许久没有来博客更新了,最近在弄ajax agile开发的东西,自然就要涉及到对javascript代码的单元测试,tdd是agile开发之中的核心部分,那么我们如何来对javascript代码做单元测试呢?
JsUnit就是一个这样的满足我们要求的xUnit Framwork。
既然是基于xUnit 架构之下实现的一个testing framework那么JsUnit在具体构建一个测试实例的时候有很多特征、特点是与JUnit相同的。
JsUnit就是一个这样的满足我们要求的xUnit Framwork。
既然是基于xUnit 架构之下实现的一个testing framework那么JsUnit在具体构建一个测试实例的时候有很多特征、特点是与JUnit相同的。
xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"
3 < project name ="JsUnit" default ="create_distribution" basedir ="." >
5 <!--
6 The following are the properties used to configure the JsUnit server.
You need to provide values for the mandatory properties.
7 See the documentation at http://www.jsunit.net for more information.
8 -->
10 < property
11 name ="browserFileNames"
12 value ="C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE"
13 description ="browserFileNames is the list of browsers in which to run tests when
StandaloneTest is invoked on this machine. For a JsUnit Server, this is a mandatory property.
For example: 'c:\program files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe,
c:\program files\netscape\netscape7.1\netscp.exe',D:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
14 />
16 < property
17 id ="closeBrowsersAfterTestRuns"
18 name ="closeBrowsersAfterTestRuns"
19 value =""
20 description ="closeBrowsersAfterTestRuns determines whether to attempt to
close browsers after test runs. This is not a mandatory property.
The default is true. For example: 'true'"
21 />
23 < property
24 id ="description"
25 name ="description"
26 value =""
27 description ="description is a human-readable description of a standard or farm server.
This is not a mandatory property. The default is blank.
For example: 'This is our Mac - it's only running Safari right now'"
28 />
30 < property
31 id ="ignoreUnresponsiveRemoteMachines"
32 name ="ignoreUnresponsiveRemoteMachines"
33 value =""
34 description ="ignoreUnresponsiveRemoteMachines is a property used only by the JsUnit
Farm Server and the distributed_test target.
Its value is whether to ignore a remove machine that does not respond.
If true, test runs will be green even if one or more remove machines fail to respond;
if false, an unresponsive remove machine results in a failure.
This is not a mandatory property.
Its default is false. For example: 'true'"
35 />
37 < property
38 id ="logsDirectory"
39 name ="logsDirectory"
40 value ="logs"
41 description ="logsDirectory is the directory in which the JsUnitStandardServer
stores the XML logs produced from tests run.It can be specified relative to the working directory.
This is not a mandatory property. If not specified, the directory called 'logs' inside resourceBase is assumed.
For example: 'c:\jsunit\java\logs'"
42 />
44 < property
45 id ="port"
46 name ="port"
47 value =""
48 description ="port is the port on which the JsUnitStandardServer runs.
This is not a mandatory property. If not specified, 8080 is assumed. For exapmle: '8080'"
49 />
51 < property
52 id ="remoteMachineURLs"
53 name ="remoteMachineURLs"
54 value =""
55 description ="remoteMachineURLs is a property used only by the JsUnit Farm Server
and the distributed_test target. Its value is the list of URLs of remove machines to
which a request to run tests will be sent.
For example: 'http://machine1.company.com:8080,http://localhost:8080,'"
56 />
58 < property
59 id ="resourceBase"
60 name ="resourceBase"
61 value =""
62 description ="resourceBase is the directory that the JsUnitStandardServer
considers to be its document root. It can be specified relative to the working directory.
This is not a mandatory property. If not specified, the working directory is assumed.
For example: 'c:\jsunit'"
63 />
65 < property
66 id ="timeoutSeconds"
67 name ="timeoutSeconds"
68 value ="20"
69 description ="timeoutSeconds is the number of seconds to wait before timing out a browser during a test run.
This is not a mandatory property. If not specified, 60 is assumed. For example: '60'"
70 />
72 < property
73 id ="url"
74 name ="url"
75 value ="file:///D:/eclipse/workspace/JsUnitAnt/tests/testRunner.html?
