Starvation and Deadlock

Starvation and Deadlock

Starvation and Deadlock are the two kinds of the process status. If a process stays as starvation or deadlock, that means it is waiting for getting the needed share resource which has been holding by other processes. When the resources are released , the process status is going to be changed from starvation to run, but for deadlock, it has no chance to get the share resource the process needs because another process which has been holding the share resource needed by the first process, but the second process is staying there to wait for the first process to release the another share resource needed by itself, that is to say, they are waiting for each other's releasing the share resource they need. Deadlock is a innormal status which should be as much avoided as possible by the system designer.
I do think they are the two status of one's life, try to avoid deadlock, starvation is allowed, but do not only wait there to unacitvely get the released resource, go around to look for what you needs, on the way, the important thing is to learn how to  abandon the resource you've got. The new resource you really needed may get the chance to be in touch only after the abandonment. Sometimes, it needs a long and boring time to get or understand what is the really love in your heart, however worthy it is. Remember, don't give up your belief, the root of your prospect.

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