; Query Facility errors
;** Documentum DocuServer
;** Confidential Property of Documentum, Inc.
;** (c) Copyright Documentum, Inc., 1991-1999
;** All rights reserved.
.facility DM_QUERY This facility is for query tracing. The trace information goes to the session log.
; These are the error messages returned by the query facility during the processing of
; DQL queries. The convention followed for determining the severity of an error message
; is as follows:
; An error which occurs because of something the user did (incorrect specification
; of a query, trying to create a type that already exists, ...) is of severity,
; An error which the user really has no control over (a schema table couldn't be
; opened, a rollback operation failed leaving the database inconsistent, ...) is
; classified as severity, FATAL.
; Note: When the DM_QUERY severity ERROR section 'fills up' (256 messages), new ones
; should be placed in the dmquery2.e (DM_QUERY2) error file.
.severity TRACE
CONTAIN_BAD_TABLE S "make_fulltext_temp: Table creation failed for temporary table %s."
CONTAIN_TABLE S "make_fulltext_temp: Temporary fulltext table created: %s."
CONTAIN_TABLE_DROP S "drop_temp_tables: Temporary fulltext table dropped: %s."
SELECT_BEGIN "Begin SELECT statement."
SELECT_COMPLETE "SELECT statement semantic checking and setup is complete."
SQL_SELECT S "SELECT statement generated by the query is: %s. Begin Database processing."
SQL_PARTIAL S "Partial SELECT statement generated by the query is: %s."
SUBSELECT S "SQL select statement produced from the subselect or update or delete statement is: %s."
STMT_BEGIN S "Begin %s statement."
STMT_COMPLETE S "%s statement has completed."
SYNTAX_BEGIN "Begin syntactic parse (call yacc)."
SYNTAX_COMPLETE "Syntactic parse is complete."
CLOSE_BEGIN S "Begin database cursor close (%s)."
CLOSE_COMPLETE "Database cursor close is complete."
DROP_BEGIN S "Begin drop temporary fulltext table(s) (%s)."
DROP_COMPLETE "Drop temporary fulltext table(s) is complete."
SQL_DELETE S "DELETE statement generated by the query is: %s."
SQL_INSERT S "INSERT statement generated by the query is: %s."
SQL_UPDATE S "UPDATE statement generated by the query is: %s."
CYCLE I "A compound document cycle has been found at object %d."
STMT S "Your DQL statement is: %s."
GROUP_BAD_VIEW S "build_group_temp: View creation failed for temporary view %s."
GROUP_VIEW S "build_group_temp: Temporary group view created: %s."
GROUP_VIEW_DROP S "drop_temp_tables: Temporary group view dropped: %s."
QUERY_CLOSED S "A cursor was closed and the dmQueryResults object for it invalidated: %s"
; CAUSE: A transaction operation has caused this query's database cursor to be closed.
; ACTION: No further action on the query results (Next(), for example) will be
; accepted, except Close(). It is advisable to close the corresponding query.
; PARAMETERS: The text of the DQL select statement that was invalidated.
NUM_UPDATE IS "%d objects were affected by your %s statement."
;CAUSE: A successful update or delete statement has affected the specified number of
; objects.
;ACTION: No action is required.
;PARAMETERS: The number of objects affected, and the statement used.
UP_MAX_APPEND_EX IS "Your UPDATE statement exceeded the maximum append value (%d) for attribute %s."
; CAUSE: Your UPDATE statement had a maximum append-from-subselect value that was exceded
; by the subselect. This message is informational only. It means that the subselect
; returned more values than were appended to your object.
MODIFY_ATTR_NO S "ALTER TYPE: No action is required for attribute %s."
; CAUSE: You have specified a length for the attribute that is identical
; to the current length of the attribute. No action is required.
; ACTION: None. This is informational only.
; PARAMETERS: The attribute that remains unchanged.
DISTINCT_COMPOUND "DISTINCT was ignored in this query."
; CAUSE: When you specify DISTINCT along with one of the compound document clauses
; (IN DOCUMENT or IN ASSEMBLY), it is ignored. It is not possible to remove
; duplicate objects from the result set, because each object is made unique by
; its position within the compound document hierarchy. Thus, if the same
; document appears twice within a compound document hierarchy, it will appear
; twice in the result set. In your query, DISTINCT was requested either
; explicitly, or by default from the distinct query results server installation
; setting.
; ACTION: None required. This messages is informational only.
DEADLOCK_INFO "A database deadlock occurred."
; CAUSE: Database deadlock occurred.
; ACTION: No action is needed if application is running a docserver method query .
; However, if application is running a user transaction, i,e, user use
; explicit begintran to start a transaction, then user has to rerun
; the transaction as it has been rolled back after becoming a
; deadlock victim.
.severity WARNING
COMPOSITE_INTEGERS "You have specified an integer in the ORDER BY clause of a query containing ORDER in the select list."
; CAUSE: The composite ORDER keyword expands into many column specifications.
; The integer you have specified in your ORDER BY clause might not correspond
; to the column you expect if the ORDER keyword preceded it in the select
; list.
; ACTION: Composites are a deprecated feature. The ORDER keyword is no longer supported.
COMPOSITE_TWICE "You have specified the ORDER keyword more than once in your ORDER BY clause."
; CAUSE: The special order keyword appears more than once in the order by clause.
; ACTION: Composites are a deprecated feature. The ORDER keyword is no longer supported.
NO_USERS "GRANT or REVOKE: No users were returned by the subquery. No privileges were affected."
;CAUSE: Your statement specified a subquery which returned no results.
;ACTION: No action is required. No users were affected by the GRANT or REVOKE statement.
NO_USERS2 "CREATE or ALTER GROUP: No users were returned by the subquery. No privileges were affected."
;CAUSE: Your statement specified a subquery which returned no results.
;ACTION: No action is required. No users were added to the specified group.
NOT_FOLDER_ALL "You have specified a 'not folder(all)' predicate."
; CAUSE: The folder(all) predicate means that all folders will be searched.
; Your folder(all) predicates has been NOT'ed, meaning that no folders
; will be searched, so no results are possible.
; ACTION: Correct your WHERE clause so that the folder(all) predicate is not
; modified by a NOT.
QUERIES_CLOSED "A transaction operation has caused a query or queries to be closed."
; CAUSE: DQL select statements are represented by database SQL cursors. In most
; RDBMSs, a transaction close (commit or rollback) causes all SQL cursors to
; be invalidated. Thus, a Documentum transaction operation, which translates
; into a database commit or rollback, will cause DQL select queries to be
; closed.
; ACTION: If you need for your query to transcend transaction operations, you may
; invoke the query in read_for_update mode. This causes the query to be run
; in a separate database connection which is not affected by Documentum
; transactions. Note, however, that on some RDBMSs (notably Oracle) setting
; up and maintaining multiple transactions is very time consuming.
RETRY_ALTER "ALTER TYPE is being re-tried."
; CAUSE: Your alter type statement has not completed due to an internal
; problem, possibly an error from the database management system.
; Error messages in the log prior to this one may shed more light
; on the exact cause of the failure. Your statement is being
; re-tried, in case the failure was transient.
; ACTION: If your statement succeeds on the retry, you may ignore this
; message. If it fails, check the error message log for this
; session. There will be additional messages there which explain
; the cause of the failure.
STAR_INTEGERS "You have specified an integer in the ORDER BY or NODESORT clause of a query containing * in the select list."
; CAUSE: A * in the select list expands into many column specifications.
; The integer you have specified in your ORDER BY or NODESORT clause might not correspond
; to the column you expect.
; ACTION: Make sure that any integers in the ORDER BY or NODESORT clause
; correctly reflect the expansion of the * in the select list.
NOT_A_FOLDER_PATH S "You have specified a pathname (%s) in a FOLDER or CABINET predicate that is not a valid pathname."
; CAUSE: The pathname in your FOLDER predicate is not a pathname known to
; Documentum. The query processing continues, but be aware that
; unless your query contained other predicates that were ORed with
; this FOLDER or CABINET predicate, your query will return no rows.
; ACTION: Make sure the pathname is the one you intended.
; PARAMETERS: The parameter is the pathname that is in error.
NOT_A_FOLDER_ID S "You have specified an ID (%s) in a FOLDER or CABINET predicate that is not a valid ID value for a folder or cabinet."
; CAUSE: The ID value in your FOLDER predicate does not identify a folder or cabinet.
; The query processing continues, but be aware that
; unless your query contained other predicates that were ORed with
; this FOLDER or CABINET predicate, your query will return no rows.
; ACTION: Make sure the pathname is the one you intended.
; PARAMETERS: The parameter is the ID value that is in error.
GROUPS_UNKNOWN "An error occurred processing your groups."
; CAUSE: The groups that you are a member of are used in determining
; which objects you may SELECT. An unexpected error has occurred
; during the determination of your groups.
; ACTION: None required. However, your query results may have been
; restricted by the fact that your group memberships were unknown.
; To determine the cause of the error, look at the other error messages
; generated during the processing of this query.
COMPOUND_LATE "You have specified USING ASSEMBLIES and WITH in the same IN DOCUMENT clause."
; CAUSE: This is not an error.
; ACTION: None required. Simply be aware that the late binding condition
; specified in a WITH clause does not apply to any nodes that are
; reached via assemblies.
TRAN_ALREADY "BEGIN TRANSACTION: There is already a transaction open."
; CAUSE: You have issued a begin transaction statement, but a transaction
; was already in progress. No action has been taken by the Documentum
; server.
; ACTION: None required. However, you might want to understand what actions
; have already occurred under the existing transaction before you
; take any action to end (commit or abort) it.
TRAN_NOT S "%s: There is no open transaction."
; CAUSE: You have attempted to commit or abort a transaction, but there is no
; transaction open to commit or abort. No action has been taken by the
; Documentum server.
; ACTION: None required.
ALTER_SOME "ALTER TYPE: Your attempt to modify the lengths of attributes was only partially successful."
; CAUSE: At least one of the attributes you wanted to modify has failed.
; There will be additional error messages indicating the reasons
; for this failure.
; ACTION: Do a describe on the type you are modifying
; to see which attributes were changed and which were not.
; Then submit another ALTER TYPE statement to modify the rest.
UPNOTSUPP "Read-For-Update mode is not supported."
; CAUSE: You have specified read for update mode on a select statement,
; either by setting the flag on the execquery method, or by using
; the query method. Read for update mode is not supported on Sybase.
; ACTION: Your query will be run in read-only mode. If you want read for update
; semantics, you can start a multi-operation transaction by using the
; begintran method, or the BEGIN TRAN statement.
BAD_DATE_FMT S "The date format '%s' is either un-recognizable or not supported on the RDBMS. Use default date format 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss'."
; CAUSE: You have specified an illegal or an unsupported date format in the datetostring function.
; ACTION: Check documentation and choose a legal date format pattern for your query.
; Note that (1) 'month' is not supported on Sybase platform,
; (2) 'month', 'mon', and 'yy' are not supported on Informix platform.
ALTER_TYPE_OBSOLETE_SYNTAX S " %s is obsolete starting Release 5.3 of Content Server"
; CAUSE: This warning occurs when either ADD_FTINDEX or DROP_FTINDEX is
; specifed in an ALTER statement.
; ACTION: None. You need not execute ADD_FTINDEX or DROP_FTINDEX at all.
; The Content Server by default indexes all indexable metadata.
.severity ERROR
ALTER_BASE_TYPE S "ALTER TYPE: You have insufficient privilege to ADD or DROP attributes from a Documentum base type (%s)."
; CAUSE: Your alter type statement specified a Documentum base type.
; Only a superuser may alter the base types, and then only
; if requested to do so as part of a Documentum release script.
; Any type which has a name beginning with the letters 'dm' is
; a Documentum base type.
; ACTION: None.
; PARAMETERS: The typename as specified in the alter type statement.
ALTER_BASE_TYPE_DROP S "ALTER TYPE: You have attempted to drop or modify an attribute from a Documentum base type (%s)."
; CAUSE: It is illegal to drop or modify attributes from Documentum base types.
; Any type which has a name beginning with the letters 'dm' is
; a Documentum base type.
; ACTION: None.
; PARAMETERS: The typename as specified in the alter type statement.
ALTER_ERROR "ALTER TYPE: statement failure. Check the following messages for more information."
; CAUSE: Your alter type statement failed due to incorrect specification.
; ACTION: There are additional error messages on the queue from the type
; manager which explain the exact cause of the failure, and the
; actions you can take to correct it.
ALTER_INTERNAL_ADD "ALTER TYPE: You have attempted to ADD internal or readonly attribute."
; CAUSE: Internal and readonly attributes (those with names beginning with
; `i_' or `r_') can only be added by a superuser, and even
; then should only be done if requested as part of a Documentum release
; script.
; ACTION: None.
ALTER_INTERNAL_DROP "ALTER TYPE: You have attempted to DROP an internal or readonly attribute."
; CAUSE: Internal and readonly attributes (those with names beginning with
; `i_' or `r_') cannot be dropped.
; ACTION: None.
ALTER_TYPE_TOO I "ALTER TYPE: You have specified too many attributes. The maximum allowed is %d."
; CAUSE: You have listed too many attributes.
; ACTION: Break your ALTER TYPE statement up into multiple statements so that
; none of them exceeds the maximum number of attributes allowed in one
; query.
; PARAMETERS: The maximum number of attributes allowed.
ALTER_TYPE_TYPE "ALTER TYPE: You have attempted to alter the dm_type type."
