CL.exe is a 32-bit tool that controls the Microsoft C and C++ compilers and linker. The compilers produce Common Object File Format (COFF) object (.obj) files. The linker produces executable (.exe) files or dynamic-link libraries (DLLs).
Note that all compiler options are case sensitive.
To compile without linking, use /c.
因为VC6的版本说明没有找到,这里的说明文字是Visual studio 2003的CL.EXE说明,不过都是一样的。从上面的说明可以看到CL是用来控制微软C和C++编译器(compiler)和链接器(linker),一共做了两件事情。编译器会生成COFF文件格式的目标文件(.obj);链接器会生成可执行文件(.exe)或者动态链接库文件(DLLs)。
那cl还有哪些选项呢?使用cl /?来看看。
1 d: \ test > cl / ? 2 Microsoft ( R ) 32 -bit C / C ++ Optimizing Compiler Version 12.00 . 8168 for 8 0x86 3 Copyright ( C ) Microsoft Corp 1984 - 1998 . All rights reserved . 4 5 C / C ++ COMPILER OPTIONS 6 7 -OPTIMIZATION- 8 9 / O1 minimize space / Op[-] improve floating-pt consistency 10 / O2 maximize speed / Os favor code space 11 / Oa assume no aliasing / Ot favor code speed 12 / Ob < n > inline expansion ( default n = 0 ) / Ow assume cross-function aliasing 13 / Od disable optimizations ( default ) / Ox maximum opts . (/ Ogityb1 / Gs ) 14 / Og enable global optimization / Oy[-] enable frame pointer omission 15 / Oi enable intrinsic functions 16 17 -CODE GENERATION- 18 19 / G3 optimize for 80386 / Gy separate functions for linker 20 / G4 optimize for 80486 / Ge force stack checking for all funcs 21 / G5 optimize for Pentium / Gs[num] disable stack checking calls 22 / G6 optimize for Pentium Pro / Gh enable hook function call 23 / GB optimize for blended model ( default ) / GR[-] enable C ++ RTTI 24 / Gd __cdecl calling convention / GX[-] enable C ++ EH ( same as / EHsc ) 25 / Gr __fastcall calling convention / Gi[-] enable incremental compilation 26 / Gz __stdcall calling convention / Gm[-] enable minimal rebuild 27 / GA optimize for Windows Application / EHs enable synchronous C ++ EH 28 / GD optimize for Windows DLL / EHa enable asynchronous C ++ EH 29 30 / Gf enable string pooling / EHc extern " C " defaults to nothrow 31 / GF enable read-only string pooling / QIfdiv[-] enable Pentium FDIV fix 32 / GZ enable runtime debug checks / QI0f[-] enable Pentium 0x0f fix 33 34 -OUTPUT FILES - 35 36 / Fa[file] name assembly listing file / Fo < file > name object file 37 / FA[sc] configure assembly listing / Fp < file > name precompiled header file 38 / Fd[file] name . PDB file / Fr[file] name source browser file 39 / Fe < file > name executable file / FR[file] name extended . SBR file 40 / Fm[file] name map file 41 42 -PREPROCESSOR- 43 44 / C don't strip comments / FI < file > name forced include file 45 / D < name > { = | # } < text > define macro / U < name > remove predefined macro 46 / E preprocess to stdout / u remove all predefined macros 47 / EP preprocess to stdout , no # line / I < dir > add to include search path 48 / P preprocess to file / X ignore " standard places " 49 50 -LANGUAGE- 51 52 / Zi enable debugging information / Zl omit default library name in . OBJ 53 / ZI enable Edit and Continue debug info / Zg generate function prototypes 54 55 / Z7 enable old-style debug info / Zs syntax check only 56 / Zd line number debugging info only / vd{ 0 | 1 } disable / enable vtordisp 57 / Zp[n] pack structs on n-byte boundary / vm < x > type of pointers to members 58 / Za disable extensions ( implies / Op ) / noBool disable " bool " keyword 59 / Ze enable extensions ( default ) 60 61 -MISCELLANEOUS- 62 63 / ? , / help print this help message / V < string > set version string 64 / c compile only , no link / w disable all warnings 65 / H < num > max external name length / W < n > set warning level ( default n = 1 ) 66 / J default char type is unsigned / WX treat warnings as errors 67 / nologo suppress copyright message / Yc[file] create . PCH file 68 / Tc < source file > compile file as . c / Yd put debug info in every . OBJ 69 / Tp < source file > compile file as . cpp / Yu[file] use . PCH file 70 / TC compile all files as . c / YX[file] automatic . PCH 71 / TP compile all files as . cpp / Zm < n > max memory alloc ( % of default ) 72 73 -LINKING- 74 75 / MD link with MSVCRT . LIB / MDd link with MSVCRTD . LIB debug lib 76 / ML link with LIBC . LIB / MLd link with LIBCD . LIB debug lib 77 / MT link with LIBCMT . LIB / MTd link with LIBCMTD . LIB debug lib 78 / LD Create . DLL / F < num > set stack size 79 80 / LDd Create . DLL debug libary / link [linker options and libraries]
This option prevents the automatic call to LINK. Compiling with /c creates .obj files only. You must call LINK explicitly with the proper files and options to perform the linking phase of the build.
