETION_SSI_URL , $g_mobile_num , $g_passwd ));
& debug_print ( " The Fetion Number: " . $g_fetion_num . " \n " );
if ( $g_fetion_num eq "" )
print " cannot get the fetion number exit\n " ;
return - 1 ;
print " Connecting to the SIPC via TCP socket\n " ;
local @addr_info = split ( " : " , $FETION_SIPC_ADDRESS );
if ( & sipc_connect( @addr_info [ 0 ] , @addr_info [ 1 ] ) != 0 )
print " Cannot connect to the address: " . $FETION_SIPC_ADDRESS . " \n " ;
& debug_print ( " Reason: " . $ !. " \n " );
return 0 ;
# Release the Fetion Lib
sub fetion_close
& sipc_close;
# ############################################################################
sub main
if ( & fetion_init( @ARGV [ 0 ] , @ARGV [ 1 ] ) != 0 )
return - 1 ;
if ( & fetion_sipc_login() != 0 )
return - 1 ;
if ( & fetion_sendSMS( @ARGV [ 2 ] , @ARGV [ 3 ]) != 0 )
return - 1 ;
& fetion_sipc_logout();
& fetion_close();
return 0 ;
& main;
# Open Fetion Perl Version
# By Shikai Chen ( [email protected] )
# Please visit my website
# USAGE: <this_script> <your_mobile_number> <password> <target_number> <message to send>
# -----------------------------
# PERL interpreter
# Curl
# shell with utf-8 encoding
# Date Revision
# June.28th 2009 0.1
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
use Digest :: MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex);
use Socket ;
# Global Config
my $FETION_USER_AGENT = " IIC2.0/PC 2.3.0230 " ;
my $FETION_CONF_REQUEST = " <config><user mobile-no=\ " %s \ " /><client type=\ " PC \ " version=\ " 2.3 . 0230 \ " platform=\ " W5 . 1 \ " /><servers version=\ " 0 \ " /><service-no version=\ " 12 \ " /><parameters version=\ " 15 \ " /><hints version=\ " 13 \ " /><http-applications version=\ " 14 \ " /><client-config version=\ " 17 \ " /></config> " ;
my $FETION_SSIAPP_POST = " mobileno=%s&pwd=%s " ;
my $FETION_SIPC_LOGIN_P1 = " <args><device type=\ " PC \ " version=\ " 6 \ " client-version=\ " 2.3 . 0230 \ " /><caps value=\ " simple - im;im - session;temp - group \ " /><events value=\ " contact;permission; system - message \ " /><user-info attributes=\ " all \ " /><presence><basic value=\ " 400 \ " desc=\ " \ " /></presence></args> " ;
my $FETION_SIPC_LOGIN_R1 = " R %s SIP-C/2.0\r\nF: %s\r\nI: 1\r\nQ: 1 R\r\nL: %s\r\n\r\n " ;
my $FETION_SIPC_LOGIN_P2 = " <args><device type=\ " PC \ " version=\ " 6 \ " client-version=\ " 2.3 . 0230 \ " /><caps value=\ " simple - im;im - session;temp - group \ " /><events value=\ " contact;permission; system - message \ " /><user-info attributes=\ " all \ " /><presence><basic value=\ " 400 \ " desc=\ " \ " /></presence></args> " ;
my $FETION_SIPC_LOGIN_R2 = " R %s SIP-C/2.0\r\nF: %s\r\nI: 1\r\nQ: 2 R\r\nA: Digest response=\ " %s \ " ,cnonce=\ " %s \ " \r\nL: %s\r\n\r\n " ;
my $FETION_SIPC_SENDSMS = " M %s SIP-C/2.0\r\nF: %s\r\nI: 2\r\nQ: 1 M\r\nT: tel:%s\r\nN: SendSMS\r\nL: %s\r\n\r\n " ;
my $FETION_SIPC_LOGOUT = " R %s SIP-C/2.0\r\nF: %s\r\nI: 1 \r\nQ: 3 R\r\nX: 0\r\n\r\n " ;
# Global Data
my $FETION_SSI_URL = " " ;
my $g_isverbose = 0 ;
my $g_fetion_num = "" ;
my $g_mobile_num = "" ;
my $g_passwd = "" ;
my $g_cnonce = "" ;
my $g_nonce = "" ;
# TODO: proxy support not included
# Functions
# Generate GUID String
sub guid
local ( $randomseed );
local ( $hashed_id );
$randomseed = rand ( 1000 );
$hashed_id = uc (md5_hex time () . " $randomseed " );
$hashed_id = ' { ' . substr ( $hashed_id , 0 , 8 ) . ' - '
. substr ( $hashed_id , 8 , 4 ) . ' - '
. substr ( $hashed_id , 12 , 4 ) . ' - '
. substr ( $hashed_id , 16 , 4 ) . ' - '
. substr ( $hashed_id , 20 , 12 ) . ' } ' ;
# Debug Output
sub debug_print
if ( $g_isverbose == 1 )
print @_ [ 0 ] . " \n " ;
# ############################################################
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# SIPC Socket
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Init the sipc socket and connect to the target
# sipc_connect( addr, port )
sub sipc_connect
local $dest ;
local $exec_ans = - 1 ;
$dest = sockaddr_in( @_ [ 1 ] , inet_aton( @_ [ 0 ] ) );
setsockopt ( SIPC_CLIENT , SOL_SOCKET , SO_SNDTIMEO , pack ( ' LL ' , 15 , 0 ) );
setsockopt ( SIPC_CLIENT , SOL_SOCKET , SO_RCVTIMEO , pack ( ' LL ' , 15 , 0 ) );
if ( connect ( SIPC_CLIENT , $dest ) )
$exec_ans = 0 ;
return $exec_ans ;
# Close the sipc socket connection
sub sipc_close
# Read data from the sipc socket
# RETURN: the data
sub sipc_read
local $read_buffer ;
local $recv_data ;
local $recv_len ;
$recv_len = sysread (SIPC_CLIENT , $recv_data , 4 );
$read_buffer .= $recv_data ;
} while ( index ( $read_buffer , " \r\n\r\n " ) == - 1 );
if ( $read_buffer =~ / L : ([ 0 - 9 ] + ) / i )
local $data_len = $ 1 ;
$recv_len = sysread (SIPC_CLIENT , $recv_data , $data_len );
