<span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="font-size:18px;">Private Sub cmdOnLine_Click() Dim mrc As ADODB.Recordset 'student_Info表 Dim mrcO As ADODB.Recordset 'OnLine_Info表 Dim mrcB As ADODB.Recordset 'BasicData_Info表 Dim mrcU As ADODB.Recordset 'user_Info表 Dim txtSQL As String Dim MsgText As String Dim A As Integer '用做msgbox的返回值 Dim Cancel As Integer txtSQL = "select * from Student_Info where cardno='" & Trim(txtCardNo.Text) & "'and status='" & Trim("不使用") & "'" Set mrcS = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) If mrcS.EOF = False Then A = MsgBox("此卡已注销,是否激活?", vbOKCancel + vbExclamation, "提示") '如果已退卡,询问是否要激活 If A = vbOK Then mrcS.Fields(7) = 0 mrcS.Fields(10) = "使用" mrcS.Fields(11) = "未结账" mrcS.Update mrcS.Close B = MsgBox("激活成功!是否立即充值?", vbOKCancel + vbExclamation, "提示") If B = vbOK Then txtCardNo.Text = "" '不清空的话会弹出暂时不需要弹出的信息 txtSQL = "select * from User_Info where UserID='" & UserName & "' and Level<>'" & "一般用户" & "'" Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) If mrc.EOF = False Then SetParent frmRecharge.hWnd, frmMain.hWnd Else MsgBox "一般用户无权注册,抱歉~", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "提示" txtCardNo.SetFocus txtCardNo = "" Exit Sub End If Else Cancel = True Exit Sub End If Else Cancel = True Exit Sub End If End If If Trim(txtCardNo.Text = "") Then MsgBox "请输入卡号!" txtCardNo.SetFocus Else '通过卡号,显示其其它内容 txtSQL = "select * from student_Info where cardno='" & txtCardNo.Text & "'" Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) If mrc.EOF = True Then A = MsgBox("此卡尚未注册!是否立即注册?", vbOKCancel + vbExclamation, "提示") If A = vbOK Then txtSQL = "select * from User_Info where UserID='" & UserName & "' and Level<>'" & "一般用户" & "'" Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) If mrc.EOF = False Then SetParent frmRegister.hWnd, frmMain.hWnd txtCardNo.SetFocus txtCardNo = "" Else MsgBox "一般用户无权注册,抱歉~", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "提示" txtCardNo.SetFocus txtCardNo = "" End If Else Cancel = True txtCardNo.SetFocus txtCardNo = "" End If Else txtSQL = "select * from OnLine_Info where cardno='" & Trim(txtCardNo.Text) & "'" Set mrcO = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) If Not (mrcO.BOF And mrcO.EOF) Then MsgBox "此卡号正在上机!" txtCardNo.SetFocus txtCardNo = "" Exit Sub Else txtSQL = "select * from BasicData_Info" Set mrcB = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) If mrc.Fields(7) <= mrcB.Fields(5) Then A = MsgBox("余额小于最低标准" & mrcB.Fields(5) & ",是否充值?", vbOKCancel + vbExclamation, "提示") If A = vbOK Then txtSQL = "select * from User_Info where UserID='" & UserName & "' and Level<>'" & "一般用户" & "'" Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) If mrc.EOF = False Then SetParent frmRecharge.hWnd, frmMain.hWnd txtCardNo.SetFocus txtCardNo = "" Else MsgBox "一般用户无权充值,抱歉~", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "提示" txtCardNo.SetFocus txtCardNo = "" End If Else Cancel = True End If Else '显示与上机卡号相关的信息 txtSQL = "select * from student_Info where cardno='" & txtCardNo.Text & "'" Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) lblType.Caption = mrc!Type lblSID.Caption = mrc!studentno lblName.Caption = mrc!studentName lblDept.Caption = mrc!department lblSex.Caption = mrc!sex lblOnDate.Caption = Date lblOnTime.Caption = Time lblBalance.Caption = mrc!cash '显示余额 '将上机记录保留到OnLine表中,便于显示当前上机人数 txtSQL = "select * from OnLine_Info" Set mrcO = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) mrcO.AddNew mrcO.Fields(0) = Trim(txtCardNo.Text) mrcO.Fields(1) = mrc!Type mrcO.Fields(2) = mrc!studentno mrcO.Fields(3) = mrc!studentName mrcO.Fields(4) = mrc!department mrcO.Fields(5) = mrc!sex mrcO.Fields(6) = Date mrcO.Fields(7) = Time mrcO.Fields(8) = VBA.Environ("computerName") mrcO.Fields(9) = Date '不知表中给出的date和上边出现的date是否一样 mrcO.Fields(10) = Now mrcO.Update '查询此时正在上机的人数(PS:可以用Timer事件,实时更新当前上机人数) lblPeople.Caption = mrcO.RecordCount mrcO.Close MsgBox "上机成功!" '清空窗体内所有显示框 txtCardNo.SetFocus txtCardNo.Text = "" lblType.Caption = "" lblSID.Caption = "" lblName.Caption = "" lblDept.Caption = "" lblSex.Caption = "" lblOnDate.Caption = "" lblOnTime.Caption = "" lblBalance.Caption = "" End If End If End If End If End Sub </span></span>
<span style="font-size:18px;">Private Sub cmdOffLine_Click() Dim txtSQL As String Dim MsgText As String Dim mrc As ADODB.Recordset 'student_Info表,将计算后的最新余额存入 Dim mrcO As ADODB.Recordset 'OnLine_Info表 取出上机记录,存入Line_Info表,然后删除 Dim mrcB As ADODB.Recordset 'BasicData_Info表,用来算余额和消费时间 Dim mrcL As ADODB.Recordset 'Line_Info表,将上下机记录存入 Dim PastCash As Integer '原余额 Dim Newcash As Integer '新余额 Dim Timefact As Long '实际上机时间,定义为long便于有利于提高效率 Dim FreeTime As Long '上机前的准备时间,相当于白送的时间 Dim FixUserCharge As Integer '固定用户的单位费用 Dim TemUserCharge As Integer '临时用户的单位费用 Dim OnTime As Date Dim offTime As Date '判断部分 If Trim(txtCardNo.Text = "") Then MsgBox "请输入卡号!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "警告" txtCardNo.SetFocus Exit Sub End If '判断卡号是否注册 txtSQL = "select * from student_Info where cardno='" & txtCardNo.Text & "'" Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) If mrc.EOF Then MsgBox "该卡号未注册,请重新输入!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "警告" txtCardNo.SetFocus txtCardNo.Text = "" Exit Sub Else '判断该卡号是否上机 txtSQL = "select * from Online_Info where cardno='" & txtCardNo.Text & "'" Set mrcO = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) If mrcO.EOF Then MsgBox "该卡没有上机!" txtCardNo.SetFocus txtCardNo.Text = "" Exit Sub End If End If '---------------------------------------------------------- '---------------------------------------------------------- '计算部分(前期准备) '后发现如果只是用time算时间的话,那么还需要用Date算出相差的天数换成分钟与time算出的数相加,所以,直接用Now '在Online表中添加了onnow字段,在Line表中添加了offnow字段 OnTime = Trim(mrcO!onnow) '将下机时间等信息赋给中间变量 offTime = Time '将原余额提出来用于计算下机后的余额 txtSQL = "select * from student_Info where cardno='" & txtCardNo.Text & " '" Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) PastCash = Val(Trim(mrc!cash)) '从基本数据表中取出用于计算的每小时费用 txtSQL = "select * from BasicData_Info " Set mrcB = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) FreeTime = Val(mrcB!PrepareTime) '将固定用户和临时用户的每小时费用分别赋给中间变量 FixUserCharge = mrcB!Rate TemUserCharge = mrcB!tmpRate '计算实际上机时间 Timefact = DateDiff("n", OnTime, Now) - FreeTime '以分钟为单位,避免隔天问题,用Now算上机时间 lblCTime.Caption = Timefact '---------------------------------------------------------- '---------------------------------------------------------- '正式计费 '判断实际在线时间是否小于准备时间,若小于则消费时间为0 If lblCTime.Caption <= Val(Trim(mrcB!PrepareTime)) Then