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ADDM报告中的建议: 建议案 3: SQL 优化 估计的收益为 .04 个活动会话, 占总活动的 11.11\%。 -------------------------------- 操作 对 SELECT 语句 (SQL_ID 为 "5q54sctfu8t9k") 运行 SQL 优化指导。 相关对象 SQL_ID 为 5q54sctfu8t9k 的 SQL 语句。 SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = :1 and t.server = :2 and t.flag = :3 order by t.CREATEDATE 原理 SQL 在 CPU, I/O 和集群等待上花费的时间占其数据库时间的 100%。这部分数据库 时间可通过 SQL 优化指导进行改善。 原理 此 SQL 的数据库时间由以下部分构成: SQL 执行占 100%, 语法分析占 0%, PL/SQL 执行占 0%, Java 执行占 0%。 原理 SQL_ID 为 "5q54sctfu8t9k" 的 SQL 语句执行了 3913 次, 每次执行平均用时 0.03 6 秒。
数字:2,4,14, 2015-06-09 10:58:35,468 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - select submId submId,server as server,serverName as serverName,caseId caseId,submCaseName as submCaseName,cUnitName as cUnitName, sectionName sectionName,submCode submCode,acceptCode acceptCode,serialNo serialNo, commissionCode commissionCode,submName submName,section section,departmentCode departmentCode, departmentPhone departmentPhone,address address,postNo postNo,faxNo faxNo,garrison garrison, submittedBy submittedBy,contact contact,credentialType credentialType,credentialNumber credentialNumber, position position,submittedByOther submittedByOther,otherContact otherContact,otherCredentialType otherCredentialType, otherCredentialNumber otherCredentialNumber,otherPosition otherPosition,submitDate submitDate,requestProject requestProject, submSample submSample,oriConclusion oriConclusion,comments comments,submState submState, flag flag,createdBy createdBy,submitDate submidDate,caseBrief caseBrief,state state,SLSJ SLSJ, investigationCode as investigationCode,authorizedPersonName authorizedPersonName,SUBM_TIMEOUT(submid) submTimeOut, noAcceptCode noAcceptCode,QQIdenName QQIdenName,agreedMatter agreedMatter,archiveCode archiveCode,checkerName checkerName, orderDate orderDate from ( SELECT s.*, ROWNUM RN FROM ( SELECT t.*,(select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.checker)as checkerName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid left join usr u on t.slr=u.id WHERE 1=1 and t.flag='0' and t.state=0 and t.server = 120000000000 and submcode in (select su.submcode from submission su where su.state='0' and su.submcode = submcode and su.submstate='0400' and su.server = 120000000000) and t.section in ( '2' , '4' , '14' ) order by t.isOldData,t.CREATEDATE desc ) s WHERE ROWNUM <= 40 ) a WHERE RN > 0 2015-06-09 10:58:36,248 [catalina-exec-1635] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - select tg.*,(select name from usr where id = tg.ANALYSTASSIGNED)as assigenedName,(select name from usr where id = tg.ANALYSTASSOCIATE)as associateName,(select name from usr where id = tg.analystThird)as analystThirdName from testgroup tg where tg.testGroupId = 515396092345569 2015-06-09 10:58:36,248 [catalina-exec-1635] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - select ts.* ,(select sampleAcceptCode from sample s where s.SAMPLEID= ts.sampleid) as sampleAcceptCode from testsample ts where 1=1 and ts.state <> 1 and ts.state is not null and ts.testGroupId = 515396092345569 2015-06-09 10:58:36,264 [catalina-exec-1635] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - select t.* from usr t where t.id = 515396075524904 2015-06-09 10:58:36,264 [catalina-exec-1635] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - select t.* from usr t where t.id = 3474691 2015-06-09 10:58:36,264 [catalina-exec-1635] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - select t.*,(select name from usr where id = (select tg.analystAssigned from testGroup tg where tg.testGroupId = t.testGroupId))as testOrName from test t where 1=1 and t.testgroupid = 515396092345569 and t.id =(select max(id) from test te where te.testgroupid=515396092345569) 2015-06-09 10:58:36,279 [catalina-exec-1635] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - select * from protocol WHERE id in ( '120' ) 2015-06-09 10:58:36,295 [catalina-exec-1635] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - select * from device WHERE id in ( '' ) 2015-06-09 10:58:36,295 [catalina-exec-1635] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - select * from testmember WHERE testGroupId = 515396092345569 2015-06-09 10:58:36,295 [catalina-exec-1635] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT ID AS id, DIC_NAME AS dicName, DIC_VALUE AS dicValue, DIC_GROUP AS dicGroup, DIC_SUPER_ID AS dicSuperId, DIC_TYPE AS dicType, DIC_ORDER AS dicOrder, DIC_STATE AS dicState, DIC_ALIAS_NAME AS dicAliasName FROM DICTIONARY WHERE DIC_STATE = '1' AND DIC_TYPE = '1' AND DIC_GROUP = 'tech' ORDER BY DIC_ORDER 2015-06-09 10:58:36,295 [catalina-exec-1635] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - select s.*,(select MEMBERNAME from member m where m.memberid=s.targetid) as targetName from sample s where 1=1 and state=0 and s.sampleId = 515396092300846 2015-06-09 10:58:36,295 [catalina-exec-1635] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - select s.