# TODO: the actually received data length is not verified.
$read_buffer .= $recv_data ;
return $read_buffer ;
# Write data to the spic socket
#spic_write( data )
# RETURN: length of the data been sent
sub sipc_write
local $sent_size ;
$sent_size = syswrite (SIPC_CLIENT , @_ [ 0 ] , length ( @_ [ 0 ]));
# Send sipc request and receive the response
# RETURN: response data
sub sipc_request
& sipc_write( @_ [ 0 ] );
# TODO: check whether the write operation works
return & sipc_read();
# ###############################
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# CURL Functions
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Post HTTP data via curl
# @url url
# @post data to post
# return HTTP response
# curl_http_post($url, $post = null)
sub curl_http_post
local $curl_cmd ;
local $curl_response ;
$curl_cmd = " curl -s -k -m 20 " ;
$curl_cmd .= " -A \ " $FETION_USER_AGENT \ "" ; # set user agent
if ( @_ [ 1 ] ne "" ) # postdata
$curl_cmd .= " -d \@\- " ;
$curl_cmd = " echo -n " . quotemeta ( @_ [ 1 ]) . " | " . $curl_cmd . " @_[0] " ;
$response = ` $curl_cmd `;
if ($ ? != 0 )
$response = "" ; # execute curl failed, clear the response data
return $response ; # return the response
# ##########################################################
# Fetion Procotol handled here
#Retrieve the config XML of the given fetion account
#RETURN: config xml
sub fetion_get_config
local $request_string ;
local $returndata ;
$request_string = sprintf ( $FETION_CONF_REQUEST , @_ [ 0 ]);
$returndata = & curl_http_post( $FETION_CONFIG_URL , $request_string );
# Retrieve the URL to query SIP
#fetion_ssiapp_addr( conf_xml )
sub fetion_ssiapp_addr
local $matched_string ;
if ( @_ [ 0 ] =~ /< ssi - app - sign - in > ([ ^< ] * ) <\/ ssi - app - sign - in >/ i)
$matched_string = $ 1 ;
} else
$matched_string = "" ;
return $matched_string ;
# Retrieve the SIPC login address
#fetion_sipc_address( conf_xml )
sub fetion_sipc_address
local $matched_string ;
if ( @_ [ 0 ] =~ /< sipc - proxy > ([ ^< ] * ) <\/ sipc - proxy >/ i)
$matched_string = $ 1 ;
} else
$matched_string = "" ;
return $matched_string ;
# Pefrom SSIAPP login action
#fetion_ssiapp_login( ssi_url, mobile_num, passwd )
# RETURN: login return xml
sub fetion_ssiapp_login
local $request_string ;
local $returndata ;
$request_string = sprintf ( $FETION_SSIAPP_POST , @_ [ 1 ] , @_ [ 2 ]);
$returndata = & curl_http_post( @_ [ 0 ] , $request_string );
# Get the fetion account number
#fetion_get_account_num ( ssiapp_login_return_xml)
sub fetion_get_account_num
local $matched_string = "" ;
if ( @_ [ 0 ] =~ /< user uri =\ " sip:([0-9]+)\;p=[0-9]+\ " / i )
$matched_string = $ 1 ;
return $matched_string ;
# Generate the disgest info for the secondary SIPC login
sub fetion_sipc_gen_digest
$g_cnonce = uc (md5_hex rand ( 1000 ));
local $key = md5( " $g_fetion_num:$FETION_DOMAIN_URL:$g_passwd " );
local $h1 = uc (md5_hex( " $key:$g_nonce:$g_cnonce " ));
local $h2 = uc (md5_hex( " REGISTER:$g_fetion_num " ));
local $finalans = uc (md5_hex( " $h1:$g_nonce:$h2 " ));
return $finalans ;
# Pefrom SIPC login
sub fetion_sipc_login
local $login_request ;
local $login_response ;
if ( $g_fetion_num eq "" )
return - 1 ;
$login_request = sprintf ( $FETION_SIPC_LOGIN_R1 , $FETION_DOMAIN_URL , $g_fetion_num , length ( $FETION_SIPC_LOGIN_P1 ));
$login_request .= $FETION_SIPC_LOGIN_P1 ;
debug_print " Request#1\n " . $login_request . " \n " ;
$login_response = & sipc_request( $login_request );
debug_print " Response#1\n " . $login_response . " \n " ;
if ( $login_response eq "" )
return - 1 ;
if ( $login_response =~ / nonce =\ " ([^\ " ]{ 32 }) \ " /i )
$g_nonce = $1;
debug_print " g_nonce : " .$g_nonce. " \ n " ;
return -2;
$login_request = sprintf($FETION_SIPC_LOGIN_R2, $FETION_DOMAIN_URL, $g_fetion_num, &fetion_sipc_gen_digest(), $g_cnonce ,length($FETION_SIPC_LOGIN_P2));
$login_request .= $FETION_SIPC_LOGIN_P2;
debug_print " Request # 2:\n".$login_request."\n";
$login_response = & sipc_request( $login_request );
debug_print " Response#2:\n " . $login_response . " \n " ;
if ( $login_response =~ / 200 OK / )
print " Login OK\n " ;
return 0 ;
return - 1 ;
# Send the required text to the specified mobile
#fetion_sendSMS( target_num, text )
#NOTE: always assumes the text is encoded using UTF-8.
