
本文由 @lonelyrains 出品,转载请注明出处。 
文章链接: http://blog.csdn.net/lonelyrains/article/details/46426645

opencv2.4.8  core.hpp 

"\nThe CommandLineParser class is designed for command line arguments parsing\n"
           "Keys map: \n"
           "Before you start to work with CommandLineParser you have to create a map for keys.\n"
           "    It will look like this\n"
           "    const char* keys =\n"
           "    {\n"
           "        {    s|  string|  123asd |string parameter}\n"
           "        {    d|  digit |  100    |digit parameter }\n"
           "        {    c|noCamera|false    |without camera  }\n"
           "        {    1|        |some text|help            }\n"
           "        {    2|        |333      |another help    }\n"
           "    };\n"
           "Usage syntax: \n"
           "    \"{\" - start of parameter string.\n"
           "    \"}\" - end of parameter string\n"
           "    \"|\" - separator between short name, full name, default value and help\n"
           "Supported syntax: \n"
           "    --key1=arg1  <If a key with '--' must has an argument\n"
           "                  you have to assign it through '=' sign.> \n"
           "<If the key with '--' doesn't have any argument, it means that it is a bool key>\n"
           "    -key2=arg2   <If a key with '-' must has an argument \n"
           "                  you have to assign it through '=' sign.> \n"
           "If the key with '-' doesn't have any argument, it means that it is a bool key\n"
           "    key3                 <This key can't has any parameter> \n"
           "Usage: \n"
           "      Imagine that the input parameters are next:\n"
           "                -s=string_value --digit=250 --noCamera lena.jpg 10000\n"
           "    CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, keys) - create a parser object\n"
           "    parser.get<string>(\"s\" or \"string\") will return you first parameter value\n"
           "    parser.get<string>(\"s\", false or \"string\", false) will return you first parameter value\n"
           "                                                                without spaces in end and begin\n"
           "    parser.get<int>(\"d\" or \"digit\") will return you second parameter value.\n"
           "                    It also works with 'unsigned int', 'double', and 'float' types>\n"
           "    parser.get<bool>(\"c\" or \"noCamera\") will return you true .\n"
           "                                If you enter this key in commandline>\n"
           "                                It return you false otherwise.\n"
           "    parser.get<string>(\"1\") will return you the first argument without parameter (lena.jpg) \n"
           "    parser.get<int>(\"2\") will return you the second argument without parameter (10000)\n"
           "                          It also works with 'unsigned int', 'double', and 'float' types \n"
class CV_EXPORTS CommandLineParser

    //! the default constructor
      CommandLineParser(int argc, const char* const argv[], const char* key_map);

    //! get parameter, you can choose: delete spaces in end and begin or not
    template<typename _Tp>
    _Tp get(const std::string& name, bool space_delete=true)
        if (!has(name))
            return _Tp();
        std::string str = getString(name);
        return analyzeValue<_Tp>(str, space_delete);

    //! print short name, full name, current value and help for all params
    void printParams();

    std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > data;
    std::string getString(const std::string& name);

    bool has(const std::string& keys);

    template<typename _Tp>
    _Tp analyzeValue(const std::string& str, bool space_delete=false);

    template<typename _Tp>
    static _Tp getData(const std::string& str)
        _Tp res = _Tp();
        std::stringstream s1(str);
        s1 >> res;
        return res;

    template<typename _Tp>
     _Tp fromStringNumber(const std::string& str);//the default conversion function for numbers


template<> CV_EXPORTS
bool CommandLineParser::get<bool>(const std::string& name, bool space_delete);

template<> CV_EXPORTS
std::string CommandLineParser::analyzeValue<std::string>(const std::string& str, bool space_delete);

template<> CV_EXPORTS
int CommandLineParser::analyzeValue<int>(const std::string& str, bool space_delete);

template<> CV_EXPORTS
unsigned int CommandLineParser::analyzeValue<unsigned int>(const std::string& str, bool space_delete);

template<> CV_EXPORTS
uint64 CommandLineParser::analyzeValue<uint64>(const std::string& str, bool space_delete);

template<> CV_EXPORTS
float CommandLineParser::analyzeValue<float>(const std::string& str, bool space_delete);

template<> CV_EXPORTS
double CommandLineParser::analyzeValue<double>(const std::string& str, bool space_delete);


#include "precomp.hpp"

