; $Id: dmgroup.e,v 5.5 2003/03/10 21:59:12 swei Exp $
; dmGroup class errors
.facility DM_GROUP
; Group object warning codes.
; Group object error codes.
.severity WARNING
UPGRADE_I_POSITION S "Could not upgrade the i_position attribute. Database error was: %s"
;CAUSE: Failed to upgrade i_position from DB_ShortInt to DB_LongInt.
;ACTION: This warning in most cases is O.K. since most groups do not have
; more than 64K direct users. If you do have, you can move some
; direct users to become indirect users. That is, you can create
; some group hierarchy to work around the problem.
.severity ERROR
ADD_AS_GROUP S " Group %s cannot be added as users."
;CAUSE: Tried to add a group in the user list.
;ACTION: Remove the group from the user list and add it to the groups_names.
CANT_ADD_GROUP_TWICE SS "Cannot add group %s to the %s group more than once."
;CAUSE: A group can be contained within another group list just once.
;ACTION: Server side object is not affected. Remove
; the problem group.
CANT_ADD_USER_TWICE SS "Cannot add user %s to the %s group more than once."
;CAUSE: A user can be contained within a group just once.
;ACTION: Server side object is not affected. Remove
; the problem user.
CANT_FETCH_INVALID_ID D "Cannot fetch a group - Invalid object ID %s."
;CAUSE: Cannot fetch the group with the given object id.
;ACTION: Try again with the correct id.
CANT_FIND_GROUP S "Cannot find %s group."
;CAUSE: Cannot find the group with the given name. This may happen
; when fetching a group by name during save, destroy,
; or group inclusion, exclusion.
;ACTION: Try again with the correct name.
CANT_FIND_USER S "Cannot find user %s."
;CAUSE: Tried to insert or remove a nonexistent user.
;ACTION: Try again with the correct name.
CANT_CREATE_EXISTING_GROUP S "Cannot create the %s group since it already exists."
;CAUSE: Tried to create a group that already exists. All group names
; are unique. Also a group is treated as a user and
; its name must be unique in the user name space as well.
;ACTION: Try again with a different group name.
DROP_NONMEMBER_USER SS "Cannot drop a non-member user %s from the %s group."
;CAUSE: Tried to drop a user that is not in this group.
;ACTION: Try with a valid user name.
DROP_NONMEMBER_GROUP SS "Cannot drop non-member %s group from the %s group."
;CAUSE: Tried to drop a group that is not in this group.
;ACTION: Try again with a valid group name.
INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE SS "The current user (%s) has insufficient privileges to save or destroy the %s group object."
;CAUSE: A user with insufficient privileges tried to
; save or destroy a group object.
;ACTION: You must have create group, sysadmin, or superuser privilege to
; create a group. You must be the creator of the group,
; or have superuser privilege to modify or destroy the group. See your
; system administrator if you think you should have create group privilege.
NEED_NAME_OR_EMAIL "Need to specify name and eMail for a group before save."
;CAUSE: All group definitions must have a group name and e-mail address
; before save.
;ACTION: Try again with both group_name and group_address.
NO_CYCLES_IN_GROUPS SS "Two groups cannot be contained in each other: Group %s forms a cycle with group %s."
;CAUSE: Two groups can not be contained in each other.
;ACTION: Reevaluate your group containment strategy, remove any groups that are out of place.
CANT_SAVE S "Cannot save %s group"
;CAUSE: Couldn't save the group.
;ACTION: Previous error message should provide the answer.
CANT_DESTROY S "Cannot destroy the %s group"
;CAUSE: Could not destroy the group.
;ACTION: Previous error message should provide the answer.
CANT_CHANGE_NAME S "Cannot change name of the %s group."
;CAUSE: Cannot change the group_name attribute of an existing group.
;ACTION: None.
INSUFFICIENT_PRIV_OWNER S "Cannot change the owner name of the %s group."
; CAUSE: You must have superuser privilege to change the owner of a group.
; ACTION: Set your site's superuser about changing the owner of the group.
UNABLE_TO_SAVE S "An error occurred during a save operation on the %s group."
; CAUSE: An error occurred while saving this group.
; ACTION: Check the following errors on the error stack for more
; details on the cause of this failure.
CANT_ADD_GROUP_TO_USER SS "Cannot add group '%s' to the users_names of '%s' group."