Any internal project created in the development environment uses the /c option by default.
To set this compiler option in the Visual Studio development environment
This option is not available from within the development environment.
To set this compiler option programmatically
This compiler option cannot be changed programmatically.
在命令行输入cl /FA hello.c,看看生成了哪些东西?当然,如果你不要生成.exe文件,可以加上/c选项。
1 TITLE hello.c 2 .386P 3 include listing. inc 4 if @Version gt 510 5 .model FLAT 6 else 7 _TEXT SEGMENT PARA USE32 PUBLIC ' CODE ' 8 _TEXT ENDS 9 _DATA SEGMENT DWORD USE32 PUBLIC ' DATA ' 10 _DATA ENDS 11 CONST SEGMENT DWORD USE32 PUBLIC ' CONST ' 12 CONST ENDS 13 _BSS SEGMENT DWORD USE32 PUBLIC ' BSS ' 14 _BSS ENDS 15 _TLS SEGMENT DWORD USE32 PUBLIC ' TLS ' 16 _TLS ENDS 17 FLAT GROUP _DATA, CONST, _BSS 18 ASSUME CS: FLAT, DS: FLAT, SS: FLAT 19 endif 20 PUBLIC _main 21 EXTRN _printf: NEAR 22 _DATA SEGMENT 23 $SG336 DB ' abcdefg. ' , 0aH, 00H 24 _DATA ENDS 25 _TEXT SEGMENT 26 _main PROC NEAR 27 ; File hello.c 28 ; Line 4 29 push ebp 30 mov ebp, esp 31 ; Line 5 32 push OFFSET FLAT: $SG336 33 call _printf 34 add esp, 4 35 ; Line 7 36 xor eax, eax 37 ; Line 8 38 pop ebp 39 ret 0 40 _main ENDP 41 _TEXT ENDS 42 END
直接使用cl /c hello.c产生的hello.obj文件,输入命令link hello.obj,直接就生成了.exe文件。
-defaultlib:LIBC –defaultlib:OLDNAMES
其实,链接过程会将所有的静态库和目标文件进行链接,而在这份hello.obj文件中,指定了两个default lib,一个为libc.lib,一个为oldnames.lib。而这两个lib文件又是何方神圣呢?
1 d: \ test > link / verbose :lib hello . obj 2 Microsoft ( R ) Incremental Linker Version 6.00 . 8168 3 Copyright ( C ) Microsoft Corp 1992 - 1998 . All rights reserved . 4 5 Searching Libraries 6 Searching D: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio \ VC98 \ lib \ LIBC . lib: 7 Searching D: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio \ VC98 \ lib \ OLDNAMES . lib: 8 Searching D: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Platform SDK \ Lib \.\ kernel32 . lib: 9 10 Done Searching Libraries
1 d:\test > dumpbin / DIRECTIVES hello.obj 2 Microsoft (R) COFF Binary File Dumper Version 6.00 . 8168 3 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992 - 1998 . All rights reserved. 4 5 Dump of file hello.obj 6 7 File Type: COFF OBJECT 8 9 Linker Directives 10 ----------------- 11 - defaultlib:LIBC 12 - defaultlib:OLDNAMES 13 14 Summary 15 16 A .data 17 26 .drectve 18 14 .text
C语言运行时库(C Run-time Library)---CRT
要了解这个东西,就需要对C语言的发展史有一定的了解。C语言是在上世纪70年代在B语言的基础上被发明出来的,之后Dennis Ritchie 和 Brian Kernighan 就用C本身重写了90%以上的 UNIX 系统函数。并且把其中最常用的部分独立出来,形成头文件和对应的 LIBRARY,C run-time library 就是这样形成的。在类UNIX系统中,C运行库被认为是系统的一部分。
In computer programming, a runtime library is a special program library used by a compiler, to implement functions built into a programming language, during the execution (runtime) of a computer program. This often includes functions for input and output, or for memory management.
- BSD libc, implementations distributed under BSD operating systems.
- GNU C Library, used in GNU/Linux and GNU/HURD.
- Dinkum C99 Library from Dinkumware, most common commercially licensed one
- Microsoft C Run-time Library, part of Microsoft Visual C++
- dietlibc, an alternative small implementation of the C standard library (MMU-less)
- uClibc, a C standard library for embedded Linux systems (MMU-less)
- Newlib, a C standard library for embedded systems (MMU-less)
- klibc, primarily for booting Linux systems.
- EGLIBC, variant of glibc for embedded systems.