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

namespace {
void helpParser()
    printf("\nThe CommandLineParser class is designed for command line arguments parsing\n"
           "Keys map: \n"
           "Before you start to work with CommandLineParser you have to create a map for keys.\n"
           "    It will look like this\n"
           "    const char* keys =\n"
           "    {\n"
           "        {    s|  string|  123asd |string parameter}\n"
           "        {    d|  digit |  100    |digit parameter }\n"
           "        {    c|noCamera|false    |without camera  }\n"
           "        {    1|        |some text|help            }\n"
           "        {    2|        |333      |another help    }\n"
           "    };\n"
           "Usage syntax: \n"
           "    \"{\" - start of parameter string.\n"
           "    \"}\" - end of parameter string\n"
           "    \"|\" - separator between short name, full name, default value and help\n"
           "Supported syntax: \n"
           "    --key1=arg1  <If a key with '--' must has an argument\n"
           "                  you have to assign it through '=' sign.> \n"
           "<If the key with '--' doesn't have any argument, it means that it is a bool key>\n"
           "    -key2=arg2   <If a key with '-' must has an argument \n"
           "                  you have to assign it through '=' sign.> \n"
           "If the key with '-' doesn't have any argument, it means that it is a bool key\n"
           "    key3                 <This key can't has any parameter> \n"
           "Usage: \n"
           "      Imagine that the input parameters are next:\n"
           "                -s=string_value --digit=250 --noCamera lena.jpg 10000\n"
           "    CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, keys) - create a parser object\n"
           "    parser.get<string>(\"s\" or \"string\") will return you first parameter value\n"
           "    parser.get<string>(\"s\", false or \"string\", false) will return you first parameter value\n"
           "                                                                without spaces in end and begin\n"
           "    parser.get<int>(\"d\" or \"digit\") will return you second parameter value.\n"
           "                    It also works with 'unsigned int', 'double', and 'float' types>\n"
           "    parser.get<bool>(\"c\" or \"noCamera\") will return you true .\n"
           "                                If you enter this key in commandline>\n"
           "                                It return you false otherwise.\n"
           "    parser.get<string>(\"1\") will return you the first argument without parameter (lena.jpg) \n"
           "    parser.get<int>(\"2\") will return you the second argument without parameter (10000)\n"
           "                          It also works with 'unsigned int', 'double', and 'float' types \n"

vector<string> split_string(const string& str, const string& delimiters)
    vector<string> res;

    string split_str = str;
    size_t pos_delim = split_str.find(delimiters);

    while ( pos_delim != string::npos)
        if (pos_delim == 0)
            split_str.erase(0, 1);
            res.push_back(split_str.substr(0, pos_delim));
            split_str.erase(0, pos_delim + 1);

        pos_delim = split_str.find(delimiters);


    return res;

string del_space(string name)
    while ((name.find_first_of(' ') == 0)  && (name.length() > 0))
        name.erase(0, 1);

    while ((name.find_last_of(' ') == (name.length() - 1)) && (name.length() > 0))
        name.erase(name.end() - 1, name.end());

    return name;


static bool keyIsNumber(const std::string & option, size_t start)
    bool isNumber = true;
    size_t end = option.find_first_of('=', start);
    end = option.npos == end ? option.length() : end;

    for ( ; start < end; ++start)
        if (!isdigit(option[start]))
            isNumber = false;

    return isNumber;

CommandLineParser::CommandLineParser(int argc, const char* const argv[], const char* keys)
    std::string keys_buffer;
    std::string values_buffer;
    std::string buffer;
    std::string curName;
    std::vector<string> keysVector;
    std::vector<string> paramVector;
    std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> >::iterator it;
    size_t flagPosition;
    int currentIndex = 1;
    //bool isFound = false;
    bool withNoKey = false;
    bool hasValueThroughEq = false;

    keys_buffer = keys;
    while (!keys_buffer.empty())

        flagPosition = keys_buffer.find_first_of('}');
        buffer = keys_buffer.substr(0, flagPosition);
        keys_buffer.erase(0, flagPosition);

        flagPosition = buffer.find('{');
        if (flagPosition != buffer.npos)
            buffer.erase(flagPosition, (flagPosition + 1));

        flagPosition = buffer.find('}');
        if (flagPosition != buffer.npos)

        paramVector = split_string(buffer, "|");
        while (paramVector.size() < 4) paramVector.push_back("");

        buffer = paramVector[0];
        buffer += '|' + paramVector[1];

        //if (buffer == "") CV_ERROR(CV_StsBadArg, "In CommandLineParser need set short and full name");

        paramVector.erase(paramVector.begin(), paramVector.begin() + 2);
        data[buffer] = paramVector;

    for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
        if (!argv[i])
        curName = argv[i];

        size_t nondash = curName.find_first_not_of("-");
        if (nondash == 0 || nondash == curName.npos || keyIsNumber(curName, nondash))
            withNoKey = true;
            curName.erase(0, nondash);

        if (curName.find('=') != curName.npos)
            hasValueThroughEq = true;
            buffer = curName;
            buffer.erase(0, (buffer.find('=') + 1));

        values_buffer = del_space(values_buffer);

        for(it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); it++)
            keys_buffer = it->first;
            keysVector = split_string(keys_buffer, "|");

            for (size_t j = 0; j < keysVector.size(); j++) keysVector[j] = del_space(keysVector[j]);

            values_buffer = it->second[0];
            if (((curName == keysVector[0]) || (curName == keysVector[1])) && hasValueThroughEq)
                it->second[0] = buffer;
                //isFound = true;