*,(select MEMBERNAME from member m where m.memberid=s.targetid) as targetName from sample s where 1=1 and state=0 and s.sampleId = 515396092300847 2015-06-09 10:58:36,357 [catalina-exec-1647] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - select c.*,c.type as caseType,(select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as categoryName from case c where caseId=515396092342084 2015-06-09 10:58:36,357 [catalina-exec-1647] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - select s.*,(select MEMBERNAME from member m where m.memberid=s.targetid) as targetName from sample s where 1=1 and state=0 and acceptState !='0' and s.submissionid = 515396092342084 and flag = '0' order by s.sampleAcceptCode , s.sampleCode 2015-06-09 10:58:36,685 [catalina-exec-1626] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - select identifyId,server,code,submId,introduction,path,bookClassify bookClassify, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=authorizedperson) as authorizedPersonName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=reChecker) as reCheckerName, checkOut,argument,result,identifyState,testOr,reChecker,reCheckTime, authorizedPerson,signTime, auditor,auditTime,createdBy,createDate,bookType, content contents,testGroups testGroups,currYear currYear,signed signed from IDENTIFYBOOK where identifyId = 515396092345575 2015-06-09 10:58:36,685 [catalina-exec-1626] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - select s.*,ca.caseName as submCaseName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=s.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select se.name from server se where se.server=s.server) as serverName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=s.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=s.rechecker)as recheckerName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=s.checker)as checkerName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=s.createdBy)as createdByName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = s.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName, (select cir.operator from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0400' and cir.operatetime = (select max(cir.operatetime) from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0400' and cir.objectid = s.submId) and cir.objectid = s.submId) as receiveName, (select name from usr where id =((select cir.operator from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0400' and cir.operatetime = (select max(cir.operatetime) from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0400' and cir.objectid = s.submId) and cir.objectid = s.submId)))as receiveByName, (select cir.operateopinion from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0500' and cir.operatetime = (select max(cir.operatetime) from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0500' and cir.objectid = s.submId ) and cir.objectid = s.submId) as receiveOpinion, (select cir.operatetime from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0400' and cir.operatetime = (select max(cir.operatetime) from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0400' and cir.objectid = s.submId ) and cir.objectid = s.submId) as receiveTime, (select cir.operateopinion from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0800' and cir.operatetime = (select max(cir.operatetime) from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0800' and cir.objectid = s.submId ) and cir.objectid = s.submId) as approvalOpinion from submission s left join case ca on s.caseid=ca.caseid where s.submId=515396092300845 and s.state=0 2015-06-09 10:58:37,512 [catalina-exec-1647] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - select s.*,(select MEMBERNAME from member m where m.memberid=s.targetid) as targetName from sample s where 1=1 and state=0 and acceptState !='0' and s.submissionid = 515396092342084 and flag = '1' order by s.sampleAcceptCode , s.sampleCode 2015-06-09 10:58:37,621 [catalina-exec-1626] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - select tem_id temId,tem_server temServer,tem_test_type temTestType, tem_name temName,tem_section temSection, tem_test_type temTestType,tem_content temContents,tem_type temType,tem_order temOrder,createdBy createdBy,createDate createDate from booktemplate b WHERE b.tem_server = 120000000000 and b.tem_section = '10' and b.tem_type = '1900' 2015-06-09 10:58:39,664 [catalina-exec-1621] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - select s.*,ca.caseName as submCaseName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=s.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select se.name from server se where se.server=s.server) as serverName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=s.