; CAUSE: The ALTER TYPE statement specified dm_type. It is illegal to alter the
; dm_type type.
; ACTION: None. The dm_type type cannot be altered.
BAD_ATTRIBUTE SS "The attribute name, %s, is not an attribute of the queried type, %s."
;CAUSE: You have specified an attribute that does not exist in the type that you are
; querying.
;ACTION: Check to be sure that all the attributes specified in the query are attributes
; of the type which is specified in the FROM clause. Only attributes of the
; queried type may be specified. (Attributes of subtypes of the queried type
; may not be specified in the query.)
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the attribute that does not exist in the type
; (second parameter).
BAD_GROUP_SAVE "CREATE or ALTER GROUP: Unable to save the group."
;CAUSE: An error has occurred which prevented your group from being
; saved in the database. Your create or alter statement failed.
;ACTION: There will be a message from the Save() method which will explain
; the reason for this error. Follow the directions in that message
; to correct the problem.
BAD_USER_SAVE S "GRANT or REVOKE: Unable to save the user (%s)."
;CAUSE: An error has occurred which prevented a user from being
; saved in the database. Your grant or revoke statement failed.
;ACTION: There will be a message from the Save() method which will explain
; the reason for this error. Follow the directions in that message
; to correct the problem.
;PARAMETERS: The parameter specifies the name of the user for which the
; Save() failed. However,
; since grant and revoke have all-or-nothing semantics, none of the
; users specified in your statement have been changed by this statement.
BAD_ID S "The string specified for an ID value ('%s') was not a valid Documentum dmID."
;CAUSE: The string does not properly represent an ID value.
;ACTION: The strings representing an ID must conform to a very rigid,
; internal format. ID strings should only be used in queries if
; they are copied directly from the dmID value of an existing
; Documentum object.
; Check the specified ID string against the dmID of the object
; you were attempting to query, and correct it as appropriate.
;PARAMETERS: The parameter specifies the incorrect ID string.
BAD_QUAL SS "The attribute qualifier, %s, for attribute %s, is not a valid qualifier."
;CAUSE: A construct such as qualifier.attribute_name has appeared in your query,
; but the qualifier is not a valid qualifier in this query.
;ACTION: The valid qualifiers are 1) the queried type name, 2) a registered table
; name, 3) a correlation variable.
; Furthermore, if a correlation variable is specified, it 'masks' the
; type name or table name that it represents. In other words, types which
; have correlation variables are not valid qualifiers.
;PARAMETERS: The two parameters are, respectively, the bad qualifier, and
; the attribute that it qualifies.
BAD_SUBQUERY SS "%s: An invalid attribute (%s) was returned by the subquery. Your statement was not executed."
;CAUSE: The subquery in this statement returned an attribute that is not
; valid in this context.
;ACTION: Check the value of the parameter for the reason the attribute
; was invalid, and reformulate the query.
;PARAMETERS: The parameter is a string containing the reason for the
; failure. The two possible reasons are:
; string too long: The subquery returned a string valued
; attribute with a length that is too long to represent
; a valid user name.
; not a string datatype: The subquery returned an
; attribute that was not a string.
BAD_SUPERTYPE "CREATE TYPE: A non-subtypeable type was specified as supertype."
; CAUSE: You have specified a supertype which cannot be subtyped. Only dm_sysobject and
; dm_user, and their subtypes, may be subtyped.
; ACTION: Correct the query and retry.
BAD_TYPE SS "%s: The datatype '%s' is not valid in this statement."
;CAUSE: You have specified a datatype that is not a valid datatype in this
; context.
;ACTION: Chose another datatype to represent the attribute.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the statement (for example, create type) that
; the error occurred in. The second parameter is the datatype that was
; specified in error.
COLUMN_QUAL S "The column or attribute name '%s' must be qualified."
;CAUSE: In a SELECT statement, if a type is specified in the from clause and
; registered tables are also specified, then all attribute and column
; names must be qualified.
;ACTION: Qualify all column and attribute references with typename, tablename,
; or correlation variable qualifiers.
;PARAMETERS: The parameter specifies the particular column or attribute name
; that was not qualified.
COMPOSITE_1 "ORDER keyword used in ORDER BY clause, but not in select list."
; CAUSE: You have attempted to order your query results by specifying the order
; keyword in the order by clause, but have not also specified the order
; keyword in the select list.
; ACTION: Composites are a deprecated feature. The ORDER keyword is no longer supported.
COMPOSITE_2 "ORDER keyword illegally used in SELECT statement."
; CAUSE: You have specified the ORDER keyword in an illegal place in your
; SELECT statement. The ORDER keyword may only be specified in
; the ORDER BY clause, and in the SELECT list. Furthermore, since
; the ORDER keyword expands into multiple column specifications,
; it cannot appear in the select list of a subselect.
; ACTION: Composites are a deprecated feature. The ORDER keyword is no longer supported.
COMPOSITE_3 "ORDER keyword used without IN COMPOSITE clause."
; CAUSE: If the ORDER keyword is specified in a query, the IN COMPOSITE clause
; is required.
; ACTION: Composites are a deprecated feature. The ORDER keyword is no longer supported.
COMPOSITE_4 "IN COMPOSITE clause used without a dm_sysobject type."
; CAUSE: You have specified an IN COMPOSITE clause in your query, but the
; FROM clause does not specify dm_sysobject or a subtype of dm_sysobject.
; ACTION: Only SysObjects are contained in composites, so a query must specify
; dm_sysobject or one of its subtypes if the IN COMPOSITE clause is used.
; Modify your query as appropriate and retry.
COMPOSITE_5 "A correlated reference appears in a non-nested SELECT."
; CAUSE: You have specified a column specification in an IN COMPOSITE clause.
; Column specifications are only valid if they are correlated references
; to a column in an outer SELECT. Your SELECT is not nested.
; ACTION: Use an ID specification to refer to the composite in your
; IN COMPOSITE clause.
COMPOSITE_6 "A non-correlated column specification appears in an IN COMPOSITE clause."
; CAUSE: You have specified a column reference in an IN COMPOSITE clause, but
; the column is not qualified. The column reference in an IN COMPOSITE
; clause must be qualified, and it must be a correlated reference to
; a column in an outer SELECT.
; ACTION: Composites are a deprecated feature.
CREATE_BASE_TYPE "CREATE TYPE: You must be a superuser to create a Documentum base type."
; CAUSE: You have attempted to create a type with a name beginning with "dm" which
; denotes a Documentum base type. Only superusers may create base types, and
; then only if an install script for a new release of the product directs them
; to do so.
; ACTION: Give your type a name that is not reserved by Documentum.
CREATE_FAILED S "CREATE TYPE statement failed for type: %s."
; CAUSE: Your attempt to create a type has failed.
; ACTION: There will be an error message from the type manager that will explain
; the reason for this failure. Check any other messages on your session
; and follow the actions specified for them.
; An example of one common cause of failure is that you may have named an
; attribute with an RDBMS reserved word. This will be indicated by an error message
; from the type manager containing the Oracle error:
; ORA-00904: invalid column name
; PARAMETERS: The parameter specifies the typename for the type which could not
; be created.
CREATE_FAILED2 S "CREATE TYPE statement failed because attribute %s could not be added."
;CAUSE: There should be another message on your message queue which explains the reason for this
; failure. If there is no additional message, the cause of this failure is that
; the attribute specified already exists in one of the type's supertypes.
;ACTION: Check the other messages for this query and take the action
; described therein to correct this problem. Then retry your
; query.
;PARAMETERS: The parameter specifies the attribute name.
CREATE_INTERNAL_ATT "CREATE TYPE: You have attempted to create a type with internal or readonly attribute(s)."
; CAUSE: Internal and readonly attributes (those with names beginning with
; `i_' or `r_') can only be added by a superuser, and then only if
; requested to do so as part of a Documentum release script.
; ACTION: None.
CURSOR_ERROR S "A database error has occurred during the creation of a cursor ('%s')."
;CAUSE: A DQL SELECT statement is turned into an SQL SELECT statement that queries
; the Documentum schema for the information requested. This error message
; indicates that a failure occurred during the parsing of the generated
; SQL statement by the underlying RDBMS.
;ACTION: The error message from the RDBMS is shown in the message. Use that
; error message to figure out what has happened, and correct your DQL
; statement accordingly.
;PARAMETERS: The parameter contains the text of the error message generated by
; the RDBMS.
DATE_FORMAT S "The specified date literal (%s) is not in a recognized format, or is out of the valid date range."
;CAUSE: You have incorrectly specified a date literal.
;ACTION: Correct your date literal to be in one of the valid date forms.
; Note that all four digits of the year must be specified.
; Examples: 2/14/1992, 02/14/1991, February 14, 1992
; Note that a legal date needs to be in the following range:
; (1) year: (1753, 4712), inclusively.
; (2) month: (1, 12), inclusively.
; (3) day: (1, n), inclusively, where n is
; 31 for January, March, May, July, August, October, December.
; 28 for February (29 if leap year).
; 30 for other months.
; (4) hour: (0, 24), inclusively.
; (5) minute: (0, 60), inclusively.
; (6) second: (0, 60), inclusively.
;PARAMETERS: The parameter contains the incorrectly specified date.
DOC_ALL "You have specified (ALL) in the FROM clause, but the type specified is not a dm_sysobject subtype."
;CAUSE: Your query contains a select or subselect with the (ALL) modifier in the from clause.
; (ALL) is only valid for versioned types. dm_sysobject and subtypes of dm_sysobject are
; the only versioned types.
;ACTION: Check to make sure you have correctly specified the type. If it is not a
; versioned type, leave the (ALL) modifier off of the from clause.
DOC_PRED S "You have specified a SysObject predicate (%s), but a dm_sysobject subtype was not specified as the first type in the FROM clause in this select or subselect."
;CAUSE: Some of the DQL predicates are only valid for SysObjects. The parameter indicated
; one of those predicates. When more than one type is joined in a query, this predicate
; will be applied only to the first (left to right) type encountered in the FROM clause.
;ACTION: Remove the SysObject predicate from your query.
;PARAMETERS: The parameter specifies the predicate.
DOC_CLAUSE "You have specified a SEARCH clause or fulltext keyword, but a dm_sysobject type was not specified in this select or subselect."
;CAUSE: Only dm_sysobject and its subtypes are subject to fulltext searching. You have
; specified a fulltext search (by specifying the SEARCH clause or including a
; fulltext keyword) on a non-sysobject type.
;ACTION: Remove the SEARCH clause or fulltext keyword, or specify a type which is a
; dm_sysobject type in the FROM clause.
DROP_FAILED S "DROP TYPE statement failed for type: %s."
;CAUSE: The cause of this failure will be explained in another message.
;ACTION: Examine the other error messages generated during query processing. The
; message immediately following this one should be the one which explains
; the reason for the DROP TYPE failure. Possible reasons include, the
; type has dependents which must be dropped first, or you do not have
; sufficient privilege to drop this type.
;PARAMETERS: The parameter specifies the type which was not dropped.
DROP_FAILED2 S "DROP GROUP statement failed for group: %s."
;CAUSE: An error has occurred dropping the specified group.
;ACTION: There will be another error message describing the specific
; reason for the failure. Follow the directions in that message
; to correct the problem.
;PARAMETERS: The parameter specifies the group which was not dropped.
DROP_BASE_TYPE S "DROP TYPE: You have attempted to drop a Documentum base type, %s."
; CAUSE: The specified type is a Documentum base type and cannot be dropped.
; ACTION: None. The type cannot be dropped.
; PARAMETERS: The type specified in this statement.
DROP_TYPE_TYPE "DROP TYPE: You have attempted to drop the dm_type type."
; CAUSE: The DROP TYPE statement specified dm_type. It is illegal to drop the
; dm_type type.
; ACTION: None. The dm_type type cannot be dropped.
GROUP_BY_STAR "A star (*) may not be specified in the select list if GROUP BY is also specified for this query."
;CAUSE: If a GROUP BY clause is specified, the attributes in the
; select list must be explicitly named.
;ACTION: Replace the * in the select list with a list of attributes.
ID_LENGTH SI "The identifier, %s, exceeds the maximum identifier length allowed (%d)."
;CAUSE: You have specified an identifier which is too long.
;ACTION: Shorten the identifier. If the identifier is the name of a table
; in the database, then see if there is a mechanism for defining a
; shorter synonym for the table name in the database.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter specifies the identifier which is too long.
; The second parameter gives the maximum allowable length for an
; identifier of this type.
ID_NOT_VALID "The ID datatype is not valid in REGISTER statements."
; CAUSE: The ID datatype is an internal datatype that is meaningful only
; for Documentum types.
; ACTION: Check the datatypes in the table you are registering, and use
; datatype names that corresponds to the database datatypes.
IS_GROUP S "CREATE GROUP: The group specified (%s) already exists."
;CAUSE: You have attempted to create a group with a name that already exists.
;ACTION: Change the group name and resubmit your query.
;PARAMETERS: The parameter specifies the name of the existing group.
IS_GROUP2 S "GRANT or REVOKE: The specified grantee or revokee (%s) is a group."
;CAUSE: You have specified a group name in your list of users. Groups are not
; subject to permits. No permits have been affected by this query.
;ACTION: Remove the group name from your list of users, or reformulate the
; subquery which is materializing users such that groups will be
; excluded.
;PARAMETERS: The parameter specifies the group name.
KEY_NO_MATCH S "REGISTER: Column '%s' specified in KEY clause has no match in column definitions."
;CAUSE: You have listed a column in the KEY clause that was not listed in the
; column list.
