; Upgrade Manager Facility errors
;** Documentum e-Content Server
;** Confidential Property of Documentum, Inc.
;** (c) Copyright Documentum, Inc., 1991-2000
;** All rights reserved.
.facility DM_UPGRADE_MGR
; These are the error messages returned by the data dictionary facility.
; The convention followed for determining the severity of an error message
; is as follows:
; An error which occurs because of something the user did is of severity,
; An error which the user really has no control over (a schema table couldn't be
; opened, a rollback operation failed leaving the database inconsistent, ...) is
; classified as severity, FATAL.
.severity TRACE
.severity WARNING
UNABLE_TO_VALIDATE_USER_INDEX DS "Unable to validate the dmi_index object with ID %s. The index name is %s. Verify that the index refers to the correct attribute(s)."
; CAUSE: The upgrade code tried to validate all indices due to a potential error
;        during previous upgrades in which the "attribute" field in dmi_index was not
;        updated properly. As a result, some indices may point to the wrong attribute(s).
; ACTION: Users should drop this index using the DROP_INDEX apply method and then
;         recreate the index using the MAKE_INDEX apply method.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the object id of the dmi_index object.
;             The second parameter is the index name of the dmi_index object.
.severity ERROR
UNABLE_TO_VALIDATE_INDEX D "Unable to validate dmi_index object with ID %s. The index either could not be validated or does not exist."
; CAUSE: The upgrade code attempts to validate all Documentum indices due to a potential
;       error during previous upgrades in which the dmi_index object was inconsistent
;       with the actual indexed attribute. If this error occurs, either the index
;       could not be properly validated, or it does not exist.
; ACTION: Contact a Documentum Administrator with the information given in the error
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the object id of the dmi_index object that was
;            being validated.
INDEXED_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND SSD "The attribute %s of type %s, indexed by dmi_index object with ID %s does not exist.
; CAUSE: The indexed attribute does not exist in the docbase.
; ACTION: Verify that the attribute referenced by the dmi_index object exists. If it
;        does not exist, remove the index and restart upgrade.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the name of the attribute.
;            The second parameter is the name of the type.
;            The third parameter is the id of the dmi_index object.
UNABLE_TO_CREATE_INDEX SS "The Upgrade Manager failed to create an index on table %s. The error from the database was: %s"
; CAUSE: Index creation on a table failed. A database error has occurred.
; ACTION: Contact a Documentum Administrator with the supplied database error.
; PARAMETERS: The table the index was being created on.
;             The error from the database.
QUERY_EXECUTION_FAILURE SS "The Upgrade Manager failed to execute the following query: %s. The database error is %s."
; CAUSE: Query execution failed.
; ACTION: Check the error message from the database in order to determine the
;         cause of the query failure.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the query that was being executed.
;             The second parameter is the resulting error from the database.
; CAUSE: This is an informational message generated when the document base is upgrading.
; ACTION: None.
DOCBASE_UPGRADE_STARTED S "The Upgrade Manager has started to upgrade the docbase to version %s."
; CAUSE: This is an informational message generated at the start of upgrade.
; ACTION: None.
; PARAMETERS: The version we are trying to upgrade to.

DOCBASE_UPGRADE_COMPLETE S "The Upgrade Manager has successfully upgraded the docbase to version %s."
; CAUSE: This is an informational message generated at the beginning of upgrade.
; ACTION: None.
; PARAMETERS: The version we are trying to upgrade to.
DOCBASE_UPGRADE_FAILED S "The Upgrade Manager was unable to upgrade the docbase to version %s. Customers are encouraged to turn on sql tracing as well as upgrade tracing and restart the upgrade. The additional tracing information will be helpful in determining the cause of upgrade failure."
; CAUSE: The server upgrade process failed due to one or more errors. More detailed
;        information regarding the error should have been reported earlier in the log.
; ACTION: Gather up error information from the server log and determine the cause of the
;         failure. If the cause can be fixed, the upgrade should be re-runnable.
; PARAMETERS: The version we are trying to upgrade to.
PREVENTING_PRE_40_SERVER_FROM_STARTING "The Upgrade Manager has now reached a point where it cannot revert the docbase back to a pre-4.0 server."
; CAUSE: This is an informational message generated at the point when the server cannot
;        be reverted back to a pre-4.0 server.