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=s.rechecker)as recheckerName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=s.checker)as checkerName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=s.createdBy)as createdByName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = s.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName, (select cir.operator from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0400' and cir.operatetime = (select max(cir.operatetime) from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0400' and cir.objectid = s.submId) and cir.objectid = s.submId) as receiveName, (select name from usr where id =((select cir.operator from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0400' and cir.operatetime = (select max(cir.operatetime) from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0400' and cir.objectid = s.submId) and cir.objectid = s.submId)))as receiveByName, (select cir.operateopinion from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0500' and cir.operatetime = (select max(cir.operatetime) from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0500' and cir.objectid = s.submId ) and cir.objectid = s.submId) as receiveOpinion, (select cir.operatetime from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0400' and cir.operatetime = (select max(cir.operatetime) from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0400' and cir.objectid = s.submId ) and cir.objectid = s.submId) as receiveTime, (select cir.operateopinion from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0800' and cir.operatetime = (select max(cir.operatetime) from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0800' and cir.objectid = s.submId ) and cir.objectid = s.submId) as approvalOpinion from submission s left join case ca on s.caseid=ca.caseid where s.submId=515396092342084 and s.state=0 2015-06-09 10:58:48,946 [catalina-exec-1626] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - select identifyId,server,code,submId,introduction,path,bookClassify bookClassify, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=authorizedperson) as authorizedPersonName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=reChecker) as reCheckerName, checkOut,argument,result,identifyState,testOr,reChecker,reCheckTime, authorizedPerson,signTime, auditor,auditTime,createdBy,createDate,bookType, content contents,testGroups testGroups,currYear currYear,signed signed from IDENTIFYBOOK where identifyId = 515396081737766 2015-06-09 10:58:48,915 [catalina-exec-1641] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT ID AS id, DIC_NAME AS dicName, DIC_VALUE AS dicValue, DIC_GROUP AS dicGroup, DIC_SUPER_ID AS dicSuperId, DIC_TYPE AS dicType, DIC_ORDER AS dicOrder, DIC_STATE AS dicState FROM DICTIONARY WHERE DIC_TYPE = 1 AND DIC_GROUP IN ( 'FISection' , 'PSection' , 'FTSection' , 'RSection' ) ORDER BY DIC_ORDER 2015-06-09 10:58:46,107 [catalina-exec-1638] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - select s.*,ca.caseName as submCaseName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=s.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select se.name from server se where se.server=s.server) as serverName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=s.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=s.rechecker)as recheckerName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=s.checker)as checkerName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=s.createdBy)as createdByName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = s.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName, (select cir.operator from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0400' and cir.operatetime = (select max(cir.operatetime) from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0400' and cir.objectid = s.submId) and cir.objectid = s.submId) as receiveName, (select name from usr where id =((select cir.operator from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0400' and cir.operatetime = (select max(cir.operatetime) from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0400' and cir.objectid = s.submId) and cir.objectid = s.submId)))as receiveByName, (select cir.operateopinion from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0500' and cir.operatetime = (select max(cir.operatetime) from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0500' and cir.objectid = s.submId ) and cir.objectid = s.submId) as receiveOpinion, (select cir.operatetime from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0400' and cir.operatetime = (select max(cir.operatetime) from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0400' and cir.objectid = s.submId ) and cir.objectid = s.submId) as receiveTime, (select cir.operateopinion from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0800' and cir.operatetime = (select max(cir.operatetime) from CIRCULATION cir where cir.operatetype = '0100' and cir.operatestep = '0800' and cir.objectid = s.submId ) and cir.objectid = s.submId) as approvalOpinion from submission s left join case ca on s.caseid=ca.caseid where s.submId=515396092300845 and s.state=0 2015-06-09 10:58:41,568 [catalina-exec-1622] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - select m.