;ACTION: Add the column to the column list, or remove it from the KEY clause,
; as appropriate.
;PARAMETERS: The parameter gives the name of the referenced column.
NO_CURSOR "GRANT, REVOKE, or CREATE GROUP: An error occurred during the processing of the subquery. Your statement was not executed."
;CAUSE: There will be another error message which explains the cause of the failure
; of the subquery processing.
;ACTION: Follow the suggested action in the other error message.
NO_CREATE_PRIV "CREATE TYPE: You have insufficient privilege to create a type."
;CAUSE: You do not have superuser, sysadmin, or create type privilege.
;ACTION: Ask your system administrator about either granting you create
; type privilege, or creating the type for you.
NO_GROUP_PRIV "You have insufficient privilege to create, alter, or drop a group."
;CAUSE: You must have SYSADMIN or CREATE GROUP privilege to do group operations.
;ACTION: Ask your system administrator about doing the operation for you, or
; granting you CREATE GROUP privilege.
NO_PRIV_PRIV "You have insufficient privilege to GRANT or REVOKE user privileges."
;CAUSE: You must have SYSADMIN privilege to do privilege operations.
;ACTION: Ask your system administrator about doing the operation for you.
NO_SUPER_PRIV S "You have insufficient privilege to GRANT or REVOKE %s privilege."
;CAUSE: You must have SUPERUSER privilege to GRANT or REVOKE SUPERUSER or SYSADMIN privilege.
;ACTION: None.
;PARAMETERS: The privilege you attempted to GRANT or REVOKE.
NO_REPEAT "REGISTER: The REPEATING column attribute is not supported in the register table statement."
;CAUSE: You have specified the REPEATING attribute on the description of
; a column in a table. Repeating attributes are only meaningful in
; Documentum objects, not in registered tables.
;ACTION: Describe the table without REPEATING.
NO_SET_FUNC "Set Functions are not permitted in WHERE or WITH clauses."
;CAUSE: You have specified a set function (max, min, count, sum, avg) in
; a WHERE or WITH clause. This is not allowed. Set functions may be specified
; in a HAVING clause.
;ACTION: Reformulate your query using HAVING.
NO_SUPERTYPE S "CREATE TYPE: Supertype, %s, not found."
;CAUSE: The supertype specified in your query's WITH SUPERTYPE clause
; is not a valid Documentum type.
;ACTION: Correct the supertype specification. To get a list of the names
; of all types defined in Documentum, you may run the DQL query:
; select name from dm_type
;PARAMETERS: The parameter specifies the invalid type name.
NO_SYSCAB "REGISTER: Unable to link the table to the System cabinet."
;CAUSE: The System cabinet was not found. All registered tables are linked
; into the System cabinet. Your register statement failed.
;ACTION: See your Documentum system administrator about making sure that
; the System cabinet exists. The System cabinet is created during
; Documentum installation, so either it has been inadvertently dropped
; by a superuser, or an internal problem is causing Documentum to be
; unable to find it.
; If the System cabinet does exist, contact your Documentum site
; representative.
NULL_SUPERTYPE "CREATE TYPE: You are not authorized to create a type with no supertype."
;CAUSE: Only a superuser may specify NULL in the SUPERTYPE clause of
; a create type statement.
;ACTION: Correct the supertype specification and create your type as a subtype of
; one of the subtypeable Documentum types (dm_user, dm_sysobject, and all
; subtypes of dm_sysobject).
NOT_CLASS S "SELECT: The type (%s) specified in the FROM clause is either not a valid Documentum type, or not a queryable Documentum type."
;CAUSE: The queryable types are dm_user, dm_group, dm_type, dm_sysobject, and all
; system- or user-defined subtypes of these queryable types.
;ACTION: Reformulate the query specifying a queryable type.
;PARAMETERS: The parameter specifies the typename of the non-queryable type.
NOT_GROUP SS "%s: The group specified (%s) does not exist."
;CAUSE: The group is not a Documentum group. The can happen in an
; ALTER TYPE statement, if the DEFAULT GROUP setting is wrong, or
; in an ALTER or DROP GROUP statement.
;ACTION: Find the correct name of the intended group, or talk to a
; System Administrator or SuperUser about creating a new
; group.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter gives the statement type that the
; error occurred in. The second parameter contains the invalid
; group name.
NOT_OWNER S "%s: You have attempted to register or unregister a table that is not owned by you."
;CAUSE: You may only register or unregister a table if you are its owner, or if
; you are a Documentum SuperUser.
;ACTION: Check with the table's owner or a SuperUser about registering it.
;PARAMETERS: The parameter gives the specific statement that the
; error occurred in.
NOT_REG SS "UNREGISTER: The table, %s.%s, was not registered."
;CAUSE: You have attempted to unregister a table that was not registered.
;ACTION: No action required. The table is not registered.
;PARAMETERS: The parameters specify the two-part tablename of the table
; (owner.table).
NOT_SUPPORTED SS "%s: The subquery form of this query is not supported in your environment, because your RDBMS (%s) does not have the required functionality."
;CAUSE: Self explanatory.
;ACTION: Use the list form of this query instead of the subquery form.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter specifies the statement type that the
; error occurred in. The second parameter contains the name of
; the RDBMS that Documentum is connected to.
NOT_USER SS "%s: The username %s is not a valid Documentum user."
;CAUSE: You have attempted to add a non-existent user to a group, or
; to grant a privilege to a non-existent user.
;ACTION: Correct your statement so that it does not specify any invalid
; users. If you are generating usernames from a subquery, correct
; the subquery so that only valid user names are produced. Note
; that usernames and groupnames share the same namespace. If your
; query was attempting to add a group into another group, you can
; get this message if the name shown is neither a username nor a
; group name.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter specifies the statement type that the
; error occurred in. The second parameter gives the name of the
; invalid user. However, since these statements have 'all-or-nothing'
; semantics, none of the users you have specified in this query
; have been affected.
NOT_YET S "%s is not supported at this time."
;CAUSE: You have attempted to use a feature of the query language which
; is not yet supported.
;ACTION: Try to get along without this feature until support for it is supplied.
;PARAMETERS: The parameter is a string that describes the unsupported feature.
OWNER_PERMIT "ALTER TYPE: You may not set the default owner permit to a permit level less than VERSION."
;CAUSE: A set clause in your ALTER TYPE statement has attempted to set the default owner
; permit to NONE, BROWSE, READ, or NOTE. Owners of objects need to have
; permits at these levels in order to manage their objects. An owner may explicitly
; deny himself or herself access to an object, but a type may not overly restrict
; owners of created objects by default. The ALTER TYPE statement failed.
;ACTION: Correct the permit level for the OWNER PERMIT setting in the SET clause and
; resubmit the entire ALTER TYPE statement.
REG_ALREADY S "REGISTER: Table '%s' was already registered."
;CAUSE: You have attempted to register a table that is already registered.
;ACTION: No action is required. The table is already registered.
; If your intent was to revise the description of the registered table
; (change the column description or add a key, for instance), you
; must first UNREGISTER the table, and then REGISTER it again.
;PARAMETERS: The parameter specifies the registered table name.
REG_ATTR "REGISTER: An error has occurred which caused your statement to fail."
;CAUSE: An error occurred while defining the Documentum object which represents
; a registered table.
;ACTION: There will be another error message following this one (possibly more than
; one) which describes the reason for the failure. The most probable
; cause of this error is that a name (column, table, or owner name) was
; too long.
; Correct the problem and resubmit the query.
STAR_IN_SUBQUERY "Subquery: You may not specify a * in the select list of non-'exists' subquery."
;CAUSE: Self explanatory.
;ACTION: Reformulate your query such that a single column is specified in the
; select list of the subquery.
STRING_LENGTH ISI "CREATE or ALTER TYPE: Length specification (%d) for attribute '%s' exceeds allowable maximum (%d)."
;CAUSE: You have attempted to create a type with an invalid attribute. The
; maximum allowable length for string attributes is given in the
; message. The type was not created.
;ACTION: Shorten your length specification for the named attribute.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter gives the invalid length you have specified.
; The second parameter gives the attribute. The third parameter gives
; the maximum allowable length for a string attribute.
STRINGLIST_NOT_SUPPORTED "You have specified a string list in your SEARCH clause where only a single string is valid."
; CAUSE: The string list is not supported for the fulltext system that
; you are using.
; ACTION: Reformulate the SEARCH clause with ORs instead of using the string list.
SYNTAX SS "A Parser Error (%s) has occurred in the vicinity of: %s"
;CAUSE: The DQL syntax parser has failed to parse your query. The first parameter
; is an error message from YACC (the compiler compiler), which explains the
; cause of the failure. This is nearly always going to be 'syntax error.'
; The second parameter contains a portion of your query, up to the point at
; which the parser failure occurred. Thus, the last word in the partial
; query string is the token on which the parser failed.
;ACTION: If the error is anything besides 'syntax error' you have probably
; exceeded some sort of YACC processing limit. That could possibly
; require a call to Documentum tech support to figure out, in the
; unlikely event that this should happen.
; In the very likely event that the error is 'syntax error,' examine
; your query in the vicinity of the final few tokens processed to
; determine the cause of the syntax error. Correct your query
; accordingly and resubmit it.
; Note that if no string appears in the second parameter, that indicates
; that an empty string, or a string containing all unprintable characters
; and blanks, was submitted as a query.
;PARAMETERS: Described above. If your query is exceptionally long, the second
; parameter may be cut down to fit within an error message. In this
; case, not all of the beginning of the query may be present, but the
; rule still holds that the last word in the second parameter is the
; token that caused the query to fail.
TABLE_NO_ACCESS SS "The table, %s.%s, is not registered or you do not have access to it."
;CAUSE: You have specified a table in your query which is either not a
; registered table, or is a registered table which you do not have
; access to.
;ACTION: If the table is registered, check with the owner of the registered table,
; or a Documentum superuser, about giving you access to the table. You
; will need at least a BROWSE permit on the registered table object in
; order to access it.
; If the table has not yet been registered, check with the table's owner
; about registering it.
; Note that you must have READ access to the dm_registered object for this
; table in order to access it in any way (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE).
; In addition, your access to the actual table is checked to be sure you
; have the appropriate permission on it.
;PARAMETERS: The two parameters specify the two-part table name (owner.table).
; Note that if you specified the special dm_dbo document base owner,
; the first parameter will hold the actual name of the document base owner.
TRAN_NOT_BEGUN S "%s: An attempt to begin a transaction failed. This query must be run within a transaction."
;CAUSE: Queries such as this that process lists must be run within
; a transaction in order to ensure 'all-or-nothing' semantics.
; The query processor was unable to begin a transaction.
;ACTION: There will be another error message which explains the reason
; the the transaction could not be begun. Take whatever action
; is appropriate based on the explanation in that message.
;PARAMETERS: The parameter gives the statement on which this error occurred.
TWICE S "ALTER TYPE: You have attempted to set the %s attribute more than once in this query."
;CAUSE: You have specified a SET CLAUSE attribute more than once, causing
; your query to fail.
;ACTION: Reformulate the query such that each attribute you want set
; is only referred to once.
;PARAMETERS: The parameter contains the attribute that has been set more than once.
TYPE_NOT_FOUND S "ALTER or DROP TYPE: The type, %s, was not found. A type of this name does not exist."
;CAUSE: The type specified is not a valid type.
;ACTION: In the case of DROP TYPE, the type has apparently already been dropped, so
; no further action is required. In the case of ALTER TYPE, check to make
; sure the name is spelled correctly. The type may have to be recreated.
;PARAMETERS: The parameter specifies the type name as it appeared in the query.
TYPE_NOT_OWNER "You have attempted to DROP or ALTER a type which does not belong to you."
; CAUSE: Only the owner (creator) of a type, or a superuser, may ALTER or DROP the type.
; ACTION: Check with the owner of the type about doing the ALTER or DROP for you.
TYPE_PREDICATE S "You have specified a type predicate (%s), but no type was specified in the FROM clause of this query."
;CAUSE: There are DQL predicates that only pertain to Documentum types. You
; have specified one of them in a query which only names registered tables
; in the FROM clause.
;ACTION: Reformulate the query without this predicate.
;PARAMETERS: The parameter names the specific predicate that is in error.
WHITESPACE S "You have specified a 'word' (%s) containing whitespace."
; CAUSE: Whitespace (spaces, tabs, etc.) are not allowed within words in
; a contains condition.
; ACTION: Reformulate your query and retry.
; PARAMETERS: The word containing whitespace.
WITHIN_NOT_SUPPORTED "You have specified a WITHIN predicate in your SEARCH clause."
; CAUSE: The WITHIN predicate is not supported for the fulltext system that
; you are using.
; ACTION: If you cannot formulate SEARCH clause with a CONTAINS condition
; that fits your requirements, try formulating the fulltext query
; directly in your fulltext system's query language, and use the
; passthrough mechanism of the SEARCH clause.
SEARCH_NEEDED "You have specified one of the special fulltext keywords without a SEARCH clause."
; CAUSE: You have specified TAG, SCORE, or POSITION in your select list or
; order by clause, but have not specified
; a SEARCH clause in your select statement or subselect. These special
; keywords have no meaning without a fulltext search.
; ACTION: Remove the keyword(s) from your query, or specify a SEARCH clause.
KEYWORD_NEEDED S "You have specified one of the special fulltext keywords (%s)in the ORDER BY clause."
; CAUSE: You have specified one of the special fulltext keywords in the
; ORDER BY clause, but the same keyword does not appear in the
; select list for your select statement or subselect.
