Creational design patterns deal with an object creation . The aim of a creational design pattern is to provide
better alternatives for situations where a direct object creation (which in Python happens by the __init__()
function ) is not convenient.
In the Factory design pattern, a client asks for an object without knowing where the object is coming from
(that is, which class is used to generate it). The idea behind a factory is to simplify an object creation.
It is easier to track which objects are created if this is done through a central function, in contrast to letting
a client create objects using a direct class instantiation . A factory reduces the complexity of maintaining
an application by decoupling the code that creates an object from the code that uses it.
Factories typically come in two forms: the Factory Method, which is a method (or in Pythonic terms,
a function) that returns a different object per input parameter; the Abstract Factory, which is a group
of Factory Methods used to create a family of related products.
Factory Method
In the Factory Method, we execute a single function, passing a parameter that provides information
about what we want. We are not required to know any details about how the object is implemented
and where it is coming from.
A real-life example
An example of the Factory Method pattern used in reality is in plastic toy construction. The molding
powder used to construct plastic toys is the same, but different figures can be produced using
different plastic molds. This is like having a Factory Method in which the input is the name of the figure
that we want (duck and car) and the output is the plastic figure that we requested.
The toy construction case is shown in the following figure, which is provided by.
A software example
The Django framework uses the Factory Method pattern for creating the fields of a form.
The forms module of Django supports the creation of different kinds of fields (CharField,
EmailField) and customizations (max_length, required).
Use cases
If you realize that you cannot track the objects created by your application because the code
that creates them is in many different places instead of a single function/method,
you should consider using the Factory Method pattern. The Factory Method centralizes
an object creation and tracking your objects becomes much easier. Note that it is absolutely fine
to create more than one Factory Method, and this is how it is typically done in practice.
Each Factory Method logically groups the creation of objects that have similarities. For example,
one Factory Method might be responsible for connecting you to different databases (MySQL, SQLite),
another Factory Method might be responsible for creating the geometrical object
that you request (circle, triangle), and so on.
The Factory Method is also useful when you want to decouple an object creation from
an object usage. We are not coupled/bound to a specific class when creating an object,
we just provide partial information about what we want by calling a function. This means that
introducing changes to the function is easy without requiring any changes to the code that uses it .
Another use case worth mentioning is related to improving the performance and
memory usage of an application. A Factory Method can improve the performance
and memory usage by creating new objects only if it is absolutely necessary.
When we create objects using a direct class instantiation, extra memory is allocated every time
a new object is created (unless the class uses caching internally, which is usually not the case).
We can see that in practice in the following code (file, it creates two instances
of the same class A and uses the id() function to compare their memory addresses.
The addresses are also printed in the output so that we can inspect them. The fact that
the memory addresses are different means that two distinct objects are created as follows:
class A(object): pass if __name__ == '__main__': a = A() b = A() print(id(a) == id(b)) print(a, b)
Executing on my computer gives the following output:
>> python3 False <__main__.A object at 0x7f5771de8f60> <__main__.A object at 0x7f5771df2208>
Note that the addresses that you see if you execute the file are not the same as I see
because they depend on the current memory layout and allocation. But the result
must be the same: the two addresses should be different. There's one exception
that happens if you write and execute the code in the Python Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL)
(interactive prompt), but that's a REPL-specific optimization which is not happening normally.
Data comes in many forms. There are two main file categories for storing/retrieving data:
human_readable files and binary files. Examples of human_readable files are XML, Atom,
YAML, and JSON. Examples of binary files are the .sq3 file format used by SQLite and
the .mp3 file format used to listen to music.
In this example, we will focus on two popular human-readable formats: XML and JSON.
Although human_readable files are generally slower to parse than binary files,
they make data exchange, inspection, and modification much easier. For this reason,
it is advised to prefer working with human_readable files, unless there are other restrictions
that do not allow it (mainly unacceptable performance and proprietary binary formats).
In this problem, we have some input data stored in an XML and a JSON file,
and we want to parse them and retrieve some information. At the same time,
we want to centralize the client's connection to those (and all future) external services.
We will use the Factory Method to solve this problem.
The example focuses only on XML and JSON, but adding support for more services
should be straightforward.