76 description ="url is the URL (HTTP or file protocol) to open in the browser.
For a JsUnit Server, this is a mandatory property for a test run if the server is not passed the 'url' parameter.
For example: 'file:///c:/jsunit/testRunner.html?testPage=c:/jsunit/tests/jsUnitTestSuite.html'"
77 />
79 <!--
80 The remainder of this build file is not intended to be modified by the end user.
81 Those targets whose name begins with an underscore are not intended to be run directly by the end user.
82 -->
84 < property name ="source_core" location ="src" />
85 < property name ="source_server" location ="src" />
86 < property name ="tests_core" location ="test" />
87 < property name ="tests_server" location ="test" />
88 < property name ="bin" location ="bin" />
89 < property name ="lib" location ="lib" />
90 < property name ="testlib" location ="testlib" />
91 < property name ="config" location ="config" />
94 < path id ="classpath" >
95 < fileset dir ="${lib}" >
96 < include name ="*.jar" />
97 </ fileset >
98 < fileset dir ="${bin}" >
99 < include name ="jsunit.jar" />
100 </ fileset >
101 < dirset dir ="${config}" />
102 </ path >
104 < target name ="JsUnitTest" description ="Runs tests on the local machine" >
105 < junit showoutput ="true" haltonerror ="true" haltonfailure ="true" >
106 < formatter type ="xml" usefile ="true" />
107 < classpath refid ="classpath" />
108 < sysproperty key ="browserFileNames" value ="${browserFileNames}" />
109 < sysproperty key ="description" value ="${description}" />
110 < sysproperty key ="closeBrowsersAfterTestRuns" value ="${closeBrowsersAfterTestRuns}" />
111 < sysproperty key ="logsDirectory" value ="${logsDirectory}" />
112 < sysproperty key ="port" value ="${port}" />
113 < sysproperty key ="resourceBase" value ="${resourceBase}" />
114 < sysproperty key ="timeoutSeconds" value ="${timeoutSeconds}" />
115 < sysproperty key ="url" value ="${url}" />
116 < test name ="net.jsunit.StandaloneTest" outfile ="${logsDirectory}\log" />
117 </ junit >
118 </ target >
120 </ project >
大家可以自己研究一下这个文件, http://www.blogjava.net/Files/stme/JsUnitAnt.rar
3 < project name ="JsUnit" default ="create_distribution" basedir ="." >
5 <!--
6 The following are the properties used to configure the JsUnit server.
You need to provide values for the mandatory properties.
7 See the documentation at http://www.jsunit.net for more information.
8 -->
10 < property
11 name ="browserFileNames"
12 value ="C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE"
13 description ="browserFileNames is the list of browsers in which to run tests when
StandaloneTest is invoked on this machine. For a JsUnit Server, this is a mandatory property.
For example: 'c:\program files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe,
c:\program files\netscape\netscape7.1\netscp.exe',D:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
14 />
16 < property
17 id ="closeBrowsersAfterTestRuns"
18 name ="closeBrowsersAfterTestRuns"
19 value =""
20 description ="closeBrowsersAfterTestRuns determines whether to attempt to
close browsers after test runs. This is not a mandatory property.
The default is true. For example: 'true'"
21 />
23 < property
24 id ="description"
25 name ="description"
26 value =""
27 description ="description is a human-readable description of a standard or farm server.
This is not a mandatory property. The default is blank.
For example: 'This is our Mac - it's only running Safari right now'"
28 />
30 < property
31 id ="ignoreUnresponsiveRemoteMachines"
32 name ="ignoreUnresponsiveRemoteMachines"
33 value =""
34 description ="ignoreUnresponsiveRemoteMachines is a property used only by the JsUnit
Farm Server and the distributed_test target.
Its value is whether to ignore a remove machine that does not respond.
If true, test runs will be green even if one or more remove machines fail to respond;
if false, an unresponsive remove machine results in a failure.
