[置顶] ACM哈夫曼树建立、哈夫曼编码C++实现


// 哈夫曼树.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#define MAX 20
using namespace std;
typedef char valType;
typedef double wghType;

struct HFMnode
 valType data;
 wghType weight;
 int parent;
 int lchild;
 int rchild;
struct HFMcode
 char code[MAX];
 int start;
void createHFMtree(HFMnode *node,int n)
 int i;
 int m1,m2;
 int l,r;
  int k;
     m2 = m1;
     r = l;
     m1 = node[k].weight;
     l = k;
    else if(node[k].weight<m2)
     m2 = node[k].weight;
     r = k;
   node[i].weight = node[l].weight + node[r].weight;
   node[i].lchild = l;
   node[i].rchild = r;
   node[l].parent = i;
   node[r].parent = i;
void createHFMcode(HFMnode *node, HFMcode *hcode,int n)
 int i;
  HFMcode d;
  d.start = n;
  int num=i;
  int father = node[num].parent;
   num = father;
   father = node[num].parent;
void printHFMcode(HFMnode * node,HFMcode * hcode,int n)
 int i;
  cout<<node[i].data<<" :";
  for(int k = hcode[i].start+1; k<=n;k++)

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
 HFMnode node[2*MAX];
 HFMcode hcd[MAX];
 int cases;
 cin >> cases;
  int n;
  int i;
 return 0;