            if (!hasValueThroughEq && ((curName == keysVector[0]) || (curName == keysVector[1]))
                && (
                    values_buffer.find("false") != values_buffer.npos ||
                    values_buffer == ""
                it->second[0] = "true";
                //isFound = true;

            if (!hasValueThroughEq && (values_buffer.find("false") == values_buffer.npos) &&
                ((curName == keysVector[0]) || (curName == keysVector[1])))
                it->second[0] = argv[++i];
                //isFound = true;

            if (withNoKey)
                std::string noKeyStr = it->first;
                if(atoi(noKeyStr.c_str()) == currentIndex)
                    it->second[0] = curName;
                    //isFound = true;

        withNoKey = false;
        hasValueThroughEq = false;
        //isFound = false;

bool CommandLineParser::has(const std::string& keys)
    std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> >::iterator it;
    std::vector<string> keysVector;

    for(it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); it++)
        keysVector = split_string(it->first, "|");
        for (size_t i = 0; i < keysVector.size(); i++) keysVector[i] = del_space(keysVector[i]);

        if (keysVector.size() == 1) keysVector.push_back("");

        if ((del_space(keys).compare(keysVector[0]) == 0) ||
            (del_space(keys).compare(keysVector[1]) == 0))
            return true;

    return false;

std::string CommandLineParser::getString(const std::string& keys)
    std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> >::iterator it;
    std::vector<string> valueVector;

    for(it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); it++)
        valueVector = split_string(it->first, "|");
        for (size_t i = 0; i < valueVector.size(); i++) valueVector[i] = del_space(valueVector[i]);

        if (valueVector.size() == 1) valueVector.push_back("");

        if ((del_space(keys).compare(valueVector[0]) == 0) ||
            (del_space(keys).compare(valueVector[1]) == 0))
            return it->second[0];
    return string();

template<typename _Tp>
 _Tp CommandLineParser::fromStringNumber(const std::string& str)//the default conversion function for numbers
    return getData<_Tp>(str);

 void CommandLineParser::printParams()
    int col_p = 30;
    int col_d = 50;

    std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> >::iterator it;
    std::vector<string> keysVector;
    std::string buf;
    for(it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); it++)
        keysVector = split_string(it->first, "|");
        for (size_t i = 0; i < keysVector.size(); i++) keysVector[i] = del_space(keysVector[i]);

        cout << "  ";
        buf = "";
        if (keysVector[0] != "")
            buf = "-" + keysVector[0];
            if (keysVector[1] != "") buf += ", --" + keysVector[1];
        else if (keysVector[1] != "") buf += "--" + keysVector[1];
        if (del_space(it->second[0]) != "") buf += "=[" + del_space(it->second[0]) + "]";

        cout << setw(col_p-2) << left << buf;

        if ((int)buf.length() > col_p-2)
            cout << endl << "  ";
            cout << setw(col_p-2) << left << " ";

        buf = "";
        if (del_space(it->second[1]) != "") buf += del_space(it->second[1]);

            bool tr = ((int)buf.length() > col_d-2) ? true: false;
            std::string::size_type pos = 0;

            if (tr)
                pos = buf.find_first_of(' ');
                    if (buf.find_first_of(' ', pos + 1 ) < (std::string::size_type)(col_d-2) &&
                        buf.find_first_of(' ', pos + 1 ) != std::string::npos)
                        pos = buf.find_first_of(' ', pos + 1);
                cout << setw(col_d-2) << left << buf.substr(0, pos) << endl;
                cout << setw(col_d-2) << left << buf<< endl;

            buf.erase(0, pos);
            cout << "  ";
            cout << setw(col_p-2) << left << " ";

bool CommandLineParser::get<bool>(const std::string& name, bool space_delete)
    std::string str_buf = getString(name);

    if (space_delete && str_buf != "")
        str_buf = del_space(str_buf);

    if (str_buf == "true")
        return true;

    return false;
std::string CommandLineParser::analyzeValue<std::string>(const std::string& str, bool space_delete)
    if (space_delete)
        return del_space(str);
    return str;

int CommandLineParser::analyzeValue<int>(const std::string& str, bool /*space_delete*/)
    return fromStringNumber<int>(str);

unsigned int CommandLineParser::analyzeValue<unsigned int>(const std::string& str, bool /*space_delete*/)
    return fromStringNumber<unsigned int>(str);

uint64 CommandLineParser::analyzeValue<uint64>(const std::string& str, bool /*space_delete*/)
    return fromStringNumber<uint64>(str);

float CommandLineParser::analyzeValue<float>(const std::string& str, bool /*space_delete*/)
    return fromStringNumber<float>(str);

double CommandLineParser::analyzeValue<double>(const std::string& str, bool /*space_delete*/)
    return fromStringNumber<double>(str);

好多东西真的不用自己写.    联想很重要.