This is not a mandatory property.
Its default is false. For example: 'true'"
35 />
37 < property
38 id ="logsDirectory"
39 name ="logsDirectory"
40 value ="logs"
41 description ="logsDirectory is the directory in which the JsUnitStandardServer
stores the XML logs produced from tests run.It can be specified relative to the working directory.
This is not a mandatory property. If not specified, the directory called 'logs' inside resourceBase is assumed.
For example: 'c:\jsunit\java\logs'"
42 />
44 < property
45 id ="port"
46 name ="port"
47 value =""
48 description ="port is the port on which the JsUnitStandardServer runs.
This is not a mandatory property. If not specified, 8080 is assumed. For exapmle: '8080'"
49 />
51 < property
52 id ="remoteMachineURLs"
53 name ="remoteMachineURLs"
54 value =""
55 description ="remoteMachineURLs is a property used only by the JsUnit Farm Server
and the distributed_test target. Its value is the list of URLs of remove machines to
which a request to run tests will be sent.
For example: 'http://machine1.company.com:8080,http://localhost:8080,'"
56 />
58 < property
59 id ="resourceBase"
60 name ="resourceBase"
61 value =""
62 description ="resourceBase is the directory that the JsUnitStandardServer
considers to be its document root. It can be specified relative to the working directory.
This is not a mandatory property. If not specified, the working directory is assumed.
For example: 'c:\jsunit'"
63 />
65 < property
66 id ="timeoutSeconds"
67 name ="timeoutSeconds"
68 value ="20"
69 description ="timeoutSeconds is the number of seconds to wait before timing out a browser during a test run.
This is not a mandatory property. If not specified, 60 is assumed. For example: '60'"
70 />
72 < property
73 id ="url"
74 name ="url"
75 value ="file:///D:/eclipse/workspace/JsUnitAnt/tests/testRunner.html?
76 description ="url is the URL (HTTP or file protocol) to open in the browser.
For a JsUnit Server, this is a mandatory property for a test run if the server is not passed the 'url' parameter.
For example: 'file:///c:/jsunit/testRunner.html?testPage=c:/jsunit/tests/jsUnitTestSuite.html'"
77 />
79 <!--
80 The remainder of this build file is not intended to be modified by the end user.
81 Those targets whose name begins with an underscore are not intended to be run directly by the end user.
82 -->
84 < property name ="source_core" location ="src" />
85 < property name ="source_server" location ="src" />
86 < property name ="tests_core" location ="test" />
87 < property name ="tests_server" location ="test" />
88 < property name ="bin" location ="bin" />
89 < property name ="lib" location ="lib" />
90 < property name ="testlib" location ="testlib" />
91 < property name ="config" location ="config" />
94 < path id ="classpath" >
95 < fileset dir ="${lib}" >
96 < include name ="*.jar" />
97 </ fileset >
98 < fileset dir ="${bin}" >
99 < include name ="jsunit.jar" />
100 </ fileset >
101 < dirset dir ="${config}" />
102 </ path >
104 < target name ="JsUnitTest" description ="Runs tests on the local machine" >
105 < junit showoutput ="true" haltonerror ="true" haltonfailure ="true" >
106 < formatter type ="xml" usefile ="true" />
107 < classpath refid ="classpath" />
108 < sysproperty key ="browserFileNames" value ="${browserFileNames}" />
109 < sysproperty key ="description" value ="${description}" />
110 < sysproperty key ="closeBrowsersAfterTestRuns" value ="${closeBrowsersAfterTestRuns}" />
111 < sysproperty key ="logsDirectory" value ="${logsDirectory}" />
112 < sysproperty key ="port" value ="${port}" />
113 < sysproperty key ="resourceBase" value ="${resourceBase}" />
114 < sysproperty key ="timeoutSeconds" value ="${timeoutSeconds}" />
115 < sysproperty key ="url" value ="${url}" />
116 < test name ="net.jsunit.StandaloneTest" outfile ="${logsDirectory}\log" />
117 </ junit >
118 </ target >
120 </ project >