
工欲善其事,必先利其器! 在这管理我的工具列表了:

Team Suite - GForge, FusionForge

Version Control: Subversion,Git,Bazaar

    Mac OS:svnX,SCPlugin, Versions

    Windows: Tortoises SVN


LOC counting: Beyond Compare,Cloc in perl

UML tools:Visual Paradigm, Bouml, ArgoUML

Installation utility: Inno Setup

Source Codes Reading: KScope, SourceInsight(not free)

Unit Test Framework: CPPUnit, Google Test, PyUnit

Static Code Checking: CPPTest, splint,

Cyclomatic Complexity counting: cyclo

Integrated quality platform: Sonar

Web Testing Framework

   1. http://seleniumhq.org/

   2. WATIR

Auto Testing:

  Python: pywinauto (Windows)

  Basic Script:AutoIt (Windows)

  UI automation on Mac OS/Liunx: Sikuli

Web Debug Proxy: Charles (Mac OS), Filder 2(Windows)

Sniffer(抓包工具): Cocoa Packet Analyzer (Mac OS), Wireshark (Mac OS, Windows)

Drawing tool: yEd, Pencil

Mind mapping tool:Freemind, Mindjet(not free)


CHM Reader: Chmox (Mac OS)

Editor: Notepad++ (Windows), TextWrangler(Mac OS)

XML Editor: Syntext Serna (Windows,Mac OS,Linux)

Google Reader Client: Gruml (Mac OS), FeedDemon (Windows)

Time Management:  FlowKeeper (Windows)

                                Pomodoro for Mac OS


MS Project Viewer:

   MOOS or RationalPlan (Mac OS Linux and Windows)

Project Utility:

  (*) GanttProject (Mac OS, Linux and Windows)

   JxProject   (Mac OS, Linux and Windows)

   TaskJuggler (关注)

Blogger Tools

  zRaven (Windows)

  Firefox+ScribeFire (Mac OS)

UI Design Toolkits

   Commercial:  Antetype, ForeUI, AXURE RP, Mockery

   Free:  Lumzy(Online only), MockFlow, Mockup Builder (Windows only), Pencil

   Others: Dojo(Javascript)

System Monitor:

 Windows: SysinternalsSuite, Process Monitor (Reg&File)


Requirement management

 Commerical: IBM DOORS

 Free: rmtoo

 Free for limited users: TrackStudio

ISO image builder

  Burn (Mac OS)  http://burn-osx.sourceforge.net/Pages/English/news.html

  ISO Recorder (Windows)   

Virtual Printer:

  Bullzip PDF Printer (Windows)

Profile Tools:

  LTProf (Windows only)


Web Development Tools:

  1. Firefox+Firebug

  2. Chrome (F12) [XPath]

  3. CoffeCup Editor

MD5 checksum:

  Windows: WinMD5

  Unix/Linux/Mac OS:md5sum

     (md5sha1sum project)

AppleEvent Bundle on Mac OS: Aeve

Prolog Tool: SWI-prolog, Visual prolog, GNU prolog

Data Mining Tool: Weka 

Matlab alternative: SciLab






