<span style="font-size:18px;"> public final void measure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { if ((mPrivateFlags & FORCE_LAYOUT) == FORCE_LAYOUT || widthMeasureSpec != mOldWidthMeasureSpec || heightMeasureSpec != mOldHeightMeasureSpec) { // first clears the measured dimension flag mPrivateFlags &= ~MEASURED_DIMENSION_SET; if (ViewDebug.TRACE_HIERARCHY) { ViewDebug.trace(this, ViewDebug.HierarchyTraceType.ON_MEASURE); } // measure ourselves, this should set the measured dimension flag back onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); // flag not set, setMeasuredDimension() was not invoked, we raise // an exception to warn the developer if ((mPrivateFlags & MEASURED_DIMENSION_SET) != MEASURED_DIMENSION_SET) { throw new IllegalStateException("onMeasure() did not set the" + " measured dimension by calling" + " setMeasuredDimension()"); } mPrivateFlags |= LAYOUT_REQUIRED; } mOldWidthMeasureSpec = widthMeasureSpec; mOldHeightMeasureSpec = heightMeasureSpec; }</span>
<span style="font-size:18px;"> protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { <strong><span style="color:#ff0000;">setMeasuredDimension</span></strong>(<strong><span style="color:#ff0000;">getDefaultSize</span></strong>(getSuggestedMinimumWidth(), widthMeasureSpec), getDefaultSize(getSuggestedMinimumHeight(), heightMeasureSpec)); }</span>
<span style="font-size:14px;"><strong> </strong> </span><span style="font-size:18px;"> protected final void setMeasuredDimension(int measuredWidth, int measuredHeight) { mMeasuredWidth = measuredWidth; mMeasuredHeight = measuredHeight; mPrivateFlags |= MEASURED_DIMENSION_SET; }</span>
<span style="font-size:18px;"> public static int getDefaultSize(int size, int measureSpec) { int result = size; int specMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(measureSpec); int specSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(measureSpec); switch (specMode) { case MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED: result = size; break; case MeasureSpec.AT_MOST: case MeasureSpec.EXACTLY: result = specSize; break; } return result; }</span>
protected void measureChildren(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { final int size = mChildrenCount; final View[] children = mChildren; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { final View child = children[i]; if ((child.mViewFlags & VISIBILITY_MASK) != GONE) { measureChild(child, widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); } } }
protected void measureChild(View child, int parentWidthMeasureSpec, int parentHeightMeasureSpec) { final LayoutParams lp = child.getLayoutParams(); final int childWidthMeasureSpec = getChildMeasureSpec(parentWidthMeasureSpec, mPaddingLeft + mPaddingRight, lp.width); final int childHeightMeasureSpec = getChildMeasureSpec(parentHeightMeasureSpec, mPaddingTop + mPaddingBottom, lp.height); child.measure(childWidthMeasureSpec, childHeightMeasureSpec); }
public void layout(int l, int t, int r, int b) { int oldL = mLeft; int oldT = mTop; int oldB = mBottom; int oldR = mRight; boolean changed = setFrame(l, t, r, b); if (changed || (mPrivateFlags & LAYOUT_REQUIRED) == LAYOUT_REQUIRED) { if (ViewDebug.TRACE_HIERARCHY) { ViewDebug.trace(this, ViewDebug.HierarchyTraceType.ON_LAYOUT); } onLayout(changed, l, t, r, b); mPrivateFlags &= ~LAYOUT_REQUIRED; if (mOnLayoutChangeListeners != null) { ArrayList<OnLayoutChangeListener> listenersCopy = (ArrayList<OnLayoutChangeListener>) mOnLayoutChangeListeners.clone(); int numListeners = listenersCopy.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numListeners; ++i) { listenersCopy.get(i).onLayoutChange(this, l, t, r, b, oldL, oldT, oldR, oldB); } } } mPrivateFlags &= ~FORCE_LAYOUT; }
protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) { if (mOrientation == VERTICAL) { layoutVertical(l, t, r, b); } else { layoutHorizontal(l, t, r, b); } } void layoutVertical(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final View child = getVirtualChildAt(i); if (child == null) { childTop += measureNullChild(i); } else if (child.getVisibility() != GONE) { final int childWidth = child.getMeasuredWidth(); final int childHeight = child.getMeasuredHeight(); <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>... setChildFrame(child, childLeft, childTop + getLocationOffset(child), childWidth, childHeight); } } } private void setChildFrame(View child, int left, int top, int width, int height) { child.layout(left, top, left + width, top + height); } public void layout(int l, int t, int r, int b) { ... setFrame(l, t, r, b) } protected boolean setFrame(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { ... }
public void draw(Canvas canvas) { / * Draw traversal performs several drawing steps which must be executed * in the appropriate order: * * 1. Draw the background if need * 2. If necessary, save the canvas' layers to prepare for fading * 3. Draw view's content * 4. Draw children (dispatchDraw) * 5. If necessary, draw the fading edges and restore layers * 6. Draw decorations (scrollbars for instance) */ <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>// Step 1, draw the background, if needed if (!dirtyOpaque) { drawBackground(canvas); } // skip step 2 & 5 if possible (common case) final int viewFlags = mViewFlags; if (!verticalEdges && !horizontalEdges) { // Step 3, draw the content if (!dirtyOpaque) onDraw(canvas); // Step 4, draw the children dispatchDraw(canvas); // Step 6, draw decorations (scrollbars) onDrawScrollBars(canvas); if (mOverlay != null && !mOverlay.isEmpty()) { mOverlay.getOverlayView().dispatchDraw(canvas); } // we're done... return; } // Step 2, save the canvas' layers ... // Step 3, draw the content if (!dirtyOpaque) onDraw(canvas); // Step 4, draw the children dispatchDraw(canvas); // Step 5, draw the fade effect and restore layers // Step 6, draw decorations (scrollbars) onDrawScrollBars(canvas); }