; $Id: dmmethod.e,v 5.10 2003/05/02 00:36:26 roger Exp $
; dmNote class errors

.facility DM_METHOD

JMS_DISABLED S "Connect to the Java Method Server (%s) failed, therefore it is marked DEAD."
; CAUSE: Connect to the Java Method Server resulted in a DM_METHOD_E_HTTP_POST_FAILED or DM_METHOD_E_HTTP_COMMUNICATION error.
;        Therefore, the corresponding dm_jms_config object is marked DEAD.
; ACTION; None.

NO_JMS_AVAILABLE   "No Java Method Server available to serve the request."
; CAUSE: All Java Method Servers configured for this content server might be down.
; ACTION; None.

.severity WARNING

ASSUME_USER_LOCATION S "The method named (%s) was executed on the server's behalf even though run_as_server was set to FALSE.   The dm_server_config attribute assume_user_location has not been defined."

RETURNTO_START_DIR SSS "Prior to launch of method named (%s) the attempt to change directory to start-up directory (%s) failed.  Operating System error: %s."
;CAUSE: Could not change directory to the specified directory
;ACTION: Ensure that the permissions and accesibility of the specified directory is
; correct for the server.

WEBCACHE_WARN   "The webcache publish operation completed with warnings."
;CAUSE:  The method finished but logged warning messages.
;ACTION: Check the webcache result log for more details.

.severity       ERROR
CANT_FETCH_INVALID_ID D "Cannot fetch a dm_method - Invalid object ID %s"
;CAUSE: Could not fetch an object with the given id.
;ACTION: This is probably caused by a bad ID.  Or, possibly, a connection
; to the Documentum server could not be established.
CANT_SAVE         S          "Cannot save %s dm_method object."
;CAUSE: One or more operations has failed during this save.
; Consult the following error message(s) for more help.
;ACTION: Try again after fixing previous problems.
NEED_VERB  S "The verb for %s dm_method object must be specified."
;CAUSE: User did not specify a method verb.
;ACTION: Specify a method verb.
INVALID_TIMEOUTR SLSLS "The %s = %d must be less than or equal to the %s = %d for %s dm_method object."
;CAUSE: TimeoutMin <= TimeoutMax and TimeoutMin <= TimeoutDefault <= TimeoutMax.
;   See the actual error for what fields are the wrong values.
;ACTION: Respecify the number.
INVALID_TIMEOUTP SLS "The %s value is = %d, must be a positive number for %s dm_method object."
;CAUSE: the specified time out field must be a positive number.
;ACTION: Respecify the number.
NEED_PRIV_FOR_CHANGE SS "The current user (%s) needs to have superuser or sysadmin privilege to save or destroy %s dm_method object."
;CAUSE: Must have Superuser or SysAdmin privilege to save/destroy dm_method objects.
;ACTION: Consult your system administrator.
INCOMPAT_OPTIONS_1 "The dm_method apply option RUN_AS_SERVER = F is only allowed if LAUNCH_DIRECT equals F."
;CAUSE: The command line options and/or the dm_method attributes are in conflict
;ACTION: Change the dm_method arguments and/or dm_method attributes to not conflict

UNKNOWN_METHOD S "The dm_method named (%s) is not defined.  Please check the name of the method."
;CAUSE: A method was invoked by name - the named method does not exist
;ACTION: Define the method

VERB_NOT_DEFINED S "The dm_method named (%s) does not have a verb defined"
;CAUSE: You cannot save a method that does not have a verb
;ACTION: Define a verb

NO_FOLDER SS "Unable to find the default folder named (%s) to store your resulting document.  This error occurred while processing the dm_method named (%s)."
;CAUSE: The default folder could not be found
;ACTION: Define, create, the named folder

TEMP_CREATE S "Failure attempting to create document to store save results during the processing of the dm_method (%s)."

FILE_ACCESS SSS "Unable to access file (%s) used to save results.  Operating System Error: (%s).  This occurred during the processing of the dm_method (%s)."

