Sublime Text 2/3 Markdown Preview
Preview and build your markdown files quickly in your web browser from sublime text 2/3.
You can use builtin python-markdown parser or use the github markdown API for the conversion.
NOTE: If you choose the GitHub API for conversion (set parser: github in your settings), your code will be sent through https to github for live conversion. You’ll have Github flavored markdown, syntax highlighting and EMOJI support for free :heart: :octocat: :gift:. If you make more than 60 calls a day, be sure to set your GitHub API key in the settings :). You can also get most of this in the default Markdown parser with by enabling certain extensions; see “Parsing Github Flavored Markdown“” below for more information.
LINUX users: If you want to use GitHub API for conversion, you’ll need to have a custom Python install that includes python-ssl as its not built in the Sublime Text 2 Linux package. see @dusteye comment. If you use a custom window manager, also be sure to set a BROWSER
environment variable. see @PPvG comments
## Features :
, attr_list
, def_list
, fenced_code
, footnotes
, tables
, smart_strong
, smarty
, wikilinks
, meta
, sane_lists
, codehilite
, nl2br
, and toc
markdown extensions.3rd party extensions for the Python Markdown parser:
Extension | Documentation |
magiclink | Find and convert HTML links and email address to links (MagicLink Documentation). |
delete | Surround inline text with crossed out to get del tags crossed out. |
insert | Surround inline text with ^^underlined^^ to get ins tags underlined. |
tasklist | Github Flavored Markdown tasklists (Tasklist Documentation). |
githubemoji | Support for Github Flavored Markdown emojis (GithubEmoji Documentation). |
headeranchor | Github Flavored Markdown style header anchors (HeaderAnchor Documentation). |
github | A convenience extension to add: magiclink , delete , tasklist , githubemoji , headeranchor , superfences , and nl2br to parse and display Markdown in a github-ish way. It is recommed to pair github with extra and codehilite (with language guessing off) to parse close to github’s way. Be aware of what extensions github loads, because you should not load extensions more than once. |
progressbar | Create progress bars (ProgressBar Documentation). |
superfences | Allow fenced blocks to be nested under lists, blockquotes, etc. and add special UML diagram blocks (SuperFences Documentation). |
For all Sublime Text 2/3 users we recommend install via Package Control.
then Package Control: Install Package
Markdown Preview
and install it.Preferences > Browse Packages…
menuInstalled Packages/
folderMarkdown Preview.sublime-package
and copy it into the Installed Packages/
directoryoptionally select some of your markdown for conversion
then Markdown Preview
to show the follow commands (you will be prompted to select which parser you prefer): { "keys": ["alt+m"], "command": "markdown_preview", "args": {"target": "browser", "parser":"markdown"} },
for a specific parser and target or { "keys": ["alt+m"], "command": "markdown_preview_select", "args": {"target": "browser"} },
to bring up the quick panel to select enabled parsers for a given target.once converted a first time, the output HTML will be updated on each file save (with LiveReload plugin)
Just use Ctrl+B
(Windows/Linux) or cmd+B
(Mac) to build current file.
Using Sublime Text menu: Preferences
->Package Settings
->Markdown Preview
Settings - User
is where you change your settings for Markdown Preview.Settings - Default
is a good reference with detailed descriptions for each setting.If you add the codehilite extension manually in the enabled extensions, you can override some of the default settings.
(True|False).codehilite(linenums=True, pygments_style-emacs)
.See codehilte page for more info.
When the meta
extension is enabled (, the results will be written to the HTML head in the form <meta name="key" content="value1,value2">
. title
is the one exception, and its content will be written to the title tag in the HTML head.
YAML frontmatter can be stripped out and read when strip_yaml_front_matter
is set to true
in the settings file. In general the, the fronmatter is handled the same as meta data, but if both exist in a file, the YAML keys will override the meta
extension keys. There are a few special keys names that won’t be handled as html meta data.
Yaml frontmatter has a few special key names that are used that will not be handled as meta data:
setting.Save to HTML
command. Relative paths first use the source file’s directory, and if the file cannot be found, it will use the basepath
setting.<hr />
# Builtin values
- - -
destination: destination.html
# Meta Data
title: Test Page
- John Doe - Jane Doe
# Settings overrides
- extra - github - toc - headerid - smarty(smart_quotes=False) # smart quotes interferes with attr_list - meta - wikilinks - admonition - codehilite(guess_lang=False,pygments_style=github) <hr />
Github Flavored Mardown (GFM) is a very popular markdown. Markdown Preview can actually handle them in a couple of ways: online and offline.