lblCTime.Caption = 0 lblCMoney.Caption = 0 Else '判断实际在线时间是否小于最低消费时间,若小于消费时间为0 If lblCTime.Caption <= Val(Trim(mrcB!leasttime)) Then lblCTime.Caption = 0 lblCMoney.Caption = 0 Else '实际在线时间大于最低消费时间则按单位时间算,分固定用户和临时用户 If lblCTime.Caption >= Val(Trim(mrcB!leasttime)) And lblCTime.Caption < Val(Trim(mrcB!UnitTime)) _ And Trim(mrc!Type) = "固定用户" Then lblCMoney.Caption = FixUserCharge '就像是网吧一样,不到一小时也按照一小时算 Else If lblCTime.Caption >= Val(Trim(mrcB!leasttime)) And lblCTime.Caption < Val(Trim(mrcB!UnitTime)) _ And Trim(mrc!Type) = "临时用户" Then lblCMoney.Caption = TemUserCharge '临时用户每小时费用 Else '当实际在线时间大于单位时间,即递增单位时间60分钟,就按有几个单位时间算,分固定用户和临时用户 '计算固定用户的消费 If lblCTime.Caption > Val(mrcB!UnitTime) And Trim(mrc!Type) = "固定用户" Then lblCMoney.Caption = Int(Val(lblCTime.Caption) / 60 + 1) * Val(FixUserCharge) '加1是避免1.5小时按1小时算 Else '计算临时用户的消费 If lblCTime.Caption > Val(mrcB!UnitTime) And Trim(mrc!Type) = "临时用户" Then lblCMoney.Caption = Int(Val(lblCTime.Caption) / 60 + 1) * Val(TemUserCharge) End If End If End If End If End If End If '计算余额=原余额—消费金额 Newcash = PastCash - Val(lblCMoney.Caption) '---------------------------------------------------------- '---------------------------------------------------------- '下机信息完整显示 '先通过卡号显示上机信息 txtSQL = "select * from Online_Info where cardno='" & txtCardNo.Text & "'" Set mrcO = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) lblType.Caption = mrcO!cardtype lblSID.Caption = mrcO!studentno lblName.Caption = mrcO!studentName lblDept.Caption = mrcO!department lblSex.Caption = mrcO!sex lblOnDate.Caption = Format(mrcO!ondate) lblOnTime.Caption = mrcO!OnTime '然后显示下机信息 lblOffDate.Caption = Date '下机日期 lblOffTime.Caption = offTime '下机时间 lblBalance.Caption = Newcash '显示余额 '---------------------------------------------------------- '---------------------------------------------------------- '更新相应表中的数据 '更新student表中的余额记录 txtSQL = "select * from student_Info where cardno='" & txtCardNo.Text & " '" Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) mrc!cash = Newcash mrc.Update mrc.Close '更新Line_Info表 txtSQL = "select * from Line_Info" Set mrcL = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) mrcL.AddNew '敲代码时忘了加了,导致3021错误 mrcL.Fields(1) = mrcO.Fields(0) mrcL.Fields(2) = mrcO.Fields(2) mrcL.Fields(3) = mrcO.Fields(3) mrcL.Fields(4) = mrcO.Fields(4) mrcL.Fields(5) = mrcO.Fields(5) mrcL.Fields(6) = mrcO.Fields(6) mrcL.Fields(7) = mrcO.Fields(7) '向line表中存入当前日期和时间 mrcL.Fields(8) = Date mrcL.Fields(9) = offTime '向line表中存入经过计算的数据 mrcL.Fields(10) = lblCTime.Caption mrcL.Fields(11) = lblCMoney.Caption mrcL.Fields(12) = Newcash '向line表中存入固定数据 mrcL.Fields(13) = "正常下机" mrcL.Fields(14) = VBA.Environ("ComputerName") mrcL.Update '删除Online表中的上机数据 mrcO.Delete mrcO.Update MsgBox "下机成功!欢迎再次使用~~~" mrcO.Close '重新打开上机表,更新一下,重新计算当前上机人数,否则保留的是原来取得的旧记录 txtSQL = "select * from Online_Info " Set mrcO = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) lblPeople.Caption = mrcO.RecordCount '将显示的内容清空 txtCardNo.Text = "" lblType.Caption = "" lblSID.Caption = "" lblName.Caption = "" lblDept.Caption = "" lblSex.Caption = "" lblOnDate.Caption = "" lblOnTime.Caption = "" lblBalance.Caption = "" lblOffDate.Caption = "" lblOffTime.Caption = "" lblCMoney.Caption = "" lblCTime.Caption = "" lblBalance.Caption = "" End Sub </span>