; $Id: dmdoccnf.e,v 5.6 2003/03/07 18:55:21 zfan Exp $
; dmDocbaseConfig class errors
.facility DM_DCNFG

.severity       ERROR
CANT_FIND S "Cannot find %s docbase_config."
;CAUSE: Could not find the docbase object by name.
;ACTION: This is probably caused by invalid name or user destroying the docbase object
;  through SQL.
CANT_FETCH_INVALID_ID D "Cannot fetch a docbase_config - Invalid object ID %s"
;CAUSE: Could not fetch an object with the given id.
;ACTION: This is probably caused by a bad ID.  Or, possibly, a connection
; to the Documentum server could not be established.
CANT_SAVE         S          "Cannot save %s docbase_config."
;CAUSE: One or more operations has failed during this save.
; Consult the following error message(s) for more help.
;ACTION: Try again after fixing previous problems.
CANT_CHANGE_NAME S "Cannot change %s name of docbase_config object"
;CAUSE: The name of docbase_config object must always be the same as the docbase name.
;ACTION: None.
INVALID_SECURITY S "Invalid security mode '%s' found in dm_docbase_config."
;CAUSE: The user tried to specify an invalid security mode.
;ACTION: Specify a valid security mode: none, document, cabinet, combined
INVALID_MACP S "Invalid mac access protocol %s."
;CAUSE: The user tried to specify an invalid mac access protocol.
;ACTION: Specify a valid mac access protocol: none, ushare, double.
CANT_CHANGE_MACP SS "Can not change mac access protocol from %s to %s."
;CAUSE: User try to change mac access protocol.
;ACTION: Mac access protocl can not be modified once set.
NEED_PRIV_FOR_CHANGE SS "The current user (%s) needs to have superuser or sysadmin privilege to save or destroy %s docbase_config object."
;CAUSE: Must have Superuser or SysAdmin privilege to save/destroy docbase_config objects.
;ACTION: Consult your system administrator.
CANT_CHANGE_ACL S "Can not change security mode from ACL to %s."
;CAUSE: The user tried to change security mode from ACL mode to other mode.
;ACTION: System only allows security mode to be changed from non-ACL to ACL mode, not the other way around.
;        A docbase is in ACL mode only when the following two conditions are satisfied:
;        (1) the security_mode of its docbase config object is "acl", and
;        (2) the i_stamp of the dmi_vstamp object is greater than 0.
;        Once, the i_stamp value is set to be greater than 0, the security mode can only set to acl or none.
CANT_CHANGE_TO_ACL S "Can not change security mode from %s to ACL since ACL conversion has not been performed. Execute dm_convertto_acl to do the conversion."
;CAUSE: The user tried to change security mode from non-ACL mode to ACL mode when the i_stamp is 0.
;ACTION: System only allows security mode to be changed from non-ACL to ACL mode, not the other way around.
;        A docbase is in ACL mode only when the following two conditions are satisfied:
;        (1) the security_mode of its docbase config object is "acl", and
;        (2) the i_stamp of the dmi_vstamp object is greater than 0.
;        Once, the security mode can only set to acl when the i_stamp is greater than 0.
CANT_CHANGE_AUTH_PROTOCOL S "Can not change auth_protocol mode from 'domain_required' to %s."
;CAUSE: The user tried to change authentication mode from 'domain_required'
;       mode to other mode.
;ACTION: System only allows authentication mode to be changed from non
;        'domain_required' mode to 'domain_required' mode, not the other way
;        around.
;        A docbase is in 'domain_required' mode only when the following two conditions are satisfied:
;        (1) the auth_protocol of its docbase config object is "domain_required'", and
;        (2) the i_stamp of the dmi_vstamp object is greater than 0.
;        Once, the i_stamp value is set to be greater than 0, the auth_protocol mode can only set to 'domain_required'.
NEED_SU_FOR_FED_CHANGE SS "The current user (%s) needs to have superuser privilege to save or destroy %s dm_federation object."
;CAUSE: Must have Superuser privilege to save or destroy dm_federation objects.
;ACTION: Consult your system administrator.
BAD_FEDERATION_MEMBER_ATTRC SSII "In dm_federation named '%s', count of %s: %d does not match the count of r_member_docbases: %d."
;CAUSE: Tried to save a dm_federation with invalid member attribute count.
;ACTION: Most likely the user tried to manipulate a member attribute without
; updating information in the other member attributes.
CANT_DESTROY_FEDERATION S "Cannot destroy dm_federation identified by '%s' because the federation is active."
;CAUSE:  You cannot destroy a dm_federation if the governing docbase is
; ACTIVE.  You must deactivate the federation first.
;ACTION: Deactivate the federation.
DUPLICATE_DD_LOCALE S "The docbase config object has duplicate dd_locales value '%s'. dd_locales must be unique."
; CAUSE: The docbase_config object cannot have duplicate values for dd_locales
; ACTION: Make sure that there are no duplicate values for dd_locales.
INVALID_DD_LOCALE S "The docbase config object has an unrecognized dd_locales value '%s'."
; CAUSE: The docbase_config object has an unrecognized value for the dd_locales attribute.
; ACTION: Correct the value of the dd_locales attribute that is unrecognized.
INVALID_DEFAULT_APP_PERMIT_VALUE I "The docbase_config object has an invalid default_app_permit value of %d. Valid values must be between 1 (NONE) and 7 (DELETE)."
; CAUSE: The docbase_config object has an unrecognized value for default_app_permit.
; ACTION: Correct the value of the default_app_permit attribute. It must be between 1 (NONE) and 7 (DELETE)
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the value that was supplied for default_app_permit
CANT_CHANGE_CRYPTO_KEY "The i_crypto_key attribute cannot be changed/updated."
; CAUSE: An attempt is being made to change the i_crypto_key attribute.
; ACTION: Do not attempt  to change the i_crypto_key attribute
INVALID_VALUE_FOR_MAX_AUTH_ATTEMPT I "The docbase_config object has an invalid max_auth_attempt value of %d. It must be an integer greater than or equal to zero."
; CAUSE: The docbase_config object has a negative value for max_auth_attempt.
; ACTION: Correct the value of the max_auth_attempt attribute. It must be a positive integer.
; PARAMETERS: The parameter is the value supplied for max_auth_attempt
MACL_REQUIRES_TRUSTED_CONTENT_SERVICES "In order to turn on Mandatory Access Control (MACL) functionality, you must have a Trusted Content Services (TCS) license."
; CAUSE: TCS must be enabled for MACL functionality
; ACTION: Obtain a TCS License key and then turn on MACL functionality.
INVALID_MODULE_NAME "The number of values for module_name does not match the number of values for module_mode. These two attributes are one to one mappings and must have the same number of values."
; CAUSE: module_name and module_mode have different number of values
; ACTION: Ensure that both attributes have the same number of values and that
;         the values in module_name correspond to the the values in module_mode.
SET_OLDEST_CLIENT_VERSION_FIRST "The docbase_config object attribute oldest_client_version has to be set before setting attribute check_client_version to T."
; CAUSE: Docbase_config object attribute oldest_client_version has not been set when setting attribute check_client_version to T.
; ACTION: Set a proper value for docbase_config attribute oldest_client_version first.
INVALID_CLIENT_VERSION S "The value (%s) specified for docbase_config object attribute oldest_client_version is invalid."
; CAUSE: The value specified attribute oldest_client_version is invalid. Probably one of component values is out of range
; ACTION: Specify a valid value for attribute oldest_client_version.
; PARAMETERS: The specified value.
CANT_CHANGE_AUDIT_OLD_VALUES "Cannot change audit_old_values to T because auditing old values of audited properties is not enabled due to a database page size limitation."
;CAUSE: Auditing old values of audited properties is not allowed due to the database page size limitation
;ACTION: Use a tablespace page size of at least 8K for DB2, and set the database page size to
; at least 8K for Sybase.

