; $Id: dmload.e,v 5.9 2002/05/09 20:57:20 roger Exp $
; dmLoad class errors
.facility DM_LOAD This facility if for turning on load trace.  The trace information will go to session log.
PROGRESS SIIIS "For load object %s in phase %i, processed %i of %i objects; last object processed was %s"
;display when trace leve = 10
PHASE_1_COMPLETE S "Phase 1 of loading finished for load object %s"
;display when trace level = 1
PHASE_2_COMPLETE S "Phase 2 of loading finished for load object %s"
;display when trace level = 1
MERGE_1 LFF "Number of objects merged=%ld, total time=%lf ms, avg time=%lf ms"
;display when trace level = 5
MERGE_2 S "Merging object ID=%s"
;display when trace level = 5
LOAD_TYPE S "Loading type: %s"
;display when trace level = 8
LOAD_OBJ DD "Loading object: %s, old object id: %s"
;display when trace level = 8
SYNONYM S "Synonym %s found."
;display when trace level = 8
BUILD_OBJ LL "Object being loaded -- version in dumpfile (%ld) is current or later than version in docbase (%ld)."
;display when trace level = 8
SKIP_OBJ LL "Object skipped -- version in dumpfile (%ld) older than version in docbase (%ld)."
;display when trace level = 8
TYPE_CREATE S "Creating type %s."
;display when trace level = 8
TYPE_MATCH S "Type %s matches definition in docbase."
;display when trace level = 8
TYPE_SKIP S "Type %s mismatches definition in docbase. Skipping type."
; During a load operation, a type with an identical name but different attribute
; types was found. The server will skip it.
; display when trace level = 8
SKIP_LOCAL D "Object skipped -- object in dumpfile is replica of a local object (%s)."
; During a replication load operation, an object was encountered with a
; global_id matching the local docbase.  This object is not applied locally
; as we do not want to overwrite a local master object with data from a replica.
UNMAPPED_OBJ DD "Local object %s contains a foreign id pointer (%s).  Object being refreshed from the dumpfile copy to ensure consistency."
; During a replication load operation, an object was encountered with an ID
; field containing a foreign id.  We consider that this is most likely caused
; by an object which was only half-loaded in a previous load and we will reload
; it even if the version stamps indicate that the local object is up-to-date.
.severity WARNING
UPDATE_STATISTICS S "Failed to update statistics. %s"
FORCEPLAN_FAILED S "Could not turn on FORCEPLAN. %s"
INCOMPLETE_LOAD S "Loading of object %s failed to finish properly -- some attributes may be incorrect"
FOREIGN_ID SS "The load operation specifies a dumpfile that contains objects (%s) foreign to the source docbase (%s). The object will be ignored."

OBJECT_NOT_LOADED D "Object %s could not be loaded.  The load operation is proceeding without loading it."
; The load operation skipped an object that could not be loaded.
;  %1 - handle for object from the dump file.
;CAUSE:  Internal error or unexpected condition.
;ACTION: Check the error log for further messages.  Check for references
;        in other loaded objects to this object.  Those references may be
;        left as dangling pointers.

.severity ERROR
RECORD_SAVE_FAILED S "Save of load record for object %s failed -- load terminated"
OBJECT_UPDATE_FAILED S "Update of dump object %s failed -- load terminated"
OLDER_VERSION S "Object with %s not updated -- version in dumpfile older than version in docbase"
CANT_OPEN_FILE S "Could not open input dumpfile %s"
IDS_OUT_OF_RANGE I "Ids in dumpfile extend beyond docbase range for tag %i"
VERSION_TOO_OLD SII "Version stamp for type %s in dumpfile is too old -- \n is %i; should be at least %i"
TYPE_CREATION_FAILED S "Could not create type %s in docbase"
STORE_NOT_FOUND S "Could not find storage object with name %s in docbase.  The docbase being loaded must have a synonym for each storage object referenced in the load file."
; During a load operation storage objects are not recreated.  Each storage
; object listed in the loadfile must have a synonym in the docbase being
; loaded, otherwise objects from that storage object cannot be loaded.

OBJECT_SAVE_FAILED S "Save of object %s failed -- load terminated"

TYPE_DEF_NOTFOUND S    "Error during Load operation - definition for type %s not found in the loadfile type cache."
; During a load operation as objects are read from the loadfile type
; definitions are found and saved in a type cache in case an object of that
; type needs to be loaded.  Since all objects are preceded in the dumpfile
; by their type definition there should always be one cached when such a
; typed object needs to be loaded.