Parsing GFM using the online method requires using the Github API as the parser. It may also require setting github_mode
to gfm
to get things like tasklists to render properly.
By default almost all extensions are enabled to help with the github feel, but there are some tweaks needed to get the full experience.
GFM does not auto guess language in fenced blocks, but Markdown Preview does this by default. You can fix this in one of two ways:
"guess_language": false,
"enabled_extensions": ["codehilite(guess_lang=False,pygments_style=github)"]
As mentioned earlier, almost all extensions are enabled by default, but as a reference, the minimum extensions that should be enabled are listed below:
"enabled_extensions": [
This may be further enhanced in the future.
The code is available at github project under MIT licence.
# MarkdownEditing
Markdown plugin for Sublime Text. Provides a decent Markdown color scheme (light and dark) with more robust syntax highlighting and useful Markdown editing features for Sublime Text. 3 flavors are supported: Standard Markdown, GitHub flavored Markdown, MultiMarkdown.
Dark and yellow theme available.
## Overview
Asterisks and underscores are autopaired and will wrap selected text
, -
, +
in a cycle).[]
or ()
pair for a link#
, so you will know they belong to markdown files at a glance. Also they will be on top of the list because of the presedence of #
when there’s a selection will surround it with #
to make it a headline. Multiple presses add additional hashes, increasing the level of the header. Once you hit 6 hashes, it will reset to 0 on the next press. The mde.match_header_hashes
will determine if the #
are mirrored on both sides or just at the beginning of the line.mde.match_header_hashes
option in your settings to disable.Tab
. That is, typing Tab
on a line containing only =
or -
characters will add or remove enough characters to it to match the length of the line above.New documents will be named automatically based on the first header.
OS X | Windows/Linux | Description |
⌘⌥V | CtrlWinV | Pastes the contents of the clipboard as an inline link on selected text. |
⌘⌥R | CtrlWinR | Pastes the contents of the clipboard as a reference link. |
⌘⌥K | CtrlWinK | Inserts a standard inline link. |
⌘⇧K | ShiftWinK | Inserts an inline image. |
⌘⌥B ⌘⌥I | CtrlShiftB CtrlShiftI | These are bound to bold and italic. They work both with and without selections. If there is no selection, they will just transform the word under the cursor. These keybindings will unbold/unitalicize selection if it is already bold/italic. |
⌘^1...6 | Ctrl1...6 | These will add the corresponding number of hashmarks for headlines. Works on blank lines and selected text in tandem with the above headline tools. If you select an entire existing headline, the current hashmarks will be removed and replaced with the header level you requested. This command respects the mde.match_header_hashes preference setting. |
⌘⇧6 | CtrlShift6 | Inserts a footnote and jump to its definition. If your cursor is in a definition, it will jump back to the marker. |
⌥⇧F | AltShiftF | Locates footnote markers without definitions and inserts their markers for the definition. |
⌥⇧G | AltShiftG | Locates link references without definitions and inserts their labels at the bottom for the definition. |
## GFM Specific Features
Underscores in words doesn’t mess with bold or italic style:
Fenced code blocks gets syntax highlighting inside:
Keyboard shortcuts gets highlighted like in GitHub:
Strikethrough is supported:
## Commands for Command Palette
### Fix Underlined Headers
Adjusts every setext-style header to add or remove =
or -
characters as needed to match the lengths of their header text.
### Convert Underlined Headers to ATX
Converts every setext-style header into an ATX style header. If something is selected only the headers in the selections will be converted, otherwise the conversion will be applied to the whole view.
### Add Missing Link Labels
Scans document for referenced link usages ([some link][some_ref]
and [some link][]
) and checks if they are all defined. If there are undefined link references, command will automatically create their definition snippet at the bottom of the file.
### Markdown Lint
Performs lint on current Markdown file. See lint rules. Some of the linting rules are customizable via user settings file.
### Switch List Bullet Type
Switches the highlighted list between numbered and bulleted style.