*, (select sampleCode from sample where objectId = m.memberId)as sampleCode, (select sampleAcceptCode from sample where objectId = m.memberId)as sampleAcceptCode, (select isSelfCollect from sample where objectId = m.memberId) as isSelfCollect , (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = m.sex and dic_group = 'sex') as sexName from member m left join submission su on m.submissionid = su.submid where 1=1 and m.acceptState !='0' AND m.submissionId=515396092313709 and m.flag = '1' AND m.server = 120000000000 2015-06-09 10:58:40,132 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-07037' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,486 [catalina-exec-1641] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - select t.* from usr t where t.id = 515396075525039 2015-06-09 10:58:53,470 [catalina-exec-1626] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - select t.* from usr t where t.id = 515396075525105 2015-06-09 10:58:53,486 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-07036' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,486 [catalina-exec-1626] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - select e.*, (case when e.path is null then 0 else 1 end) hasPhoto from employee e where id=515396075525105 2015-06-09 10:58:53,486 [catalina-exec-1641] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - select * from usr WHERE labno = ( select labno from usr WHERE id = 515396075525039 ) 2015-06-09 10:58:53,502 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06996' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,502 [catalina-exec-1626] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT ID AS id, DIC_NAME AS dicName, DIC_VALUE AS dicValue, DIC_GROUP AS dicGroup, DIC_SUPER_ID AS dicSuperId, DIC_TYPE AS dicType, DIC_ORDER AS dicOrder, DIC_STATE AS dicState FROM DICTIONARY WHERE DIC_TYPE = '1' AND DIC_GROUP = 'tech' AND DIC_VALUE = '0007' 数字:2,4,14, 2015-06-09 10:58:53,502 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06991' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,502 [catalina-exec-1626] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT ID AS id, DIC_NAME AS dicName, DIC_VALUE AS dicValue, DIC_GROUP AS dicGroup, DIC_SUPER_ID AS dicSuperId, DIC_TYPE AS dicType, DIC_ORDER AS dicOrder, DIC_STATE AS dicState FROM DICTIONARY WHERE DIC_TYPE = '1' AND DIC_GROUP = 'tech' AND DIC_VALUE = '0007' 2015-06-09 10:58:53,502 [catalina-exec-1641] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT COUNT(SUBMSTATE) As recordTotal FROM submission s left join usr u on s.slr=u.id WHERE 1=1 and s.flag='0' and s.state=0 and s.server = 120000000000 and s.submcode in (select su.submcode from submission su where su.state='0' and su.submcode = s.submcode and su.submstate='0400' and su.server = 120000000000) and s.section in ( '2' , '4' , '14' ) 2015-06-09 10:58:53,502 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06989' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,517 [catalina-exec-1622] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - update sample set sampleId=515396092313711 ,submissionId=515396092313709 ,sampleCode='2015-05908-W0001' ,sampleAcceptCode='DNA-2015-02553-W0001' ,sampleName='物证' ,flag='3' ,createdBy=5450 ,createDate=to_timestamp('05/20/2015 08:02:41.975', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss.ff3') ,acceptState='1' ,sampleType='0400' ,server=120000000000 ,isFTA='0000' where sampleId=515396092313711 2015-06-09 10:58:53,517 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06988' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,517 [catalina-exec-1622] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - select s.*,(select MEMBERNAME from member m where to_char(m.memberid)=s.targetid) as targetName from sample s where 1=1 and state=0 and acceptState !