

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" 
			   xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600" 
		<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here --> 
			import flash.events.Event; 
			import flash.media.Sound; 
			import flash.media.SoundChannel; 
			import flash.media.SoundTransform; 
			import flash.net.URLRequest; 
			import flash.xml.*; 
			private var _xmlDoc:String; 
			private var _xmlObj:XML; 
			private var _soundObj:Sound; 
			private var _soundTransform:SoundTransform; 
			private var _soundChannel:SoundChannel; 
			private var _currentArrayNum:int; 
			private var _currentSndPosition:Number;
			private var _isPlayingSound:Boolean; 
			//helps you keep track of if the song is playing or not. 
			private function init():void 
				_xmlDoc = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><mp3><songURL>22.mp3</songURL></mp3>'; 
				_xmlObj = new XML(_xmlDoc); 
				//if there were more "songURL" tags then you could treat this like like an array. the first song being in position 0  
				_currentArrayNum = 0; 
				//this var helps keep track of where you are in the array when you click next or previous.
				_soundObj = new Sound(); 
				_soundObj.load(new URLRequest(_xmlObj..songURL[_currentArrayNum])); 
				_soundChannel = new SoundChannel(); 
				_soundTransform = new SoundTransform(); 
				VSlider.snapInterval =.1; 
				VSlider.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, ChangeVolume); 
			private function playSound():void 
				_soundChannel = _soundObj.play(); 
				_isPlayingSound = true; 
				_soundTransform.volume = .5; 
				_soundChannel.soundTransform = _soundTransform;                
			private function pauseSound():void 
				if(_isPlayingSound == true){ 
					_currentSndPosition = _soundChannel.position; 
					trace("_currentSndPosition = " + _currentSndPosition); 
					_isPlayingSound = false; 
					_soundChannel = _soundObj.play(_currentSndPosition); 
					_isPlayingSound = true; 
					trace("_currentSndPosition = " + _currentSndPosition); 
			//if your var's value is not yet the equal fo the highest number in your songURL array. then add 1 and load the next 
			//the opposite is true going backwards 
			private function nextSound():void 
				if(_currentArrayNum != _xmlObj..songURL.length()){ 
					_currentArrayNum ++; 
					_soundObj.load(new URLRequest(_xmlObj..songURL[_currentArrayNum])); 
			private function prevSound():void 
				if(_currentArrayNum !=0){ 
					_currentArrayNum --; 
					_soundObj.load(new URLRequest(_xmlObj..songURL[_currentArrayNum])); 
			//the slider has a min value of 0 and a max value of 1 and will snap to each position in between (.1) 
			//what ever that number is in between 0 and 1 is the new volume 
			private function ChangeVolume(evt:Event):void{ 
				_soundTransform.volume = evt.target.value; 
				_soundChannel.soundTransform = _soundTransform; 
		<s:Button label="Play" click="playSound();"/> 
		<s:Button label="Pause" click="pauseSound();"/> 
		<s:Button label="Next" click="nextSound();"/> 
		<s:Button label="Previous" click="prevSound()"/> 
		<s:HSlider id="VSlider" minimum="0" maximum="1" /> 
		<s:Label text="MP3播放器" />


