打开Visual studio 创建一个新项目WM6GISEngineTutorial。把Form1改名为MainForm,添加对引路蜂类库的引用,并把guidebee.lic做为Content添加到项目中。
using System; using System.Windows.Forms; using Mapdigit.Gis; using Mapdigit.Gis.Drawing; using Mapdigit.Gis.Geometry; using Mapdigit.Gis.Raster; using Mapdigit.Gis.Service; using Mapdigit.Licence; using WM6GISEngineTutorial.Drawing; using System.Drawing; namespace WM6GISEngineTutorial { public partial class Mainform : Form, IMapDrawingListener, IReaderListener, IRoutingListener, IGeocodingListener { /// <summary> /// map tile downloader manager /// </summary> private readonly MapTileDownloadManager _mapTileDownloadManager; /// <summary> /// raster map. /// </summary> private readonly RasterMap _rasterMap; /// <summary> /// map image. /// </summary> private readonly IImage _mapImage; /// <summary> /// map graphics object. /// </summary> private IGraphics _mapGraphics; /// <summary> /// map type. /// </summary> private int _mapType = MapType.MicrosoftChina; private int _oldX; private int _oldY; private bool _isPanMode; private delegate void UpdateInfo(string message); public Mainform() { InitializeComponent(); //set the licence info. LicenceManager licenceManager = LicenceManager.GetInstance(); long[] keys = { -0x150dc6a05f379456L, -0x703237078e243c4fL, -0x104afc92926c5418L, -0x4af1782b11010f5dL, -0x27d1f7ce354a3419L, 0x17ded67edd3a5281L, }; licenceManager.AddLicence("GuidebeeMap_DotNet", keys); //optional, get the tile url from server. MapType.UpdateMapTileUrl(); MapLayer.SetAbstractGraphicsFactory(NETGraphicsFactory.GetInstance()); MapConfiguration.SetParameter(MapConfiguration.WorkerThreadNumber, 4); _mapImage = MapLayer.GetAbstractGraphicsFactory() .CreateImage(Width, Height); _mapTileDownloadManager = new MapTileDownloadManager(this); _rasterMap = new RasterMap(1024, 1024, _mapType, _mapTileDownloadManager); _rasterMap.SetScreenSize(Width, Height); _mapTileDownloadManager.Start(); _rasterMap.SetMapDrawingListener(this); _rasterMap.SetRoutingListener(this); _rasterMap.SetGeocodingListener(this); GeoLatLng center = new GeoLatLng(32.0616667, 118.7777778); _rasterMap.SetCenter(center, 13, _mapType); } private void Mainform_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { Graphics graphics = e.Graphics; Bitmap image = (Bitmap)_mapImage.GetNativeImage(); graphics.DrawImage(image, 0, 0); } private void PanMap(int x, int y) { int dx = x - _oldX; int dy = y - _oldY; _rasterMap.PanDirection(dx, dy); } private void UpdateStatus(string messsage) { if (InvokeRequired) { BeginInvoke(new UpdateInfo(UpdateStatus), messsage); } else { _mapGraphics = _mapImage.GetGraphics(); _rasterMap.Paint(_mapGraphics); Invalidate(); Console.WriteLine(messsage); } } public void Done() { UpdateStatus(""); } public void Done(string query, MapDirection result) { if (result != null) { _rasterMap.SetMapDirection(result); _rasterMap.Resize(result.Bound); } } public void ReadProgress(int bytes, int total) { if (total != 0) { UpdateStatus("Reading ..."); } } public void Done(string query, MapPoint[] result) { if (result != null) { _rasterMap.PanTo(result[0].Point); } } void IGeocodingListener.ReadProgress(int bytes, int total) { if (total != 0) { UpdateStatus("Reading ..."); } } void IReaderListener.ReadProgress(int bytes, int total) { if (total != 0) { UpdateStatus("Reading ..."); } } private void Mainform_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { _oldX = e.X; _oldY = e.Y; _isPanMode = true; } private void Mainform_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (_isPanMode) { PanMap(e.X, e.Y); _oldX = e.X; _oldY = e.Y; } } private void Mainform_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { _oldX = e.X; _oldY = e.Y; _isPanMode = false; } } }
行45-49 设置Licence信息。
行51 从服务器更新地图类型配置,可选。
行52 将Windows Mobile平台上Gis.Drawing实现与开发包连接起来。
行53 设置工作线程数。
行54-59 创建地图实例,并启动工作线程。一般在程序结束时需调用_mapTileDownloadManager.Stop()停止工作线程。
行60-62 设置回调函数,其实第一个例子60,61行不是必须的。
行63-64 设置地图中心,地图类型和缩放级别。
行67-72 显示地图,当一个地图图片完成下载时,会通过回调函数 Done() 通知应用,一般在此更新地图。
行143-166 支持地图平移。
Windows Mobile引路蜂地图开发包Ver2.1下载