='0' and s.samplecode is not null AND server = 120000000000 order by s.samplecode,s.sampleacceptcode 2015-06-09 10:58:53,517 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06985' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,517 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06979' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,533 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06976' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,533 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06974' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,533 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06973' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,533 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06972' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,548 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06968' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,548 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06967' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,548 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06966' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,564 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06964' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,564 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06987' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,564 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06961' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,564 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06958' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 数字:2,4,14, 2015-06-09 10:58:53,580 [catalina-exec-1641] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - select submId submId,server as server,serverName as serverName,caseId caseId,submCaseName as submCaseName,cUnitName as cUnitName, sectionName sectionName,submCode submCode,acceptCode acceptCode,serialNo serialNo, commissionCode commissionCode,submName submName,section section,departmentCode departmentCode, departmentPhone departmentPhone,address address,postNo postNo,faxNo faxNo,garrison garrison, submittedBy submittedBy,contact contact,credentialType credentialType,credentialNumber credentialNumber, position position,submittedByOther submittedByOther,otherContact otherContact,otherCredentialType otherCredentialType, otherCredentialNumber otherCredentialNumber,otherPosition otherPosition,submitDate submitDate,requestProject requestProject, submSample submSample,oriConclusion oriConclusion,comments comments,submState submState, flag flag,createdBy createdBy,submitDate submidDate,caseBrief caseBrief,state state,SLSJ SLSJ, investigationCode as investigationCode,authorizedPersonName authorizedPersonName,SUBM_TIMEOUT(submid) submTimeOut, noAcceptCode noAcceptCode,QQIdenName QQIdenName,agreedMatter agreedMatter,archiveCode archiveCode,checkerName checkerName, orderDate orderDate from ( SELECT s.*, ROWNUM RN FROM ( SELECT t.*,(select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.checker)as checkerName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid left join usr u on t.slr=u.id WHERE 1=1 and t.flag='0' and t.state=0 and t.server = 120000000000 and submcode in (select su.submcode from submission su where su.state='0' and su.submcode = submcode and su.submstate='0400' and su.server = 120000000000) and t.section in ( '2' , '4' , '14' ) order by t.isOldData,t.CREATEDATE desc ) s WHERE ROWNUM <= 40 ) a WHERE RN > 0 2015-06-09 10:58:53,580 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06955' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,580 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06953' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,595 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06952' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,595 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06950' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,595 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06944' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,595 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06942' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,611 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06940' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,611 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06937' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,611 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06932' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,626 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06927' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,626 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06922' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,626 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06921' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,626 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06914' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,642 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06913' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,642 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06911' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,642 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06910' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,658 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06909' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,658 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06908' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,658 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06907' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,658 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06906' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 2015-06-09 10:58:53,673 [catalina-exec-1640] INFO [jdbc.sqlonly] - SELECT t.*, (select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select dic_name from dictionary where dic_value = c.category and dic_group ='caseType')as submCategoryName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid WHERE t.state=0 and t.submcode = '2015-06895' and t.server = 120000000000 and t.flag = '1' order by t.CREATEDATE 程序运行时间: 18205ms