; ACTION: It is required that elements specified in the order by clause
; must also appear in the select list. Add the keyword(s) to the
; select list to correspond to the order by clause.
; PARAMETERS: The keyword specified.
POSITION_USED "You have specified the POSITION keyword where it is not allowed."
; CAUSE: The POSITION keyword may only be specified in a select list, or an
; order by clause.
; ACTION: Correct your statement so that POSITION does not appear anywhere
; other than the select list or order by clause.
NOT_ATTRIBUTE S "You have specified an invalid attribute name (%s)."
; CAUSE: The attribute name specified in the query is not an attribute of
; the queried type.
; ACTION: Correct the name and retry the query. Use DESCRIBE to find out
; the valid attributes for the type[s] you are querying. Note that
; if you are joining multiple types, you should also disambiguate all
; attribute references.
; PARAMETERS: The invalid attribute name.
NOT_REPEATING S "You have specified a non-repeating attribute (%s) in a repeating attribute predicate."
; CAUSE: The ANY repeating attribute predicates must have a repeating attribute
; as an argument. The attribute you have specified is a non-repeating
; attribute. Note that if you are joining multiple types together, you
; should disambiguate attribute references in order to ensure that this
; check is being made against the correct type.
; ACTION: Correct the query.
; PARAMETERS: The name of the invalid attribute.
MORE_REPEATING "You have specified too many repeating attributes."
; CAUSE: Repeating attributes may appear in at most 100 select list elements.
; ACTION: Correct the query to have no more than 100 select list elements
; containing repeating attributes.
REPEATING_USED S "You have specified a repeating attribute (%s) where it is not allowed."
; CAUSE: Repeating attributes may only appear in the select list,
; a repeating attribute predicate (ANY), a group by clause,
; or an order by clause.
; ACTION: Correct the query.
; PARAMETERS: The name of the repeating attribute that is in the wrong place.
REPEAT_POS "You have specified repeating attribute(s) and TAG or POSITION in the same select."
; CAUSE: Repeating attributes may not be selected in the same select
; statement or subselect as TAG and/or POSITION.
; ACTION: Correct and retry the query.
REPEAT_ORDER "You have specified repeating attribute(s) and the composite ORDER keyword in the same select."
; CAUSE: Repeating attributes may not be selected in the same select
; statement as ORDER.
; ACTION: Composites are a deprecated feature. The ORDER keyword is no longer supported.
STAR_WITHOUT_TYPE "You have incorrectly specified a star (*) in the select list of a select statement."
; CAUSE: A star is not valid in the select list unless a type is
; specified in the from clause.
; ACTION: Correct the query to specify all of the select list items explicitly.
TWO_TYPES SS "You have specified more than one type (%s and %s) in your FROM clause."
; CAUSE: The FROM clause can have only one type specified.
; ACTION: If you are trying to query two types, reformulate the query to
; reference only one type at a time. If the two types are both
; subtypes of a common supertype, you could query the supertype,
; and then restrict the results to the two types you want by
; using the TYPE predicate.
; If one of the names shown above is supposed to be a tablename,
; it is also a typename, and an ambiguous reference. You can
; disambiguate it by appending the table's owner to the tablename
; in the FROM clause: FROM ownername.tablename
; PARAMETERS: The two types that were found in the FROM clause.
NOT_CABINET_ID S "You have specified an ID value ( '%s' ) that is not a valid cabinet ID."
; CAUSE: The CABINET predicate must specify a cabinet ID. The ID
; you have specified may be a valid object ID, but it is not
; the ID of a cabinet.
; ACTION: Correct the ID specification.
; PARAMETERS: The ID value as specified in your CABINET predicate.
NOT_CABINET_PATH S "You have specified a path value ( '%s' ) that is not a valid cabinet path."
; CAUSE: The CABINET predicate must specify a cabinet path, not a folder path.
; The path you have specified may or may not be a valid folder path, but it is not
; the path of a cabinet.
; ACTION: Correct the path specification.
; PARAMETERS: The path value as specified in your CABINET predicate.
DEFAULT_NOT_CABINET "You have specified CABINET(DEFAULT) but your default folder is not a cabinet."
; CAUSE: The DEFAULT parameter to the FOLDER or CABINET predicate causes your
; default folder to be used. If your default folder is not also a
; cabinet, it is not valid to specify the CABINET predicate.
; ACTION: If you want to search your default folder, use the FOLDER(DEFAULT) predicate.
SEARCH_NOT_AVAILABLE "You have specified a SEARCH clause, but no fulltext system is available."
; CAUSE: You must have a fulltext system installed in order to specify a
; search clause.
; ACTION: If you do have a fulltext system installed, check to make sure
; it is defined in your server config object.
REPEAT_REG "You have specified repeating attribute(s) and columns from a registered table in the same select list."
; CAUSE: Repeating attributes may not be selected in the same select
; statement as columns from registered tables.
; ACTION: Correct and retry the query.
NULLDATE "NULLDATE is not valid in this context."
; CAUSE: NULLDATE is not recognized as an argument to the DATE function.
; ACTION: If you are trying to do a compare, use the IS NULLDATE predicate.
UP_BAD_ATTR S "The attribute %s is not updateable."
; CAUSE: The attribute you are attempting to set is not an updateable attribute.
; ACTION: Internal and readonly attributes are not updateable. The owner_name
; attribute is also not updateable. Remove the reference(s)
; to attribute(s) beginning with i_ or _r, or owner_name, from your update
; or create object statement.
; PARAMETERS: The attribute name.
UP_BAD_ATTR_CORR SSS "The correlation variable (%s) for attribute %s does not match the updated types correlation variable (%s)."
; CAUSE: You have specified an invalid correlation variable on one of your updated attributes.
; ACTION: Correct the query and retry.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the correlation variable that is in error. The attribute name
; and the expected correlation variable are in the next two parameters.
UP_BAD_ATTR_SPEC S "The attribute specification for attribute %s is in error."
; CAUSE: Attribute specifications may be one or two part names (correlation.attribute).
; You have specified a three part name.
; ACTION: Correct the query and retry.
; PARAMETERS: The name of the attribute that is incorrectly specified.
UP_BAD_ATTR_TYPES SS "UPDATE: The attributes %s and %s do not have the same datatype."
; CAUSE: When attribute assignment is done in an update statement, the attributes'
; datatypes must be the same.
; ACTION: Find another way to assign the desired value to the updated attribute.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the updated attribute; the second
; parameter is the assigned attribute.
UP_BOOL SI "UPDATE: You have attempted to set a boolean attribute (%s) with a non-boolean integer value (%d)."
; CAUSE: The value specified for updating a boolean attribute must be either 0 or 1
; (denoted in DQL by the special keywords FALSE and TRUE, respectively).
; ACTUON: Correct your update statement and retry.
; PARAMETERS: The attribute name, and the incorrect integer value.
UP_CHAR SS "UPDATE: You have attempted to set a non-string attribute (%s) with a string value (%s)."
; CAUSE: No type conversion is done between a character string literal and a
; non-string attribute.
; ACTUON: Correct your update statement and retry.
; PARAMETERS: The attribute name, and the specified character string value.
UP_CURSOR S "A database error has occurred during the creation of a cursor for '%s'."
;CAUSE: A DQL UPDATE statement is turned into an SQL SELECT statement that identifies
; the Documentum objects that will be updated. This error message
; indicates that a failure occurred during the parsing of the generated
; SQL statement by the underlying RDBMS.
;ACTION: The error message from the RDBMS is shown in the following message. Use that
; error message to figure out what has happened. Typically, it will be
; evident that an error in the formulation of your UPDATE statement has
; been translated into an error in the SQL select statement. Correct your DQL
; UPDATE statement accordingly.
;PARAMETERS: The parameter contains the SQL SELECT statement that was produced
; to select Documentum objects.
UP_DOUBLE SSS "UPDATE: You have attempted to set a non-double attribute (%s) with a floating point literal value (%s%s)."
; CAUSE: No type conversion is done between a floating point literal and a
; non-double attribute.
; ACTUON: Correct your update statement and retry.
; PARAMETERS: The attribute name, and the specified character string value.
UP_INDEX S "You have specified a non-zero index for attribute %s."
; CAUSE: The attribute is a single-valued attribute, which can only have an index
; value of zero.
; ACTION: Correct either the attribute name or the index value specified.
; PARAMETERS: The attribute name.
UP_INT SI "UPDATE: The attribute (%s) cannot be updated with an integer value (%d)."
; CAUSE: You have attempted to assign an integer value to a non-numeric
; attribute.
; ACTION: Correct your update statement and retry.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the attribute that is being updated, and
; the second parameter is the integer value that was specified.
; Note that the special keywords TRUE and FALSE are translated
; internally into the integer values 1 and 0, respectively.
UP_NOT_ATTR S "The attribute %s is not an attribute of the specified type."
; CAUSE: The attribute you are attempting to set, or the attribute you are using
; to set another value, is not an attribute of the
; type specified in your update or create object statement.
; ACTION: Either correct the attribute name, or correct the type name.
; PARAMETERS: The attribute name.
UP_NOT_TYPE S "You have specified an invalid type name (%s)."
; CAUSE: The name that you specified in your statement is not a type.
; ACTION: Correct the type name.
; PARAMETERS: The name you specified in your update, change, delete, or create object statement.
UP_NOT_UPDATEABLE S "You have specified a non updateable type name (%s)."
; CAUSE: The name that you specified in your update, change, or create statement is not an updateable
; type. Internal types, and the dm_type type are not updateable.
; ACTION: None.
; PARAMETERS: The name you specified in your update statement.
UP_SINGLE S "The attribute %s is a single-valued attribute."
; CAUSE: You have attempted to remove, truncate, append, or insert into a
; single-valued attribute. Single-valued attributes may only be SET.
; ACTION: Correct the update clause for this attribute and retry your update
; or create object statement.
; PARAMETERS: The single-valued attribute name.
UP_TYPES "You have specified a list of types or tables in your statement."
; CAUSE: Exactly one type name may be specified in an update, delete, or create object statement.
; One type may be specified for each of the from and to types in a change statement.
; ACTION: Correct the statement. Only one type (not a list) may be specified. If information
; from another type or a registered table must be used, that information
; can be specified in a subselect.
UP_USER S "You have attempted to assign the USER special value to a non-string attribute (%s)."
; CAUSE: The USER value may only be assigned to string-typed attributes.
; ACTION: Correct the query and retry.
; PARAMETERS: The non-string attribute.
UP_VALUE "You have specified an illegal value specification."
; CAUSE: The value in an update clause may not contain any of an expression, a set function,
; a date arithmetic function, or the special keywords (order, tag, position,
; score).
; ACTION: Correct the update clause in your update or create object statement,
; and retry.
UNION_NOT S "UNION is not supported by your RDBMS (%s)."
; CAUSE: You have specified a UNION, but this is not supported by your rdbms.
; ACTION: Recompose your queries without union.
; PARAMETERS: The name of your rdbms.
UNION_ORDER "You have specified a non-integer token in an ORDER BY clause with UNION."
; CAUSE: When select blocks are unioned together, the order by clause must
; specify an integer, signifying the ordinal position within the
; select list of the attribute to be sorted on.
; ACTION: Respecify your query using an integer in the order by clause.
DELETE_ERROR S "A database error has occurred during the execution of your delete statement ('%s')."
;CAUSE: A DQL DELETE registered table statement is turned into an SQL DELETE statement that performs
; the deletion on the specified registered table. This error message
; indicates that a failure occurred during the processing of the generated
; SQL DELETE statement by the underlying RDBMS.
;ACTION: The error message from the RDBMS is shown in the message. Use that
; error message to figure out what has happened, and correct your DQL
; statement accordingly.
;PARAMETERS: The parameter contains the text of the error message generated by
; the RDBMS.
INSERT_ERROR S "A database error has occurred during the execution of your insert statement ('%s')."
;CAUSE: A DQL INSERT statement is turned into an SQL INSERT statement that performs
; the insert on the specified registered table. This error message
; indicates that a failure occurred during the processing of the generated
; SQL INSERT statement by the underlying RDBMS.
;ACTION: The error message from the RDBMS is shown in the message. Use that
; error message to figure out what has happened, and correct your DQL
; statement accordingly.
;PARAMETERS: The parameter contains the text of the error message generated by
; the RDBMS.
INSERT_BAD_VALUE "You have specified an invalid value in the VALUES clause of an INSERT statement."
; CAUSE: Only the keyword USER, a date function, a substring function or
; a literal value, are legal in this context.
; ACTION: Correct the statement and retry.
UPDATE_ERROR S "A database error has occurred during the execution of your update statement ('%s')."
;CAUSE: A DQL UPDATE registered table statement is turned into an SQL UPDATE statement that performs
; the update on the specified registered table. This error message
; indicates that a failure occurred during the processing of the generated
; SQL UPDATE statement by the underlying RDBMS.
;ACTION: The error message from the RDBMS is shown in the message. Use that
; error message to figure out what has happened, and correct your DQL
; statement accordingly.
;PARAMETERS: The parameter contains the text of the error message generated by
; the RDBMS.
UPDATE_SUB S "UPDATE: An error occurred during the processing of a subquery for attribute %s."
;CAUSE: A subquery in one of the set, append, or insert clauses of your update statement
; returned no values, returned invalid values, or some other error occurred during its processing.
; There will be another error message which
; explains the cause of the failure.
;ACTION: Follow the suggested action in the other error message(s).
UPDATE_SUB_CONV1 "UPDATE: Your subquery returned an unconvertable value."