CLIENTREG_ILLEGAL_VALUE SS "The value '%s' is not legal for field '%s' of dm_client_registration."
;CAUSE: An attempt was made to create a dm_client_registration object with an illegal value for a required field.
;ACTION: Correct the data value for the specified field.

CLIENTREG_NO_PRIV S "User '%s' does not have permission to create this dm_client_registration entry."
;CAUSE: Registry entries may require privilege for creation.  Creating objects that are marked as 'validated' requires Sysadmin privilege.
;ACTION: User with appropriate privilege must create the object.

CLIENTREG_NOT_UNIQUE SS "Object value ('%s') not unique in field '%s'.  Conflicts with existing object."
;CAUSE: Registry entries must be unique in certain fields and an attempt was made to create a non-unique value.
;ACTION: Create object with unqiue identifiers.

CLIENTRIGHTS_ILLEGAL_VALUE SS "The value '%s' is not legal for field '%s' of dm_client_rights."
;CAUSE: An attempt was made to create a dm_client_rights object with an illegal value for a required field.
;ACTION: Correct the data value for the specified field.

CLIENTRIGHTS_NO_PRIV S "User '%s' does not have permission to create this dm_client_rights object."
;CAUSE: Client rights objects require privilege for creation.
;ACTION: User with appropriate privilege must create the object.

CLIENTRIGHTS_NOT_UNIQUE SS "Object value ('%s') not unique in field '%s'.  Conflicts with existing object."
;CAUSE: Client rights objects must be unique in certain fields and an attempt was made to create a non-unique value.
;ACTION: Create object with unqiue identifiers.

PKCERT_ILLEGAL_VALUE SS "The value '%s' is not legal for field '%s' of dm_public_key_certificate."
;CAUSE: An attempt was made to create a dm_public_key_certificate object with an illegal value for a required field.
;ACTION: Correct the data value for the specified field.