First, let's take a look at the data files. The XML file, person.xml, is based on
the Wikipedia example and contains information about individuals
(firstName, lastName, gender, and so on) as follows:
<persons> <person> <firstName>John</firstName> <lastName>Smith</lastName> <age>25</age> <address> <streetAddress>21 2nd Street</streetAddress> <city>New York</city> <state>NY</state> <postalCode>10021</postalCode> </address> <phoneNumbers> <phoneNumber type="home">212 555-1234</phoneNumber> <phoneNumber type="fax">646 555-4567</phoneNumber> </phoneNumbers> <gender> <type>male</type> </gender> </person> <person> <firstName>Jimy</firstName> <lastName>Liar</lastName> <age>19</age> <address> <streetAddress>18 2nd Street</streetAddress> <city>New York</city> <state>NY</state> <postalCode>10021</postalCode> </address> <phoneNumbers> <phoneNumber type="home">212 555-1234</phoneNumber> </phoneNumbers> <gender> <type>male</type> </gender> </person> <person> <firstName>Patty</firstName> <lastName>Liar</lastName> <age>20</age> <address> <streetAddress>18 2nd Street</streetAddress> <city>New York</city> <state>NY</state> <postalCode>10021</postalCode> </address> <phoneNumbers> <phoneNumber type="home">212 555-1234</phoneNumber> <phoneNumber type="mobile">001 452-8819</phoneNumber> </phoneNumbers> <gender> <type>female</type> </gender> </person> </persons>
The JSON file, donut.json, comes from the GitHub account of Adobe and
contains donut information (type, price/unit that is, ppu, topping, and so on) as follows:
第二个是json文件,donut.json,它由Adobe 在GitHub上面的账户提供的,主要描述甜甜圈的信息,包括种类、价格等等),具体文件如下:
[ { "id": "0001", "type": "donut", "name": "Cake", "ppu": 0.55, "batters": { "batter": [ { "id": "1001", "type": "Regular" }, { "id": "1002", "type": "Chocolate" }, { "id": "1003", "type": "Blueberry" }, { "id": "1004", "type": "Devil's Food" } ] }, "topping": [ { "id": "5001", "type": "None" }, { "id": "5002", "type": "Glazed" }, { "id": "5005", "type": "Sugar" }, { "id": "5007", "type": "Powdered Sugar" }, { "id": "5006", "type": "Chocolate with Sprinkles" }, { "id": "5003", "type": "Chocolate" }, { "id": "5004", "type": "Maple" } ] }, { "id": "0002", "type": "donut", "name": "Raised", "ppu": 0.55, "batters": { "batter": [ { "id": "1001", "type": "Regular" } ] }, "topping": [ { "id": "5001", "type": "None" }, { "id": "5002", "type": "Glazed" }, { "id": "5005", "type": "Sugar" }, { "id": "5003", "type": "Chocolate" }, { "id": "5004", "type": "Maple" } ] }, { "id": "0003", "type": "donut", "name": "Old Fashioned", "ppu": 0.55, "batters": { "batter": [ { "id": "1001", "type": "Regular" }, { "id": "1002", "type": "Chocolate" } ] }, "topping": [ { "id": "5001", "type": "None" }, { "id": "5002", "type": "Glazed" }, { "id": "5003", "type": "Chocolate" }, { "id": "5004", "type": "Maple" } ] } ]
We will use two libraries that are part of the Python distribution for working with XML and JSON:
xml.etree.ElementTree and json as follows:
我们将使用Python的XML库和JSON库来实现功能,它们是 xml.etree.elementtree和json,具体引入代码如下:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree import json
The JSONConnector class parses the JSON file and has a parsed_data() method
that returns all data as a dictionary (dict). The property decorator is used to
make parsed_data() appear as a normal variable instead of a method as follows:
我们使用JSONConnector 来解析JSON文件,json库里面有parsed_data()这个方法,它可以以字典的形式返回所有数据。通过@property这个装饰器,使得parsed_data()当成变量使用而不是作为方法使用,具体代码如下:
class JSONConnector: def __init__(self, filepath): = dict() with open(filepath, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f: = json.load(f) @property def parsed_data(self): return
The XMLConnector class parses the XML file and has a parsed_data() method that
returns all data as a list of xml.etree.Element as follows:
我们使用XMLConnector 解析XML文件,xml库里面有parsed_data()这个方法,它以xml.etree.element列表的形式返回所有数据,具体代码如下:
class XMLConnector: def __init__(self, filepath): self.tree = etree.parse(filepath) @property def parsed_data(self): return self.tree
The connection_factory() function is a Factory Method. It returns an instance
of JSONConnector or XMLConnector depending on the extension of the input file path
as follows:
connection_factory()函数是一个工厂方法。它根据输入的文件路径,返回JSONConnector 或者XMLConnector 的实例,具体代码如下:
def connection_factory(filepath): if filepath.endswith('json'): connector = JSONConnector elif filepath.endswith('xml'): connector = XMLConnector else: raise ValueError('Cannot connect to {}'.format(filepath)) return connector(filepath)
The connect_to() function is a wrapper of connection_factory(). It adds exception handling
as follows:
def connect_to(filepath): factory = None try: factory = connection_factory(filepath) except ValueError as ve: print(ve) return factory
The main() function demonstrates how the Factory Method design pattern can be used.