SEND_PARAM "Error message not implemented"
;CAUSE: Obsolete error
;ACTION: Obsolete error

ASSUME_USER_FILE SSS "Unable to verify existence of program file for assume_user during processing of the dm_method named (%s).  Program file : (%s).  Operating System Error : (%s)."
;CAUSE: Check the Operating System Error.
;ACTION: Dependent on the Operating System Error.

ASSUME_USER_FAIL I "Your method failed to run due to an error during communication with the assume_user process.  Error: (%d)."
;CAUSE: Check the meaning of the Error in /usr/include/sys/errno.h
;ACTION: Proceed according to error.

ASSUME_USER_UV SLS "Your method named (%s) failed to execute because the assume user process could not validation your user credentials.  Assume User Process returned (%d=%s)."
;CAUSE: The method specified run_as_server==False, this means the assume user process should be used to launch the method.  The assume user process returned an unexpected error
;ACTION correct the unexpected error

ASSUME_USER_UE SLS "Your method named (%s) failed to execute because the assume user process was unable to satisfy the request.  Assume User Process returned (%d=%s)."
;CAUSE: The method specified run_as_server==False, this means the assume user process should be used to launch the method.  The assume user process returned an unexpected error
;ACTION correct the unexpected error

ASSUME_USER_SE SLS "Your method named (%s) failed to execute because the assume user process encountered an error processing the method.  Assume User Process returned (%d=%s)."
;CAUSE: The method specified run_as_server==False, this means the assume user process should be used to launch the method.  The assume user process returned an unexpected error
;ACTION correct the unexpected error
NO_CONTENT S "Your method name (%s) has no content to launch."
;CAUSE: The method specified has not content to be used during launch.
;ACTION: specify a content that will point to a user defined script.
BAD_CONTENT S "Your method name (%s)  content could not be fetched."
;CAUSE: The specified method content could not be fetched during launch.
;ACTION: Examine other messages to determine cause.
BAD_CONTENT1 S "Your method name (%s)  content could not be fetched."
;CAUSE: The specified method content could not be fetched during launch.
;ACTION: Examine other messages to determine cause.
ASSUME_USER_LE S "Your method named (%s) failed to execute because the assume user process was unable to launch."
;CAUSE: The method specified run_as_server==False, this means the assume user process should be used to launch the method.  The assume user process was unable to launch.
;ACTION Try again later or contact your system administrator to increase the system resources.
ASSUME_USER_OS S "Your method named (%s) could not be executed because the assume user feature is not supported in the current OS platform."
;CAUSE: The assume user feature is not supported on some OS platforms.
;ACTION Re-execute the method with run_as_server set to True. Or upgrade your OS to a supported version.
NEED_PRIV_TO_RUN SS "The current user (%s) does not have enough privilege to run %s dm_method object."
;CAUSE: Must have EXECUTE_PROC privilege to run dm_method objects.
;ACTION: Consult your system administrator.
WEBCACHE_NOTFOUND S "The requested dm_webc_config object (%s) does not exist or is not accessible by the current user."
;CAUSE:  The specified webcache config was not accessible by the current user.
;ACTION: The publish cannot be executed as requested.
WEBCACHE_ILLEGAL S "Invalid argument to webcache publish method: %s."
;CAUSE:  The specified argument is not allowed.
;ACTION: The publish cannot be executed as requested.
WEBCACHE_CNF_OWNER   "The webcache publish method must specify a superuser-owned dm_webc_config object."
;CAUSE:  Because the webcache publish operation runs with privileges, its use
;        must be tightly controlled.  The webcache publish method can only be
;        run on a dm_webc_config object that was created by a super-user.
;ACTION: The publish cannot be executed as requested.
WEBCACHE_FAILED   "The requested webcache publish operation was not successful."
;CAUSE:  The method either could not be properly invoked or failed during
;        execution.
;ACTION: Check the returned collection object to see if the method was
;        or was not invoked.  The method return value also gives further
;        information.  More information will be included in the webcache
;        log or might be obtained by running the method with the SAVE_RESULTS
;        flag asserted.
