int atoi(const char *nptr);
nptr: 指向待转换的字符串的指针
字串的整型形式, 必须以NULL结尾.
atoi函数跳过字串开头的所有空白字符, 转换接下来的数字字符, 遇到第一个非数字字符停止
当遇到错误时, atoi不需要(need not)改变errno的值, 当值的结果无法表示时, 行为是未定义的.
除了错误处理外, 它等价于(equivalent): (int)strtol(nptr, (char **)NULL, 10)
关于strtol函数, 我会单独介绍(文章的占位符在这里).
实现"字符串转换成整数"函数, 始于庞果网上的一道题. 题目并没有太多的文字描述, 不过它给了一系列输入及预期的输出(筛选其中的一部分), 条件是在32位的系统上:
输入 输出 "" 0 "1" 1 "-1" -1 "123" 123 "-123" -123 "010" 10 "+00131204" 131204 "2147483647" 2147483647 "2147483648" 2147483647 "-2147483648" -2147483648 "-2147483649" -2147483648 "23a8f" 23 " +4488 " 4488 "abc" 0 " - 321" 0 " ++1" 0
从以上数据, 可以分析出以下几点:
1. 空字串("")或非法字串(如"abc"), 输出0;
2. 可以有符号(如"123"), 也可以没有(如"-123"), 如果有符号, 则符号后面必须是数字, 符号与数字之间不能有空格;
3. 开头的空格将被过滤, 末尾的空格也不会管;
4. 数字前面的字符'0'将被过滤(如"010");
5. 如果超过最大值(如"2147483648"), 则输出最大值2147483647(32位的最大int值); 如果超过最小值(如"-2147483649"), 则输出最小值-2147483648(32位的最小int值);
个人觉得以上的例子不太充分, 于是举出另一批例子对gcc的atoi函数进行测试, 以下为结果:
输入 输出 "\n\r\t\v 123\n\r\t\v " 123 "0+123" 0
3.1 不只是空格, 开头和末尾的所有空白字符(isspace)都将被过滤.
4.1 开头的字符'0'并不会被当作空白字符那样被过滤. 可以想像到, 读到任意数字(如这里的'0')之后的非数字(如这里的'+'), 都将停止.
//atoi version1 int StrToInt(const char* str) { static const int MAX = (int)((unsigned)~0 >> 1); static const int MIN = -(int)((unsigned)~0 >> 1) - 1; unsigned int n = 0; int sign = 1; while (isspace(*str)) ++str; if (*str == '+' || *str == '-') { if (*str == '-') sign = -1; ++str; } while (isdigit(*str)) { n = n * 10 + (*str-'0'); ++str; } if (sign > 0 && (unsigned)n > (unsigned)MAX) { n = MAX; } else if (sign < 0) { if ((unsigned)n > (unsigned)MIN) n = MIN; else n = -n; } return n; }
input output "1" 1 "-1" -1 "123" 123 "-123" -123 "010" 10 "+00131204" 131204 "2147483647" 2147483647 "2147483648" 2147483647 "-2147483648" -2147483648 "-2147483649" -2147483648 "23a8f" 23 " +4488 " 4488 "abc" 0 " - 321" 0 " ++1" 0 "\n\r\t\v 123\n\r\t\v " 0
貌似测试结果没有啥错误(最后一行输出为0呀! fixme!). 但是如果一个很大的数字让语句"n = n * 10 + (*str-'0');"溢出, 会怎么样呢?
input output "10522545459" 1932610867 "-10522545459" -1932610867
bingo! 读完倒数第二个数字5后, 还没有溢出, n的值为1052254545(0x3EB8 2151), 但是乘以10再加9呢? 溢出了(0x2 7331 4D2A), n的值为1932610858(丢掉溢出的高位后变成:0x7331 4D2A), 1932610858是小于MAX的, 程序认为没有溢出.
联想到另一个问题: 判断两个正整数相加是否溢出, 一般可以用以下的方法(假设a和b是int类型变量):
if ((unsigned)a + (unsigned)b > INT_MAX) complain();
如果将加法转换成减法, 可以不用将a和b转换成unsigned:
if (a > INT_MAX - b) complain();
那么, 这里的乘法是否也可以用相同的方法进行改进呢? 请君思考.
在拜读了该网站的作者v_JULY_v君的文章《程序员编程艺术第三十~三十一章:字符串转换成整数,通配符字符串匹配》后, 对于溢出的处理, 我觉得可以作如下的改进:
既然一个数括大10倍, 有可能溢出, 而且很难判断是否溢出, 为什么不用除法呢? 与其将n扩大10倍, 冒着溢出的风险, 再与MAX进行比较(如果已经溢出, 则比较的结果没有意义), 不如先用n与MAX/10进行比较: 若n>MAX/10(还要考虑n=MAX/10的情况), 说明将要溢出了, 此时可以很明智地下结论: 溢出, 然后进行溢出处理(如返回最大值).