RELOCATE_PREDICATE "Request error.  The 'type' and 'predicate' fields which subset the load operation may only be used on a non-relocate load (the 'relocate' field must be False)."
; The type and predicate attributes of the dm_load_record modify the load
; operation so that only the objects which match the queries are loaded.
; Since the queries are run against the existing docbase the behavior only
; makes sense when a non-relocate load (in which the objects to update already
; exist in the docbase) is done.

DESTROY_LOAD_RECORD     "An error occurred during cleanup from a Load as part of a destroy request on the dm_load_record object.  The load operation bookkeeping records (dmi_load_object_record) have not been fully cleaned up."
; During a load operation, the server creates bookkeeping records to keep
; track of what has been loaded (dmi_load_object_record types).
; When the load is complete, these records are cleaned up when the load
; record itself is destroyed.
; The error is given when some problem occurs during the destroy of the
; dm_load_record or the dmi_load_object_records associated with it.
; The original load operation which was done with the dm_load_record is
; not affected by this error, only the cleanup of the bookkeeping objects
; is affected.
; NOTE: once a destroy has been started after a load operation, the operation
; itself is "committed".  The load can no longer be backed out via a revert.
; If a revert is done on a load record following this error, then only part
; of the loaded data will be removed!
;CAUSE:  Possibly the underlying database system ran out of some resource,
;        most likely logfile space.
;ACTION: Review the error log for other errors indicating the destroy problem,
;        then retry the destroy.

REVERT_ERROR  "An error occurred during the rollback of a load operation.  The loaded objects were not all successfully removed.  Please remedy the indicated problem and restart the REVERT operation."
; When a load operation is performed to import data into a docbase, records
; are kept of all objects added in the load.  Until the dm_load_record which
; was created for the load is destroyed, the load operation can be rolled
; back by issuing a Revert request.  The revert removes each new object
; added by the load.
; This error is given when a Revert request encounters an error.
; Since the load has been partially reverted, this error will normally
; indicate that the docbase is inconsistent, having some but not all of
; the objects loaded into it.
; This error should always be handled by fixing the problem which led to
; the revert failure and retrying the revert.
;CAUSE:  Possibly the underlying database system ran out of some resource,
;        most likely logfile space.
;ACTION: Review the error log for other errors indicating the destroy problem,
;        then retry the revert.  Do not destroy the dm_load_record as this
;        will make it impossible to rollback the partially completed load.

CHECKPOINT_ERROR   "An error occurred attempting to commit the work completed so far during a load operation.  Either the outstanding transaction could not be committed or a new transaction could not be started."
; During a load operation, the work performed is committed periodically to
; reduce the database resources and to allow the operation to be continued
; from where it left off should a failure occur half-way through.
; This error is given when a that commit action fails.  The failure may
; be caused by an error in the commit or the inability to start a new
; transaction following the commit.
;CAUSE:  Possibly the underlying database system ran out of some resource.
;ACTION: Review the error log for other errors indicating the load problem.

OPEN_TRANSACTION   "The Load operation cannot be executed while inside of a user transaction."
; A load operation needs to start its own internal transaction so that it
; can control when periodic commits are done to free database resources.
; It cannot be executed while a user transaction is in progress.
;CAUSE:  The user session which requested the load has a currently outstanding
;        transaction open.
;ACTION: Complete the current transaction before starting the load.

PHASE2_INCOMPLETE  I "Error in Phase 2. No rows returned from dmi_load_object_record indicating no work to do to complete the load, but the load object count (%i) indicates that there should have been. Check database temp table space."
; During the second phase of a load operation, the system updates each of
; the objects added during the load to link them properly into the new docbase.
; To facilitate this, a dmi_load_object_record entry is created for each
; object loaded during the first phase.
; This error occurs when no dmi_load_object_record entries are found in the
; second phase even though we know that there were objects loaded in the
; first phase.
; It usually indicates that a database error caused the dmi_load_object_record
; query to fail and return no rows.  Most commonly, this error is caused by
; exhaustion of database temp space required to sort the rows in the query.
;CAUSE:  Usually caused by a database query error, most likely related
;        to temporary or sort space.
;ACTION: Check the server error log for other error messages indicating the
;        cause of the error.  Also check the database error log for relevant
;        messages and check for low database resources.  Consider increasing
;        the space your database reserves for sort operations (temp space).