select submId submId,server as server,serverName as serverName,caseId caseId,submCaseName as submCaseName,cUnitName as cUnitName, sectionName sectionName,submCode submCode,acceptCode acceptCode,serialNo serialNo, commissionCode commissionCode,submName submName,section section,departmentCode departmentCode, departmentPhone departmentPhone,address address,postNo postNo,faxNo faxNo,garrison garrison, submittedBy submittedBy,contact contact,credentialType credentialType,credentialNumber credentialNumber, position position,submittedByOther submittedByOther,otherContact otherContact,otherCredentialType otherCredentialType, otherCredentialNumber otherCredentialNumber,otherPosition otherPosition,submitDate submitDate,requestProject requestProject, submSample submSample,oriConclusion oriConclusion,comments comments,submState submState, flag flag,createdBy createdBy,submitDate submidDate,caseBrief caseBrief,state state,SLSJ SLSJ, investigationCode as investigationCode,authorizedPersonName authorizedPersonName,SUBM_TIMEOUT(submid) submTimeOut, noAcceptCode noAcceptCode,QQIdenName QQIdenName,agreedMatter agreedMatter,archiveCode archiveCode,checkerName checkerName, orderDate orderDate from ( SELECT s.*, ROWNUM RN FROM ( SELECT t.*,(select name from server where server = t.server) as serverName,c.caseName as submCaseName, (select cunit_name from COMMISSIONEDUNIT c where c.cunit_id=t.departmentcode) as cUnitName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.authorizedperson)as authorizedPersonName, (select u.name from usr u where u.id=t.checker)as checkerName, (select dic_name from dictionary d where d.dic_value = t.SECTION and (d.dic_group = 'FISection' or d.dic_group = 'PSection' or d.dic_group = 'FTSection' or d.dic_group = 'RSection') ) as sectionName FROM submission t left join case c on t.caseid=c.caseid left join usr u on t.slr=u.id WHERE 1=1 and t.flag='0' and t.state=0 and t.server = 120000000000 and submcode in (select su.submcode from submission su where su.state='0' and su.submcode = submcode and su.submstate='0400' and su.server = 120000000000) and t.section in ( '2' , '4' , '14' ) order by t.isOldData,t.CREATEDATE desc ) s WHERE ROWNUM <= 40 ) a WHERE RN > 0
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION SUBM_TIMEOUT(submissionId IN number) RETURN number IS n_return number(10); --RETURN varchar2 IS submDate varchar2(1000); submDate varchar2(1024); agreedperiod number(10); BEGIN --select to_char(s.submitdate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') into submDate from submission s where s.submid= submissionId; select max(t.operatetime) into submDate from circulation t where t.operatetype='0100' and t.objectid=submissionId; select to_number(s.agreedperiod) into agreedperiod from submission s where s.submid= submissionId; n_return := agreedperiod - round(to_number(sysdate-to_date(submDate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'))); if n_return is null then n_return := 0; end if; return n_return; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RETURN NULL; END ;
select max(t.operatetime) into submDate from circulation t where t.operatetype='0100' and t.objectid=submissionId;
create index INDEX_OBJECTID on CIRCULATION (OBJECTID) tablespace TJALIMS pctfree 10 initrans 2 maxtrans 255 storage ( initial 64K next 1M minextents 1 maxextents unlimited );
select max(t.operatetime) into submDate from circulation t where t.operatetype='0100' and t.objectid=submissionId;
虽然列表界面响应时间明显提升了,但是单条记录查看仍感觉有些延迟,在考虑是否有优化的可能性。于是以一小时为单位,再次生成AWR报告,锁定到SQL order by CPU Time,如下:
select s.*, (select MEMBERNAME from member m where m.memberid=s.targetid) as targetName from sample s where 1=1 and state=0 and acceptState !='0' and s.submissionid = :1 order by s.sampleAcceptCode , s.sampleCode
create index INDEX_SUBMISSIONID on SAMPLE (SUBMISSIONID) tablespace TJALIMS pctfree 10 initrans 2 maxtrans 255 storage ( initial 64K next 1M minextents 1 maxextents unlimited );
概要 |
调整前响应时间 |
调整后响应时间 |
列表记录界面响应 |
5s左右 |
0.84s左右 |
单条记录界面响应 |
3s左右 |
1.2s左右 |
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蓝的成长记——追逐DBA(6): 做事与做人:小技术,大为人
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