1. MAX不用2147483647的原因: 有可能将来int类型不是4字节, 即使扩展成8个字节, 程序也应该正常运行.
2. 请允许我把函数名改为StrToDecInt, 因为本函数只处理10进制整数.(即使字串中包含"081"这种类型, 也认为是十进制的81, 而不是八进制的081)
//atoi version2:replace multiplication with division int StrToDecInt(const char* str) { static const int MAX = (int)((unsigned)~0 >> 1); static const int MIN = -(int)((unsigned)~0 >> 1) - 1; int n = 0; int sign = 1; int c; while (isspace(*str)) ++str; if (*str == '+' || *str == '-') { if (*str == '-') sign = -1; ++str; } while (isdigit(*str)) { c = *str - '0'; if (sign > 0 && (n > MAX/10 || (n == MAX/10 && c >= MAX%10))) { n = MAX; break; } else if (sign < 0 && (n > (unsigned)MIN/10 || (n == (unsigned)MIN/10 && c >= (unsigned)MIN%10))) { n = MIN; break; } n = n * 10 + c; ++str; } return sign > 0 ? n : -n; }
input output "1" 1 "-1" -1 "123" 123 "-123" -123 "010" 10 "+00131204" 131204 "2147483647" 2147483647 "2147483648" 2147483647 "10522545459" 2147483647 "-2147483648" -2147483648 "-2147483649" -2147483648 "-10522545459" -2147483648 "23a8f" 23 " +4488 " 4488 "abc" 0 " - 321" 0 " ++1" 0 "\n\r\t\v 123\n\r\t\v " 0
(最后一行输出为0呀! fixme!)
第二次尝试中的代码是完美的吗? No. 感谢Apostate(他的空间)在v_JULY_v君的文章《程序员编程艺术第三十~三十一章:字符串转换成整数,通配符字符串匹配》中的评论, 他指出:
1. 如果n为MIN, 则-n是溢出的(虽然溢出, 输出为什么还是正确的呢? fixme!).
2. MAX和MIN变量是多余的, 可以直接使用limits.h中的INT_MAX和INT_MIN.
3. 可以考虑将MAX/10, MAX%10, MIN/10和MIN%10保存为临时变量. (有必要吗? your advice?)
4. 减少不必要的赋值: 可以考虑用char类型的变量sign来保存第一个非空格字符, 来表示数字的符号, 用sign跟'-'比较.
//atoi version3: improving version2 int atoi_mjn(const char* str) { int n = 0; char sign; int c; while (isspace(*str)) ++str; sign = *str; if (sign == '+' || sign == '-') ++str; while (isdigit(*str)) { c = *str - '0'; if (sign != '-' && (n > INT_MAX/10 || (n == INT_MAX/10 && c >= INT_MAX%10))) { return INT_MAX; } else if (sign == '-' && (n > (unsigned)INT_MIN/10 || (n == (unsigned)INT_MIN/10 && c >= (unsigned)INT_MIN%10))) { return INT_MIN; } n = n * 10 + c; ++str; } return sign == '-' ? -n : n; }
测试结果与尝试二的相同, 不再贴出.
atoi函数调用strtol函数, 源码如下(或见原页面):
int atoi(CONST char *str) { return ((int) strtol(str, (char **) NULL, 10)); }
long strtol(CONST char *nptr, char **endptr, int base) { register CONST char *s; register long acc, cutoff; register int c; register int neg, any, cutlim; /* * Skip white space and pick up leading +/- sign if any. * If base is 0, allow 0x for hex and 0 for octal, else * assume decimal; if base is already 16, allow 0x. */ s = nptr; do { c = (unsigned char) *s++; } while (isspace(c)); if (c == '-') { neg = 1; c = *s++; } else { neg = 0; if (c == '+') c = *s++; } if ((base == 0 || base == 16) && c == '0' && (*s == 'x' || *s == 'X')) { c = s[1]; s += 2; base = 16; } if (base == 0) base = c == '0' ? 8 : 10; /* * Compute the cutoff value between legal numbers and illegal * numbers. That is the largest legal value, divided by the * base. An input number that is greater than this value, if * followed by a legal input character, is too big. One that * is equal to this value may be valid or not; the limit * between valid and invalid numbers is then based on the last * digit. For instance, if the range for longs is * [-2147483648..2147483647] and the input base is 10, * cutoff will be set to 214748364 and cutlim to either * 7 (neg==0) or 8 (neg==1), meaning that if we have accumulated * a value > 214748364, or equal but the next digit is > 7 (or 8), * the number is too big, and we will return a range error. * * Set any if any `digits' consumed; make it negative to indicate * overflow. */ cutoff = neg ? LONG_MIN : LONG_MAX; cutlim = cutoff % base; cutoff /= base; if (neg) { if (cutlim > 0) { cutlim -= base; cutoff += 1; } cutlim = -cutlim; } for (acc = 0, any = 0;; c = (unsigned char) *s++) { if (isdigit(c)) c -= '0'; else if (isalpha(c)) c -= isupper(c) ? 'A' - 10 : 'a' - 10; else break; if (c >= base) break; if (any < 0) continue; if (neg) { if ((acc < cutoff || acc == cutoff) && c > cutlim) { any = -1; acc = LONG_MIN; errno = ERANGE; } else { any = 1; acc *= base; acc -= c; } } else { if ((acc > cutoff || acc == cutoff) && c > cutlim) { any = -1; acc = LONG_MAX; errno = ERANGE; } else { any = 1; acc *= base; acc += c; } } } if (endptr != 0) *endptr = (char *) (any ? s - 1 : nptr); return (acc); }