; CAUSE: The subquery in an update clause returned a value that is not
; convertable to the datatype of the updated attribute.
UPDATE_SUB_CONV2 "UPDATE: Your subquery returned an unconvertable value."
; CAUSE: The subquery in an update clause returned a value that is not
; convertable to the datatype of the updated attribute.
UPDATE_SUB_CONVB "UPDATE: Your subquery returned an unconvertable value."
; CAUSE: The subquery in an update clause returned a value that is not
; convertable to the datatype of the updated attribute.
; Or, the attribute is boolean and the value is integer,
; but the value is not a convertable
; value (0 or 1).
UPDATE_SUB_DT S "UPDATE: Your subquery returned a value with an invalid datatype (%s)."
; CAUSE: The subquery returned a value that could not be handled.
; ACTION: Check your subquery and make sure that it returns values of
; database datatypes: date, character, integer, shortint, or double.
; PARAMETERS: The parameter contains an attempt to identify the database
; type that was returned.
UPDATE_SUB_EMPTY "UPDATE: Your update subquery returned no values."
;CAUSE: A subquery in one of the set, append, or insert clauses of your update statement
; returned no values.
;ACTION: Reformulate your update statement without the empty subquery, or reformulate
; the subquery so that it will return a value.
BAD_STORAGE_CLASS S "ALTER TYPE: You have specified an invalid storage class (%s)."
; CAUSE: Your DQL ALTER TYPE statement specified a SET DEFAULT STORAGE clause
; with an unknown storage class.
; ACTION: Correct the storage class and try again. The valid storage classes
; can be found in the "name" attribute of the dm_store type.
; PARAMETERS: The invalid storage class.
COMPOUND_COL_D "IN DOCUMENT clause has both a column specification and a DESCEND."
; CAUSE: If you specify the ID of the root node in an IN DOCUMENT clause as
; a column specification, you may not also specify DESCEND.
; ACTION: Reformulate your query.
COMPOUND_COL_S "IN DOCUMENT or IN ASSEMBLY clause has a column specification but is not in a subselect."
; CAUSE: If you specify the ID of the root node in a compound document clause as
; a column specification, the IN DOCUMENT or IN ASSEMBLY clause must be
; in a subselect.
; ACTION: Reformulate your query.
COMPOUND_CURSOR S "A database error has occurred during the creation of a cursor ('%s')."
;CAUSE: A recursive DQL SELECT statement (one containing IN DOCUMENT DESCEND, with no
; root assembly being used) is turned into an SQL SELECT statement that is bound
; to various object ID values as the document hierarchy is recursively searched.
; This error occurred during one of the recursive executions of this SQL statement.
; It could be that too many cursors must be opened simultaneously to process your
; document's hierarchy for the RDBMS to handle.
;ACTION: The error message from the RDBMS is shown in the message. Use that
; error message to figure out what has happened, and correct your DQL
; statement accordingly.
;PARAMETERS: The parameter contains the text of the error message generated by
; the RDBMS.
COMPOUND_CYCLE I "IN DOCUMENT recursion has encountered a cycle at depth %d."
; CAUSE: The compound document hierarchy your query is traversing contains a cycle.
; ACTION: Locate the cycle and remove the document that is causing it.
; The last result returned by the query is the document node immediately
; before the node causing the cycle. The depth number may help you
; determine the location. For additional assistance determining the
; location of the cycle, turn tracing on.
; PARAMETERS: The depth at which the node causing the cycle was encountered."
COMPOUND_FUNC "IN DOCUMENT clause and a set function appear in the same SELECT."
; CAUSE: You may not specify IN DOCUMENT with a DESCEND in the same query
; with a set function in the select list unless the IN DOCUMENT clause
; does not require recursion.
; ACTION: Create an assembly on the compound document you are expanding, then
; try the query again with USING ASSEMBLIES or the IN ASSEMBLY clause.
COMPOUND_ID S "IN DOCUMENT or IN ASSEMBLY clause has an invalid ID specification (%s)."
; CAUSE: The ID specified in your compound document clause is not a valid ID.
; ACTION: Correct the ID specification in your query and retry.
; PARAMETERS: The invalid ID.
COMPOUND_ID_NO S "Compound document clause has an ID specification (%s) that does not identify an existing SysObject."
; CAUSE: The ID specified in your IN DOCUMENT or IN ASSEMBLY clause does not identify an
; existing SysObject.
; ACTION: Correct the ID specification in your query and retry.
; PARAMETERS: The invalid ID.
COMPOUND_DEPTH_ND "You have specified DEPTH in a query that does not have a DESCENDing IN DOCUMENT clause."
; CAUSE: None. This is no longer an error.
COMPOUND_DEPTH_SL "You have specified DEPTH somewhere in your query besides the select list."
; CAUSE: The DEPTH special keyword may only appear in the select list.
; ACTION: Reword your query, removing the DEPTH keyword from all parts of
; the query besides the select list.
COMPOUND_DEPTH_2 "You have specified DEPTH more than once in a single select list."
; CAUSE: The DEPTH special keyword may only appear once in a select list.
; ACTION: Remove the second and any subsequent occurrences of DEPTH from
; your select list and retry the query.
; CAUSE: You cannot specify ORDER BY in the same query as IN DOCUMENT or IN ASSEMBLY.
; This is because the compound document clause dictates the ordering
; and it cannot be overridden.
; ACTION: Remove the ORDER BY clause, and retry your query.
COMPOUND_PARENT_ND "You have specified PARENT in a query that does not have an IN DOCUMENT or IN ASSEMBLY clause."
; CAUSE: The PARENT special keyword may only appear in a query that has
; ACTION: Either remove PARENT from your select list, or add an in
; document clause.
COMPOUND_PARENT_SL "You have specified PARENT somewhere in your query besides the select list."
; CAUSE: The PARENT special keyword may only appear in the select list.
; ACTION: Reword your query, removing the PARENT keyword from all parts of
; the query besides the select list.
COMPOUND_SUB "IN DOCUMENT clause appears within a subquery."
; CAUSE: You have specified an IN DOCUMENT clause within a subquery.
; IN DOCUMENT may only appear in the outermost SELECT, unless
; there is a rootnode assembly that will be used, or the IN DOCUMENT
; clause is not descending.
; ACTION: None.
COMPOUND_TYPE "IN DOCUMENT or IN ASSEMBLY clause was used without a dm_sysobject type."
; CAUSE: You have specified an IN DOCUMENT clause in your query, but the
; FROM clause does not specify dm_sysobject or a subtype of dm_sysobject.
; ACTION: Only SysObjects are contained in compound documents, so a query must specify
; dm_sysobject or one of its subtypes if the IN DOCUMENT clause is used.
; Modify your query as appropriate and retry.
COMPOUND_UNION "IN DOCUMENT clause is combined with UNION."
; CAUSE: You cannot UNION together SELECTs if any of them require
; recursion. Your IN DOCUMENT clause requires recursion.
; ACTION: Run the SELECTs separately. Alternatively, you could
; create an assembly on the root node specified in your IN
; DOCUMENT clause, and then formulate your query with USING
; ASSEMBLIES. This would avoid the need for the query to
; be processed recursively, and it could then be UNIONed.
COMPOUND_VL SS "IN DOCUMENT or IN ASSEMBLY version label (%s) does not have a match in the version branch containing %s."
; CAUSE: You have specified a version label that does not exist for any object
; in the version branch containing the SysObject you specified by ID
; for the root of your document search.
; ACTION: Correct your query and retry.
; PARAMETERS: The version label and ID as specified in your query.
UPDATE_INDEX SSI "UPDATE: Unable to %s the attribute %s at index %d."
; CAUSE: The index value is probably erroneous.
; ACTION: Correct the index value and retry.
REG_TABLE_GROUP SSS "The registered table you are trying to access (%s.%s) has an invalid default group: %s."
; CAUSE: The specified group name appears in the group_name attribute of the
; registered table object that describes the named relational table. It
; is not a valid group. This groupname is used to validate table access
; permissions.
; ACTION: You do not have sufficient privilege to access the table in the manner
; that your statement requires. "Owner" and "world" permissions were
; checked. Since the group name in the object was in error, it was not
; possible to check group permissions. You could contact the owner of the
; registered table or the superuser and notify them of this error.
; PARAMETERS: The registered table name and the invalid group name.
REG_TABLE_PERMIT_I SI "You have attempted to set an invalid %s table permission: %d."
; CAUSE: The table permission specified is not valid. Table permissions must be
; a positive integer less than 16.
; ACTION: Correct the table permission.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter indicates whether it was the owner, group, or world
; table permission. The second parameter is the invalid value.
REG_TABLE_PERMIT_IN SSS "You have insufficient privilege to %s the %s.%s table."
; CAUSE: You have attempted to access a registered table in a way that you
; have no permission for.
; ACTION: If you require the given permission, contact the table owner
; or a Documentum superuser about assigning you the permission.
; PARAMTERES: The first parameter shows the requested level of permission
; (select, update, insert, delete). The following paramters show the
; qualified name of the table.
REG_TABLE_PERMIT_U "You have attempted to set a table permission attribute of the registered table."
; CAUSE: Only the owner of the registered table or a superuser may update the
; table permission attributes of a registered table.
; ACTION: Contact the owner or a superuser and ask them to make
; the change for you.
COMPOUND_NCCS "A non-correlated column specification appears in an IN DOCUMENT or IN ASSEMBLY clause."
; CAUSE: You have specified a column reference for the rootnode id of a compound document clause, but
; the column is not qualified. The column reference in an IN DOCUMENT or IN ASSEMBLY
; clause must be qualified, and it must be a correlated reference to
; a column in an outer SELECT.
; ACTION: Qualify your column name with a correlation variable referring to
; an outer SELECT.
UPDATE_GROUP_P "UPDATE: You must have CREATE GROUP, SYSADMIN, or SUPERUSER privilege to update groups."
; CAUSE: You have attempted update objects of the dm_group type, or a subtype of dm_group,y
; with insufficient privilege to do so.
; ACTION: None.
UPDATE_USER_P "You must have SYSADMIN or SUPERUSER privilege to update or create users."
; CAUSE: You have attempted to update or create objects of the dm_user type, or a subtype of dm_user,
; with insufficient privilege to do so.
; ACTION: None.
COMPOUND_PARENT_2 "You have specified PARENT more than once in a single select list."
; CAUSE: The PARENT special keyword may only appear once in a select list.
; ACTION: Remove the second and any subsequent occurrences of PARENT from
; your select list and retry the query.
COMPOUND_UPD "IN ASSEMBLY clause with NODE appears in an UPDATE OBJECT statement."
; CAUSE: You have specified an IN ASSEMBLY clause within an UPDATE OBJECT statement.
; This is not allowed if there is also a NODE phrase specified.
; ACTION: You could make an assembly for the node, and then specify it
; directly in the IN ASSEMBLY clause.
UP_SUB_MORE "UPDATE: A subquery in your update statement has returned more than one row."
; CAUSE: Subqueries used for setting a value in an update statement must
; return exactly one row. Only APPENDs may set more than one value.
COMPOUND_NS_SUB "IN DOCUMENT clause contains NODESORT within a subquery."
; CAUSE: You have specified an IN DOCUMENT clause containing a NODESORT
; specification within a subquery.
; NODESORT may only appear in the outermost SELECT. This is because
; the ultimate usage of NODESORT, which is to identify which of
; competing versions of a document at a particular node is to be
; chosen, is only performed at the outermost SELECT level.
; ACTION: None.
COMPOUND_NS_NOT "IN DOCUMENT clause contains NODESORT within a non-select statement."
; CAUSE: You have specified an IN DOCUMENT clause containing a NODESORT
; specification somewhere other than the outermost SELECT of a SELECT
; statement.
; NODESORT may only appear in the outermost SELECT. This is because
; the ultimate usage of NODESORT, which is to identify which of
; competing versions of a document at a particular node is to be
; chosen, is only performed at the outermost SELECT level.
; ACTION: None.
COMPOUND_NS_KW "A NODESORT clause specifies an unsupported special keyword."
; CAUSE: The NODESORT specification may only contain a column, an integer,
; or the SCORE or HITS special keyword. ORDER, TAG, and POSITION are not
; allowed in NODESORT. Nor are MSCORE, MHITS, or MCONTENTID.
; ACTION: Correct the query and retry.
COMPOUND_INS "IN DOCUMENT clause appears in an INSERT statement."
; CAUSE: You have specified an IN DOCUMENT clause within an INSERT statement.
; This is not allowed unless there is a rootnode assembly that will be used.
; ACTION: None.
FOLDERS_TOO_MANY "You have specified too many folders in a FOLDER predicate."
; CAUSE: The folder predicate only accepts up to 10 folders in the list form.
; ACTION: If you must search more than 10 folders, you may specify the overflow
; in a separate folder predicate OR'd with first folder predicate.
COMPOUND_REPEATING "You have selected repeating attribute(s) in an IN DOCUMENT query."
; CAUSE: You cannot select repeating attributes in the same query with
; the IN DOCUMENT clause.
; ACTION: This error message is no longer true. Now, repeating attributes are supported
; in an IN DOCUMENT query.
COMPOUND_UPDATE "You have specified an IN DOCUMENT clause in an UPDATE statement."
; CAUSE: This is not supported.
; ACTION: IN ASSEMBLY is supported in an UPDATE statement. You could create an
; assembly for your compound document and retry your update statement using
; the IN ASSEMBLY clause.
UP_MAX_APPEND "You have specified an invalid maximum append value."