The first part makes sure that exception handling is effective as follows:
def main(): sqlite_factory = connect_to('data/person.sq3')
The next part shows how to work with the XML files using the Factory Method. XPath is used to
find all person elements that have the last name Liar. For each matched person,
the basic name and phone number information are shown as follows:
xml_factory = connect_to('data/person.xml') xml_data = xml_factory.parsed_data() liars = xml_data.findall(".//{person}[{lastName}='{}']".format('Liar')) print('found: {} persons'.format(len(liars))) for liar in liars: print('first name: {}'.format(liar.find('firstName').text)) print('last name: {}'.format(liar.find('lastName').text)) [print('phone number ({}):'.format(p.attrib['type']), p.text) for p in liar.find('phoneNumbers')]
The final part shows how to work with the JSON files using the Factory Method. Here,
there's no pattern matching, and therefore the name, price, and topping of all donuts
are shown as follows:
json_factory = connect_to('data/donut.json') json_data = json_factory.parsed_data print('found: {} donuts'.format(len(json_data))) for donut in json_data: print('name: {}'.format(donut['name'])) print('price: ${}'.format(donut['ppu'])) [print('topping: {} {}'.format(t['id'], t['type'])) for t in donut['topping']]
For completeness, here is the complete code of the Factory Method implementation
( as follows:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree import json class JSONConnector: def __init__(self, filepath): = dict() with open(filepath, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f: = json.load(f) @property def parsed_data(self): return class XMLConnector: def __init__(self, filepath): self.tree = etree.parse(filepath) @property def parsed_data(self): return self.tree def connection_factory(filepath): if filepath.endswith('json'): connector = JSONConnector elif filepath.endswith('xml'): connector = XMLConnector else: raise ValueError('Cannot connect to {}'.format(filepath)) return connector(filepath) def connect_to(filepath): factory = None try: factory = connection_factory(filepath) except ValueError as ve: print(ve) return factory def main(): sqlite_factory = connect_to('data/person.sq3') print() xml_factory = connect_to('data/person.xml') xml_data = xml_factory.parsed_data liars = xml_data.findall(".//{}[{}='{}']".format('person', 'lastName', 'Liar')) print('found: {} persons'.format(len(liars))) for liar in liars: print('first name: {}'.format(liar.find('firstName').text)) print('last name: {}'.format(liar.find('lastName').text)) [print('phone number ({}):'.format(p.attrib['type']), p.text) for p in liar.find('phoneNumbers')] print() json_factory = connect_to('data/donut.json') json_data = json_factory.parsed_data print('found: {} donuts'.format(len(json_data))) for donut in json_data: print('name: {}'.format(donut['name'])) print('price: ${}'.format(donut['ppu'])) [print('topping: {} {}'.format(t['id'], t['type'])) for t in donut['topping']] if __name__ == '__main__': main()
Here is the output of this program as follows:
>>> python3 Cannot connect to data/person.sq3 found: 2 persons first name: Jimy last name: Liar phone number (home): 212 555-1234 first name: Patty last name: Liar phone number (home): 212 555-1234 phone number (mobile): 001 452-8819 found: 3 donuts name: Cake price: $0.55 topping: 5001 None topping: 5002 Glazed topping: 5005 Sugar topping: 5007 Powdered Sugar topping: 5006 Chocolate with Sprinkles topping: 5003 Chocolate topping: 5004 Maple name: Raised price: $0.55 topping: 5001 None topping: 5002 Glazed topping: 5005 Sugar topping: 5003 Chocolate topping: 5004 Maple name: Old Fashioned price: $0.55 topping: 5001 None topping: 5002 Glazed topping: 5003 Chocolate topping: 5004 Maple
Notice that although JSONConnector and XMLConnector have the same interfaces,
what is returned by parsed_data() is not handled in a uniform way. Different python code
must be used to work with each connector. Although it would be nice to be able to
use the same code for all connectors, this is at most times not realistic unless
we use some kind of common mapping for the data which is very often provided
by external data providers. Assuming that you can use exactly the same code
for handling the XML and JSON files, what changes are required to support a third format,
for example, SQLite? Find an SQLite file or create your own and try it.
注意,虽然JSONConnector 和XMLConnector 具有相同的接口,但是,parsed_data()返回的数据不是以统一的方式处理。不同的Python代码必须使用不同的连接器工作。虽然所有连接器能使用相同的代码是非常好的,但是在大多数时间里,这是不现实的,除非我们使用数据供应商提供的常见映射来处理数据。假设,你是使用相同的代码来处理XML和JSON文件,现在需要增加处理第三种文件格式,例如,SQLite呢?你可以找一个SQLite文件,然后尝试一下。
As it is now, the code does not forbid a direct instantiation of a connector. Is it possible to do this? Try doing it.
Hint: Functions in Python can have nested classes.