Another Google question - drop glassballs from a building 1

Here is the question:

原题: 有一个100层高的大厦,你手中有两个相同的玻璃围棋子。从这个大厦的某一层扔下围棋子就会碎,用你手中的这两个玻璃围棋子,找出一个最优的策略,来得知那个临界层面。

I copied and pasted the above since I can't type Chinese most of the time. A google yield a few articles that I copied too:









The key here is to obtain even distribution on how many times in the worst case we have to try regardless where the breaking floor is.

Let's look at the way how we get there, we start with the sequence

(1)        1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ... , 100      

Then we take the sum on all numbers before,

(2)        1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 66, 78, 91, 105, ...   

The last number 105 > 100, and it's the 14th element in the array (2). Now if we start from the 14th element, which is 14, from the first series (1), if the glass ball breaks, then we need to try at most 13 times below 14th floor to find the breaking floor(start from 1 to 13).

If it's not broken at 14th, then we move up 13 floors(13 is the number before 14) to 27th and check there. If it breaks at 27th, then we know the breaking floor is between 14 and 27(exclude both ends). Since there are only 12 floors in between, totally it takes us 12 + 2 (1 for 14, 1 for 27) trials.

Eventually we will cover all 100 floors(in fact we can cover 105) because 100 < 105 = sum of 1 to 14. And for the first 14 floors, the next 13 floors, the next 12 floors, we all get 14 trials in the worst case.

The floors that we should go if previous trials won't break the glass ball are:

(A)        14, 14+13=27, 14+13+12=39, 14+13+12+11=50, ...

So the process is:
1. take the summations on series (1) to form a new series (2)
2. find the index 14 so that the element with this index, namely 105, is larger than 100.
3. use this index on the series (1) again to sum up backward, namely, series (A).

Once we understand this logic, actually it's easy to extend this method to n glass balls, namely, we just keep taking summations, use (2) as the base and take the summation, we now get

(3)      1, 4, 10, 20, 35, 56, 84, 120, ...

(4)      1, 5, 15, 35, 70, 105, ...

(5)      1, 6, 21, 66, 136, ....

(6)      1, 7, 28, 94, 230, ...

(7)      1, 8, 36, 130,

(8)      1, 9, 45, 175, ...


In every time, we take a evenly distributed series and sum it up to form a new series, then start backward and sum up the new series.

For example, if there are 3 balls, then we use (1), (2), and (3). From (3), 120(The first element > 100) has index 8(from 1, without loss of generality(WLOG)), Then from the 8th element in (2), which 36, we start backward sum-up using (2):

(B)      36, 64, 85, 100, ...

We stop the process once it reaches 100(i.e., >=100, this is because we want to cover 1-100). This series is where we should go, i.e., first try 36, if it's not broken, try 64. If it breaks at floor 36, then it becomes now the case where we have 2 balls and 36 floors. From (2), 36 is the 8th element, this means that we need to start from the 8th element in (1) and sum up backward, ....

If it breaks at 64 and not at 36, then it becomes now the case where we have 2 balls and 64-36=28 balls, if we exclude both ends 64 and 36(since we just tested), we end up 26 balls. Now use the upper bound 28 in 2, we can find the index for (1) and repeat the above.

It's a tedious process, so a program would do the trick for us. The code is largely easy to understand, but there are several cases that twists the logic a little bit:
(i). say floor 5 is broken and there is only one ball, so we have to try from floor 1 to 4, and they are just fine. So logically we know floor 5 is the answer. But the code would print out
something like (5, broken), (4, ok), ...(1, ok).
(ii) say the top floor 5 is the one we are looking for, with only one ball. We have to start from floor 1 on to floor 4. There is no reason to try 5 since it's the top one and every floor below it is ok, so the code has to insert the logic conclusion somewhere.

Noting that though series (1) is evenly distributed(with space 1), it's not the only choice, others are odd number and even numbers(with space 2). However, it's simple to show that when we optimize along space 0, 1, 2, ..., space=1 is the optimal solution(space 0, i.e., the above chinese solution with 10 divided, gives 18; and space 2, i.e., even/odd numbers, give 19).