OBJECT_DBID_MISMATCH  S "Error executing non-relocate Load operation.  Cannot load object with id (%s) because it was dumped from a different docbase than the one being loaded.  The docbase id in the object_id does not match."
; In order to use non-relocate load, the objects being loaded must have
; object id's that match the current docbase.
; Ideally it means that the objects were dumped from the same docbase and
; that no existing objects are going to overlap with ID's in the dumpfile.
; Technically it just means that the docbase being loaded must have the
; same docbase_id as the one which was dumped.
;CAUSE:  The dumpfile was created from a docbase with a different docbase id
;        than the one on which the load is being attempted.
;ACTION: Review load strategy to determine if this dumpfile can be loaded
;        into the current docbase.  If attempting to recreate an old docbase,
;        be sure that the new one has the same docbase id as the old one.

NOT_SUPERUSER S "The load operation cannot be executed because the requesting user (%s) does not have superuser privilege.  Superuser privilege is required to load objects into a docbase."
;PARAMETERS:  The name of the user executing the load operation.
;CAUSE:  The user does not have superuser privilege.  Because LOAD
;  bypasses permission checks, we require that the user executing
;  the load have superuser privilege.
;ACTION: The current user cannot use the load operation.

CANT_REPLICATE  L "The load operation specifies a dumpfile that was created on a foreign docbase (docbase id %d).  Use of the non-relocate flag with foreign dumpfiles should be used in the context of Replication operations only."
;PARAMETERS:  The docbase id where the dumpfile was created.
;CAUSE:  The user is attempting to non-relocate load a dumpfile from
;  an outside source (a foreign docbase).  This is used by
;  replication and will create replica objects.  To prevent
;  accidental creation of replicas when the user really intends
;  to do normal (relocate) load, this operation is disallowed
;  unless the user has the replication package installed.  The
;  check for this uses the server_config agent_launcher field
;  to determine if replication is in use.
;ACTION: Use relocate-load for loading data into the docbase from an
;  outside source.  If creation of replica records is really
;  intended, then check the server setup (server_config) to
;  ensure that the agent_launcher field is properly defined.

MISSING_PARAMETER S "The load_parameter (%s) is missing"
;PARAMETERS: The name of the load parameter that is missing
;CAUSE:  A required load_parameter is missing
;ACTION: set the load_parameter and resave the load record.

CANT_CREATE_REF S "Failed to create a dm_reference object during load operation. The id of the object from the dump file is (%s)."
;PARARMETERS: The id of the object from the dump file.
;CAUSE:  Unexpected error.
;ACTION: Retry the load operation again.

BAD_STREAM "An error occur during formating of information."

FILE_IO S "File Input / Output error. Operating System Error: %s"
FILE_SIZE_MISMATCH SS "The actual file size %s does not match the size recorded %s ."
CORRUPTION S "Unreasonable Object / Type size: %s (bytes).  Possible corruption of dump file."
INIT_LOAD II "Version stamp %d was expected to be %d"

LOAD_RECORD_LOOKUP D "Error looking up dmi_load_object_record for id %s."
; Internal error attempting to find a dmi_load_object record for a
; particular object.  The query to look in the dmi_load_object_record
; table failed.
;   %1 - The object id we were searching for information on.
;CAUSE:  Most likely caused by a resource error of some kind.  Possibly
;        due to rollback segment size.
;ACTION: Review the error log for other errors indicating the exact problem.
;        Attempt to continue the load operation by resaving the same load
;        record.

NO_DMREF_OBJ DS "Object %s fetched during load operation indicates it is a %s but the server could find not corresponding dm_reference object."
; Internal error attempting to refresh an existing docbase object during a
; load operation.  A docbase object has i_is_reference or i_is_replica set
; to True but apparently with no dm_reference object.
;   %1 - The object id we were updating.
;   %s - String indicating reference or replica.
;CAUSE:  Docbase object may not be consistent.
;ACTION: Check for other error messages which may give more detail.  If the
;        load is part of a replication task, try destroying the replica and
;        retrying the operation.

PHASE2_INCOMPLETE2  I S S S S "Error in Phase 2.An error occurred during processing of this object. Load Order No (%i), Old Id (%s), New Id (%s), old_exists (%s), update_done (%s)."
; This error message is useful to extract more diagnostic information, which
; will help track problems during load phase

IGNORE_CHECK_ERROR D "Error checking if object %s should be loaded or skipped."
; This error message is given when an error occurs during a call to a
; dump-ignore procedure to determine if an object from the dumpfile should
; be loaded or skipped.  The error likely caused the object to be not loaded.
;  %1 - The object id of the object being checked.
;CAUSE:  Some internal error.
;ACTION: Check the error log for other error messages which should give more
;        detail on the problem.