atoi是C语言标准库的函数, 但是系统内核也有这种需求(源文件见这里, 关于此函数的测试, 请见另一篇文章"字符串转换成整数: linux内核atoi函数的测试"):
/* * ======== atoi ======== * Purpose: * This function converts strings in decimal or hex format to integers. */ static s32 atoi(char *psz_buf) { char *pch = psz_buf; s32 base = 0; while (isspace(*pch)) pch++; if (*pch == '-' || *pch == '+') { base = 10; pch++; } else if (*pch && tolower(pch[strlen(pch) - 1]) == 'h') { base = 16; } return simple_strtoul(pch, NULL, base); }其中s32是signed int的别名. atoi调用了simple_strtoul, 其返回值是unsigned long, atoi在返回时, 强制转换成int, 而不管结果是否正确(很显然这个atoi不安全). 现在看一下 simple_strtoul函数:
/** * simple_strtoul - convert a string to an unsigned long * @cp: The start of the string * @endp: A pointer to the end of the parsed string will be placed here * @base: The number base to use * * This function is obsolete. Please use kstrtoul instead. */ unsigned long simple_strtoul(const char *cp, char **endp, unsigned int base) { return simple_strtoull(cp, endp, base); }直接进入 simple_strtoull:
/** * simple_strtoull - convert a string to an unsigned long long * @cp: The start of the string * @endp: A pointer to the end of the parsed string will be placed here * @base: The number base to use * * This function is obsolete. Please use kstrtoull instead. */ unsigned long long simple_strtoull(const char *cp, char **endp, unsigned int base) { unsigned long long result; unsigned int rv; cp = _parse_integer_fixup_radix(cp, &base); rv = _parse_integer(cp, base, &result); /* FIXME */ cp += (rv & ~KSTRTOX_OVERFLOW); if (endp) *endp = (char *)cp; return result; }函数 _parse_integer_fixup_radix主要用来设置基数(8,10,16进制?), 且过滤前面的"0x"(如果有的话), 函数的注释也明确说明了: 该函数已废弃, 请使用 kstrtoull. 转换工作主要在 _parse_integer, 转换的整数在参数result中, 函数返回数字字符的个数:
/* * Convert non-negative integer string representation in explicitly given radix * to an integer. * Return number of characters consumed maybe or-ed with overflow bit. * If overflow occurs, result integer (incorrect) is still returned. * * Don't you dare use this function. */ unsigned int _parse_integer(const char *s, unsigned int base, unsigned long long *p) { unsigned long long res; unsigned int rv; int overflow; res = 0; rv = 0; overflow = 0; while (*s) { unsigned int val; if ('0' <= *s && *s <= '9') val = *s - '0'; else if ('a' <= _tolower(*s) && _tolower(*s) <= 'f') val = _tolower(*s) - 'a' + 10; else break; if (val >= base) break; /* * Check for overflow only if we are within range of * it in the max base we support (16) */ if (unlikely(res & (~0ull << 60))) { if (res > div_u64(ULLONG_MAX - val, base)) overflow = 1; } res = res * base + val; rv++; s++; } *p = res; if (overflow) rv |= KSTRTOX_OVERFLOW; return rv; }
#define unlikely(cond) (cond)
正如它的字面意思, 告诉看代码的人: 这里不太可能发生(或不太经常发生), 因为要输入大于等于1152921504606846976(16进制为0x1000000000000000)的数, if条件才会成立.
x86的CPU, unsigned long long占8个字节, 表示式~0ull << 60的值为0xf000000000000000, 该函数最大支持的基数是16, 所以下次要左移4位, 对于0x10000000000000001(注意这里多了一位)这个数字, 在读取到最后一个数字'1'的时候, 程序会检测溢出, 但是程序继续执行, 结果是错误的.
我的实现与linux内核的atoi函数的实现, 都有一个共同的问题: 即使出错, 函数也返回了一个值, 导致调用者误认为自己传入的参数是正确的, 但是可能会导致程序的其他部分产生莫名的错误且很难调试.
waterloo | cheriton school of computer science: atoi