; CAUSE: Zero is not a valid number for the maximum number of appends allowed
; from a subselect in an update or create object statement.
; ACTION: Correct your query and retry.
UP_BAD_FOLDER S "You have specified an invalid folder path, %s, in your LINK or MOVE TO clause."
; CAUSE: The folder specified is not a valid folder path name.
; ACTION: Correct the path name and retry your update or create object statement.
UP_NOT_SYSOBJ "You have specified LINK or MOVE TO for a non-SysObject type."
; CAUSE: Only SysObjects may be linked or moved to a folder.
LIKE_INVALID_OP "You have specified an invalid operand to the LIKE predicate."
; CAUSE: Only a column specification or a scalar function specification
; (upper or lower) may be specified as the operand for LIKE.
; ACTION: Correct the LIKE predicate and retry.
COMPOUND_CONTID_SL "You have specified CONTAIN_ID somewhere in your query besides the select list."
; CAUSE: The PARENT special keyword may only appear in the select list.
; ACTION: Reword your query, removing the CONTAIN_ID keyword from all parts of
; the query besides the select list.
COMPOUND_CONTID_ND "You have specified CONTAIN_ID in a query that does not have an IN DOCUMENT or IN ASSEMBLY clause."
; CAUSE: The CONTAIN_ID special keyword may only appear in a query that has
; ACTION: Either remove CONTAIN_ID from your select list, or add a compound
; document clause.
COMPOUND_CONTID_2 "You have specified CONTAIN_ID more than once in a single select list."
; CAUSE: The CONTAIN_ID special keyword may only appear once in a select list.
; ACTION: Remove the second and any subsequent occurrences of CONTAIN_ID from
; your select list and retry the query.
UPDATE_LINK_CAB S "You have specified %s for a cabinet object."
; CAUSE: Your statement has a LINK, MOVE, or UNLINK clause, but these
; operations are not valid on cabinets.
; ACTION: If your statement is a CREATE OBJECT statement, do not attempt
; to link, move, or unlink in this statement. If your statement is
; an UPDATE OBJECTS statement, modify your WHERE clause so that no
; cabinets will be qualified for updating.
COMPOUND_NO_ASSEM "Your IN ASSEMBLY clause specifies a document with no assembly."
; CAUSE: The ID specified must be a document that has been assembled.
; ACTION: Either create an assembly for the document, or use the IN DOCUMENT
; clause to retrieve the components of this document.
COMPOUND_COL_N "Your IN ASSEMBLY clause has both a column specification and a NODE."
; CAUSE: If you specify the ID of the root node in an IN ASSEMBLY clause as
; a column specification, you may not also specify the NODE phrase.
; ACTION: Reformulate your query.
COMPOUND_NODE_SUB "Your IN ASSEMBLY clause contains NODE phrase within a subquery."
; CAUSE: You have specified an IN ASSEMBLY clause containing a NODE
; specification within a subquery.
; NODE may only appear in the outermost SELECT. This is because
; the query post-processing that is required to deliver the NODE
; phrase semantics.
; ACTION: You could assemble document specified in your NODE phrase separately,
; and then query it directly in your subquery.
COMPOUND_NODE_ID S "Your NODE phrase has an invalid ID specification (%s)."
; CAUSE: The ID specified in your ASSEMBLY clause's NODE phrase is not a valid ID.
; ACTION: Correct the ID specification in your query and retry.
; PARAMETERS: The invalid ID.
COMPOUND_NODE_ID_NO S "Your NODE phrase has an ID specification (%s) that does not identify an existing SysObject."
; CAUSE: The ID specified in your ASSEMBLY clause's NODE phrase does not identify an
; existing SysObject.
; ACTION: Correct the ID specification in your query and retry.
; PARAMETERS: The invalid ID.
ESCAPE_LENGTH S "The ESCAPE character in your LIKE predicate is not one character long ('%s')."
; CAUSE: The escape character must be exactly one character.
; ACTION: Reformulate your LIKE predicate, using one character for the escape.
; PARAMETERS: The parameter holds the string that you specified.
ESCAPE_NOT "The ESCAPE clause is not supported in your RDBMS."
; CAUSE: The RDBMS you are running with does not support the ESCAPE clause
; in the LIKE predicate, so DQL does not.
; ACTION: Reformulate you query so that you do not use an ESCAPE clause.
; If you are running Oracle 6, be aware that Oracle 7 does support
REPEATING_REQUIRED S "You have specified a single-valued attribute (%s) where a repeating attribute is required."
; CAUSE: In the search conditions specified within an ANY() or ONLY() predicate,
; repeating attributes are required.
; ACTION: Reconstruct your query, moving search conditions referencing single-valued
; attributes outside the ANY or ONLY predicate.
; PARAMETERS: The parameter is the single-valued attribute name.
COMPOUND_POS "You have specified POSITION or TAG in the select list of a query with an IN DOCUMENT clause."
; CAUSE: POSITION and TAG are not allowed in queries with IN DOCUMENT.
; ACTION: Reconstruct your query. You could assemble the compound document,
; and then use the IN ASSEMBLY clause.
MODIFY_ATTR_TYPE "ALTER TYPE: You have specified an invalid datatype in the MODIFY clause."
; CAUSE: The only attribute datatype that may be specified in the MODIFY
; clause of an ALTER TYPE statement is STRING or CHARACTER.
; ACTION: None. You cannot MODIFY attributes except to set a string
; attribute to a longer string.
MODIFY_ATTR_NOT SS "ALTER TYPE: The attribute %s is not an attribute of the type %s."
; CAUSE: You have specified an attribute in the MODIFY clause of an ALTER TYPE
; statement that does not exist in the specified type. Note that
; for ALTER TYPE, the attribute must be a defined attribute of the
; type, not an "inherited" attribute. To modify an inherited attribute
; of this type, you must alter the supertype for which the attribute
; was defined.
; ACTION: Correct the attribute in your MODIFY clause.
; PARAMETERS: The attribute name and type name as they appear in your statement.
MODIFY_NOT_STR S "ALTER TYPE: The attribute %s is not a string type."
; CAUSE: Only string attributes may be modified. Note that character and
; char are synonyms for string.
; ACTION: Remove the non-string attributes from the MODIFY clause.
; PARAMETERS: The non-string attribute name.
MODIFY_ATTR_LEN SII "ALTER TYPE: The attribute %s is longer (%d) than the specified length %d."
; CAUSE: Your MODIFY clause would shorten a string attribute. That is not
; allowed. The only modification allowed is lengthening strings.
; ACTION: None.
; PARAMETERS: The attribute name, its current length, and the length the
; ALTER TYPE statement specified.
EXEC_NOT_VALID S "EXECUTE: The function you are trying to execute (%s) is not a valid function."
; CAUSE: The specified function is not a function that can be executed.
; ACTION: Check the spelling of the function name against the documentation.
; Only functions that are documented with the APPLY method are
; available for execution.
; PARAMETERS: The invalid function name.
EXEC_NO_REPEAT S "EXECUTE: You have specified an argument (%s) twice, but it is not a repeatable argument."
; CAUSE: The argument may only be specified once.
; ACTION: Correct the query and retry.
EXEC_NO_LIST S "EXECUTE: You have specified a value list for the argument %s."
; CAUSE: This argument may only have one value.
; ACTION: Correct the query and retry.
EXEC_BAD_VALUE S "EXECUTE: You have specified a value that is not a valid datatype for argument %s."
; CAUSE: Argument values may be integers, booleans (TRUE or FALSE), or
; character string literals only.
; ACTION: Correct the value specification and retry.
EXEC_VALUE_LIST_MISMATCH S "EXECUTE: You have specified a value list with values of differing datatypes for argument %s."
; CAUSE: Argument values may be integers, booleans (TRUE or FALSE), or
; character string literals only, and in a value list the datatypes
; must all be identical.
; ACTION: Correct the value list specification and retry.
EXEC_BAD_DATATYPE SS "EXECUTE: You have specified a value that is not the same datatype as the argument %s (%s)"
; CAUSE: Argument values must match the predefined datatype of the argument.
; ACTION: Correct the value specification and retry.
; PARAMETERS: The argument name, and the expected datatype name.
EXEC_BAD_BOOL IS "EXECUTE: You have specified an integer value (%d) for a boolean argument (%s)."
; CAUSE: An integer may be specified for a boolean argument as long as it
; is 0 or 1.
; ACTION: Correct the value and retry.
EXEC_REQD S "EXECUTE: A required argument (%s) was omitted."
; CAUSE: The argument is required.
; ACTION: Specify a value for this argument.
EXEC_NOID S "EXECUTE: The argument %s is required unless an ID is specified."
; CAUSE: You must specify either an ID in the FOR clause, or the argument in
; the WITH clause.
; ACTION: Correct the query and retry.
HITS_NOT_IN_SL "The special keyword HITS must appear in the select list."
; CAUSE: It is a restriction that if the special keyword HITS appears in
; a where clause, it must also appear in the select list. This is
; a current limitation due to implementation considerations.
; ACTION: Add HITS to your select list.
CHANGE_TYPES1 "CHANGE: You have specified two base types."
; CAUSE: You cannot change objects from one Documentum base type to another.
; ACTION: None.
CHANGE_TYPES2 "CHANGE: You have specified types that have a base type between them."
; CAUSE: You cannot change objects from one type to another if the two
; types are separated by a Documentum base type. For example,
; from a subtype of dm_document to dm_sysobject.
; ACTION: None.
CHANGE_TYPES3 "CHANGE: You have specified types that are not in a subtype/supertype relationship."
; CAUSE: Objects may be changed from one type to another only if one of
; the types is a supertype (either direct or indirect) of the other.
; For example, you cannot change objects from one subtype of dm_document
; into another subtype of dm_document.
; ACTION: You may be able to make the change in two steps. For example, you
; could change documents from a subtype of dm_document into dm_document
; objects, and then change them into another subtype of dm_document.
MSCORE_USED "You have specified the MSCORE keyword where it is not allowed."
; CAUSE: The MSCORE keyword may only be specified in a select list, or an
; order by clause.
; ACTION: Correct your statement so that MSCORE does not appear anywhere
; other than the select list or order by clause.
MHITS_USED "You have specified the MHITS keyword where it is not allowed."
; CAUSE: The MHITS keyword may only be specified in a select list, or an
; order by clause.
; ACTION: Correct your statement so that POSITION does not appear anywhere
; other than the select list or order by clause.
MCONTENTID_USED "You have specified the MCONTENTID keyword where it is not allowed."
; CAUSE: The MCONTENTID keyword may only be specified in a select list, or an
; order by clause.
; ACTION: Correct your statement so that MCONTENTID does not appear anywhere
; other than the select list or order by clause.
STAR_EXPRESSIONS "You have specified an expression list along with * in the select list."
; CAUSE: You may only specify expressions in addition to the * in a select
; list if you are selecting from a type.
; ACTION: * gets all columns in the table(s) you are selecting from. If
; You require an expression (such as columna + columnb) you must
; specify that along with all other column names you want to select.
UP_IMMUTABLE "Your UPDATE or CHANGE statement has tried to update an immutable object."
; CAUSE: You cannot update or change an immutable object.
; ACTION: Add a clause to your WHERE clause that restricts the UPDATE or
; CHANGE statement to non-immutable objects:
; where r_immutable_flag = false
MODIFY_ATTR_NO_MOD SS "ALTER TYPE: The attribute %s is not an accessible attribute of the type %s."
; CAUSE: You have specified an attribute in the MODIFY clause of an ALTER TYPE
; statement that is not accessible through DQL.
; ACTION: Remove the attribute from your MODIFY clause.
; PARAMETERS: The attribute name and type name as they appear in your statement.
ATTR_NOT_ACC S "The attribute %s is not an accessible attribute."
; CAUSE: The attribute is not accessible via DQL.
; ACTION: Remove the attribute from your DQL statement.
; PARAMETERS: The attribute name as it appears in your statement.
REG_TABLE_UPDATE "You have attempted to update the table_name or table_owner of a registered table."
; CAUSE: This is not permitted.
; ACTION: To change the table_name or table_owner attribute of a registered
; table, you must unregister the table, and reregister it under its
; new name or owner.
REG_NO_DB_NAME "You cannot register a table because your database login is not defined."
; CAUSE: You must have a user_db_name value defined in your Documentum user
; definition before you can register a database table.
; ACTION: See your Documentum System Administrator about updating your user
; definition to contain your database login name.
REG_TABLE_QUAL S "You must provide a table owner name qualification on your reference to table %s."
; CAUSE: If you reference a registered table in a query, if you do not provide
; a fully-qualified name (owner_name.table_name), the owner_name defaults
; to your database login name. However, you do not have a database login
; (user_db_name) defined in your Documentum user definition.
; ACTION: Fully qualify references to registered tables.
CHG_NOT_LINKABLE "You cannot move/link/unlink objects in a CHANGE statement."
; CAUSE: You have tried to move/link/unlink an object while changing its type.
; ACTION: You have to change the type first, then use UPDATE statement to
; move/link/unlink the object.
CHG_BAD_ATTR S "The attribute %s cannot be set in a CHANGE statement."
; CAUSE: You have tried to set the value of one of the following attributes in a CHANGE statement:
; (a) a_full_text,
; (b) a_storage_type, and
; (c) a_content_type
; ACTION: You have to CHANGE the type first, then use UPDATE statement to
; set the required value.
NOT_ACL SSS "%s: The ACL specified (%s %s) does not exist."
;CAUSE: The ACL is not a Documentum ACL. This can happen in an
; ALTER TYPE statement, if the name specified in
; DEFAULT ACL is wrong.