WEBCACHE_UNKNOWN  "The requested webcache publish returned an unknown status."
;CAUSE:  The operation returned an unrecognized return-value and the server
;        was unable to determine if it succeeded or failed.
;ACTION: Check the publish operation log to determine the publish status.
CHECK_SECURITY_INVALID_ARGUMENT S "Invalid value for argument: %s."
;CAUSE:  The value given for the specified argument is not valid.
;ACTION: Check the value given for the arugment.
CHECK_SECURITY_ILLEGAL_USER S "The session user does not have super user privileges: %s."
;CAUSE:  The apply method check_security can only be run by a super user.
;ACTION: Run this method in a super user session.
HTTP_POST_APP_SERVER_NAME_NOTFOUND "The app_server_name was not specified."
;CAUSE:  The app_server_name cannot be null.
;ACTION: Provide a valid app_server_name, which corresponds to an app_server_uri
;        configured in the dm_server_config.
HTTP_POST_APP_SERVER_NAME_INVALID S "The app_server_name '%s' was not specified in dm_server_config."
;CAUSE:  The app_server_name must correspond to an an attribute in the dm_server_config.
;ACTION: Provide a valid app_server_name, which corresponds to an app_server_uri
;        configured in the dm_server_config.
HTTP_POST_APP_SERVER_URI_INVALID S "The app_server_uri used was not a valid uri: %s."
;CAUSE:  The app_server_uri must be of the form http://<host>:<port><servlet_path>.
;ACTION: Provide an app_server_name, which corresponds to a valid app_server_uri
;        configured in the dm_server_config.  The app_server_uri must be of the form
;        http://<host>:<port><servlet_path>.
HTTP_POST_INVALID_SAVE_RESPONSE I "The save_response field must be 0, 1, or -1 instead of: %d."
;CAUSE:  The value specified for save_response is not valid.
;ACTION: Specify one of the following for save_response:
;        0 never save response of post
;        1 always save response from post
;        -1 save response only on error
HTTP_POST_NO_FOLDER S "Unable to find the default folder named (%s) to store the HTTP response."
;CAUSE: The default folder could not be found
;ACTION: Define, create, the named folder
HTTP_POST_TEMP_CREATE   "Failure attempting to create document to store saved HTTP response."
;CAUSE: Failed to create a temporary document to store HTTP response.
;ACTION:Ensure that there is enough free space, and that dm_document objects can be created.
HTTP_POST_FILE_ACCESS SS "Unable to access file (%s) used to save response. Operating system error (%s)."
;CAUSE: Failed to access file created to save HTTP response.
;ACTION:Check that the session user can create and modify files.
;CAUSE: An HTTP protocol or socket error occurred communicating with the Application Server.
;ACTION:Enable tracing for more information and check the Application Server.
HTTP_POST_FAILED SS "Failed to send HTTP Post to app_server_uri:%s Error:%s"
;CAUSE: Failed to send post.
;ACTION:Enable tracing for more information and check the Application Server.
HTTP_POST_ILLEGAL_APP_SERVER_NAME S "The app_server_name '%s' is reserved for DO_METHOD."
;CAUSE:  The app_server_name specified is not allowed for HTTP_POST.
;ACTION: Provide a different app_server_name, which corresponds to an app_server_uri
;        configured in the dm_server_config.
RUN_AS_SERVER "The dm_method must have RUN_AS_SERVER set to TRUE."
;CAUSE: The dm_method did not have RUN_AS_SERVER set to TRUE.
;ACTION: Specify RUN_AS_SERVER in the dm_method object, or override it in the arguments
;        to DO_METHOD with a user session that has at least system administrator privileges.
APP_SERVER_NAME_NOTFOUND S "The app_server_name '%s' is not specified in dm_server_config."
;CAUSE:  The app_server_name and corresponding app_server_uri must be configured.
;ACTION: Configure the default app_server_name and corresponding app_server_uri in
;        the dm_server_config.
INVALID_MTHD_VERB SS "The dm_method named (%s) of type dmbasic has invalid method_verb (%s)."
;CAUSE: Method of type dmbasic must contain "dmbasic" in its method verb.
;ACTION: Reset the method verb

CACHECONFIG_NOMATCH S "No dm_cache_config object exists with the name %s."
; Params
;  %1 the name of the cache config object being used
; CAUSE:  The CHECK_CACHE_CONFIG apply call was made and specified a config
;         object that did not exist.
;         CHECK_CACHE_CONFIG calls are made automatically when
;         accessing objects or queries in an application while using the
;         client_persisent_cache features of the Documentum client.
; ACTION: Check the name or id of the config object being requested.

