Private Sub Form_Load() '从user中查询操作员用户名 txtSQL = "select * from user_info where level='操作员'" Set umrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) While (umrc.EOF = False) comboUserId.AddItem umrc.Fields(0) '加载用户名 umrc.MoveNext '移动到下一条记录 Wend '从user中查询操作员真实名 txtSQL = "select * from user_info where level='操作员'" Set mrcc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) While (mrcc.EOF = False) comboUserName.AddItem mrcc.Fields(3) '加载真名 mrcc.MoveNext '移动到下一条记录 Wend End Sub然后,单击用户名,即出现相应的真名。
Private Sub comboUserId_Click() '单击combouserid,查询用户名,真实名 '从user表中查 txtSQL = "select username from user_info where userid='" & Trim(comboUserId.Text) & "'" Set mrcc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) '赋值,真名显示在combousername comboUserName.Text = mrcc.Fields(0) '关闭数据集对象 mrcc.Close End Sub二、在选中要结账的操作员后查询出相应的信息,这里以充值为例:
'查询充值表语句 txtSQL = "select * from recharge_info where userid= '" & Trim(comboUserId.Text) & "'and status='未结账'and date='" & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "'" '执行查询语句 Set remrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) '将查到的信息显示到mycharge(1)控件中 '如果没有记录,则显示名称就可以 If (remrc.EOF Or remrc.BOF) Then With myCharge(1) .Rows = 1 '第一行 .CellAlignment = 4 .TextMatrix(0, 0) = "学号" .TextMatrix(0, 1) = "卡号" .TextMatrix(0, 2) = "充值金额" .TextMatrix(0, 3) = "日期" .TextMatrix(0, 4) = "时间" End With Exit Sub Else '否则显示全部查询到的信息 With myCharge(1) .Rows = 1 .CellAlignment = 4 .TextMatrix(0, 0) = "学号" .TextMatrix(0, 1) = "卡号" .TextMatrix(0, 2) = "充值金额" .TextMatrix(0, 3) = "日期" .TextMatrix(0, 4) = "时间" Do While Not remrc.EOF '若有记录,加进去 .Rows = .Rows + 1 '防止空行的出现 .CellAlignment = 4 .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 0) = Trim(remrc.Fields(1)) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 1) = Trim(remrc.Fields(2)) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 2) = Trim(remrc.Fields(3)) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 3) = Trim(remrc.Fields(4)) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 4) = Trim(remrc.Fields(5)) .ColWidth(3) = 1600 remrc.MoveNext '移动到下一条记录 Loop remrc.Close '关闭数据集对象 End With End If其他几个,购卡、退卡、临时用户与充值雷同,在这里就不再多写了。
'汇总,结账 Dim N As Integer '定义卡数 Dim TmpRate As Single '定义金额 Dim cancelCash As Single '定义退卡金额 '查学生表中的临时用户,计算临时用户收费 txtSQL = "select * from student_info where userid='" & Trim(comboUserId.Text) & "'and type='临时用户'and date='" & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "'" Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) TmpRate = 0 '计算临时用户收费 While (mrc.EOF = False) TmpRate = TmpRate + mrc.Fields(7) mrc.Fields(11) = Trim("结账") '更新数据库 mrc.MoveNext '移动到下一条记录 Wend txtRegister = TmpRate '将临时收费赋值给txtregister mrc.Close '关闭数据库对象 '查用户名,获取总卡数 txtSQL = "select * from student_info where userid='" & Trim(comboUserId.Text) & "'and date='" & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "'" Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) N = 0 TmpRate = 0 '循环计算总卡数 While (mrc.EOF = False) N = N + 1 mrc.Fields(11) = Trim("结账") '更新数据库结账 mrc.MoveNext '移动到下一条记录 Wend txtnum = N '购卡数 mrc.Close '关闭数据集对象 '查退卡表,获取退卡数和退卡金额 txtSQL = "select * from cancelcard_info where userid='" & Trim(comboUserId.Text) & "'and date='" & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "'" Set mrccan = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) N = 0 cancelCash = 0 '计算退卡金额 While (mrccan.EOF = False) N = N + 1 cancelCash = cancelCash + mrccan.Fields(2) mrccan.Fields(6) = Trim("结账") '更新数据库 mrccan.MoveNext Wend txtbackcard = N txtbackmoney = cancelCash '将退卡金额赋值给txtbackmoney mrccan.Close '关闭数据集对象 '查充值表,获取充值金额 txtSQL = "select * from recharge_info where userid='" & Trim(comboUserId.Text) & "'and date='" & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "'" Set remrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) TmpRate = 0 '计算充值金额 While (remrc.EOF = False) TmpRate = TmpRate + remrc.Fields(3) remrc.Fields(7) = Trim("结账") '更新数据库 remrc.MoveNext '移动到下一条记录 Wend txtrecharge = TmpRate '将充值金额赋值给txtrecharge '计算购卡数 txtBuycard.Text = Val(txtnum) + Val(txtbackcard) '计算应收金额 txtcash.Text = Val(txtrecharge) + Val(txtRegister) - Val(txtbackmoney) '关闭数据集对象 remrc.Close最后把结账信息更新到日结账表和周结账表中。
'填写日结账表的内容 '本期余额 txtSQL = "select * from student_info where userid='" & Trim(comboUserId.Text) & "'and date='" & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "'and type='固定用户'" ' txtSQL = "select * from student_info where datediff(dd,offtime,getdate())=1" Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) Do While Not mrc.EOF allcash = allcash + mrc.Fields(7) '本期余额 mrc.MoveNext Loop '当日消费余额 txtSQL = "select * from line_info where offdate='" & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "'" Set lmrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) Do While Not lmrc.EOF consumecash = consumecash + lmrc.Fields(11) lmrc.MoveNext Loop '当日充值金额 txtSQL = "select * from recharge_info where userid='" & Trim(comboUserId.Text) & "'and date='" & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "'" Set remrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) Do While remrc.EOF = False Rechargemoney = Rechargemoney + remrc.Fields(3) remrc.MoveNext Loop '当日退还金额 txtSQL = "select * from cancelcard_info where userid='" & Trim(comboUserId.Text) & "'and date='" & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "'" Set mrccan = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) Do While mrccan.EOF = False cancelCash = cancelCash + mrccan.Fields(2) mrccan.MoveNext Loop remaincash = allcash - Rechargemoney + consumecash + cancelCash '关闭数据集对象 mrc.Close lmrc.Close remrc.Close mrccan.Close '查询日结账表 txtSQL = "select * from checkday_info " Set dmrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) '更新日结账表内容 With dmrc .AddNew .Fields(0) = remaincash .Fields(1) = Rechargemoney .Fields(2) = consumecash .Fields(3) = cancelCash .Fields(4) = allcash .Fields(5) = Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") .Update MsgBox "结账成功!" '提示结账成功 End With '更新周结账单 txtSQL = "select * from checkweek_info" Set wmrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) '更新到周结表中 With wmrc .AddNew .Fields(0) = dmrc.Fields(0) .Fields(1) = dmrc.Fields(1) .Fields(2) = dmrc.Fields(2) .Fields(3) = dmrc.Fields(3) .Fields(4) = dmrc.Fields(4) .Fields(5) = dmrc.Fields(5) .Update '更新数据集对象 wmrc.MoveNext '移动到下一条记录 End With wmrc.Close '关闭数据集对象这就是整个结账的过程。