;ACTION: Find the correct name of the intended ACL, or talk to a
; System Administrator or SuperUser about creating a new
; ACL.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter gives the statement type that the
; error occurred in. The second parameter contains the
; ACL name and the third one contains the ACL domain.
ACL_TRAN "ALTER TYPE: You cannot change the default acl when a multi-statement transaction is open."
; CAUSE: You have attempted to set the default acl for this type while a multi-statement
; transaction is in progress. This is not allowed.
; ACTION: Change the logic of your application so that the ALTER TYPE statement does
; not happen within a transaction. (Commit or rollback the in-progress
; transaction.)
UP_PERMIT SI "UPDATE: The permit (%s) cannot be updated with an integer value (%d) less than 1 or greater than 7."
; CAUSE: You have attempted to assign an invalid integer value to a permit
; attribute.
; ACTION: Correct your update statement and retry.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the attribute that is being updated, and
; the second parameter is the integer value that was specified.
IS_REPLICA_SL "You have specified ISREPLICA somewhere in your query besides the select list."
;CAUSE: The ISREPLICA special keyword may only appear in the select list.
;ACTION: Reword your query, removing the ISREPLICA keyword from all parts of
; the query besides the select list.
IS_REPLICA_SUB "You have specified ISREPLICA in a select list that is not the outermost select list."
;CAUSE: The ISREPLICA special keyword may only appear in the outermost select list.
;ACTION: Reword your query, removing the ISREPLICA keyword from all parts of
; the query besides the outermost select list.
IS_REPLICA_2 "You have specified ISREPLICA more than once in the select list."
;CAUSE: The ISREPLICA special keyword may only appear once in the select list.
;ACTION: Reword your query, removing the extra ISREPLICA keywords from
; the select list.
MIXED_UNION "UNION ALL clause is combined with UNION."
; CAUSE: You cannot mix UNION and UNION ALL clauses in the same
; query qualification list.
; ACTION: Either use UNION or UNION ALL clause in a query qualification
; list. Do not mix them together.
CHANGE_NON_SYSOBJECT "The CHANGE OBJECT statement can only be used on dm_sysobject or its subtypes."
; CAUSE: The type specified in a CHANGE ... OBJECT statement is not a dm_sysobject or
; a subtype of dm_sysobject.
; ACTION: Specify a type that is a dm_sysobject or one of its subtypes.
INSERT_ORDER_BY "The ORDER BY clause in the INSERT statement is only supported for Sybase platform."
; CAUSE: You cannot use ORDER BY clause in an INSERT statement for non-Sybase RDBMS.
; ACTION: Remove the ORDER BY clause from the INSERT statement.
POS_NOT_IN_SL "The special keyword POSITION must appear in the select list."
; CAUSE: It is a restriction that if the special keyword POSITION appears in
; a where clause, it must also appear in the select list. This is
; a current limitation due to implementation considerations.
; ACTION: Add POSITION to your select list.
CONT_ID_NOT_IN_SL "The special keyword CONTENTID must appear in the select list."
; CAUSE: It is a restriction that if the special keyword CONTENTID appears in
; a where clause, it must also appear in the select list. This is
; a current limitation due to implementation considerations.
; ACTION: Add CONTENTID to your select list.
SCORE_NOT_IN_SL "The special keyword SCORE must appear in the select list."
; CAUSE: It is a restriction that if the special keyword SCORE appears in
; a where clause, it must also appear in the select list. This is
; a current limitation due to implementation considerations.
; ACTION: Add SCORE to your select list.
TAG_NOT_IN_SL "The special keyword TAG must appear in the select list."
; CAUSE: It is a restriction that if the special keyword TAG appears in
; a where clause, it must also appear in the select list. This is
; a current limitation due to implementation considerations.
; ACTION: Add TAG to your select list.
SYS_ID_NOT_IN_SL "The special keyword SYSOBJ_ID must appear in the select list."
; CAUSE: It is a restriction that if the special keyword SYSOBJ_ID appears in
; a where clause, it must also appear in the select list. This is
; a current limitation due to implementation considerations.
; ACTION: Add SYSOBJ_ID to your select list.
PAGE_NO_NOT_IN_SL "The special keyword PAGE_NO must appear in the select list."
; CAUSE: It is a restriction that if the special keyword PAGE_NO appears in
; a where clause, it must also appear in the select list. This is
; a current limitation due to implementation considerations.
; ACTION: Add PAGE_NO to your select list.
PUBLIC_NOT_IN_SL "The special keyword ISPUBLIC must appear in the select list."
; CAUSE: It is a restriction that if the special keyword ISPUBLIC appears in
; a where clause, it must also appear in the select list. This is
; a current limitation due to implementation considerations.
; ACTION: Add ISPUBLIC to your select list.
CURRENT_NOT_IN_SL "The special keyword ISCURRENT must appear in the select list."
; CAUSE: It is a restriction that if the special keyword ISCURRENT appears in
; a where clause, it must also appear in the select list. This is
; a current limitation due to implementation considerations.
; ACTION: Add ISCURRENT to your select list.
TEXT_NOT_IN_SL "The special keyword TEXT must appear in the select list."
; CAUSE: It is a restriction that if the special keyword TEXT appears in
; a where clause, it must also appear in the select list. This is
; a current limitation due to implementation considerations.
; ACTION: Add TEXT to your select list.
SUMMARY_NOT_IN_SL "The special keyword SUMMARY must appear in the select list."
; CAUSE: It is a restriction that if the special keyword SUMMARY appears in
; a where clause, it must also appear in the select list. This is
; a current limitation due to implementation considerations.
; ACTION: Add SUMMARY to your select list.
INDEX_NOT_FOUND S "The specified index, %s, in the search clause is not found."
; CAUSE: You have specified a non-existent index in the search clause.
; ACTION: Make sure all index names in the search clause exist in the docbase.
INVALID_SETFILE_STMT "You have used an invalid setfile statement. Verify that you are using the correct form of the setfile statement."
; CAUSE: 1) You cannot set content files for subsequent pages of an object without first setting
; the first content file and specifying its format.
; 2) You have attempted to replace the first page using the
; "Setfile <path> with content_format = <format>" statement. You cannot use this statement
; to replace the first page.
; ACTION: 1) Use the Setfile statement "Setfile <path> with content_format = <format>" to set the first content
; file before setting subsequent content files.
; 2) Use the setfile statement "Setfile <path> with page_no = <page_no> to replace the first page.
CHANGE_CANNOT_SETFILE "You can not use Setfile in a CHANGE OBJECT statement."
; CAUSE: You can not use a Setfile clause in a CHANGE OBJECT statement.
; ACTION: Use either an UPDATE OBJECT or CREATE OBJECT statement to Setfile.
OBJTYPE_NOT_IN_SL "The special keyword OBJTYPE must appear in the select list."
; CAUSE: It is a restriction that if the special keyword OBJTYPE appears in
; a where clause, it must also appear in the select list. This is
; a current limitation due to implementation considerations.
; ACTION: Add OBJTYPE to your select list.
ID_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_OUTER_SELECT "You cannot include the ID function in the selected values."
; CAUSE: You have specified ID() in the outermost select list.
; This is a deprecated feature.
; ACTION: select r_object_id instead of ID().
CANT_ALTER_BASE_TYPE S "ALTER TYPE: You cannot ADD, DROP or MODIFY attributes from a Documentum base type (%s)."
; CAUSE: You have attempted to alter a Documentum base type.
; This is no longer supported.
; ACTION: Only attempt allowed actions on Documentum base types.
; You may not ADD an attribute, DROP an attribute, or MODIFY the length of an
; attribute of a Documentum base type.
OFFSET_NOT_IN_SL "The special keyword OFFSET must appear in the select list."
; CAUSE: It is a restriction that if the special keyword OFFSET appears in
; a where clause, it must also appear in the select list. This is
; a current limitation due to implementation considerations.
; ACTION: Add OFFSET to your select list.
TEXTPAGE_NOT_IN_SL "The special keyword TEXTPAGE must appear in the select list."
; CAUSE: It is a restriction that if the special keyword TEXTPAGE appears in
; a where clause, it must also appear in the select list. This is
; a current limitation due to implementation considerations.
; ACTION: Add TEXTPAGE to your select list.
;**Note: do not add any more ERROR messages to this file. Use the QUERY2.e file instead.
TH_URL_NOT_IN_SL "The special keyword THUMBNAIL_URL must appear in the outermost select list."
; CAUSE: It is a restriction that the special keyword THUMBNAIL_URL must appear in
; the outermost select list. This is a current limitation due to implementation
; considerations.
; ACTION: Add THUMBNAIL_URL to your outermost select list.
NO_THUMBNAIL_STORE "There is no storage area whose media type is thumbnail (1)."
; CAUSE: It is required to have at least one storage area with media type equal to thumbnail
; when the keyword THUMBNAIL_URL is specified in the select list.
; ACTION: Make sure you have at least one storage area with media type equal to thumbnail.
MFILE_URL_NOT_IN_SL "The special keyword MFILE_URL must appear in the outermost select list."
; CAUSE: It is a restriction that the special keyword MFILE_URL must appear in
; the outermost select list. This is a current limitation due to implementation
; considerations.
; ACTION: Add MFILE_URL to your outermost select list.
NOT_VIEWABLE S "You do not have enough privilege to view the specified type (%s)."
; CAUSE: You do not have enough privilege to view the type that you specified in your select statement.
; Currently, dmi_audittrail_attrs type is only viewable to users who are either superusers
; or have the VIEW AUDIT privilege.
; ACTION: None.
; PARAMETERS: The name you specified in your select statement.
ATTR_NOT_VIEWABLE SSS "User (%s) does not have enough privilege to view the column (%s) in the type (%s)."
; CAUSE: The user does not have enough privilege to view the column in the type that you specified in
; your select statement.
; Currently, there are some attributes that are only viewable to users who are either superusers
; or have the VIEW AUDIT privilege.
; ACTION: Remove the attribute from the select statement.
; PARAMETERS: The name you specified in your select statement.
QUERY_IS_NOT_FTDQL "You specified ENABLE(FTDQL) hint for a SELECT statement that does not conform to the rules of FTDQL"
; CAUSE: User specified ENABLE(FTDQL) hint for a query which does not
; conform to the rules of FTDQL.
; ACTION: Remove the FTDQL hint from the list of hints specified in the
; query. If no other hints are present in the query, remove the
; ENABLE clause from the query.
NOT_RESTRICTED_FOLDER_ID D "You have specified an ID value ( '%s' ) that is not a folder (or subfolder of a folder) in the user's restricted_folder_ids."
; CAUSE: If restricted_folder_ids is specified, the FOLDER predicate must specify a folder ID
; either in the restricted_folder_ids or a subfolder in the list.
; The ID you have specified may be a valid object ID, but it is not in the user's
; restricted_folder_ids list.
; ACTION: Correct the ID specification.
; PARAMETERS: The ID value as specified in your FOLDER predicate.
NOT_RESTRICTED_FOLDER_PATH S "You have specified a folder path ( '%s' ) that is not a folder (or subfolder of a folder) in the user's restricted_folder_ids."
; CAUSE: If restricted_folder_ids is specified, the FOLDER predicate must specify a folder path either
; in the restricted_folder_ids or a subfolder in the list.
; The path you have specified may be a valid path, but it is not in the user's
; restricted_folder_ids list.
; ACTION: Correct the path specification.
; PARAMETERS: The path value as specified in your FOLDER predicate.
QUERY_HAS_OBSOLETE_KEYWORDS_IN_SELECT_LIST S "The query statement contains the following obsolete keywords in the select list: '%s'"
; CAUSE: the DQL select statement contains at least one keyword in the
; select list that's obsolete.
; ACTION: Remove the obsolete keywords from the select list and rerun the
; query. Refer to the DQL Reference manual for more information.
CONFLICT_HINTS SS "The DQL hints %s and %s are not compatible."
;CAUSE: You have specified two conflict DQL hints in the same query.
;ACTION: Make sure that you only use one of those two hints.
;PARAMETERS: Name of the hints.
TOO_MANY_FOLDERS_FOR_FTDQL IS "The folder predicate in the query exceeds the maximum number of supported folders (%d). Conversion error message from the query plug-in: %s"
; CAUSE: A query with FOLDER() predicate with DESCEND keyword, and with a SEARCH
; clause was executed. The total number of descendents exceeds the maximum allowed
; folders.
; ACTION: Cannot execute the query with SEARCH clause in this case, it's a limitation.
CANT_USE_CONTENT_ATTS_WITH_LITE_OBJ "DQL does not support using the 'i_contents_id', 'r_content_size' or 'r_full_content_size' attributes with Lightweight Objects"
; CAUSE: A query with a lightweight type in the from clauses uses 'i_contents_id', 'r_content_size' and/or
; 'r_full_content_size' attributes on the lightweight type. This is not supported
; ACTION: Rewrite the query to join to the dmr_content type.
DATE_FORMAT_EX S "The specified date literal (%s) is not in a recognized format, or the UTC of the specified date is out of the valid date range."
;CAUSE: You have incorrectly specified a date literal or the UTC of the converted date is out of the supported range of the database.
;ACTION: Correct your date literal to be in one of the valid date forms.
; Note that all four digits of the year must be specified.
; Examples: 2/14/1992, 02/14/1991, February 14, 1992
; Note that a legal date needs to be in the following range:
; (1) year: (1753, 4712), inclusively.
; (2) month: (1, 12), inclusively.