- musl, another lightweight C standard library implementation for Linux systems
可以看到,我们现在讨论的Microsoft C Run-time Library也是其中的一种。在那个年代,线程还没有被应用到操作系统上,应用程序都是单线程的。所以最初的C Run-time Library都是单线程的。另外动态库的概念也是后期出现的,所以一开始C Run-time Library也只是静态链接。
随着时间的推移,计算机技术也在不断进步。C语言运行时库也根据单线程、多线程、静态链接、动态链接,是否需要debug信息的不同,分为不同的版本。在微软是MSVC CRT实现中,具体是按照表格中的实现来分类的(从VS2003 MSDN中摘录)。其中,静态链接有单线程和多线程版本,动态链接仅有多线程版本。
C run-time library (without iostream or standard C++ library) | Characteristics | Option (编译选项) |
Preprocessor directives(预编译宏) |
LIBC.LIB | Single-threaded, static link | /ML | 不带任何宏 |
LIBCMT.LIB | Multithreaded, static link | /MT | _MT |
MSVCRT.LIB | Multithreaded, dynamic link (import library for MSVCR71.DLL). Be aware that if you use the Standard C++ Library, your program will need MSVCP71.DLL to run. | /MD | _MT, _DLL |
LIBCD.LIB | Single-threaded, static link (debug) | /MLd |
LIBCMTD.LIB | Multithreaded, static link (debug) | /MTd |
MSVCRTD.LIB | Multithreaded, dynamic link (import library for MSVCR71D.DLL) (debug) |
/MDd |
The single-threaded CRT (libc.lib, libcd.lib) (formerly the /ML or /MLd options) is no longer available. Instead, use the multithreaded CRT. SeeMultithreaded Libraries Performance.
同时,细心的童鞋可以发现,VS2005中增加了对CLR的支持,按照我的理解,应该是对Managed C++的支持而使用的(具体没有研究过,如果有错误,请指正)
前面我们的obj文件中就包含有default lib,那如果我们的obj文件中不包含该信息呢?
首先,我们需要生成一个不包含default lib信息的obj文件。
这里有两种方法,一种是生成ASM文件,然后利用ml来生成一个obj文件,其中不包含该信息(当然ml也会主动调用link,这里也需要使用选项来控制,具体有兴趣的童鞋可以自行研究,因为这里主要还是C/C++编程为主,汇编会涉及,但是不会深入);还有一种方法是利用cl的/Zl选项,这里要注意的是l是小写的L而不是I,我一开始就是看错了,结果编译出来还是带有default lib信息的。
cl / c / Zl hello.c
1 d:\test > dumpbin / DIRECTIVES hello.obj 2 Microsoft (R) COFF Binary File Dumper Version 6.00 . 8168 3 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992 - 1998 . All rights reserved. 4 5 Dump of file hello.obj 6 7 File Type: COFF OBJECT 8 9 Summary 10 11 A .data 12 14 .text 13 14 d:\test > link hello.obj 15 Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 6.00 . 8168 16 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992 - 1998 . All rights reserved. 17 18 hello.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _printf 19 LINK : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _mainCRTStartup 20 hello.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals
之后使用link hello.obj libc.lib看看。
1 d:\test > link hello.obj libc.lib 2 Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 6.00 . 8168 3 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992 - 1998 . All rights reserved. 4 5 6 d:\test > hello.exe 7 abcdefg.
整个C程序编译过程, MSVC和GCC对比
过程描述 | 具体行为 | MSVC | GCC |
预编译过程 | 将宏进行展开,形成预编译文件 | cl /E hello.c >hello.i | gcc –E hello.c –o hello.i (调用预编译编译程序cc1) |
编译过程 | 生成汇编代码文件 | 只找到生成汇编代码文件和COD文件的方法,但不清楚如何通过.i文件来生成.asm文件 | gcc –S hello.i –o hello.s (同样也是cc1完成该过程) |
汇编过程 | 从汇编代码生成目标文件 | 不清楚如何通过.asm文件生成.obj文件(不使用MASM) | gcc –c hello.s –o hello.o 或as hello.s –o hello.o (汇编器as完成该过程) |
链接过程 | 从目标文件生成可执行文件 | cl hello.c | ld –static crt1.o crti.o crtbeginT.o hello.o –start –group –lgcc –lgcc_en –lc-end-group crtend.o crtn.o (链接器ld完成该过程) |
后缀名 | 解释 | 如何得到 |
ASM | 汇编文件 | cl /FAs /c hello.c |
COD | Assembly With Machine Code生成机器代码和汇编代码文件 | cl /FAsc /c hello.c |
I | 预编译处理后的文件 | cl /P hello.c |
OBJ | 目标文件 | cl /c hello.c |
EXE | 可执行文件 | cl hello.c |
- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/abx4dbyh(v=VS.71).aspx
- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/abx4dbyh(v=VS.80).aspx
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_Run-Time_Library#Common_support_libraries
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runtime_library
- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/f1tbxcxh(v=VS.71).aspx
- http://www.woyouxian.net/c/c_overview_index.html
- http://www.cnblogs.com/taoxu0903/archive/2008/06/30/1232712.html
- http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-tw/library/y0zzbyt4.aspx
- http://www.systemshell.org/viewthread.php?tid=256&sid=9wJZAqso
- http://hi.baidu.com/li_nemo/blog/item/4ad4b2f26562d8df0b46e0fd.html