; ACTION: None

INDEX_VALIDATION_STARTED  "The Upgrade Manager has started to validate Documentum indices. The Upgrade Manager will attempt to correct any incorrect indices"
; CAUSE: This is an informational message generated at the beginning of indice validation.
; ACTION: None
INDEX_VALIDATION_COMPLETED  "The Upgrade Manager has successfully completed validating Documentum indices."
; CAUSE: This is an informational message generated at the completion of indice validation.
; ACTION: None
INDEX_VALIDATION_FAILED  "The Upgrade Manager failed to validate Documentum indices."
; CAUSE: This is an informational message generated upon failure of index validation.
;        More detailed error messages should have been reported earlier.
; ACTION: Look at the server log for additional error messages which may indicate the
;         nature of the problem.
INDEX_CREATION_FOR_UPGRADE_STARTED "The Upgrade Manager has started to create the necessary indices for upgrade. This may take some time."
; CAUSE: This is an informational message generated at the beginning of indices creation
; ACTION: None.
INDEX_CREATION_FOR_UPGRADE_COMPLETED "The Upgrade Manager has created the necessary indices for upgrade."
; CAUSE: This is an informational message generated at the completion of indices creation
; ACTION: None.
INDEX_CREATION_FOR_UPGRADE_FAILED "The Upgrade Manager was unable to create the necessary indices for upgrade."
; CAUSE: This is an informational message generated upon failure of index creation.
;        More detailed error messages should have been reported earlier.
; ACTION: Look at the server log for additional error messages which may indicate the
;         nature of the problem.
DROPPING_INDEX_ON_DMI_OBJECT_TYPE "The Upgrade Manager is dropping the index on the dmi_object_type table for enhanced upgrade performance"
; CAUSE: This is an informational message generated during docbase upgrade.
; ACTION: None.
OBJECT_TABLE_CONVERSION_STARTED "The Upgrade Manager has started the object table conversion."
; CAUSE: This is an informational message generated during docbase upgrade.
; ACTION: None.
OBJECT_TABLE_CONVERSION_COMPLETED "The Upgrade Manager has completed the object table conversion."
; CAUSE: This is an informational message generated during docbase upgrade.
; ACTION: None.
OBJECT_TABLE_CONVERSION_FAILED "The Upgrade Manager has encountered a failure during object table conversion."
; CAUSE: This is an informational message generated upon failure of object table conversion.
;        More detailed error messages should have been reported earlier.
; ACTION: Look at the server log for additional error messages which may indicate the
;         nature of the problem.
RECREATING_INDEX_ON_DMI_OBJECT_TYPE "The Upgrade Manager is re-creating the index on dmi_object_type table."
; CAUSE: This is an informational message generated during docbase upgrade.
; ACTION: None.
VALIDATING_INDEX D "The Upgrade Manager is validating index with ID %s."
; CAUSE: This is an informational message generated during docbase upgrade.
; ACTION: None.
; PARAMETERS: The object id of the index object being validated.
SYBASE_ROW_LOCKING_STARTED "The Upgrade Manager has started verifying that row level locking is enabled for all tables."
; CAUSE: This is an informational message generated during docbase upgrade.
; ACTION: None.
SYBASE_ROW_LOCKING_COMPLETED "The Upgrade Manager has completed verifying that row level locking is enabled for all tables."
; CAUSE: This is an informational message generated during docbase upgrade.
; ACTION: None.
SYBASE_ROW_LOCKING_FAILED "The Upgrade Manager has failed to set row locking on existing tables.
; CAUSE: This is an informational message generated upon failure to set row level locking.
;        More detailed error messages should have been reported earlier.
; ACTION: Look at the server log for additional error messages which may indicate the
;         nature of the problem.
.severity FATAL
INTERNAL_INDEX_VALIDATION_FAILURE D "Unable to validate dmi_index object with ID %s due to an internal error."
; CAUSE: This is an internal error. The only reason we should ever get this is that
;       our internal hard coded list of indices that we use to validate against is
;       out of synch. Check the hard coded list in dmconv.cxx, dmUpgrade40 class.
; ACTION: Report this error to a Documentum Adminstrator.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the object id of the dmi_index object that was
;            being validated.
INTERNAL_ERROR S "The Upgrade Manager has encountered an internal error: %s."
; CAUSE: An internal error has occurred in the Upgrade Manager
; ACTION: Report this error to your Documentum Tech Support Representative.
; PARAMETERS: Details of the internal error