;CAUSE: You can only add users, not groups, to the column users_names of a group object.
;ACTION: Server side object is not affected. Either change the attribute to groups_names
; or select a user for users_names.
ATTR_PRIV SS "Insufficient privilege to set the %s attribute of group %s."
; %s - the attribute the user did not have permission to set/modify.
; %s - the name of the group object
; CAUSE: The user did not have privilege to set/change the specified field.
; ACTION: See your site's superuser about changing the desired field.
INSUFFICIENT_PRIV_ADMIN S "Cannot change the group administrator of the %s group."
; CAUSE: You must have superuser privilege or be the owner of a group in order
; to change the group administrator.
; ACTION: See your site's superuser about changing the group administrator.
MISSING_PARAMETERS S "You must supply parameters to the apply method (%s)"
; CAUSE: Caller did not supply any arguments to the apply method
; ACTION: The application or user is in error. Make sure to supply the
; required USER argument and optionally the DOMAIN argument.
CANT_GET_ROLES S "The ROLES_FOR_USER method failed because of the following: '%s'."
;CAUSE: ROLES_FOR_USER failed because of the specified database failure.
;ACTION: Talk to your System Administrator about correcting the database operation.
UNABLE_TO_SAVE_EXISTING S "Cannot save group %s because a user already exists with the same name"
; CAUSE: Users and groups share the same namespace and therefore groups cannot
; be created that have the same name as an existing user.
; ACTION: Choose a different name for the group.
CANT_UNREGISTER SS "Could not unregister the specified %s event for %s object."
;CAUSE: The specified event could not be unregistered. Most likely
; bad event name specified.
;ACTION: Correct the event name and try again.
DUPLICATE_DISPLAY_NAME SSD "Cannot save group %s because its display name ('%s') and native room id ('%s') together is not unique"
; CAUSE: The display name together with the native room id in a repository needs to be unique.
; ACTION: Choose a different display name for the group.
DIR_MAPPED_ATTR_CHANGED SS "Cannot save the directory group %s because at least one directory-mapped attribute ('%s') has been changed"
; CAUSE: For directory groups, non-superuser is not allowed to change any directory-mapped attribute.
; ACTION: Do not change any directory-mapped attributes.
; You need to either 'reset' or 'revert' the object in order to save
; other changes.
ILLEGAL_DIR_ID SD "Cannot save a directory group %s because its group_directory_id ('%s') is illegal"
; CAUSE: For directory groups, the group_directory_id must be a legal directory config id.
; ACTION: Make sure to provide a legal directory config id for the group.
NEED_SU_OR_SYS_PRIV S "The current user (%s) needs to have superuser or sysadmin privilege."
;CAUSE: Must have Superuser or SysAdmin privilege to perform this operation.
;ACTION: Consult your Documentum Administrator.
NEED_SUPER_USER_PRIV S "The current user (%s) needs to have superuser privilege to save the group object."
;CAUSE: Must have superuser privilege to save the group object. The user tried to change the following
; attributes without superuser privilege:
; . group_name
; . group_directory_id
;ACTION: Consult your Documentum Administrator.
GETINFO S "Error getting information for group %s."
; An Internal error occurred while checking information on a given group name.
; The error may have been triggered by a problem with the group or group
; name, or could have been the result of a database error.
; Previous error messages should give more detail on the failure.
; CAUSE: An internal error occurred while looking up a group name.
; ACTION: Check previous error messages for more information.
GETINFO_DB SS "Error processing database cursor for group %s. (%s)"
; An Internal error occurred while checking information on a given group name.
; The error may have been triggered by a problem with a database query.
; Previous error messages should give more detail on the failure.
; CAUSE: An internal error occurred while looking up a group name.
; ACTION: Check previous error messages for more information.
DYNAMIC_SUBGROUP S "Cannot add dynamic group %s as a subgroup of a regular group."
; CAUSE: Normal groups cannot contain dynamic subgroups. Only dynamic groups
; can contain dynamic subgroups.
; ACTION: The dynamic subgroups must be removed before saving this group.
CANT_CHANGE_DYNAMIC S "Cannot change group %s to be a dynamic group while it is contained in other groups."
; CAUSE: A group that is already a subgroup of other groups cannot be changed
; to be a dynamic group.
; ACTION: Check previous error messages for more information on the error.