PKCERT_NO_PRIV S "User '%s' does not have permission to create this dm_public_key_certificate object."
;CAUSE: Some certificate objects require privilege for creation.
;ACTION: User with appropriate privilege must create the object.

PKCERT_NOT_UNIQUE SS "Object value ('%s') not unique in field '%s'.  Conflicts with existing object."
;CAUSE: Certificate objects must be unique in certain fields and an attempt was made to create a non-unique value.
;ACTION: Create object with unqiue identifiers.

PKCERT_FORMAT I "The certificate value is not of a format understood by the server.  Error code: %d."
;CAUSE: Certificate objects must have a valid certificate_value field.
;ACTION: Create object with valid certificate_value.

PKCERT_PUBLICKEY I "Error getting public key from certificate value.  Error code: %d."
;CAUSE: Certificate objects must have a valid certificate_value field.
;ACTION: Create object with valid certificate_value.

PKCERT_KEYID I "Error building key identifier for certificate value.  Error code: %d."
;CAUSE: Certificate objects must have a valid certificate_value field.
;ACTION: Create object with valid certificate_value.

RIGHTS_NOT_AUTHENTICATED S "Client '%s' was not authenticated and cannot host privileged roles."
;CAUSE:  A protected role was asserted in an application that was not or could
;        not be authenticated at the time this session was established.
;ACTION: Check if client application is listed in the docbase rights database.

RIGHTS_NOT_AUTHORIZED SS "Client '%s' is not authorized to use role '%s'."
;CAUSE:  A protected role was asserted in an application that has not been
;        authorized to use the role.
;ACTION: Check if client application is listed in the docbase rights database.
;        Check if client application has this role listed in the allowed_roles
;        list of its dm_client_rights object.

RIGHTS_NOT_EXIST S "Could not find entry for client '%s' in the rights database."
;CAUSE:  Could not find a dm_client_rights object for the specified client.
;ACTION: Check if client application is listed in the docbase rights database.

CANNOT_UPDATE_PARTITION_STATUS "Direct update on r_partition_status attribute in dm_docbase_config object is not allowed."
;CAUSE: You tried to update the r_partition_status for a
;       dm_docbase_config object
;ACTION: The value of r_partition_status is for read only. The value of
;        this attribute is maintained by Content Server.

.severity  FATAL
INIT1            "The docbase_config type was found in the database without a version stamp."
;CAUSE: Unknown.
;ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
INIT2  II "Version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;CAUSE: The version stamp that the docbase_config object software expected was
; different from the actual version stamp in the database.
;ACTION: You must upgrade your DocuServer database to conform to the
; software that you are running.  If your software and data are
; consistent, then report a bug.
; Also, Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
INIT3           "The type manager returned an error storing the docbase_config type."
;CAUSE: Unknown.
;ACTION: Look at the error logged by the type manager.
; Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
INT1   S "The following database query %s could not be executed."
;CAUSE: Inconsistency between the server and the docbase_config type.
;ACTION: Look at the error logged by the database.
; Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site
;       Representative.

INIT4           "The type manager returned an error converting the dm_docbase_config type."
;CAUSE: Unknown.
;ACTION: Look at the error message logged by the type manager.
; Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site
; Representative.
FEDERATION_STORE_TYPE  "The type manager returned an error storing the dm_federation type."
;CAUSE: Unknown.
;ACTION: Look at the error logged by the type manager.
; Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
FEDERATION_BAD_VSTAMP II "Version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;CAUSE: The version stamp that the dm_federation object software expected was
; different from the actual version stamp in the database.
;ACTION: You must upgrade your DocuServer database to conform to the
; software that you are running.  If your software and data are
; consistent, then report a bug.
; Also, Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.

CLIENTREG_STORE_TYPE "Error creating dm_client_registration type."
;CAUSE:  Internal error during docbase creation or upgrade.
;ACTION: Check server log for other error messages providing more detail.

CLIENTRIGHTS_STORE_TYPE "Error creating dm_client_rights type."
;CAUSE:  Internal error during docbase creation or upgrade.
;ACTION: Check server log for other error messages providing more detail.

CLIENTREG_BAD_VSTAMP II "Version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;CAUSE: The version stamp that the dm_client_registration facility expected was
; different from the actual version stamp in the database.
;ACTION: You must upgrade your DocuServer database to conform to the
; software that you are running.  If your software and data are
; consistent, then report a bug.
; Also, Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.

CLIENTRIGHTS_BAD_VSTAMP II "Version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;CAUSE: The version stamp that the dm_client_rights facility expected was
; different from the actual version stamp in the database.
;ACTION: You must upgrade your DocuServer database to conform to the
; software that you are running.  If your software and data are
; consistent, then report a bug.
; Also, Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.

UPGRADE65 "Type manager is unable to upgrade dm_docbase_config type to version 6.5."
;CAUSE: Unknown.
;ACTION: Look at the error message logged by the type manager.
; Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site
; Representative.