## Installation
Important Note About Installation
Are you getting this error after installation: Error loading syntax file “Packages/Markdown/Markdown.tmLanguage”: Unable to open Packages/Markdown/Markdown.tmLanguage? This is caused by open markdown files at the install time. You have to manually change their syntax to your newly installed Markdown syntax. Read the below paragraph for more details on this.
Note: Sublime text has a native tiny package for Markdown. However, when MarkdownEditing is enabled, native package causes some conflicts. For this reason, MarkdownEditing will automatically disable it. Since it doesn’t bring anything new over MarkdownEditing, this is not a loss. But remember, when you disable MarkdownEditing, you have to reenable the native one manually (if you want).
If you are using Sublime Text 2, you have to disable the native package manually. To do that, add Markdown
to your ignored_packages
list in ST user settings:
"ignored_packages": [..., "Markdown"],
### Package Control
The preferred method of installation is via Sublime Package Control.
install package
and hit Return. A list of available packages will be displayed.MarkdownEditing
and hit Return. The package will be downloaded to the appropriate directory.Restart Sublime Text to complete installation. Open a Markdown file and this custom theme. The features listed above should now be available.
Download or clone this repository to a directory MarkdownEditing
in the Sublime Text Packages directory for your platform:
git clone ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages/MarkdownEditing
git clone %APPDATA%\Sublime/ Text/ 2/\MarkdownEditing
git clone ~/.Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages/MarkdownEditing
Restart Sublime Text to complete installation. Open a Markdown file and this custom theme. The features listed above should now be available.
The plugin contains 3 different Markdown flavors: Standard Markdown, GitHub flavored Markdown, MultiMarkdown. Default is GitHub flavored Markdown. If you want to set another one as default, open a Markdown file and select your flavor from the menu: View > Syntax > Open all with current extension as
. You’re done.
You may want to have a look at the default settings files. They are located at:
Packages/MarkdownEditing/Markdown.sublime-settings [GitHub flavored Markdown]
Packages/MarkdownEditing/Markdown (Standard).sublime-settings
If you want to override any of the default settings, you can open the appropriate user settings file using the Preferences > Package Settings > Markdown Editing
menu. Each flavor has a different settings file.
Bold and italic markers are configurable through ST shell variables. You can use Preferences > Package Settings > Markdown Editing
menu to see the default settings file. In order to override it, copy & paste its content into the user settings file (Packages/User/Bold and Italic Markers.tmPreferences
) from the menu and make your edits. It is pretty straightforward.
In order to activate the dark or the yellow theme, put one of these lines to your user settings file of the flavor (Packages/User/[flavor].sublime-settings
“color_scheme”: “Packages/MarkdownEditing/MarkdownEditor-Dark.tmTheme”,
“color_scheme”: “Packages/MarkdownEditing/MarkdownEditor-Yellow.tmTheme”,
If you want to go with your already existing theme, you can reenable it with the same method as above. Keep in mind that, that theme may not cover all the parts of the Markdown syntax that this plugin defines.
By default, when you install the plugin, files with these extensions will be assigned to Markdown syntax: “md”, “txt”, “mdown”, “markdown”, “markdn”. If you want to prevent any of these extensions to be opened as Markdown, follow these steps:
Click on the language menu at bottom right
Choose your preferred syntax for that extension
We are maintaining a tips section in our Wiki. Jump there to learn from others or share your experiences with others.
Knockdown offers useful Markdown features and a custom Markdown theme. All of its unique features except its theme are ported to MarkdownEditing and some of them are actually improved further in MarkdownEditing.
Setext-style headers (===
and ---
) do not show up in the symbol list. This is due to a Sublime Text limitation (see #158). However, we are able to put a placeholder to indicate the existence of the header. We encourage you to use Atx-style headers (#
Installing for the first time while having markdown files opened may cause MarkdownEditing to behave unexpectedly on those files. Close and reopen those files to fix it.
MarkdownEditing was originally created by Brett Terpstra and has become a community project with the goal of consolidating the best features from the varied collection of Markdown packages for Sublime Text. Current development is headed up by Ali Ayas.
Related blog posts from Brett:
This plugin contains portions of code from Knockdown.
Footnote commands were submitted by J. Nicholas Geist and originated at geekabouttown.
You can support contributors of this project individually. Every contributor is welcomed to add his/her line below with any content. Ordering shall be alphabetically by GitHub username.
MarkdownEditing is released under the MIT License.