PROCESS_GROUP_QUERY S "Error executing query to discover group membership for user %s."
; CAUSE: A error occurred while running a database query to find the set
; of groups that the current user is a member of.
; ACTION: Remove the group from it's parent groups before setting it dynamic.
; Note that after being made dynamic, the group can be added back to
; the parent groups only if they are also dynamic.
NOT_DYNAMIC_MEMBER S "User is not a potential dynamic member of group %s."
; CAUSE: The requested dynamic group does not exist, is not dynamic, or
; the requesting user is not a potential member of the group.
; ACTION: Check the group name and the user's permission to include it.
DEFAULT_DYNAMIC_SETTING S "Default dynamic group '%s' can not be protected nor module only."
; CAUSE: A default dynamic group may not be set to protected mode nor to
; module only mode.
; ACTION: Check the group's settings and either set default to false or do not
; set protected or module only to true.
DEFAULT_NONDYNAMIC S "Non-dynamic group '%s' can not be set to default dynamic mode."
; CAUSE: A non-dynamic group may not be set to default dynamic mode.
; ACTION: Do not set the is_default_dynamic attribute of non-dynamic groups to true.
INTERNAL_DEFAULT_DYNAMIC S "Default dynamic group '%s' can not be added to the session dynamic group list."
; CAUSE: An internal error occurred preventing the group from being added to the session cache.
; ACTION: Check previous error messages for more information.
MODULE_ROLE_STATEFUL_REQUEST S "Module Role cannot be added through AddDynamicGroup interface. A call was made to add a role (%s) to the session in a stateful mode. This is not allowed when the is_module_only attribute is set."
; CAUSE: An attempt was made to add a dynamic role or group to the session in a
; stateful manner - probably through the AddDynamicGroup interface - but
; the role definition (is_module_only) disallows this use. The role /group
; can only be used through the doPrivileged dfc interfaces.
; ACTION: Change the calling application or change the is_module_only settings to
; allow the current request.
PROTECTED_ROLE_UNKNOWN_CLIENT S "The requested role (%s) is marked protected and the requesting application was either not known in this docbase's dm_client_rights table or its credentials did not match those in the dm_client_rights table."
; CAUSE: An attempt was made to add a protected dynamic role or group to the
; session, but the client application has not been authenticated.
; ACTION: Check that the requesting client application is registered and granted
; privileged to use the requested role.
PROTECTED_ROLE_PRIV S "The requesting application is not privileged to use role (%s)."
; CAUSE: An attempt was made to add a protected dynamic role or group to the
; session, but the client application has not been configured as privileged.
; ACTION: Check that the requesting client application is registered and granted
; privileged to use the requested role.
ERROR_UPDATING_SUBGROUPS S "Error updating subgroups of group %s to reflect changes in the group heirarchy."
; CAUSE: An internal error occurred as part of a group update operation.
; ACTION: Check previous error messages for more information.
NONDYN_SUPERGROUP_QUERY SS "Error querying for nondynamic_supergroups of the parent groups of the group named %s. Query: %s"
; CAUSE: An internal error occurred as part of a group update operation.
; ACTION: Check previous error messages for more information.
.severity FATAL
INIT1 "The dm_group type was found in the database without a version stamp."
;CAUSE: Unknown.
;ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site
; Representive.
INIT2 II "Version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;CAUSE: The version stamp that the dm_group object software expected was
; different from the actual version stamp in the database.
;ACTION: You must upgrade your DocuServer database to conform to the
; software that you are running. If your software and data are
; consistent, then report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site
; Representive.
INIT3 "The type manager returned an error storing the dm_group type."
;ACTION: Look at the error logged by the type manager.
; Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site Representative.
INT1 S "The following database query %s could not be executed."
;CAUSE: Inconsistency between the server and the group type.
;ACTION: Look at the error logged by the database.
; Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site
; Representative.
INIT4 I "The dm_group type could not be converted %d."
;CAUSE: Failure to convert dm_group type. Unable to add attributes
; to dm_group type.
;ACTION: Report this message to your EMC Documentum Site representative.
UPGRADE_NONDYN "Unable to upgrade the i_nondyn_supergroups_names attributes."
;CAUSE: Failure to populate the i_nondyn_supergroups_names attributes during
; an upgrade operation.
;ACTION: Report this message to your EMC Documentum Site representative.