; (3) day: (1, n), inclusively, where n is
; 31 for January, March, May, July, August, October, December.
; 28 for February (29 if leap year).
; 30 for other months.
; (4) hour: (0, 24), inclusively.
; (5) minute: (0, 60), inclusively.
; (6) second: (0, 60), inclusively.
; or the UTC conversion of the specified date is out of the supported range of the database 1753 - 9999.
;PARAMETERS: The parameter contains the incorrectly specified date.
.severity FATAL
ALTER_FAILED "ALTER TYPE statement failed."
; CAUSE: Your statement has failed due to an internal error.
; ACTION: There are additional error messages on your error message queue
; which will explain the failure, and give possible actions to
; correct it. You may need to check the error message log for
; your session. If the statement was re-tried (there will be a
; warning message, if so), error messages prior to the re-try
; will have been purged from your queue, but they will still
; be present in the error message log.
ALTER_STORE_FAILED S "ALTER TYPE: An unexpected error has occurred while storing the changes to the type %s."
;CAUSE: Another error message on the error queue will explain the exact cause
; of the failure. Your statement failed.
;ACTION: Take whatever action is necessary according to the explanation in
; the other error message.
;PARAMETERS: The parameter gives the typename of the type which was not altered.
COMMIT_FAILED S "%s: An attempt to commit your statement's changes to the database has failed, causing your statement to fail."
;CAUSE: Another error message on the error queue will explain the exact clause
; of the failure. Your statement failed.
;ACTION: Take whatever action is necessary according to the explanation in
; the other error message.
;PARAMETERS: The parameter specifies the statement type that the error occurred in.
CURSOR_CREATE "SELECT: Unable to create the SQL cursor to represent this DQL query."
;CAUSE: An attempt to create the SQL cursor representing your query failed.
; This is an unexpected condition, and there will not be an
; accompanying error message to explain the reason. The most
; probably reason for this type of error is lack of memory.
;ACTION: Try the query again. If it continues to fail, a call to
; Documentum tech support may be required.
DATABASE_ERROR SS "%s: An unexpected database error has occurred ('%s'), causing your statement to fail."
;CAUSE: The RDBMS has encountered an error which has caused further processing
; of your query to be impossible.
;ACTION: The error message string from the RDBMS is contained in the message.
; Take whatever action is appropriate based on the RDBMS message to
; correct the problem. This type of error sometimes occurs if a system
; limit of the RDBMS has been exceeded, or the RDBMS has failed. You
; may require assistance from your RDBMS System Administrator to
; resolve this problem.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the name of the Documentum function in
; which the error occurred. The second parameter contains the error
; message from the RDBMS.
INTERNAL SIS "An internal inconsistency has occurred in function %s. %d %s."
;CAUSE: This is an internal error.
;ACTION: Record the information in this message, and the query that caused it,
; and contact your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter gives the name of the Documentum function in
; which this error occurred. The second parameter gives a numeric code.
; The third parameter contains a phrase which describes the nature of the
; error. All of this information, plus the query which caused it,
; should be provided to your Documentum site representative.
INTERNAL_P SS "An internal problem has occurred in function %s: %s."
;CAUSE: This is an internal error.
;ACTION: Record the information in this message, and the query that caused it,
; and contact your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter gives the name of the function in which the
; error occurred. The second parameter contains a phrase which describes
; the nature of the error.
INVALID_GROUP SS "%s: The group specified (%s) was not properly fetched."
; CAUSE: This is an internal inconsistency. The group exists, but could not
; be fetched.
; ACTION: Contact your Documentum site representative.
; PARAMETERS: The statement type, and the name of the group.
NO_COLL "Unable to create the dmQueryResults collection."
;CAUSE: This is an internal error, probably caused by lack of memory.
;ACTION: Retry your query, and if it continues to fail, gather up all
; error messages for your session and contact your Documentum
; site representative.
NO_CONNECTION "Unable to create a database connection."
;CAUSE: Your query required a separate database connection, which could
; not be created.
; The types of things that cause queries to require separate
; database connections are, your query is a read-for-update query,
; or your query has a SEARCH clause.
;ACTION: Check the next messages on the message queue and follow the
; instructions for recovery in them. This error is usually
; caused by some error in the RDBMS that Documentum is running
; with. Some RDBMSs will reject connection attempts if certain
; thresholds are exceeded. You may require assistance from the
; Database Administrator if a threshold must be set higher.
; Sometimes all that is required is to wait until activity against
; the RDBMS is lower, if that is an option.
NO_CONTEXT "Unable to create a query context block."
;CAUSE: This is an internal error. An internally used control
; block was not created, probably due to lack of sufficient
; memory.
;ACTION: Retry your query, and if it continues to fail, gather up all
; error messages for your session and contact your Documentum
; site representative.
NO_INFO_OBJECT "Unable access the dmInfoObject."
;CAUSE: This is an internal error. An internally used control
; block was not accessible.
;ACTION: This object is created from the dminfo.sys file that describes
; installation parameters. If this object is inaccessible, it
; may be that your dminfo.sys file is incorrect. Contact your
; system administrator for assistance.
;ACTION: Retired.
NO_OWNER "Unable retrieve the docbase owner from initialization file."
;CAUSE: This is an internal error. An internally used control
; block was not reliable.
;ACTION: Report this error to your Documentum site representative.
NO_QUERY "The query string was not found."
;CAUSE: There was no query string passed to the query parser. This is an
; internal error.
;ACTION: Gather up information about the invocation of the query (the actions
; leading up to the execution of the query), and all error messages
; on your session, and contact your Documentum site representative.
NO_REG SS "%s: An unexpected error has occurred during a %s operation, causing your statement to fail."
;CAUSE: Your statement has failed due to an error in a facility which the
; query facility called.
;ACTION: There is another message on the error queue which describes the
; cause of the failure. Follow whatever instructions are contained
; in that message to correct the failure, and retry your query.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter contains the statement type of the query
; that failed. The second parameter gives the name of the called
; function in which the failure occurred.
NO_RESULT "Unable to create the `result object' for the query results."
;CAUSE: A call to dm_CreateTypedObject failed during the attempt to create
; the result object for query results.
;ACTION: There is another message on the error queue which describes the
; cause of the failure. Follow whatever instructions are contained
; in that message to correct the failure, and retry your query.
NO_TYPE "Unable to create the `type' of the query results object."
;CAUSE: A call to the type constructor failed during the attempt to create
; a query results type describing your query's results.
;ACTION: This is most likely caused by an out of memory condition. Retry your
; query and if it continues to fail, contact your Documentum site
; representative.
ROLLBACK_FAILED "An attempt to rollback your statement's changes to the database has failed."
;CAUSE: Your statement failed, causing an attempt to rollback the database. The rollback failed.
;ACTION: Check the rest of the messages in the error queue. There should be a message describing
; the rollback failure, and giving the error message from the database system which
; caused it. Take whatever action is required to resolve the database system problem.
; This may require action by your database system administrator.
SET_FAILED_I SSI "%s: Unable to set this attribute (%s) with this value (%d)."
;CAUSE: This is an internal error.
;ACTION: Collect all the error messages that have been set for this session,
; and contact your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the function in which the error occurred.
; The second parameter is the name of an attribute which could not be
; set. The third parameter is the numeric value which could not be
; set.
SET_FAILED_S SSS "%s: Unable to set this attribute (%s) with this value (%s)."
;CAUSE: This is an internal error.
;ACTION: Collect all the error messages that have been set for this session,
; and contact your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the function in which the error occurred.
; The second parameter is the name of an attribute which could not be
; set. The third parameter is the string value which could not be
; set.
TYPE_FAIL SI "An error occurred adding attribute %s (with datatype, %d) to the query results type."
;CAUSE: This is an internal error.
;ACTION: Collect all the error messages that have been set for this session,
; and contact your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter contains an attribute name; the second
; parameter contains a datatype code. This information could be
; useful if your site representative contacts Documentum technical
; support.
UP_SAVE "UPDATE: An error has occurred during a save operation."
; CAUSE: Another error message will have been set for this query. The
; other message, or messages, will contain information about the cause
; of this error.
; ACTION: Examine the other error messages for this query, and take the
; appropriate action based upon those messages.
UP_DESTROY "DELETE: An error has occurred during a destroy operation."
; CAUSE: Another error message will have been set for this query. The
; other message, or messages, will contain information about the cause
; of this error.
; ACTION: Examine the other error messages for this query, and take the
; appropriate action based upon those messages.
RESULT_NOT_SET_INT I "Unable to set the integer return value for this query: %d."
; CAUSE: Another error message will have been set for this query. The
; other message, or messages, will contain information about the cause
; of this error.
; ACTION: Examine the other error messages for this query, and take the
; appropriate action based upon those messages.
RESULT_NOT_SET_ID S "Unable to set the ID return value for this query: %s."
; CAUSE: Another error message will have been set for this query. The
; other message, or messages, will contain information about the cause
; of this error.
; ACTION: Examine the other error messages for this query, and take the
; appropriate action based upon those messages.
SYSOBJ_NOT_FOUND S "Unable to find the SysObject matching ID %s."
; CAUSE: This is an internal error. There should be additional error
; message(s) that explain the cause of this failure.
; ACTION: Examine the other error messages for this query. If you cannot
; figure out how to correct this problem, consult your Documentum
; System Administrator.
; PARAMETERS: The ID is the object ID that corresponds to the version
; label specified in your IN DOCUMENT clause.
COMPOUND_INT SS "An internal inconsistency has been encountered while recursively processing %s for %s."
; CAUSE: This is an internal error. The cause is not readily known.
; This happens if a SysObject was retrieved during recursive
; processing that was supposed to have descendents or an
; assembly, but an attempt to fetch those contained objects
; yielded nothing.
; ACTION: Probably an assembly is corrupted, or there is other erroneous
; information in the docbase. The first parameter contains either
; "assembly" or "descendents." The second parameter contains the
; integer form of the object id for the SysObject being processed.
; Examine the docbase information about this SysObject. (Integer
; IDs are found in the _i columns associated with ID attributes.)
; If you cannot figure out what is wrong with the docbase, give
; this message and associated information to your Documentum
; Site Representative.
; PARAMETERS: Explained above.
TRAN_ABORT_FAILED "ABORT: Your abort transaction statement failed."
; CAUSE: Unknown. There may be other error messages on the queue that
; explain the reason for the failure. The most likely reason is that
; an RDBMS error has occurred.
; ACTION: Examine any other error messages for your session, and do whatever
; they suggest. If all else fails, retry the abort. If you cannot
; get abort to complete successfully, your docbase may be inconsistent.
; Consult your Documentum Site Representative, or your RDBMS DBA for
; assistance.
TRAN_BEGIN_FAILED "BEGIN TRANSACTION: Your begin transaction statement failed."
; CAUSE: Unknown. There may be other error messages on the queue that
; explain the reason for the failure. The most likely reason is that
; an RDBMS error has occurred.
; ACTION: Examine any other error messages for your session, and do whatever
; they suggest.
TRAN_COMMIT_FAILED "COMMIT: Your commit transaction statement failed."
; CAUSE: Unknown. There may be another message on the queue that sheds light
; on the reason for the failure. The most likely reason is that an
; RDBMS error has occurred.
; ACTION: Examine any other error messages for your session, and do whatever
; they suggest. If all else fails, retry the commit. If that fails,
; abort the transaction.
CHANGE_DESTROY S "CHANGE: An unexpected destroy error has occurred for object %s."
; CAUSE: CHANGE is a two-step operation. The object is first destroyed
; from its old type, then it is saved as the new type. An
; unexpected error occurred during the destroy step.
; ACTION: There will be additional error messages with this one.
; Look at the actions required for those messages and try to
; correct the problem.
; PARAMETERS: The ID of the object that caused your statement to fail.
CHANGE_SAVE S "CHANGE: An unexpected save error has occurred for object %s."
; CAUSE: CHANGE is a two-step operation. The object is first destroyed
; from its old type, then it is saved as the new type. An
; unexpected error occurred during the save step.
; ACTION: There will be additional error messages with this one.
; Look at the actions required for those messages and try to
; correct the problem.
; PARAMETERS: The ID of the object that caused your statement to fail.
CREATE_UNABLE S "CREATE OBJECT: An unexpected error has caused your creation of %s object to fail."
; CAUSE: An error has prevented your object from being created.
; ACTION: It could be that objects of this type cannot be created directly.
; Create the object by using the appropriate api method instead.
; PARAMETERS: The object type specified in your statement.
SET_FAILED_SS SSSS "%s: Unable to set this attribute (%s) with this value (%s %s)."
;CAUSE: This is an internal error.
;ACTION: Collect all the error messages that have been set for this session,
; and contact your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the function in which the error occurred.
; The second parameter is the name of an attribute which could not be
; set. The third and fourth parameters are the string value which could not be
; set.
CHANGE_CONTENT_SAVE S "CHANGE: An unexpected save error has occurred on content object (%s). Please check for any accompanying error messages."
; CAUSE: An unexpected error occurred during the content save step.
; ACTION: There will be additional error messages with this one.
; Look at the actions required for those messages and try to
; correct the problem.
; PARAMETERS: The IDs of the content and its parent.
CHANGE_CONTENT_BAD S "CHANGE: The status for content object (%s) is bad. Please check for any accompanying error messages and examine the file."
; CAUSE: The status for the content object is bad.
; ACTION: There will be additional error messages with this one.
; Look at the actions required for those messages and try to
; correct the problem.
; PARAMETERS: The IDs of the content and its parent.