CACHECONFIG_CHECK SD "The CHECK_CACHE_CONFIG call for the config object %s (%s) failed."
; Params
;  %1 the name of the cache config object being used (if requested by name)
;  %2 the object id of the cache config object
; CAUSE:  This error is given for all failures in the CHECK_CACHE_CONFIG apply
;         call.  It should be preceeded by another error message giving further
;         details. CHECK_CACHE_CONFIG calls are made automatically when
;         accessing objects or queries in an application while using the
;         client_persisent_cache features of the Documentum client.
; ACTION: Check preceeding error message for more detail.
;         The error can be bypassed by disabling the client_persistent_cache
;         feature through the dmcl.ini.

CACHECONFIG_PRIV SS "The user %s does not have privilege to force a recheck of the cache config object %s.  Execute privilege is required for this operation."
; Params
;  %1 the user requesting the call
;  %2 the name of the cache config object being used
; CAUSE:  The caller has made a CHECK_CACHE_CONFIG call and has specified the
;         FORCE_CHECK option but does not have sufficient privilege.  This call
;         requires that the user have execute privilege on the config object,
;         be the owner of the object, or be a superuser.
; ACTION: Remove the FORCE_CHECK flag from the call.  If a force must be done,
;         contact the owner of the object to make the call or to grant
;         privilege.

CACHECONFIG_MTHD S "Failure to execute the server method %s."
; Params
;  %1 the name of the server method
; CAUSE:  The CHECK_CACHE_CONFIG call failed due to an error invoking the
;         server method to check the cache state.
; ACTION: Check the server log file for any messages logged by the server
;         method.  The problem can be further debugged by running the
;         method directly (as a superuser), including the -method_trace_level
;         flag and the SAVE_RESULTS option to gather more information.

CACHECONFIG_REFRESH D "Failure to refresh the cache config object %s."
; Params
;  %1 the object id of the config object being refreshed
; CAUSE:  The CHECK_CACHE_CONFIG call failed due to an error refreshing
;         the cache config object.  On some calls to CHECK_CACHE_CONFIG the
;         server will need to call its dm_CheckCacheConfig method to
;         recalculate the state of the cache.  Since this call may modify the
;         config object, the object is refreshed following the method call.
;         This error indicates that the refresh has failed.  It should be
;         preceeded by another error message giving further details.
; ACTION: Check preceeding error message for more detail.

MISSING_ARG SS "The method '%s' is missing argument for '%s'."
; CAUSE: Argument is missing for the method.
; ACTION: Make sure that all required arguments are correctly specified.
; PARAMETERS: S - name of the method.
;             S - name of the missing argument.

CACHECONFIG_OWNER SS "Cache config object %s is owned by a non-superuser: %s.  Config objects must be owned by a valid superuser."
; Params
;  %1 the config object being refreshed
;  %2 the owner of the cache config object
; CAUSE:  The CHECK_CACHE_CONFIG call failed because the config object was not
;         owned by a superuser.
; ACTION: Create the desired config object as a superuser-owned object

HTTP_POST_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES S "The user %s must have at least sysadmin privileges to execute HTTP_POST."
; %1 the user of the current session
;CAUSE:  User does not have at least sysadmin privileges, this is a requirement for HTTP_POST execution.
;ACTION: Run HTTP_POST as a user that has at least sysadmin privileges.

.severity  FATAL
INIT1            "The dmMethod type was found in the database without a version stamp."
;CAUSE: Unknown.
;ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
INIT2  II "Version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;CAUSE: The version stamp that the dmMethod object software expected was
; different from the actual version stamp in the database.
;ACTION: You must upgrade your DocuServer database to conform to the
; software that you are running.  If your software and data are
; consistent, then report a bug.
; Also, Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
INIT3           "The type manager returned an error storing the dmMethod type."
;CAUSE: Unknown.
;ACTION: Look at the error logged by the type manager.
; Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.