sub fetion_sendSMS
local $sms_request = sprintf ( $FETION_SIPC_SENDSMS , $FETION_DOMAIN_URL , $g_fetion_num , @_ [ 0 ] , length ( @_ [ 1 ]));
$sms_request .= @_ [ 1 ];
debug_print " SendSMS Request:\n " . $sms_request . " \n " ;
local $sipc_response = & sipc_request( $sms_request );
debug_print " SendSMS Response:\n " . $sipc_response . " \n " ;
if ( $sipc_response =~ / Send SMS OK / )
print " Send SMS succeed\n " ;
return 0 ;
return - 1 ;
# Logout Fetion
sub fetion_sipc_logout
local $logout_request = sprintf ( $FETION_SIPC_LOGOUT , $FETION_DOMAIN_URL , $g_fetion_num );
debug_print " Send Logout Request:\n " . $logout_request . " \n " ;
local $sipc_response = & sipc_request( $logout_request );
debug_print " Logout Response:\n " . $sipc_response . " \n " ;
# #################################################
sub fetion_verbose
$g_isverbose = 1 ;
# INIT the Fetion Lib
# fetion_init( mobile_num, passwd)
sub fetion_init
$g_mobile_num = @_ [ 0 ];
$g_passwd = @_ [ 1 ];
print " Retrieving the config xml\n " ;
$config_xml =& fetion_get_config( $g_mobile_num );
& debug_print ( " The XML:\n " . $config_xml . " \n " );
if ( $config_xml eq "" )
print " cannot retrieve the config xml exit\n " ;
return - 1 ;
print " Retrieving the SSIAPP URL\n " ;
$FETION_SSI_URL = & fetion_ssiapp_addr( $config_xml );
& debug_print ( " The URL: " . $FETION_SSI_URL . " \n " );
if ( $FETION_SSI_URL eq "" )
print " cannot get the ssiapp url exit\n " ;
return - 1 ;
print " Retrieving the SIPC Address\n " ;
$FETION_SIPC_ADDRESS = & fetion_sipc_address( $config_xml );
& debug_print ( " The Address: " . $FETION_SIPC_ADDRESS . " \n " );
print " cannot get the address exit\n " ;
return - 1 ;
print " Trying to get the fetion number of the current account\n " ;
$g_fetion_num = & fetion_get_account_num( & fetion_ssiapp_login( $FETION_SSI_URL , $g_mobile_num , $g_passwd ));
& debug_print ( " The Fetion Number: " . $g_fetion_num . " \n " );
if ( $g_fetion_num eq "" )
print " cannot get the fetion number exit\n " ;
return - 1 ;
print " Connecting to the SIPC via TCP socket\n " ;
local @addr_info = split ( " : " , $FETION_SIPC_ADDRESS );
if ( & sipc_connect( @addr_info [ 0 ] , @addr_info [ 1 ] ) != 0 )
print " Cannot connect to the address: " . $FETION_SIPC_ADDRESS . " \n " ;
& debug_print ( " Reason: " . $ !. " \n " );
return 0 ;
# Release the Fetion Lib
sub fetion_close
& sipc_close;
# ############################################################################
sub main
if ( & fetion_init( @ARGV [ 0 ] , @ARGV [ 1 ] ) != 0 )
return - 1 ;
if ( & fetion_sipc_login() != 0 )
return - 1 ;
if ( & fetion_sendSMS( @ARGV [ 2 ] , @ARGV [ 3 ]) != 0 )
return - 1 ;
& fetion_sipc_logout();
& fetion_close();
return 0 ;
& main;
Android, Windows Mobile, iPhone, J2ME, BlackBerry, Symbian